Heb Sed - AC Origins The Curse of the Pharaohs DLC | Side quests Assassin's Creed Origins Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: 16 March 2018
The third Afterlife area has one side quest.
Follower Or Leader
Suggested level: 51
How to unlock: Speak with Setna.
Rewards: 7,000 XP, Mut's Sorrow legendary shield.
Speak with Setna to start this mission. Watch the cut-scene. Your goal is to kill scorpions and get their blood. You only have to kill one of them and run away to leave the conflict zone. Get the blood and give it to the boy.
Another thing that you have to get for him is the Ankh. It is located in the enemy camp inside of the crypt (it stands on a pedestal). The screen above shows the entrance to that crypt.
Give Setna the Ankh. You have to find another artifact. It is carried by one of the soldiers. Kill him and take the item. Bring it to the boy to complete the quest.