Elden Ring: Where to farm Runes?
On this page of the Elden Ring guide you will learn where you can quickly and easily farm runes to upgrade your weapons and character.
Runes are the most important resource in Elden Ring. They serve as a currency for buying items from merchants you encounter and to increase your character's stats at sites of grace.
You should be able to acquire enough runes to meet your needs through exploration, but some players will probably want to learn how they can acquire as many runes as possible fast and with the least amount of effort. This page is for you - we have described some of the most efficient methods for farming runes in the game.
As the prices for leveling up increase with each new level, the farming spots described here are divided into different stages of the game.
The amounts of runes obtained described in the guide do not take into account the bonuses to the runes obtained. The amount of currency earned can be further increased by consuming a Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot sold by Patches and equipping the Gold Scarab, a talisman obtained by defeating the Cleanrot Knights in the Abandoned Cave, Caelid.
- Early game - Bestial Sanctum
- Early game - Lenne's Rise
- Mid/Late game - Mohgwyn Palace
- Post game - Mohgwyn Palace
Early game - Bestial Sanctum

The first useful farming spot can be found in front of the Bestial Sanctum in Caelid. To get there as early as possible, go to the Third Church of Marika site of grace in Limgrave. To the north of the church there is a reservoir, and on the far right of the lake there is a teleporter hidden in the bushes. Use it. You will be transported to the Greyoll's Dragonbarrow. Ignore the huge boss behind you and open the gate to the sanctuary. Inside, you will find a site of grace.
The boss shouldn't attack you unless you provoke him. Leave the sanctuary and head down, to the area in front of the building. There are small enemies roaming the area between the Bestial Sanctum and the Farum Greatbridge sites of grace. Don't provoke several of them at once, in the early stages of the game it is very likely that they will be able to kill you with one hit. Attack them one at a time, riding Torrent or by sneaking up behind them.
The opponents are small and prone to staggering, so using heavy weapons can easily knock them to their knees and expose them to a critical hit. Their most dangerous attack is a ranged spell that creates several claw-shaped shockwaves. They can also jump and grab you, dealing massive damage while in the air. Still, you should be able to defeat them in one-on-one combat.

Each of these enemies grants 1,094 runes upon death. To successfully farm here, you should set out from the Bestial Sanctum, reach the Farum Greatbridge, return to the Sanctum and rest in its site of grace to respawn defeated opponents. Fight the enemies you encounter along the way - pressing the lock-on button frequently will help you track the enemies down. Depending on your pace, this farming spot should give you around 1,000 - 2,000 runes per minute.
Early game - Lenne's Rise

This farming spot is located near the Bestial Sanctum. You can get to it the same way - go to the Third Church of Marika site of grace in Limgrave. To the north of the church there is a reservoir, and on the far right of the lake there is a teleporter hidden in the bushes. Use it. You will be transported to the Greyoll's Dragonbarrow. Avoid the boss standing on the stairs and go down towards the bridge. After crossing the bridge, you will see a tower nearby - the site of grace is at its foot.
This farming spot does not require combat - you only need the mount to speed up the pace and maximize your chances of success. You will receive it by accepting Melina's offer, who will meet you automatically when you visit enough sites of grace.
To farm effectively here, start from the Lenne's Rise site of grace, riding Torrent down the path leading straight from the entrance to the tower. You will quickly reach a place where a bottomless abyss begins on the right side of the path.
Be careful - when you get there, a huge ball will appear out of nowhere behind you and shoot towards you. You have to stand in front of the abyss and avoid the ball - the easiest way is to accelerate the mount. If you did everything correctly, the ball will fall into the abyss. This opponent is worth - 1,952 runes. Return to the site of grace to respawn all enemies and repeat the process.

A single run to this farming spot should take you about 25 seconds. Depending on your pace, you can get around 4,000 - 4,500 runes per minute.
Mid/Late game - Mohgwyn Palace

This farming spot is located in Mohgwyn Palace. Depending on your decisions, you may get there quite early or near the end of the game. To reach this location, you must complete White Mask Varre's questline or find a portal in the west of the Consecrated Snowfield - we have shown where to find the portal on the map above.
The farming place is located at the first site of grace in this location, the Palace Approach Ledge-Road. You need any bow and a supply of arrows - but you don't need the stats required to wield this weapon effectively, since it doesn't matter how much damage it deals. If you don't have a bow, you can use a crossbow - but it will slow down the farming speed since this weapon type requires reloading, and its ammunition is more expensive.
You can buy both arrows and bolts from traveling merchants, who can be found in many different locations. One of these merchants is Kalé, who permanently resides in Church of Elleh, in Limgrave, right next to where you started the game. Buy as many arrows as possible - the investment will pay off in a few seconds.

To farm effectively in this place, stand on the cliff near the place of grace and shoot with a bow at the huge bird wandering around the lake of blood in the distance. A single hit will provoke the bird, which will fly towards you to attack. Before it can reach you, however, it will fall into the abyss and die, rewarding you with 11,038 runes. When the bird raises its wings, it means that it has started falling - don't wait until it dies, go straight to the site of grace and use it to reset the enemies. Then repeat the process.
Occasionally the bird may stay in the lake instead of falling - if this happens, rest again at the site of grace to reset it. The arrow also has to pass through the branches of the tree, so it's likely that you'll miss occasionally - but with a little practice, your accuracy should improve.
A single run should take 10 to 15 seconds. Depending on your aim and pace, this farming spot should give you around 40,000 - 70,000 runes per minute. Due to the possibility of unlocking the farming spot early via Varre's quest, the lack of threat from opponents and the small amount of preparation, it is the most efficient farming place in the game - although not the most profitable.
Post game - Mohgwyn Palace

This farming spot is located in Mohgwyn Palace. Depending on your decisions, you may get there quite early or near the end of the game. To reach this location, you must complete the White Mask Varre's quest or find a portal in the west of the Consecrated Snowfield - we have shown where to find the portal on the map above.
The farming spot is located at the first site of grace in this location, the Palace Approach Ledge-Road - exactly where the previous farming spot on the list was located. Instead of the bird, you need to pay attention to a group of Albinaurics sitting on the path nearby. To use this farming spot, you need a way to deal high AoE damage.
The best way to do that is to use the Sacred Relic Sword, one of the rewards you can receive for giving the Elden Remembrance to Enia in the Roundtable Hold. However, you will receive this Remembrance only after defeating the last boss in the game - you also need to have 14 Strength, 24 Dexterity and 22 Faith to be able to use the sword's special attack, and you also need to upgrade it so that it can easily kill Albinaurics.
If you don't have this weapon, you can use a different one, such as the Blasphemous Blade. However, this will have a significant impact on your efficiency, so the previous farming spot on the list may be a better alternative for you.

Farming involves approaching sitting Albinaurics and attacking them with your area of effect skill. The Sacred Relic Sword's skill works best due to its large area of effect and high damage. After attacking the enemies, turn around and sit at the site of grace to make the enemies respawn, then repeat the process.
A single run should take about 10 seconds - run up to the Albinaurics, use the AoE skill once, return to the site of grace. With Sacred Relic Sword, this farming spot should get you around 90,000 - 120,000 runes per minute. For comparison, using the Blasphemous Blade we only managed to get about 40,000 runes per minute.
Theoretically, this is the most profitable farming spot in the game - but it requires completing the game at least once to unlock the optimal weapon and much more preparation than the previous ones we described. If the requirements of this farming place are too high for you, the previous one should still be perfectly adequate.
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