Shadow of the Erdtree Elden Ring Map
Shadow of the Erdtree: All Talismans map
Shadow of the Erdtree add-on introduces a set of new talismans to the game, with which you can equip your hero. On this page we will introduce you to all the talismans available in the DLC, along with their effects and exact locations.
Talismans are very useful pieces of equipment that offer the wearer stat bonuses or special effects. Shadow of the Erdtree introduces as many as 39 new items of this type to the game. On this page, you will find a detailed list of talismans available in the game, along with a description of how they work and where you can find them.
- Blessed Blue Dew Talisman
- Outer God Heirloom
- Crusade Insignia
- Ailment Talisman
- Two-Headed Turtle Talisman
- Arrow's Soaring Sting Talisman
- Spelldrake Talisman +3
- Rellana's Cameo
- Flamedrake Talisman +3
- Stalwart Horn Charm +2
- Smithing Talisman
- Shattered Stone Talisman
- Viridian Amber Medallion +3
- Aged One's Exultation
- Crimson Seed Talisman +1
- Cerulean Seed Talisman +1
- Boltdrake Talisman +3
- Talisman of Lord's Bestowal
- Pearl Shield Talisman
- Fine Crucible Feather Talisman
- Mottled Necklace +2
- Beloved Stardust
- Blade of Mercy Talisman
- Cerulean Amber Medallion +3
- Clarifying Horn Charm +2
- Crimson Amber Medallion +3
- Dried Bouquet
- Enraged Divine Beast
- Golden Braid
- Immunizing Horn Charm +2
- Lacerating Crossed-Tree
- Pearldrake Talisman +3
- Retaliatory Crossed-Tree
- Sharpshot Talisman
- St. Trina's Smile
- Talisman of the Dread
- Two-Handed Sword Talisman
- Verdigris Discus
- Talisman of All Crucibles
Blessed Blue Dew Talisman
Related map marker: Blessed Blue Dew Talisman - Church of Benediction @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Slowly restores focus points.
- Location: Next to the statue in the Church of Benediction.
Outer God Heirloom
Related map marker: Outer God Heirloom - Prospect Town @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases Arcane.
- Location: In a small room, in the tallest building.
Crusade Insignia
Related map marker: Crusade Insignia - Belurat @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases attack power after defeating an opponent.
- Location: After defeating Fire Knight Queelign in the Church of the Crusade location (Belurat Castle Complex).
Ailment Talisman
Related map marker: Ailment Talisman - Abandoned Ailing Village @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases resistance to the last ailment.
- Location: By the corpse lying at the edge of the wooden platform in the Abandoned Ailing Village.
Two-Headed Turtle Talisman
Related map marker: Two-Headed Turtle Talisman - Ellac River @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the rate of stamina regeneration.
- Location: In the cave behind the waterfall at the Ellac River.
Arrow's Soaring Sting Talisman
Related map marker: Arrow's Soaring Sting Talisman - Fog Rift Fort @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the range and power of bows and crossbows.
- Location: Once you reach the inner area of the fort, go to the eastern tower and then go around it. There you will find a narrow path leading to two ladders. Climb them to reach the top of the tower and find a large chest.
Spelldrake Talisman +3
Related map marker: Spelldrake Talisman +3 - Castle Ensis @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases magic damage negation.
- Location: Go to the small entrance under Castle Ensis to find a cellar with corpses.
Rellana's Cameo
Related map marker: Rellana's Cameo - Castle Ensis @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Strengthens attacks made after maintaining the same stance for a long time.
- Location: On the altar in the central part of Castle Ensis.
Flamedrake Talisman +3
Related map marker: Flamedrake Talisman +3 - Fort of Reprimand @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases fire damage negation.
- Location: In the cage room in the Fort of Reprimand.
Stalwart Horn Charm +2
Related map marker: Stalwart Horn Charm +2 - Bonny Gaol @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases strength.
- Location: In Bonny Gaol, explore the underground until you jump into the hole. After landing, take the upper path to find a ladder and reach a previously inaccessible chamber.
Smithing Talisman
Related map marker: Smithing Talisman - Forge of Starfall Past @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the power of throwing weapons attacks.
- Location: Find the corpse in the Ruined Forge of Starfall Past dungeon (a description of how to get there can be found on the All dungeons page in our guide). Watch out for a group of monsters falling from the roof. You don't have to fight them - you can just pick up the talisman and run away.
Shattered Stone Talisman
Related map marker: Shattered Stone Talisman - Moorth Ruins @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the power of kicking and stomping skills.
- Location: Find a corpse at the bottom of the Moorth Ruins.
Viridian Amber Medallion +3
Related map marker: Viridian Amber Medallion +3 - Darklight Catacombs @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases maximum stamina level.
- Location: This item can be found shortly after you start exploring the Darklight Catacombs dungeon. Make a small jump to reach the opening with the large chest.
Aged One's Exultation
Related map marker: Aged One's Exultation - Abyssal Woods @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Madness in the vicinity increases attack power.
- Location: Dropped by an enemy with a glowing growth on their head in the Abyssal Woods. More information about the region and how to fight this type of enemy can be found on the guide's page: How to reach the Abyssal Woods?
Crimson Seed Talisman +1
Related map marker: Crimson Seed Talisman +1 - Finger Ruins of Rhia @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the healing effect of drinking from the Flask of Crimson Tears.
- Location: This talisman is a reward for activating the bell hanging in the Finger Ruins of Rhia. This is part of Count Ymir questline - the walkthrough can be found in our guide.
- Location: This talisman is a reward for activating the bell hanging in the Finger Ruins of Dheo. This is part of Count Ymir questline - the walkthrough can be found in our guide.
Cerulean Seed Talisman +1
Related map marker: Cerulean Seed Talisman +1 - Finger Ruins of Dheo @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the number of focus points after drinking from the Flask of Cerulean Tears.
- Effect: Increases the healing effect of drinking from the Flask of Crimson Tears.
- Location: This talisman is a reward for activating the bell hanging in the Finger Ruins of Rhia. This is part of Count Ymir questline - the walkthrough can be found in our guide.
- Location: This talisman is a reward for activating the bell hanging in the Finger Ruins of Dheo. This is part of Count Ymir questline - the walkthrough can be found in our guide.
Boltdrake Talisman +3
Related map marker: Boltdrake Talisman +3 - Shadow Keep @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: The talisman increases resistance to lightning damage.
- Location: Explore the first floor of the warehouse to find a corpse next to wooden furniture.
Talisman of Lord's Bestowal
Related map marker: Talisman of Lord's Bestowal - Shadow Keep @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases poise after using the Flask of Tears.
- Location: This talisman is located in the lower courtyard of the Shadow Keep, in front of the yellow tree.
Pearl Shield Talisman
Related map marker: Pearl Shield Talisman - Rauh Base @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the negation of all non-physical damage while guarding.
- Location: Reach the camp north-west of the Site of Grace at the Ancient Ruins Base. Defeat the enemies and open the large chest.
Fine Crucible Feather Talisman
Related map marker: Fine Crucible Feather Talisman - Ruins of Rauh @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Improves backsteps but increases damage taken.
- Location: Reach the northern part of this large dungeon and climb the large roots to reach the glowing loot.
Mottled Necklace +2
Related map marker: Mottled Necklace +2 - Ancient Ruins of Rauh @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: This item greatly increases robustness, immunity and focus.
- Location: Use the Spiritspring west of the marked area to jump to the upper part of the ruins. Go up the stairs to find a large chest with the necklace.
Beloved Stardust
Related map marker: Beloved Stardust @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Reduces the time needed to cast spells and incantations, but increases the damage you take.
- Location: You'll receive this talisman after completing the first part of the quest for the NPC in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr (a full walkthrough of Count Ymir questline can be found in our guide). The first part of the task will force you to ring the bell hanging in the Finger Ruins of Rhia.
Blade of Mercy Talisman
Related map marker: Blade of Mercy - Scorched Ruins @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases attack power after each critical hit.
- Location: Located on top of a building in the Scorched Ruins in the Gravesite Plain (near the expansion's starting location).
Cerulean Amber Medallion +3
Related map marker: Cerulean Amber Medallion +3 - Scorpion Catacombs @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the maximum number of focus points.
- Location: Drops after killing the Death Knight boss at the end of the Scorpion River Catacombs. You can read more about the fight on the Other bosses page in our guide.
Clarifying Horn Charm +2
Related map marker: Clarifying Horn Charm +2 - Lamenter's Gaol @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases focus.
- Location: Inside the Lamenter's Gaol (part of Charo’s Hidden Grave region). The talisman is located next to a corpse near the entrance to the cave system.
Crimson Amber Medallion +3
Related map marker: Crimson Amber Medallion +3 - Fog Rift Catacombs @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the maximum number of health points.
- Location: Drops after killing the Death Knight boss in the Fog Rift Catacombs. You can read about the fight on the Other bosses page in our guide.
Dried Bouquet
Related map marker: Dried Bouquet - Belurat @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the power of attacks when the spirit you summon dies.
- Location: In a hidden room behind a pile of rubble that you can jump onto.
Enraged Divine Beast
Related map marker: Enraged Divine Beast @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Raises potency of storms.
- Location: To obtain this talisman, you will need to spend the Remembrance of the Dancing Lion (more about the boss that drops this item can be found on the How to Defeat the Dancing Lion boss page) at the Roundtable Hold.
Golden Braid
Related map marker: Golden Braid - Shaman Village @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases holy damage negation.
- Location: Near the corpse in the branch of a dried tree. South of the Shaman Village.
Immunizing Horn Charm +2
Related map marker: Immunizing Horn Charm +2 - Belurat Sewers @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the hero's invulnerability (this improves resistance to poisoning and scarlet rot).
- Location: Dropped after defeating a large enemy - Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit. It is located in the southern part of the Belurat castle complex.
Lacerating Crossed-Tree
Related map marker: Lacerating Crossed-Tree @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the power of attacks while moving (also while riding a horse).
- Location: You will receive this item by helping Needle Knight Leda, in the invasion of Hornsent. This entire quest is described on a separate page of the guide.
- Location: You will receive the talisman after invading Ansbach during the quest for Leda. This entire quest is described on a separate page of the guide.
Pearldrake Talisman +3
Related map marker: Pearldrake Talisman +3 - Storehouse @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Reduces elemental damage taken.
- Location: Use the lever on the seventh floor of the Specimen Storehouse. The structure in the center will move, allowing you to come into contact with the statue on the first floor. The talisman is hidden on the statue's head.
Retaliatory Crossed-Tree
Related map marker: Retaliatory Crossed-Tree @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Enhances attacks executed after rolling or backstepping.
- Effect: Increases the power of attacks while moving (also while riding a horse).
- Location: You will receive this item by helping Needle Knight Leda, in the invasion of Hornsent. This entire quest is described on a separate page of the guide.
- Location: You will receive the talisman after invading Ansbach during the quest for Leda. This entire quest is described on a separate page of the guide.
Sharpshot Talisman
Related map marker: Sharpshot Talisman - Albinauric's Shack @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the power of arrows and bolts fired while aiming accurately (using the sight).
- Location: In a small cottage in the northern part of the Scaduview region.
St. Trina's Smile
Related map marker: St. Trina's Smile - Garden of Deep Purple @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the power of attacks if a sleep effect is active nearby.
- Location: You will receive this item after defeating NPC Thioller. He will become hostile towards you while completing the task related to him and St. Trina.
Talisman of the Dread
Related map marker: Talisman of the Dread - Elder's Hovel @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the power of magma-based attacks.
- Location: The talisman is next to the corpse in the Elder's Hovel. You will get there by traveling east from the Pillar Path Cross Site of Grace.
Two-Handed Sword Talisman
Related map marker: Two-Handed Sword Talisman - Temple Town Ruins @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases the power of attacks made with two-handed weapons.
- Location: In the northern part of the Temple Town Ruins. In the room with the chest, which you will reach after defeating a strong opponent.
Verdigris Discus
Related map marker: Verdigris Discus - Ancient Ruins of Rauh @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Increases defense with greater equipment weight.
- Location: Below the waterfall, in the western part of the Ancient Ruins of Rauh region.
Talisman of All Crucibles
Related map marker: Talisman of All Crucibles - Ancient Ruins of Rauh @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Effect: Combines the effects of all Crucible talismans.
- Location: The talisman is located in a chest in the southwestern part of the Ancient Ruins of Rauh. From the level to the east (under the church), look out for a row of broken stone pillars. They lead to the elevator next to which there is a shaft in the wall. The shaft leads to a chest containing the talisman.
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