Cult locations and Prepper stashes in Holland Valley
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On this page we have published information about the cult properties, cult outposts and prepper stashes which are located in the Holland Valley region in Far Cry 5. Holland Valley is one of the three large locations to explore in the game world. You don't have to find all these things on your first visit in this area. Pay attention to the following descriptions of the stash finding missions, because reaching many of them will allow you to get rich quickly.
The map above shows the locations of the cult properties (the red points - silos) and the cult outposts (the blue points).
- Properties and cult outposts in Holland Valley
- D.I.Y. and D.O.A.
- Vespiary
- Dumpster Diving
- Playing with Fire
- Foxhole
- O Hara-s Haunted House
- Long Range Lockpick
- Man Cave
- Swingers
- High Tension
- Fire in the Hole
- Deep Dive
Properties and cult outposts in Holland Valley

Holland Valley has:
- 14 cult properties (the red points on our map) - They are silos similar to the one presented in the picture above. For destroying any of the cult properties (use, e.g. grenades or remote explosives), you will get 100 resistance points.
- 7 cult outposts (the blue points on our map) - To liberate an outpost you need to kill all cultist in a given location. Each liberated outpost rewards you with a few hundreds of resistance points. You should also try to capture them without raising an alarm (use silenced weapons, bows or takedowns). Thanks to that you can avoid enemy reinforcements and you will get bonus money - $1,000
D.I.Y. and D.O.A.

This is one of the prepper stashes in Holland Valley. Start this treasure hunting mission by reaching Doverspike Compound. It is located in the north-west part of the valley (the picture above shows the location). Find the small building and read Prepper's Note from which you can learn about the option of reaching a treasure.

The small building is locked. Enter the green building adjacent to the locked one and find Doverspike Key on one of the shelves. Go back to the locked door. Enter inside and open the vault that leads to a bunker.
Pay attention to the locked door that you will pass by. Reach the switch presented in the picture. Use it and start running towards the bunker's exit. You have to avoid explosions and flames. Stop near the closed door - they are now open. Behind them you can find prepper's treasure - a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one gives you 1 perk point) and ammo.

This is one of the prepper stashes that can be found in Holland Valley. You can unlock this treasure hunting mission be reaching Green-Busch Fertilizer Co. in the eastern part of the valley (the picture above - this location is far to the east from Fall's End). This farm is occupied by the cultists. Kill them before you start searching for this stash. Find Prepper's Note which informs you how to reach the treasure.

You have to examine the main building which is the old Grain Elevator. Find a small hole in the building's wall (about at window's height). Explore the building. During this process you will have to destroy planks that block passage. You will also have to jump a few times to climb upper ledges. Reach the sniper's hideout presented in the picture - it is located on the highest floor of the building. There, you can find a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one gives you 1 perk point) and ammo.
Dumpster Diving

This is one of the prepper stashes that can be found in Holland Valley. Reach Dodd's Dumps to unlock this mission (see the picture above) - that place is located east from US Auto and north from Fall's End. The location is full of cultists which means that you will have to kill them first. Find Prepper's Note from which you can learn about the treasure.

The treasure is inside of the main building (you can break the net by, e.g. driving a car - this is presented in the picture 1). However, the door is closed. Find a switch on one of the walls. Use it to bring power back BUT this will also cause electrical discharges. Leave the main building carefully and reach it from the south. Find a small hole in the wall. Go through it to avoid discharges and reach the room with the treasure presented in the picture 2 (walk on the beam to avoid discharges). Inside the room you will find a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one of them gives 1 perk), a flamethrower and ammo.
Playing with Fire

This is one of the prepper stashes in Holland Valley. Reach Hope County Jail Bus to start this mission - the location of that crashed bus is presented in the picture (near one of the roads, west from Fall's End). There are a few cultists near the bus which means that you will have to kill them. Enter the crashed bus and find Prepper's Note.

Head to the sewers and explore them. Equip your character with a shotgun or a machine gun before you enter inside - a wolverine will attack you by surprise. Kill the animal and reach the gate presented in the picture. It is locked and the only way to open it is to have Locksmith perk which gives you lockpicks. The stash contains a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point), Molotov cocktails and ammo. Also, by completing this mission you can get a Molotov cocktail upgrade (you will need less crafting materials to make them).

This is one of the prepper stashes in Holland Valley. To unlock this mission, you have to reach The Armstrong Residence which is located in Holland Valley (see the picture above). This farm can be found west from Fall's End and south from Davenport farm. There are a lot of cultists there so try to avoid damaging any of the parked vehicles. After the battle you can search for Prepper's Note that will inform you about the treasure.

To get this treasure you have to enter a ruined house which is rather difficult to do. Enter the vehicle that should be parked near the ruins (or use your own means of transportation). Park your vehicle next to the wall presented in the picture. Climb the roof of your car and then climb on the building's rooftop. Then, you have to jump into the house through the huge hole in the rooftop.
You can now open the vault and go down into the bunker. The prepper stash is in one of the rooms. You can get a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one gives you 1 perk point), a vest, a sniper rifle and ammo. You can also open the safe. Also, completing Foxhole quest rewards you with Militia outfit.
O Hara-s Haunted House

It is one of the prepper's stash in the Holland Valley. To unlock the treasure hunting mission, reach the O'Hara's Haunted Hous. It is located at the point shown in the map, on the border between the Holland Valley and the Henbane River. The entrance to the Haunted Home is closed and you have to start the task by finding a way in.

Take an interest in the residential building located next to the haunted house. Go to the backyard and climb up to its roof as shown in the screenshot. Walk on the roof until you can jump on the scaffold (marked in the screenshot).

A jump on the scaffold will allow you to pass through the shutter and get to the first floor of the building. Here, find a switch shown in the picture that will restore the power supply.
Now you can enter the Haunted House. Pass the "attractions" until you reach the place where you can climb to the attic. This is where the preppers stash is located. You'll find plenty of cash, 3 talent magazines (each adding 1 talent point) and ammunition.
Long Range Lockpick

This is one of the prepper stashes in Holland Valley. To unlock this treasure hunting mission, you have to reach Deep North Irrigation Reservoir located north-east from Fall's End - that place is presented in the picture above. Examine the area near the beam that leads to the tower constructed on the reservoir's outskirts. There, you can find Prepper's Note that will inform you about this treasure.

Equip a sniper rifle with a scope and head north from the tower with the treasure. Watch out for the sniper - kill him with a ranged attack. Check the sniper's location and stand in the place presented in the picture 1. You need to be able to see the opening in the tower's wall. Look through your scope and aim at that spot (the picture 2). Shoot. Your bullet needs to go through the window and hit the switch.
You can now use the beam that leads to the tower and enter inside to get the treasure. Here, you will find a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point), materials and ammo.
Man Cave

This is one of the prepper stashes in Holland Valley. To unlock this treasure hunting mission, you have to reach Sunrise Threshing located west from Fall's End - that place is presented in the picture above. Don't be in a hurry because there might be a few cultists that you will have to take out first. After that you have to find Prepper's Note that will inform you about this treasure.

You have to get inside of a garage but this is a little bit problematic to do. Get inside the pick-up that can be found in this location or use any other vehicle. Park the car in the place presented in the picture 1. Thanks to that you can climb on its rooftop and jump above the fence with barbered wire. This isn't the end of the problems because the bunker's hatch (presented in the second picture) is blocked with a trailer. Use a rocket launcher or an explosive to destroy or to move it.
Go down the ladder into the bunker, go through it and reach the second ladder that will lead you inside of the garage. You are now in the prepper stash. Here, you can find 2012 Kimberlite TCZ Custom Paint vehicle (from now on you can order it in one of the garages), a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point) and ammo.

This is one of the prepper stashes in Holland Valley. To unlock this treasure hunting mission, you have to reach the vantage point presented in the picture above. It is located near Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm, south-east from it. Defeat the cultists and find Prepper's Note that will inform you about the treasure.

You need Grapple Hook to complete this mission - get the right perk. Head towards the bridge and slide down the rope. Focus on locating new places where you can attach your grapple hook - the first place is presented in the picture 1. Swing on the rope and jump either on another ledge or to reach the next grapple point (press the grapple button again). The picture 2 presents the destination. Jump down on the lower ledge to reach the prepper stash. Here, you can find a bow, a vest, a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point) and ammo. Besides that, you will also receive a unique outfit - Deer Season.
High Tension

This is one of the prepper stashes in Holland Valley. To unlock this treasure hunting mission, you have to reach Lincoln Lookout Tower located in the center of Holland Valley. That location should be overrun by cultists, including a dangerous sniper (unless you have completed Patriot Acts side quest). Defeat the enemies and find a box with Prepper's Note on one of the towers' walls.

The only way to access the stash is to use ropes. The first one is attached to the lookout tower. The picture above shows a rather difficult part - you have to jump to the adjacent balcony, walk on a narrow beam and perform another jump. This will allow you to reach another rope.
Slide down the last rope and you will land inside of one of the silos. This place is the prepper stash you are looking for. Here, you can find a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point) and ammo.
Fire in the Hole

This is one of the prepper stashes in Holland Valley. To unlock this treasure hunting mission, you have to reach Catamount Mines located in the south-east corner of the map. Watch out for rattlesnakes inside of this location. Find Prepper's Note that will inform you about this treasure.

Go through the mine to find this treasure. Its entrance is hidden inside of the wooden hut. Use, e.g. explosives to destroy the part of the floor presented in the picture 1.
Inside the mine you have to eliminate enemies stunned with Bliss and to break through a few barricades. Use dynamites to destroy them (dynamites are easy to resupply because there are a lot of them in the mine). Your current objective is the bigger cavern presented in the picture 2. Jump to the adjacent stone ledge and keep moving forward. Soon, you will reach the prepper stash. It consists of a lot of money, 3 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point) and ammo. You can leave the mine by using fast travel option or you can look up and use the grappling hook on the interactive points.
Deep Dive

This is one of the prepper stashes in Holland Valley. To unlock this treasure hunting mission, you have to reach Laurel Residence - its location is presented in the picture above. That place can be found north-west from Rye & Sons Aviation. Enter the building and find Prepper's Note.

On the farm you have to find a hatch that will take you to a flooded bunker. Get inside said bunker and find the key presented in the picture 1. Swim to the surface and use the key to open the smaller building presented in the picture 2. Use the switch and wait until the entire water gets pumped out from the bunker.
Examine the bunker again. The prepper stash is in the last room. There, you will find a shotgun, a lot of money (a part of it is inside of the safe - use a repair torch or lockpicks to open it), 3 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point) and ammo.
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