Ovis � Ovis - sells AEROTHEURGE, GEOMANCER, PYROKINETIC and POLYMORPH skillbooks, as well as weapons and armors.
Bree � Bree - sells NECROMANCER, SUMMONING and HYDROSOPHIST skillbooks, as well as weapons, armors, potions and crafting materials.
Haran � Haran - sells HUNTSMAN and WARFARE skillboos, as well as weapons and armors.
Papa Trash � Papa Trash - skillbooks vendors SCOUNDREL.
Eithne � Eithne - selling SUMMONING, POLYMORPH, NECROMANCER skillbooks. Once Eithne the Trader quest is completed, the NPC disappears.
Tarquin � Tarquin - sells NECROMANCER skillbooks, as well as weapons and armors.
He appears on the ship once All in the Family quest is done.
Almira � Almira - sells AEROTHEURGE, GEOMANCER, PYROKINETIC and HYDROSOPHIST skillbooks, as well as very rare and powerful items. She appears here once Almira's Request quest is completed.
Jahan � Jahan - sells NECROMANCER skillbooks, as well as weapons and armors.
Gareth � Gareth - sells GEOMANCER and WARFARE skillbooks. Once Burrying the Past quest is completed, the will move to the Lady Vengeance.
Stranded Merchants � Stranded Merchants - three merchants offering various goods, such as weapons, armors and crafting materials.