Outriders: Mods - how to change? Outriders guide, walkthrough
Last update: 22 April 2021
This section of the Outriders guide explains how to change gear mods. You'll learn how to do this quickly.
The ability to change gear mods can be unlocked by completing the Dedication quest. You will then unlock Zahedi, who will help you insert mods you have already discovered by disassembling weapons and armor (for a small fee).
To change mods, go to Zahedi, select the item you are interested in, and then select Mod Gear. You will see a mod library, like the one pictured above, where you can exchange an armor or weapon mod for another for a small fee (usually 150 Scrap), provided you have already discovered the mod. This way, you can customize mods to make them suit your play style.