Promethea | Borderlands 3 Side Quest
This page of the guide to Borderlands 3 has a walkthrough for the side quests available on Promethea. Our guide will tell you how to unlock side quests on Promethea, how to complete them and have information on whether they have additional goals that can give you additional rewards.
- Healers and Dealers
- Maliwannabees
- Rise and Grind
- Dynasty Diner
- Kill Killavolt
- Technical NOGout
- Porta Prison
- Proof of Wife
- Opposition Research
- Ratch'd Up
Healers and Dealers
How to start the quest: Get to the exclamation mark in Meridian Outskirts region (the notice board in Fort Pissoff).
Go to Dr. Ace Baron's clinic. You get a task to obtain Meds and Blood Packs. The game will mark multiple locations related to these mission objectives.
You can get the first set of Meds by destroying the enemy vehicle marked by the game. You can destroy it with any weapon.
Go to Hardin to get more Meds. Reach his base marked by the game and start climbing. You have to grab the ladder presented in the picture.
You can decide whether you want to intimidate Hardin or fulfill the optional mission objective and pay him 1,000 credits for the Meds (you will be rewarded for that later).
Finally, you must visit the monsters' lair. The entrance is marked in the picture. Eliminate all the encountered Ratch monsters. Among them you will find a Badass Ratch. After killing monsters, go to the large white box with a cross. Take everything from it.
Go back to Ace Baron. Put the Meds on the crate, take an Empty Blood Pack and attach it to the doctor's hand by pressing the melee button. Ace loses his hand - his blood will fill up the Blood Pack. Pass it to the doctor to complete the mission.
You get XP, credits, and a rare shield (only if you completed the optional goal by paying Hardin for Meds).
How to start the quest: Get to the exclamation mark in Meridian Outskirts region (talk to Ziff).
Go to the crime scene marked on the map. Go to the corpse and listen to the radio. The next place you have to investigate is a burning supply vehicle. Max and Rax will talk to you through the radio again.
Go to the bandits' hideout. You have to reach its upper level - find the elevator and use it.
Besides the regular enemies, you will also encounter two bosses - Rax and Max. Attack only one of them. Try to avoid attacks from the second mini-boss. Each of the mini-bosses has a shield that you need to destroy before you start dealing the real damage.
After killing the first mini-boss, the second will stop attacking you and become neutral. After moving away from the location, you will receive a message from Ziff - she suggests that you should kill the other bandit, too. Go back to the bandits' hideout and deal with the second mini-boss. He will attack you on the spot.
Kill the second mini-boss and go back to Ziff. You will get XP and credits. If you killed both mini-bosses, you will get more credits.
Rise and Grind
How to begin the quest: Conversation with Lorelei following the acquisition of the Watershed Base base in the Meridian Metroplex region.
Go to the Rise and Grind Café. When you get there, call Barista Bot to show up.
Listen to the problem and head towards the area where Core Daddy is staying. This is a stronger version of Heavy opponents. Also, standard types of Heavy units may appear in the area. Regardless of who you are attacking, remember to avoid jumps of heavily armored enemies - if you get hit from air attack you may get serious injuries. After winning the battle, take the Power Core and return with it to Rise and Grind. Place the core in a large vertical device.
Press the button to reset Barista Bot. Unfortunately, he will have another problem. You must go to the area where the Maliwan Commander resides. When you get there, even a larger battle has to be fought, and unfortunately many of the enemies in this place are elites. Watch out for opponents with unique names and other heavily armored "Heavy" opponents.
The desired target has Coffee Runner in its possession. Catch up with him and shoot him to take his To-Go Cup.
Go back to the café with the cup. Before you can do anything in the area, a new group of enemies has to be defeated. Watch out for their Badass varieties. These are the most dangerous. After combat is over, place a cup in a marked place on the counter. Wait until the bot fills it up and pick up the Filled To-Go Cup.
You can already head back to Watershed Base. Give the cup to Lorelei. Unfortunately, this is not the end of the quest, because there is one more huge battle ahead of you. It is a consolation that you can count on help of allied soldiers during the battle. More enemies will be arriving in transports and this can give you some time to get rid of your current opponents. The strongest opponent is Coffee Commander, which is another unit using heavy armor. After winning the battle, talk to Lorelei to finish the quest. You get XP, credits and a rare shield.
Dynasty Diner
How to start the quest: Talk to Lorelei in the Meridian Metroplex region completing the Rise and Grind side quest.
This is the second quest received from Lorelei, and this time it concerns the supply of food to soldiers. Head to the Dynasty Diner to meet with Beau. When you approach the dining room, you will receive a message that you need to regain control of it. You have to fight all enemies on your own, because a vehicle can't drive in there.
Maliwan soldiers will arrive on board a Dropship, which cannot be shot down and destroyed. Watch out for the attacks of Badass and Heavy's enemies as you fight. Clear the entire vicinity, go to the staff area and press the button. You will learn about the requirements for preparing a meal.
Get to the specified location, that is, to the sewers. Take care of attacking Ratch monsters. Look for the Ratch Larva creatures, as they leave behind the meal ingredients. After capturing 3 larva, you will be ordered to defeat the Ratch Nest monster. It's a bigger and more durable creature, but you don't have to expect very strong attacks from it. After killing this monster, take the Ratch Meat.
Return to Dynasty Diner and place the meat on the Digiscanner indicated by the game. Press the Burger Bot summon button.
Another mission objective forces you to follow Burger Bot. Don't try to stay close to him at all costs, because the bot will stop and wait for you (if you get too far away from each other). Along the way, you'll be forced to clean up the passage for the bot by killing groups of enemies. There will be ordinary enemies among them, but you can also expect fights with Badass, Heavy or NOG opponents.
When you reach one of the alleys, the final battle will begin. You have to defeat the Maliwan Bots led by Archer Rowe. After combat begins it is worth to pull back a little so that opponents won't have the opportunity to attack the hero from several different sides. Archer uses heavy armor, so avoid his jumps in particular. The defeated mini-boss will leave behind, among others, a Dynasty Meal, which has to be delivered to Lorelei. The rewards for completing this mission are xp, credits and a rare rocket launcher.
Kill Killavolt
How to start the quest: Get to the exclamation mark in the Meridian Metroplex region (bulletin board).
Moxxi commissions this task and you have to meet her in the neighboring location of Lectra City. It is also worthwhile to wait until level 15-16 to start this mission. The game will mark a passage to Lectra City on your map. You can meet enemies along the way, but there's nothing to stop you from escaping and skipping them.
In Lectra City, press the button and climb the stairs. Learn from Moxxi about the rules of the local battle royale.
Before you get promoted to the fight against Killavolt, you have to do a few things. The first group of objectives consists in defeating these three mini-bosses:
- Trudy the Toe-less
- Jenny of Raden-3
- Lena of Eden-6
Each of the mini bosses is located in a different part of the map, and the pattern is always similar. Once you arrive at the destination, you will fight with the boss and his adds. All mini-bosses use good distance weapons, so it's advisable to run without stopping to avoid getting hit. After winning every battle, find the corpse of a boss and loot the Killa Token. This way you will get 3 out of 4 required tokens.
In addition to looting the mini-boss tokens, you also need to get 3 batteries (Battery) that are located in different parts of the city. Two of the three batteries were hidden on the roofs. When you arrive near a battery marked on the map, always look for a ladder to start climbing up. It may also be necessary to jump up to another ladder or a higher shelf where your hero can climb up.
The third battery is located near the docks. The easiest way to reach it is to jump over the containers. You don't have to avoid contact with water at all costs. It has corrosive properties and will weaken the hero. Thankfully it inflicts damage over time. You will have plenty of time to get out of the water and climb onto a container or other larger object.
After completing all goals, move to the Moxxi bar. Give her all batteries and wait for her to prepare the trap. Receive the Moxxi's Booby-Trapped Token.
Before you enter the next stage of this mission, visit the vendor slot machine or restore your ammunition and health reserves in any other way. You're about to have a big battle with side boss. Go to the Killarena. Enter the arena of The Bone Zone where Killavolt resides. At first, you must give him the mini-boss tokens and then the Moxxi trap token. The trap from the last token will disable Killavolt's force field. After that, combat will start.
All boss attacks are based on electricity and can have several different forms. Killavolt primarily attacks with lightning.
Another ranged attack of the boss are electrical missiles which shock you with electricity. In both cases, use a standard 'continuous motion' tactic.
The most serious and commonly used boss attacks is the electrification of floor tiles on the ground. You have to keep that in mind throughout the fight. Quickly run away from the charged plates. Jump over electrified floor plates if you still want to be on the move. Behave the same when a large part of the floor has been charged and temporarily you have nowhere to run.
Unfortunately, Killavolt also uses a large shield during the battle, which makes it difficult to attack him effectively. Your attacks may break through the shield, but they will be very weak. Look for an opportunity to attack the boss from the sides or from the back. Also, you can attack him after he is intentionally exposed, when he prepares himself to perform an electric attack.
This battle is easier to win if you play in cooperation mode. One of the players can effectively move the boss from behind and as a result attack him more often.
Expect regular mobs to appear in the arena from time to time. Try not to attack boss' vanguards and his adds if it's not required. As with many other difficult fights, they can help you to resurrect your character (Second Wind) after it gets knocked down (Fight for Your Life). You won't have to repeat the entire fight. The duel with Killavolt is long, especially if you play alone, but over time it will not surprise you with anything new.
The defeated boss will leave some valuable loot in form of credits, eridium and some new items. Search the boss's corpse to find the quest item - Killa Pack. Reach the Killa Krapper toilet next to the Moxxi Bar and install the Killa Pack on the toilet wall. Talk with Moxxi at the end. You will receive xp, credits and the legendary cosmetic item.
Technical NOGout
How to start the quest: Get to the exclamation mark in the Meridian Metroplex region (bulletin board).
You must meet with Quinn the scientist, and you must return to the Meridian Outskirts region to do so. Once you get to the lab, get rid of Maliwan's troops. Quinn will be hiding - move straight to the marked door and knock on the door.
Talk to Quinn and approach the vehicle station. Get in the NOG Catcher vehicle which is available in this mission. Get to the marked places. When you locate an enemy of the Runaway NOG, press the button to use the onboard weapon in form of a catapult. A successful hit will allow you to catch a particular NOG. After you catch all three NOGs, return to Quinn.
Get to the NOG summoning post. The first two experiments will end in a failure. The third one will be successful.
In the final part of this mission you will take part in a large battle with Maliwan soldiers and bots. They will appear progressively in Quinn's lab, so you should always have some time to get rid of your current enemies. Quinn is in no danger, so just focus on keeping your hero (and the rest of the team) alive. In the final phase of the battle, concentrate your efforts on Badass Protector Heavy, who is a strong enemy and can deal large amounts of damage. After the combat, collect rewards for completing the quest - xp, credits and a rare Grenade Mod.
Porta Prison
How to begin the quest: Reach the exclamation point in the Lectra City region (portable toilet).
Go to the Trashmouth crew meeting point. They are in the sewers and the attached pictures reveals a path that will get you to them. As soon as you get close to enemies, they will automatically attack the hero. Get rid of them and watch out for their leader called Badass. After the fight, find the Spray Paint can.
Go to a place where you need to paint 6 graffiti. You can easily climb onto the roof of a lower building to reach the final 'graffiti' destination.
There will be a strong Sheriff Bot in the area - you must first deplete its blue bar and only then start to deplete its yellow bar. The defeated bot will drop the AI Chip. Install it on the wall of the portable toilet where Trashmouth is hiding.
Now you have to eliminate next bots, which (thankfully) will be much weaker. After the battle you will receive a new objective to damage the Septic Tank. Approach him (picture above) and perform a melee attack. A Recycler Bot will appear, which has to be destroyed (use any weapon). Pick up another AI Chip and install it. The portable toilet will fly away.
You need to find Trashmouth and that means you have to travel to the Meridian Outskirts region. Get in any vehicle and travel to the designated location. You must destroy Trashmouth's vehicle - Trashmouth's Technical. All you have to do is shoot him with any kind of mounted and available weapon. After the machine explodes, it will leave a quest item - the Illegal Weapon. By picking up the gun you will end the mission. You'll get xp, credits and a rare rocket launcher.
Proof of Wife
How to begin the quest: Reach the exclamation mark in the Lectra City region (Notice board).
You've got to get to the bandits' safe house in the sewers. You can use the same sewer descent as in the Porta Prison side quest described above. The entrance to the safe house is shown in the attached picture - get rid of Deputy Bots that reside in this place. Press the button and listen to the conversation.
You must go to Police HQ. Use an intercom next to a large closed door. Get to detention center and eliminate more Deputy Bots. There will be stronger Sheriff Bots among them, which have two energy bars - first you need to get rid of the blue bar and only then you can decrease their yellow bar (before the shields are renewed).
After the battle, come to the cage where Bloodshine is being imprisoned. The freed character will unfortunately attack the hero and has to be killed. After winning the duel, take the mask of the defeated bandit - Bloodshine's Mask.
Go back to your hiding place in the sewers. Place the obtained mask on the body hung at the entrance. The entrance to the hiding place will open, and a whole series of battles await you. You should start by eliminating Bloodshine's friends.
In the specific parts of the hideout there are various mini bosses to defeat: Bloodshine's Best Man, Bloodshine's Mother and Tumorhead. Despite the small size of this hiding place, try to run a lot to avoid being surrounded. Eliminate stronger bandits one by one. After winning the battle, reach your cell and use your melee attack on the castle to free Naoko. Listen to the conversation that will end the quest. You'll get xp, credits and an epic sniper rifle.
Opposition Research
How to start the quest: Reach the exclamation mark in the Skywell-27 region. The location is visited for the first time in the Space-Laser Tag main quest.
The exclamation point on the map symbolizes the location of Gonner Maleggies. You can meet him during the main Space-Laser Tag quest. This is the best solution, because the main and side quests assume visiting some of the same locations. You will find Gonner in a large shaft to the left of the main entrance gate of the base.
As part of your mission, you will need to obtain Katagawa Intel from three different locations (they will be marked on the map). The first location that has to be examined is a bloody public toilet. Search the corpse lying in a pool of blood. Follow the blood trail to one of the cabins. Pick up the toilet bowl to find the Katagawa ECHO Log.
The second location to explore is the room with another murdered person. Start again by searching the body. When you try to open the locker a mini boss will appear called Interrogator. Deal with him and loot his body to obtain the Key to Locker. Open the locket to get another Katagawa ECHO Log.
The third location to explore is occupied by Maliwan troops, which you have to defeat. In addition to soldiers, watch out for flying spheres that can threaten you despite their small size. After combat, go to Undercover Atlas Agent and pick up the next audio journal - Katagawa ECHO Log.
In the final part of your mission, start by opening the door to the Data Center area. Interact with the central computer and then try to enter the password. You will have to get through a few battles:
- In the first battle you have to defeat Maliwan soldiers. Beware of Heavy opponents.
- In the second battle there are COV fanatics to defeat. Beware of suicide bombers
- After winning the second battle, reach the speakers activation point. In the third battle, there are different opponents to defeat, although beware of Heavy and Badass enemies.
In every battle you play, take advantage of the fact that you can travel between floors and hide behind poles, for example to renew your shields. Once you've won all the fights, reach the Atlas Data Transfer Station. Rewards for mission are xp, credits and legendary Weapon Trinket.
Ratch'd Up
How to start the quest: Talk to Rhys in the Atlas HQ region after completing main Atlas, At Last quest.
The exclamation mark will appear over Rhys' head shortly after completing the main quest at Atlas HQ, when you have talked with him in his office. You'll be assigned the task of finding Terry. Take the elevator down and get to the marked location.
Recently unlocked passage leads to Terry's Office. You have to find the secret button on the wall - it is shown in the attached picture. Pressing the button unlocks a secret passageway.
Step into the Skunkworks Lab. You can find Terry's Science Diary audio logs in its various parts, but collecting them is fully optional and does not involve any reward. Get to the red door and listen to the conversation with Glenn. Explain the situation to him.
Now head towards the door opening mechanism. You'll also be tasked with securing the laboratory, so you can eliminate both small and large varieties of Ratch monsters. The strongest ones will be Ratch Broodmother and Badass Ratch. After battles, press the button on the console and talk to Glenn, discovering that his consciousness is in the insect's body.
Follow Glenn the Insect to where Terry's body is. Take Terry's Brain, get back to the big room and pull the lever. Jump to a lower level and jump into Garry's Pit . You have to kill Garry, who's not a very demanding creature.
Get to a room where you have to put Terry's brain on a designated device. Use the console to resurrect Terry even in the form of insect. Return to Glenn after you complete all objectives. Rewards for completing this mission are xp, credits and an epic pistol.
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