Moze the Gunner levels and abilities in Borderlands 3
Moze is one of the playable characters in Borderlands 3. This section of the guide contains basic information about this character. You will learn about Moze's abilities. In addition, we have prepared a recommended build for Moze in which we have listed the best combination of active and passive skills.
- Moze - General information
- Moze - recommended build
- Moze - Demolition Woman skill tree
- Moze - Shield of Retribution skill tree
- Moze - Bottomless Mags skill tree
Moze - General information

- Moze is a typical soldier and she has access to Iron Bear, her mech.
- Her specialization is Gunner. All her active Action Skills focus on summoning the mech and piloting it for a brief time. It is worth noting that when you play a co-op and have Dakka Bear passive skill, the other player can climb the mech's back and use the turret.
- You can have two Action Skills, and each of them is responsible for the mech's separate weapon slot. Weapons are mounted on the left and right limb of the machine. You can shoot both of them at the same time or, e.g. shoot them alternately.
- If you have a weapon you especially like, you can install it in both slots and thus double its effectiveness. Also, the Specialist Bear skill makes you deal 1/4 more damage from two identical weapons.
- You can't fire your mech's weapons continuously. They may require recharging or cooling after overheating. The mech remains active until you run out of fuel or until it gets destroyed by enemies.
- The mech's starting weapons aren't the only ones available. Spend skill points to unlock other types of weapons in Moze's skill tree. Each installed weapon can be improved with one Augment thanks to which, for example, you can deal more damage or give that weapon a new property. Augments are only available for certain types of weapons and aren't universal.
Moze - recommended build

Our recommended build should work regardless of whether you play alone or in cooperation with other players. It is worth noting that Moze is probably the worst character for playing solo, although you shouldn't have problems with beating the game as her alone. Some of the bonuses offered by the skills won't be used to the fullest potential if you don't have anyone in your team.
Our recommended build requires you to install two identical weapons (Active Skills) in your mech. Thanks to this solution, it will be easier to get more stat bonuses, especially the one that increases damage by 1/4 while firing from two identical weapons.
In our opinion, the best solution to have a solid build is to select Minigun or Salamander (flamethrower) weapons from Bottomless Mags skill tree. You should also invest a lot of points in this tree to unlock the last passive skill called Forge, which provides a very useful permanent ammo replenishment.
You should also get a few other passive abilities from the other two skill trees - Shield of Retribution and Demolition Woman. This will allow you to get nice bonuses to statistics - you don't need to spend a lot of skill points to unlock them.
The skills listed in our build will allow you to constantly attack enemies in between the moments where you aren't piloting the mech. Besides the mentioned Forge skill, you should also get, e.g. Rushing' Offensive skill which allows you to shoot while sprinting.
Minigun x2 [Bottomless Mags] | Action Skill x2 | Install the Minigun both in the left and right Action Skill slot. It is, in our opinion, a bit better than the Salamander flamethrower, primarily because it doesn't require you to get close to the target. The flamethrower also consumes a lot of fuel. |
Exploding. Bullets. x2 [Bottomless Mags] | Action Skill Augment x2 | We also recommend choosing the same improvements for each of the installed miniguns. This will allow you to deal the maximum possible damage. However, you will get a reduced fire rate. |
Cloud of Lead [Bottomless Mags] | Passive Ability | This ability will compensate the lack of flamethrower. |
Redistribution [Bottomless Mags] | Passive Ability | This useful skill replenishes ammunition. |
Scrappy [Bottomless Mags] | Passive Ability | Bonuses offered by this ability are useful to you every time you leave the mech. |
Rushin' Offensive [Bottomless Mags] | Passive Ability | This is a useful skill provided you focus on a more aggressive style of play. Shooting during the sprint will allow you to attack enemies even more often. |
Scorching RPM's [Bottomless Mags] | Passive Ability | You can partially reduce the fire rate penalty caused by Exploding Bullets augment. The critical damage bonus is also very useful. |
Specialist Bear [Bottomless Mags] | Passive Ability | This is the most important passive skill. Thanks to it, you deal 25% more damage after installing two identical weapons in your mech (we used Miniguns in our build). |
Some for the Road [Bottomless Mags] | Passive Ability | This is another skill that is useful after leaving the mech. The infinite ammo lasts 5 seconds - try to always make the best use of this time. |
Click, Click... [Bottomless Mags] | Passive Ability | This is a good skill that increases damage. |
Forge [Bottomless Mags] | Passive Ability | Try to get to the bottom of the Bottomless Mags tree. Continuous ammo replenishment is very important if you want to attack enemies constantly. |
Fire in the Skag Den [Demolition Woman] | Passive Ability | This is another useful bonus that allows you to deal fire damage. |
Means of Destruction [Demolition Woman] | Passive Ability | Remember that skill refers to splash damage. If you meet this condition, you will be able to obtain additional ammunition and grenades. |
Auto Bear [Demolition Woman] | Passive Ability | The main reason for unlocking the previous two skills from the Demolition Woman tree was to get this one. Try to get out of the mech as often as possible when you are near the end of the Action Skill - your mech will fight for another 15 seconds and then explode. |
Security Bear [Shield of Retribution] | Passive Ability | It is a very good ability that for just 1 skill point will provide your mech with additional protection. |
Armored Infantry [Shield of Retribution] | Passive Ability | Both stat bonuses are very useful if you make sure that Moze doesn't lose her entire shield bar too often. |
Vladof Ingenuity [Shield of Retribution] | Passive Ability | This ability works well with the one described above, as one of its features is to increase the maximum capacity of the shield. |
Full Can of Whoop-Ass [Shield of Retribution] | Passive Ability | The biggest plus of this ability is that it costs only 1 skill point. You can recover shield much easier after piloting your mech. |
Experimental Munitions [Shield of Retribution] | Passive Ability | This is another ability that has only 1 level. Additional incendiary damage is always useful in eliminating enemies more effectively. |
Moze - Demolition Woman skill tree
Action Skills
Initially, you can choose only the starting Action Skill of this tree - V-35 Grenade Launcher. You can unlock the second Action Skill by investing skill points. It will offer an alternative way to attack opponents.
Requirements | Skill Name | Action Skill Effects and Comment |
0 points | V-35 Grenade Launcher | The mech can fire a grenade launcher. It is important to know that the Grenade Mod doesn't affect what kind of grenades are fired nor what damage they deal |
5 points | Vanquisher Rocket Pod | The mech can fire a rocket launcher. The weapons fire volleys, but these aren't homing missiles - they fly in a straight line. |
Action Skill Augments
Each Action Skill Augment is associated with a specific weapon of your mech. Augments are found in the leftmost and rightmost columns of the skill trees. To unlock access to them, you have to invest a certain number of skill points within that tree. Each weapon installed in your mech can have only 1 augment.
Requirements | Augment's name and weapon | Augment's property |
5 points | Shaped Charge [V-35] | Direct hits from the V-35 deal 35% more damage. |
10 points | Musical Chairs [V-35] | Every seventh grenade fired from the V-35 pulls enemies towards the blast site. |
15 points | Lock and Speedload [V-35] | The grenade launcher's reload speed is increased by 25%. The grenade launcher also fires 5 rounds at the same time. |
10 points | Active Tracking [Vanquisher] | The grenade launcher can fire guided missiles and the weapon's reloading speed is improved by 25%. You lock on the opponents by holding the aiming button. You can mark up to 6 targets. |
15 points | Target Softening [Vanquisher] | Decreases the attack power of the launcher, but each missile splits into 6 rounds. Enemies hit by missiles take more damage from all sources. |
20 points | Hammerdown Protocol [Vanquisher] | The rocket launcher shoots a nuclear warhead instead of a volley of missiles. It deals 380% radiation damage on impact. |
Passive Abilities
The following table describes all Moze's passive abilities from the Demolition Woman tree. The points requirement in the first column indicates how many development points you need to invest in this tree to make a skill available for purchase. Passive skills have 1 to 5 levels and buying each level increases their effectiveness.
Requirements | Skill Name | Passive Skill Effect and Comment |
0 points | Fire in the Skag Den | Splash Damage deal additional damage from the fire. |
0 points | Deadlines | Iron Bear attacks consume less fuel. Killing an enemy increases the amount of fuel available, although the fuel bonus decreases with each subsequent kill. |
0 points | Grizzled | Killing an enemy reduces the cooldown of the Action Skill. This bonus decreases with each subsequent kill. |
5 points | Means of Destruction | When dealing splash damage, there is a chance to get ammo to the currently equipped weapon or a grenade. |
5 points | Torgue Cross-Promotion | There is a chance to double the splash damage. At level 1, you only have a 3% chance - if you want to notice the difference, you need to invest more skill points in this ability. |
5 points | Stainless Steel Bear | Iron Bear gets extra armor and increases the maximum fuel. |
10 points | Pull the Holy Pin | Grenades thrown by Moze have a chance to deal critical damage. |
10 points | Auto Bear | After leaving the Iron Bear, the mech stays on the battlefield for some time and attacks the enemies. The mech automatically shoots nearby enemies and then explodes. |
15 points | Vampyr | Whenever Moze damages an enemy with a grenade, she restores a portion of her missing health. |
15 points | Why Can't I Carry All These Grenades? | Increase the limit to available grenades - 1 for each unlocked level. This bonus is valid regardless of Grenade SDU augments bought in Marcus's store. |
20 points | To the Last | Moze can throw grenades when she is in Fight for Your Life mode. This works as an alternative way to achieve Second Wind. |
20 points | Explosive Punctuation | Dealing splash damage will reduce the cooldown of the Action Skill. |
25 points | Short Fuse | Dealing weapon damage can cause an explosion centered at the target. The chance of this explosion is 20%, and it deals 75% weapon damage. |
Moze - Shield of Retribution skill tree
Action Skills
Initially, you can choose only the starting Action Skill of this tree - Railgun. You can unlock the second Action Skill by investing skill points. It will offer an alternative way to attack opponents.
Requirements | Skill Name | Action Skill Effects and Comment |
0 points | Railgun | The mech can fire a railgun. The weapon shoots electrified projectiles dealing shock damage. |
5 points | Bear Fist | The mech can attack with a pneumatic fist. Inflicts a lot of damage to the closest enemy. |
Action Skill Augments
Each Action Skill Augment is associated with a specific weapon of your mech. Augments are found in the leftmost and rightmost columns of the skill trees. To unlock access to them, you have to invest a certain number of skill points within that tree. Each weapon installed in your mech can have only 1 augment.
Requirements | Augment's name and weapon | Augment's property |
5 points | Hell on Rails [Railgun] | The railgun fires heated projectiles that deal fire damage. Unfortunately, this increases fuel consumption by the mech by 30%. |
10 points | Capacitive Armature [Railgun] | When the railgun hits an enemy, it "pins" them to nearby enemies, dealing reduced damage to more targets. |
15 points | Corrosive Sabot Round [Railgun] | The railgun fires projectiles that deal 50% less damage and explode after a while. Projectiles deal Corrosive damage. Halves fuel consumption and increases magazine size by 2. |
10 points | Wild Swing [Bear Fist] | When a fist strikes an opponent, it deals random elemental damage to them and nearby enemies. |
15 points | Close the Distance [Bear Fist] | You can shoot the fist to pull enemies to the mech. Enemies that were caught by the mech also take shock damage. |
20 points | Shockhammer [Bear Fist] | You can attack with your fist constantly. Also, the fist consumes 40% less fuel and deals additional shock damage. |
Passive Abilities
The following table describes all Moze's passive abilities from the Shield of Retribution tree. The points requirement in the first column indicates how many development points you need to invest in this tree to make a skill available for purchase. Passive skills have 1 to 5 levels and buying each level increases their effectiveness.
Requirements | Skill Name | Passive Skill Effect and Comment |
0 points | Selfless Vengeance | While reloading, Moze loses a small portion of her life and gives herself and the rest of the team ammo that deals fire damage. This effect lasts several seconds. |
0 points | Security Bear | Iron Bear gets Bubble Shield that reduces damage taken. The shield deactivates if it receives too much damage. You can use it again after a short cooldown. |
0 points | Armored Infantry | While Moze's shields are active, she gains damage reduction. She also receives increased gun damage. |
5 points | Drowning in Brass | After killing an opponent, Moze gets Drowning in Brass stack. Each stack reduces the weapon's rate of fire, but in return increases the weapon's damage (for Moze and the rest of the team). |
5 points | Thin Red Line | Reduces Moze's health. In turn, the maximum shield is increased by the reduced health points. |
5 points | Vladof Ingenuity | The maximum number of shield points is increased, as well as the resistance to shock damage. |
10 points | Full Can of Whoop-Ass | Entering Iron Bear causes Moze's and the entire team's shield to recover 25% faster. |
10 points | Experimental Munitions | Each time Moze gets a critical hit, she gains a 10% fire damage bonus. |
15 points | Behind the Iron Curtain | The delay of the shield's charging time is reduced and its regeneration speed is increased. |
15 points | Desperate Measures | Increases Moze's weapon damage as her health points diminishes. This ability rewards a riskier play style in which the player makes Moze lose her health deliberately. |
20 points | Phalanx Doctrine | After killing an opponent, you receive a Phalanx Doctrine stack. Each stack offers a bonus to maximum shield strength and weapon damage. Each stack lasts 30 seconds and they can add up. |
20 points | Force Feedback | After each critical hit, Moze's shield starts to regenerate instantly. This is a useful bonus for shields with a long waiting time. |
25 points | Tenacious Defense | When Moze's shield is completely depleted, a portion of it (40%) is immediately restored and a 30% damage bonus is awarded. This ability can only be triggered again after the shield is fully charged. |
Moze - Bottomless Mags skill tree
Action Skills
Initially, you can choose only the starting Action Skill of this tree - Minigun. You can unlock the second Action Skill by investing skill points. It will offer an alternative way to attack opponents.
Requirements | Skill Name | Action Skill Effects and Comment |
0 points | Minigun | The mech can fire a minigun. The weapon can overheat if fired continuously for too long, and it will take a few seconds to cool down. |
5 points | Salamander | The mech can attack with a flamethrower. Attacks have a short range and deal fire damage to enemies. The flamethrower depletes the mech's fuel, though the weapon doesn't require reloading. |
Action Skill Augments
Each Action Skill Augment is associated with a specific weapon of your mech. Augments are found in the leftmost and rightmost columns of the skill trees. To unlock access to them, you have to invest a certain number of skill points within that tree. Each weapon installed in your mech can have only 1 augment.
Requirements | Augment's name and weapon | Augment's property |
5 points | Let Off Some Steam [Minigun] | Minigun deals more damage (up to 80%) when it heated up. Also, it can fire for longer before overheating. |
10 points | General Winter [Minigun] | Minigun shoots freezing bullets. The weapon deals 30% less damage, but reduces fuel consumption and cools the minigun. |
15 points | Exploding. Bullets. [Minigun] | The minigun shoots bullets that deal increased splash damage. However, this reduces the weapon's fire rate by 25%. |
10 points | Fuel Economy [Salamander] | The flamethrower has a 25% reduced fuel consumption. This skill also increases the mech's movement speed while using the flamethrower. |
15 points | Chemical Warfare [Salamander] | The flamethrower deals Corrosive damage. Melt damage is also increased by 50%. |
20 points | Molten Roar [Salamander] | The flamethrower shoots 3 bullets and the first one sets fire to a large area. However, this increases fuel consumption by 25%. |
Passive Abilities
The following table describes all Moze's passive abilities from the Bottomless Mags tree. The points requirement in the first column indicates how many development points you need to invest in this tree to make a skill available for purchase. Passive skills have 1 to 5 levels and buying each level increases their effectiveness.
Requirements | Skill Name | Passive Skill Effect and Comment |
0 points | Cloud of Lead | Some of the bullets (shot by Moze and the mech) deal extra fire damage and don't consume ammo. |
0 points | Dakka Bear | Iron Bear has a turret on its back. It can be used by another player. |
0 points | Matched Set | Increases magazine size and decreases heat per shot for each equipped piece of equipment made by the same manufacturer (e.g., Jakobs). |
5 points | Stoke the Embers | Increases fire damage dealt by Moze and her mech. |
5 points | Redistrubution | When Moze deals critical damage, her ammunition is replenished gradually for a few seconds. |
5 points | Scrappy | When Moze is on the move, her weapon handling, weapon swap speed, and fire mode switch speed are improved. |
10 points | Rushin' Offensive | Moze can fire a weapon while sprinting. |
10 points | Scorching RPM's | Increase rate of fire and critical hit damage. |
15 points | The Iron Bank | Increases the limit of Moze's ammunition (7% per level). |
15 points | Specialist Bear | Iron Bear deals 25% more damage when it is equipped with two identical weapons (the same two Action Skills). |
20 points | Some for the Road | When you leave the Iron Bear, Moze gets unlimited ammo for 5 seconds. Take advantage of this to deal as much damage as possible. |
20 points | Click, Click... | The less rounds in the magazine, the more damage you deal with that weapon. If Moze uses a COV weapon (they don't require reloading), then the damage increases as the weapon heats up. |
25 points | Forge | Moze can constantly restore ammo for her current weapon. The recovery rate is 5% of the magazine per second. |
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