Fallout 4: Map of Salem - Sector 3
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Key points of Fallout 4 - Sektor 3: Salem
Locations on the map
Locations on the map
1 - Revere Satellite Array – Satellite station occupied by Super Mutants. On top of the towers you are able to find power armor and U.S. Covert Operations Manual magazine.
2 - Reeb Marina – Inside you'll find a Tesla Science magazine. It's also a good place to rest safetly.
3 - Gibson Point Pier – On the beach you'll find a lot of murlocs various kind. In the north end of coast there's a small building with secret box inside (and a trap).
4 - Finch Farm – Farm will be turned into your settlement, if you complete Out of the Fire quest. This one starts after conversation with Abraham Finch in this location.
5 - Revere Beach Station – It's a camp of preety strong bandits - one of them has a power armor. On top floors of two buildings there are 2 safes with master locks, and next to one, on the table - a magazine: Live and Love. There's also a metro station, where bandits (one unique enemy) are fighting with ghouls.
6 - Dunwich Borers – Pretty big location, also dangerous. In the hole there's an entrance into mine. Inside there are in order: Astoundingly Awesome Tales magazine, Sneak Bobblehead, and at the end of the road - unique sword weapon. Also there're a lot of ghouls.
7 - Hugon's Hole – In this tiny hideout among white rocks you'll find a Hazma Suit, which highly protects you from radiations. Entrance is radiated, so use Rad-X.
8 - Longneck Lukowski's Cannery – Small, pretty safe location, where quest Mystery Meat starts. In front of the building there's a trader, inside, on top floor you can find a Barter Bobblehead and magazine: Tales of Junktown Jerky Vendor.
9 - Hub City Auto Wreckers – An enemy gang has their base here. Also part of the highway is a part of that base. You will face here a strong opponents, aleo their leader is equipped with power armor.
10 - Lynn Pier Parking – Patking lot, you won't find here nothing interesting. Only a few insects. But in the west-south corner of island, not far from here, there's a secret stash, where unique revolwer is hidden.
11 - Kingsport Lightouse – Lightouse occupied by a Children of Atom. You can go there to fight for their valuable weapons. Also there's a safe in the house.
12 - Crater House – Another base of Children of Atom. You can find here Wasteland Survival Guide.
13 - Museum of Witchcraft – This location is only connected with the quest The Devil's Due. Inside is a powerfull Deathclaw.
14 - Sandy Coves Convalescent Home – While you'll be sighseeing, synths will make attack. You can find here a lot of meds.
15 - Salem – Salem it's a small town. Only one person lives here - Barney Rook. Most of the buildings are not available to get into and the rest doesn't contain nothing interesting. A lot of Mirelurks spawns here.
16 - Rook Family House – Barney Rook who lives in basement of the house will give you a task to secure town from Mirelurks. In return he'll give you an access to his room, where you can find a unique sinper rifle Reba II. Also you can find here a Guns & Bullets magazine.
17 - Coastal Cottage – Builiding is guarded only by one bandit. After killing him you can turn this location into your settlement.
18 - Mahkra Fishpacking – It's an old factory. Now it's a home for many synths. Also there's one leader, which have good equipment. Key is holded by a dead body hanged thorugh the window in the eastern part of the complex, outside.
20 - Libertalia – This ship is a one of bandits' main base. Beside of many pretty strong enemies, you can find here a lot of safes in boats. It's a good place to get a lot of ammo and grenades.
21 - Nahant Wharf – It's an entrance into Libertalia - half-drowned ship, bandits' base.
22 - Nahant Sheriff's Department – This destroyed building is used in a few quests. Sometimes you can fight here with dogs or supermutants.
23 - Croup Manor – Small house full of ghuls. There's a little riddle with two keys to get to the basement.
24 - Nahant Chapel – Only a trunk in this building, on the upper floor.
25 - Nahant Oceanological Society – In Oceanarium you'll find no enemies, but Wasteland Survival Guide magazine, and on IInd floor an advanced safe. In Lab beside Mirelurks there's a master-locked chest and safe.
The map above shows the sector III territory - Salem. You won't find many quests here, many of the locations are just a destination for the jobs started in more crowded locations. Almost none of locations found here will be friendly towards you and many of them are guarded by high level enemies. It is definitely not a territory that you would like to explore early in the game.
Locations with secrets
Dunwich Borers - Astoundingly Awesome Tales magazine after walking down the long stairs and Sneak Bobblehead in the fourth room
Longneck Lukowski's Cannery - Barter Bobblehead, in the office on the floor. You will also find Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor there
Mahkra Fishpacking - on the lower floor, in the eastern part of the building - Tesla Science
Museum of Witchcraft - Grognak the Barbarian magazine
Rook family house - Guns & Bullets magazine, in the basement
Revere Beach Station - Live and Love
Sandy Coves Convalenscent Home -Massachusetts Surgical Journal magazine behind the closed reception door (opened using a terminal)
Reeb Marina - Tesla Science
Revere Satellite Array - on the stairs of the middle array - U.S. Covert Operations Manual
Libertalia - U.S. Covert Operations Manual, before the entrance to captain's room
Crater House - Wasteland Survival Guide
Nahant Oceanological Society - Wasteland Survival Guide, on the ground floor of the main building
Locations with legendary items
Libertalia - Le Fusil Terribles shotgun - inside the ship, on the chest in captain's quarter
Dunwich Borers - Kremvh's Tooth, at the end of the tunnel in the mine
Lynn Pier Parking - The Gainer revolver, in the water pumping station southeast from the location, on the coast
Rook family house - after completing the quest for Barney you will gain access to a room with Reba II sniper rifle
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