Far Cry 6: Trophies/Achievements - list
This page contains the trophy guide for Far Cry 6, where you will learn what the achievements are and how to get the platinum trophy and 100 chievements.
This page has the trophy guide for Far Cry 6. We have included extensive descriptions of all achievements from the basic game. We explain their requirements, the easiest way to get the trophies, and how to unlock the platinum trophy in Far Cry 6.
Additional notes: Some of the more complicated achievements are covered on separate pages of our trophy guide. You will find links to them in the Comment sections.
We have tried to avoid major plot spoilers, but, unfortunately, some achievements are linked to important events. A notable example is the Hidden in Plain Sight trophy, which is about unlocking the game's hidden ending.
- Conquistador
- Yo Soy Dani Rojas
- Hidden in Plain Sight
- Cutting Foreign Ties
- Montero Justicia
- Voz del Pueblo
- Viva La Revolucion
- Ninjerilla
- Co-Dependent
- Liberty
- Finders Keepers!
- Check It Out
- Friendly Skies
- It's Raining Treasure!
- Undying Tradition
- Top of the Pecking Order
- Speed Racer
- Beginner's Luck
- Overheated
- Alpha Guerrilla
- Road Rage
- Armed to the Teeth
- Hogar Dulce Hogar
- Backpacking
- Fry Cry
- That's My Jam
- That's Puzzling
- Car Cry
- Recrooster
- Loyal Army
- CanYouPetTheCroc
- Strutting His Stuff
- Secret Weapon
- Heated Conflict
- Jawson Brody
- Sophishticated
- Outdated Tech
- Oh No You Don't!
- Not So Special
- Not So Tough
- Ultimate Predator
- Slip Sliding Away
- Hit 'n Run
- Didn't See That Coming!
- Death From Above
- Toxic Influence
- Fashionista
- Do It Yourself
- Glamping
- Furiously Fast
- Glorious Leader
- Stay Cool
- Hidden Cash
- Termination Phase
How to unlock: Unlock all trophies.
Trophy type: platinum
Comment: The platinum trophy is only available on PS4 and PS5.
Yo Soy Dani Rojas
How to unlock: Select Dani's look (Solo Campaign only).
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This trophy is about choosing the gender of the protagonist - Far Cry 6 lets you play as a male or female. You will decide your gender at the very beginning of the game - during Operation La Noche De La Muerte. The achievement is awarded regardless of the choice made.
Hidden in Plain Sight
How to unlock: Find your way to Miami.
Trophy type: silver
Comment: This achievement is about unlocking the secret ending and is the only one in the entire game that you can miss. The first opportunity to unlock the secret ending comes after completing all the initial operations and reaching Libertad Island for the first time, where you start The Guerrilla - one of the main quests. Instead of doing this quest, you must interact with the boat prepared for Dani and sail away from the guerrilla base. Alternatively, you can go beyond the borders of the world map later in the campaign, but you must do so before finishing the main story.
We have described the entire process in more detail on a separate page called Hidden ending.
Cutting Foreign Ties
How to unlock: Recruit the Legends of '67 and La Moral.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This trophy is related to the main storyline. You must complete the operations in the El Este region. The first quest in this group is called Meet the Legend. You will receive it along with the other quests shortly after completing the prologue on Isla Santuario.
Montero Justicia
How to unlock: Recruit the Monteros.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This trophy is related to the main storyline. You must complete the operations in the Madrugada region. The first quest in this group is called Meet the Monteros. You will receive it along with the other quests shortly after completing the prologue on Isla Santuario.
Voz del Pueblo
How to unlock: Recruit Máximas Matanzas.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This trophy is related to the main storyline. You must complete the operations in the Valle De Oro region. The first quest in this group is called Meet Maximas Matanzas. You will receive it along with the other quests shortly after completing the prologue on Isla Santuario.
Viva La Revolucion
How to unlock: Take back Yara.
Trophy type: gold
Comment: This trophy is earned at a certain stage of the game's main storyline. You will get it in the final part of the main storyline, specifically after completing the final operation titled The Battle of Esperanza.
How to unlock: Capture an FND Base without being detected (Solo Campaign only).
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
How to unlock: Capture an FND base with a Co-op partner.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This trophy requires you to play in co-op with another player, you cannot get it by playing alone. You can attack any base and capture it however you want.
How to unlock: Capture all FND Bases (Solo Campaign only).
Trophy type: gold
Comment: You can discover more FND bases while exploring the game world - they are marked with big red icons on the map. The game gives you full freedom in how you want to capture them - stealth isn't the only option. You only have to eliminate every single enemy in it (including reinforcements if they are summoned after triggering the alarm).
Finders Keepers!
How to unlock: Return 3 FND Resource vehicles in mint condition.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
Check It Out
How to unlock: Capture 10 Checkpoints (Solo Campaign only).
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: You can come across Checkpoints by driving along the main roads. There are two activities to perform in each of these locations:
- Eliminate all enemies - try to avoid detection so that you don't have to deal with reinforcements,
- Destroy the billboard with Anton - you can, for example, use explosives or hit the billboard with a vehicle.
Capture any of the 10 checkpoints (there are many more on the map).
Friendly Skies
How to unlock: Blow up 16 Anti-Aircraft Cannons (Solo Campaign only).
Trophy type: silver
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
It's Raining Treasure!
How to unlock: Intercept 10 Military Supply Drops (Solo Campaign Only).
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
Undying Tradition
How to unlock: Complete the Yaran Story "Triada Blessings".
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Triada Blessing is one of the bigger Yaran Stories (side missions) - we've described it in detail in our walkthrough.
As a reminder - you have to get 3 relics, reach the Oluwa cave on Isla Santuario, and fight the mini-boss - Oluso the black panther.
Top of the Pecking Order
How to unlock: Win a Cockfighting match.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Cockfighting Arena is one of the mini-games you can do in the guerrilla camps, such as the Montero Farm in the Madrugada region.
The cockfighting is described in more detail on the Mini-games page. You play as a rooster and can perform 3 types of normal attacks,1 special attack, and dodge. You only need to win 1 fight (each battle consists of a maximum of 3 rounds). If you lose, you can start another fight.
Speed Racer
How to unlock: Complete 3 Gran Premios.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Gran Premios races are one of the extra activities. The easiest way to learn about new races is to look for interactive posters - they may be marked as exclamation points on the radar. Examine a poster to reveal a new race in the area.
You need to reach the subsequent checkpoints before the time runs out (checkpoints add a few seconds). The type of vehicle depends on the competition - you may drive a quad, all-terrain vehicle, sports car, or jet ski. There are more races in the game world than the required three - if you don't like a race because it's too difficult, look for another one.
Beginner's Luck
How to unlock: Win a Dominoes game.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Dominoes is one of the mini-games you can play in guerrilla camps, such as the Patriotas Peak Camp in the El Este region.
The dominoes are described in more detail on the Mini-games page. You place tiles with matching values in turns. The player who at the end of a game has tiles with the lowest value wins. If you lost your first game, you can easily start the next one. Remember you don't have to play Dominoes on any of the higher difficulties.
How to unlock: Complete a Special Operation.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This trophy requires you to play online. It is associated with the main guerrilla hideouts, i.e. those locations where the camera switches to the TPP (e.g. Montero Farm in Madrugada).
You can meet Lola in every hideout - she is in charge of organizing special operations. You can join the mission alone (you only need to connect to the game servers) or in co-op. We discuss their general rules in more detail in a separate section - Special Operations.
Alpha Guerrilla
How to unlock: Successfully complete 5 Bandido Operations.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Bandido Operations is one of the additional activities related to the guerrilla hideouts (e.g. Montero Farm in Madrugada). Look for interactive boards to start operations.
We have described the operations associated with this achievement on the Los Bandidos Operations page. In short, you must select a leader(s), have enough recruits, and wait for one to several hours for each Bandido operation to begin. The squads you select have various percentage chances of success. To mark an operation as successful, you have to complete all 3 steps (example in the picture) to collect the reward. If you lost an operation, you can simply choose another one. Keep doing them until you finish any 5 Los Bandidos operations.
Road Rage
How to unlock: Perform a Vehicle Machete Kill from a horse.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
Armed to the Teeth
How to unlock: Collect 49 Unique Weapons.
Trophy type: silver
Comment: Unique weapons are the ones you can find in specific places. A big help is that when you hover over the icon of a unique weapon in the arsenal menu, you get information about its requirements (e.g. find a large chest in location X).
The list of unique weapons along with instructions on how to get them can be found in the Secrets and collectibles section of our guide.
Hogar Dulce Hogar
How to unlock: Fully upgrade one Camp Facility at any Guerrilla Camp (Solo Campaign only).
Trophy type: silver
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
How to unlock: Acquire every Supremo in Yara.
Trophy type: silver
Comment: Supremo is the name of the backpacks that grant you various special attacks (e.g. shooting rockets or spraying poison gas). You'll first encounter them while completing the DU or Die operation in the prologue.
You can check the available backpacks in the Arsenal tab. By hovering over their icons, you can find out what they do and how to get them. The majority of them are purchased with Depleted Uranium. You can do this at Juan's store in the Libertad HQ or by visiting the arms dealers in the guerrilla camps.
The exception is the Triador backpack, which cannot be purchased. The only way to unlock it is to complete the Triad Blessings Yaran Story in which you have to find 3 relics. Its description can be found in a separate chapter of this guide.
Fry Cry
How to unlock: Purchase 15 Meals.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
That's My Jam
How to unlock: Find 15 USB Sticks.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: USB Sticks are one of the secrets in the game. Information on where to find them is in the Collection chapter.
That's Puzzling
How to unlock: Unlock 15 Criptograma Chests.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Criptograma Chests are one of the secrets in the game. Information on where to find them is in the Collection chapter. We have also included solutions to the puzzles for opening the chests.
Car Cry
How to unlock: Collect all 4 Rides.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
How to unlock: Find all Roosters.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Roosters is one of the secrets in the game. Information on where to find them is in the Collection chapter.
Loyal Army
How to unlock: Recruit 5 Amigos.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Amigos are the pets that can accompany you while traveling the world. We've devoted a whole separate section of this guide to them. There you will learn how to recruit them.
Two additional comments:
- If you've purchased the Gold edition of Far Cry 6, this trophy will be easier, as you'll then get free access to the bonus Amigo - K-9000.
- If you have the standard version, you will have to get Oluso, a rather difficult pet that is linked to the Triad Blessings quest during which you have to find 3 relics.
How to unlock: Pet Guapo.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This is a very simple trophy that is actually an easter egg related to the Guapo Crocodile, the first Amigo (pet) that will join you in the Juan of a Kind operation.
After unlocking Guapo as a companion, stand next to the alligator and hold down the interaction button. Instead of petting Guapo, the hero will feed it a piece of meat.
Strutting His Stuff
How to unlock: Equip Chicharrón with the Motherclucker Outfit.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Changing the "outfit" for Chicharron may cause you some problems. In the pause menu, go to the Amigos tab, select Chicharron, and choose Appearance from the bottom left corner of the screen.
When a new window opens, find the Motherclucker skin.
Secret Weapon
How to unlock: Distract 10 soldiers with Chorizo.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Chorizo is a dachshund - learn how to get this pet in the Amigos chapter.
Point Chorizo which opponent it should distract. You can do that while sneaking, not engaged in combat at the time. Do that to distract 10 different soldiers (this trick will not work on allies).
Heated Conflict
How to unlock: Take out 10 soldiers with active Heat.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This trophy is related to the Heat mechanic, which is described in detail on one of the pages of the guide.
Heat can be activated in selected missions and after you attract the attention of local soldiers by killing enough enemies. The game will then display a warning (above image). Don't try to lose the chase, just keep attacking and eliminating the encountered soldiers. You will also be chased by special units - prepare good weapons and armor parts with better defense.
Jawson Brody
How to unlock: Take out a shark with an explosion.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
Method of unlocking: Catch 10 fish.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: You need a fishing rod - you get it automatically by completing the Fuel for Revolution operation. Look for fishing grounds or simply fish in any place you want by selecting a rod from the radial menu. You don't have to catch any specific fish.
We've described fishing in more detail on the Hunting and fishing page.
Outdated Tech
How to unlock: Take out a soldier by sabotaging an alarm.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
Oh No You Don't!
How to unlock: Take out 3 Insurgent Leaders.
Trophy type: bronze
Commentary: This trophy forces you to complete the main story first. After that, you will unlock the Insurgency tab in the pause menu. Each week you can kill 1 leader (this works similarly to the weekly challenges) - you have to wait until the next week to get rid of a new leader.
We have described the process of eliminating enemy leaders on a separate page - Insurgency Leaders. In short, you must do the special operation indicated by the game, as well as recapture the indicated military outposts. This will allow you to identify the FND base where the leader stays and eliminate that person while attacking the base.
Not So Special
How to unlock: Take out 10 Special Forces soldiers.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This trophy is similar to the Heated Conflict achievement described earlier. Special Forces can start hunting for Dani after the Heat begins. However, it is also possible to encounter them in later regions during battles. You will recognize them by their better equipment. It is very possible that you will get the achievement without much effort.
Not So Tough
How to unlock: Disable and hijack a tank using an EMP device.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We described stealing an "active" tank using an EMP charge as one of the techniques on the Tank - how to steal? page in the FAQ section. Get Volta supremo (backpack) and activate the EMP charge once you are close to a moving tank. You then need to quickly get to its roof and open the hatch to throw out the driver.
Ultimate Predator
How to unlock: Hunt all Mythical Animals (Solo Campaign only).
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Mythical Animals can be considered as one of the secrets. You can learn about them by checking the Tradables tab in the Inventory menu. When you hover over a mythical animal icon, you will receive instructions on the location of its lair.
Sanguinario the jaguar, one of the mythical animals, can cause you problems - we described it on a separate page of the chapter. This predator can only be hunted at night.
Slip Sliding Away
How to unlock: Slide 200m at once.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: You can get this achievement while traveling in mountainous areas. Look around for signs warning of a steep descent similar to the one in the image above.
You must start a long slide down the mountainside (press Circle/B while running forward). You must avoid losing speed too fast or hitting an obstacle. If the descent was long enough, you will get the trophy.
Hit 'n Run
How to unlock: Run over 10 soldiers in a vehicle.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This is a very simple achievement. When traveling in any vehicle (e.g. a jeep), look out for soldiers - they are marked with a color on the radar. Hit them after gaining enough speed to kill them.
Didn't See That Coming!
How to unlock: Use a Security Control Center to disable all cameras and alarms.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
Death From Above
How to unlock: Take out a soldier from 50m above them.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
Toxic Influence
How to unlock: Have poisoned soldiers kill 5 other enemies.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
How to unlock: Equip a full matching Gear Set.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This achievement is related to clothes that you collect throughout the game. The vast majority of them are obtained from chests - they may be among the random loot.
Continue collecting gear until you manage to find 5 items from the same set, i.e. head gear, body gear, wrist gear, leg gear, and foot gear. Put them all in the equipment tab. In our example, we used the Parkour set.
Do It Yourself
How to unlock: Install every Mod on a single Resolver Weapon.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: Resolver Weapons are a unique category of weapons. You can receive them by making enough progress in the main storyline or by buying them from Juan. In the example in the image above, we used the Tostador flamethrower that you receive in the early stages of the campaign.
Each Resolver Weapon has several mod slots. You must purchase any modification for each of the available categories to replace the default parts. Go to a workbench once you have enough crafting materials. We've covered the topic of modifying weapons in more detail on the Crafting page.
How to unlock: Build one of each Camp Facility (Solo Campaign only).
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the guerilla hideouts in Farm Montero in the Madrugada region, Patriotas Peak in the El Este region, and Camp Maximas in the Valle De Oro region. Each of these locations has a Construction Desk. By interacting with them, you can pay for up to 2 projects with crafting materials.
Each design can only be created once, so you don't have to worry about failing the trophy. Visit the foreman in the camps and buy all first level projects. You have to start 2 different projects in each hideout (so a total of 6 for all 3 camps).
Furiously Fast
How to unlock: Have 10 parts installed on a Ride.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page in our trophy guide.
Glorious Leader
How to unlock: Reach the Rank of Comandante.
Trophy type: bronze
Comments: This achievement is related to gaining experience points and leveling up. Comandante is the name of the highest 14th rank.
Tips on how to level up faster can be found on the Ranks and XP - how to level up? page in our guide. The best way to gain XP is to complete main and side missions, as well as taking over enemy military facilities (checkpoints, FND bases, etc.). Each such activity guarantees a substantial amount of XP.
Stay Cool
How to unlock: Complete any Special Operation without exceeding 50% on the PG-240X's temperature meter.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with Special Operations - online missions received from Lola in any of the bigger guerrilla hideouts.
In the case of the described achievement, you must pay great attention to the temperature indicator of the container with PG-240X. Plan your route carefully - you must stay in the shade as much as possible and look for places marked with a drop of water to cool the container.
Hidden Cash
How to unlock: Locate a stash of hidden Moneda in any Special Operation.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with Special Operations - online missions received from Lola in any of the bigger guerrilla hideouts.
Dead Drops can be categorized as collectibles. Finding one of these is best done before you locate and take the PG-240X container.
Termination Phase
How to unlock: Free 30 hostages during a Lola's Informants challenge in any Special Operation.
Trophy type: bronze
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with Special Operations - online missions received from Lola in any of the bigger guerrilla hideouts.
Lola's informants can start appearing in the area after reaching a mastery level in a given special operation. You must find hostages, kill the guards and hold down the interaction button to free the allies.
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