OCDecorator - easier decorating | Mods for Fallout 4
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The options available in Fallout 4 do not allow you to create a dream base? The mod described below expands the possibilities of decorating your headquarters.
Among the Fallout 4 players, there are many of those, who love to build settlements. Assuming the role of a location warden requires one to decorate and perfect particular buildings - now with the help of the OCDecorator mod, it is an easier job.

Modyfikacja sprawia, ze wszystkie przedmioty, które do tej pory byly uzywane tylko do przerabiania na surowce, moga zostac uzyte jako statyczne dekoracje. Butelki, puszki, naczynia, zabawki, akcesoria kuchenne czy tez srodki czyszczace zostaly dodane do listy dostepnej w trybie warsztatu i od teraz mozna je umiescic w dowolnym miejscu.
This modification allows a player to use all the items that have been disassembled into resources as static decorations. Bottles, cans, dishes, toys, kitchen accessories, and cleaning supplies have been added to the list available in the workshop mode and can now be placed at any place.
All the objects are 'glued' to a selected place, thus there is no risk that many hours spent on decorating a building will go for nothing. These objects can return to one's inventory - this happens in the workshop mode.
The OCDecorator modification is compatible with the paid DLCs. If you have any of these expansions, do make sure to check them during the mod installation - then the pool of decorations will be even bigger.
This modification can be installed with Nexus Mod Manager. The author has prepared an installation menu, in which you can select the DLC you own, thus the manual installation is not recommended.
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