Shaman - Thrall | Recommended deck of cards - Saviors of Uldum

The Hearthstone Shaman class deck examined below is specifically adapted to the latest expansion - the Saviors of Uldum. The deck belongs to the control category and is based on the completion of a Task - Contaminated Water. After completing the Quest, the power of the Shaman changes function - for 2 mana points, your Battle Cries in the given turn are activated twice. In the presented deck, you will find a lot of cards with a low cost of mana, which you can play from the beginning of the match. The deck also lacked brand-new cards, such as the Weaponized Wasp or the Mogu Fleshshaper. Below you will find a list of the cards you need, a special code to quickly build your deck and some tips to help you during the game.
Neutral cards | Class cards |
(2)Youthful Brewmaster x2 (2)Novice Engineer x2 (2) Questing Explorer x2 (2) Evil Cable Rat x2 (3)Mind Control Tech x1 (2)Lifedrinker x2 (5)Barista Lynchen x1 (7)Giggling Inventor x2 | (1)Corrupt the Water x1 (1)Sludge Slurper x2 (1)Earth Shock x2 (2)Evil Totem x2 (2)Sandstorm Elemental x2 (3) Bog Slosher x2 (3)Weaponized Wasp x2 (7)Mogu Fleshshaper x2 (9) Shudderwock x1 |
The deck code that you have to copy inside Hearthstone when you create a new deck:
- Shudderwock - how and when to use this Legendary minion?
- Barista Lynchen - how and when to use this Legendary battle minion?
- Mulligan - the appropriate selection of cards
- Defense
- Offensive
Shudderwock - how and when to use this Legendary minion?

Shudderwock is one of the unique, legendary Shaman cards. It's rather expensive, at 9 points of mana, but has a very powerful Battle Cry. Learn how to best use this card!
- Battle Cry - the Shudderwock, after being played, activates all the previous Battle Cries that you managed to activate during the game. Most importantly, the targets of these Battle Cries are chosen randomly, so you won't always be able to predict the end result of using the Shudderwock.
- Wait for the right moment - before playing the Shudderwock, think about the benefits. Try to analyze the previously played the Battle Cries - for example, if you previously played the Lifedrinker, and the enemy only has 3 health points, you will be able to calmly finish them.
Barista Lynchen - how and when to use this Legendary battle minion?

Lynchen Barista is a card that, when played, copies all friendly minions with a Battle Cry that are on the playing field, and adds them to your hand.
- Wait for the right moment - Barista Lynchen is an extremely powerful card that, if played at the right moment, can open the way for you to win the whole match. Before playing this card, think about whether you need minions on the playing field and whether you have enough space in hand. Remember that extra cards will be burned. The best moment to play Barista Lynchen is when you can get extra minions that do direct damage, like a the Weaponized Wasp.
Mulligan - the appropriate selection of cards

Each duel begins with a so-called Mulligan phase, that is the selection of cards. During this time, you can decide which cards to leave in your hand and which ones to discard and look for others. Card shuffling always involves some risk, but sometimes it is necessary to use it in order to have a chance to win.
- High priority - Sludge Slurper, Questing Explorer, Novice Engineer and/or Evil Totem. Your aim is playing minions with a Battle Cry from the start of the match, so as to complete the task Corrupt the Water as soon as possible.
- Medium priority - consider leaving the Sandstorm Elemental to be played later, against more aggressive decks. It's also a good idea to keep an Earth Shock on your hand when fighting against a Priest.

The presented Shaman deck is pretty good with defense. You've got minions able to Taunt, sucj as the Giggling Inventor. Against hostile minions, you can use created minions, the Sandstorm Elemental or the Mogu Fleshshaper.
- Giggling Inventor - a minion for 7 points of mana, which is not too powerful on paper, but it has a very useful Battle Cry. After playing this card, you will additionally summon two Mechs 1/2 with Taunt and a Divine Shield. After completing the Task, you can summon up to 4 such minions, which can effectively stop the enemy for at least 2 moves.
- The Sandstorm Elemental - a minion, which costs only 2 points of mana, and causes all enemy troops 1 point of damage. It is worth bearing in mind the fact that when using the additional power of the Hero, the Sandstorm Elemental can cause as much as 2 points of damage.
- The Mogu Fleshshaper is a minion with solid, 3/4 statistics and the Rush. The value of this minion is 7 mana, but it can be reduced by 1 point for each other minion on the battlefield. So you can often get the Mogu Fleshshifter completely for free.

To attack the portrait of the enemy, you can use all available creatures on the playing field, or the spells created by Minions. Also remember that in the presented deck, there are two sources of direct damage - the Lifedrinker and the Weaponized Wasp.
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