Memphis side quests and quest map | Walkthrough
Quests description in Memphis: Odor Most Foul, Blood in the Water, The Baker's Dilemma, Children of the Streets, Mortem Romanum, Taimhotep's Song, A Dream of Ashes and new DLC quest: Incoming Threat.
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In this page you can find all side quests that you can start in Memphis. You should go to this province after reaching level 20. However, it is recommended to wait until Bayek reaches level 23. Each description contains an information about how to unlock a given side quest, its walkthrough and rewards for completing it.
- Incoming Threat
- Odor Most Foul
- Blood in the Water
- Children of the Streets
- Mortem Romanum
- Taimhotep's Song
- A Dream of Ashes
Incoming Threat
Incoming Threath is a new DLC quest added for free in newest patch of Assassin's Creed Origins.
Suggested level: 35
How to unlock: Reach the place marked on the map.
Rewards: 3,000 XP, Rare dual swords.

Someone waits for you in Memphis. This person is a man, he will give you a letter. After that you have to go to the enemy's camp and defeat all foes. That place is hard to reach because to get there you have to go through tall mountains. Instead, you can decide to go around them. This can take you a little bit more time but if you fall from the mountains, you will have to repeat this process all over again.

You can free a lion (the soldiers keep it in a cage) to clear the camp with greater ease. There is a commander in this camp. Kill him and loot his body to find a letter. Kill all enemies and receive another objective.

You can notice 3 markings on the map. Each one of them is a cart with goods. You have to destroy them all. The best way to do that is to use your bow. Thanks to that you won't have to face their guards and you will be able to go to your next destination without any problems.

Lastly, you have to visit Pissa Oros Citadel. There, you have to destroy goods and kill one person. Your target is guarded well so prepare yourself. A good shot from your bow won't be enough. You have to finish off your target so clear the location beforehand.

Now, head to Alexandria. There, you have to find Otis' corpse. Run an investigation. Search Otis' and his servant's corpses as well as papyruses - they are all located on the ground floor. Then, you have to go upstairs. Examine the body, the blood on the bed and the vase. Bayek informs you that something is inside of it. Break the vase and examine the papyruses that were hidden inside of it. This ends the mission.
Odor Most Foul
Suggested level: 20
How to unlock: Speak with one of the praying people or check the Informant Table in Memphis.
Rewards: 1500 XP.

Bayek must find a source of stink in Memphis. Locate an entrance to a tomb hidden somewhere in the city. Send Senu to scout the area. The entrance is presented in the picture.

Be careful because the first chamber of the tomb is occupied by a group of bandits (level 21). Deal with them and continue exploration. Destroy one of the weakened walls (use a melee weapon). Enter the new room and examine all interactive objects: mummies, a citizens' sacrifice and a pool of blood on the floor. Break another barricade (the one to which the blood trails lead to). You reach a chamber with rotten mummies. Examine the last track (the picture) - body parts.

Leave the tomb and head to the building in which corpses are embalmed. Speak with the marked person and examine the area. You must talk to more people. One of them suggests you to meet with a worker on the back of the building. After that you must head to a warehouse with natron. Bayek must interrogate another person. You receive coordination of a bandits' cave in which they mix natron.
Use Senu to locate their hideout in the west part of Memphis. Its entrance is well-hidden and is presented in the picture. Inside, you can eliminate the bandits stealthy or attack them with a melee weapon. Kill them all and complete the quest.
Blood in the Water
Suggested level: 20
How to unlock: Speak with Thutmose or check the Informant Table in Memphis.
Rewards: 1500 XP.

This quest starts in an unusual way - you must reach the place where the quest giver (Thutmose) is on his boat, sit with him and listen to what he has to say. Head to the water tank that is adjacent to the Memphis' palace. There, you should find crocodiles - reach that place and attack the animals. There are a lot of them so be prepared to run away if they deal too much damage to Bayek.
Clear the area and wait until night (you can also use Dusk & Dawn ability to speed up time) and go to Thutmose's hideout. That place is hidden between buildings and the entrance to it is presented in the picture (Senu can help you in finding it). You receive another objective - this time you must kill two criminals. They are on boats that float on small rivers that run through Memphis. Located them with Senu and reach the targets in any order. The best way to kill the criminals is to use a Predator Bow. Kill them both (you must also confirm each kill) and complete the quest.
The Baker's Dilemma
Suggested level: 23
How to unlock: Speak with Teta or check the Informant Table in Memphis.
Rewards: 1500 XP.

Teta asks Bayek to rescue a captured taster. He is kept in a cage that is attached to a cart that rides through Memphis. Kill the carter, preferably with a bow, to stop the cart. You should hurry up and do that before the cart reaches Memphites Barracks. You can also rescue the taster after the cart leaves the fort. Otherwise, you may be attacked by soldiers that are inside of the fort. Free the prisoner from the cage and take him to the quest giver.
You learn that you must destroy jars with poisoned cakes. Head towards the aforementioned Memphites Barracks. This fort is heavily guarded which means that you should infiltrate it during a night, remember to also scan the place with Senu. The jars are located in three different places in the fort - an example is presented in the picture. You can destroy them with a melee weapon or a bow. Use rooftops and walls during your exploration of the fort. You can also encounter strong Commanders (level 24). Destroy the jars and complete the quest.
Children of the Streets
Suggested level: 23
How to unlock: Reach a stall in the south part of Memphis.
Rewards: 3300 XP.

When you get closer to the quest marker (one of the main streets near Hathor temple), you will notice a child that stole something and is now running away. Chase the boy. You catch him in an inside of a building. Bayek is attacked by a group of bandits but they aren't challenging. Win the fight and speak with the boy (called Iphri) to unlock this quest.
Reach the dockyard in Memphis and start an investigation. You must examine a sail, ropes inside the half-burned ship and a toy that lies on boards. You must also talk to a man that stands nearby. He doesn't want to speak with you so destroy his goods (the picture). Use a melee weapon to break a few of his jugs with oil and talk to him again. You learn a location of the rest of the children.

Head south where the kidnappers' ship is currently docked - that place is a small camp called Apagogeas Hideout. Scout the area with Senu so you can learn locations of all enemies. You should also clear the area during a night because you will be able to surprise your enemies with ease. Kill all bandits in the camp and then speak with a child that hides behind crates.
The last place that you must visit in this quest is Gaia's villa, west from the bandits' camp. Again, send Senu to scout the area - inside of the villa's terrains you can find guards (this place is off-limits). Kawit is held in the basement (the picture) but her cell is locked. Use Senu to find a guard with Gaia's Villa Cell Key. Kill him however you want and free the girl. The mission ends after a cut-scene.
Mortem Romanum
Suggested level: 30
How to unlock: Complete Children of the Street side quest.
Rewards: 3000 XP.

This quest's main objective is to assassinate Gaia. You visited her villa during the previous mission but the woman wasn't there. You must reach a ship that floats on Nile somewhere in Ineb-Hedjet Nome province. Reach the target by using a boat. Plan your attack - start with eliminating two guards with spears. After that you can assassinate Gaia with a melee weapon or your hidden blade (if you get a chance). After that you must confirm your kill. If other guards weren't alarmed then leave them be, one of the soldiers is heavily armored and deals a lot of damage.
Taimhotep's Song
Suggested level: 22
How to unlock: Complete The Lizard's Mask main quest and meet with Taimhotep in Memphis.
Rewards: 3000 XP.

Your first objective is to obtain a fertility talisman. Send Senu to scout Memphis and located a shop that sells talismans. The eagle will find a passage to undergrounds. Go to a chamber in the basement. There, you can meet a merchant. Talk to her. After that you should examine the whole room. Check the big board, jugs and scrolls. Lastly, you should check out the big object hidden behind cloth (presented in the picture). You can move it. This unlocks a passage to a hidden room in which you can find the fertility talisman. Be careful because Bayek will be attacked by a few enemies.

The second objective is to get 2 Flamingo Tongues and 2 Heron Feathers. Both species can be found in Memphis and in other parts of the world (excluding deserts). Flamingos (purple) and Herons (blue) can be found on ground or in the sky. Use your bow to kill them and search their remains to get feathers and tongues (you can also use Enhanced Predator Bow ability which allows you to control your arrow).
Collect all 4 materials and go back to Taimhotep. Escort her during a night (use Dawn & Dusk ability to speed up time) to Pyramid of Djoser in Sakkara province. You can be attacked by single bandits but they won't be difficult to beat. Climb the top of the pyramid and watch a cut-scene that ends this quest.
A Dream of Ashes
Suggested level: 21
How to unlock: Complete The Lizard's Mask main quest and meet with the Seer in Memphis. You must also unlock Dawn & Dusk ability (change time of a day freely).
Rewards: 3300 XP.

The Seer gives you a quest in which you must find 3 of his clients and give them his amulet. You can reach those people in any order.
The first client is in the west part of Memphis (send Senu to scout the area). The client is imprisoned in Omorfi Villa. Infiltrate the villa during a night to make things easier for you. Find the prisoner (the picture), get him out of the villa and reach the hill pointed by the game.

The second client is in the south-east part of Memphis. Senu needs to find a medium sized hole that will allow you to jump down to the underground. Use the torch to light up the area and watch out for cobras. You must also get rid of enemies in one of the bigger chambers. Don't jump into an underground lake when you reach it. Instead, go along the narrow stone ledge to the left corridor. Bayek enters a new place with a few cobras and a corpse presented in the picture. Place the second amulet on it.

The last, third, client is in north-east part of Memphis. This person is also imprisoned but this time it is transported in a cage attached to a cart. Eliminate the carter and his guards. After that you can free the woman.
Deliver all three amulets and go back to the Seer, he is in the dock. Enter the boat and reach a small island west from Memphis. Get rid of crocodiles and listen to a conversation. You must head south and reach Sunken Temple of Ramses. Send Senu, dive and find Statue of Khnum in the sunken temple (the picture). Take it to the Seer. Use Dawn & Dusk - the meditation will end this quest.
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