Mission 06: KARMA | Missions: Challenges
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Obtain retina scan in less than 60 seconds
This challenge may require several attempts. First, you must know the way - not look for it when you're doing the challenge (that's why, it's best to leave this challenge for later and first play the whole level through - see the mission description for more elementary details). Secondly, you must sprint all the time, holding the appropriate button, and thirdly, you must know when to jump and when not. Finally, in the lower left corner of the screen there is a timer (Mission Time). It's best to press and hold the run forward and sprint buttons even before you take control over Ziggy.

Run forward and then immediately to the right. Here, hold the sprint button until you can jump over the gap. After the jump immediately turn left and start jumping with sprinting (picture above) till you jump to the box. Shoot it with electrical charge and retreat turning left at the same time (keep the retreat button). Thanks to that you will turn like a car and the path further will be directly in front of you. Hold the sprint button and run into the oval tunnel.

Here, for a few seconds you will have to learn to walk diagonally to the left or right to avoid the obstacles. Of course, you also have to do it quickly and not get blocked even once. Go between the grates (don't go on any of them, because you'll get stuck!) and then go diagonally to the right. After you enter the ventilation shaft go down its side to the ceiling (first picture above). This way, you will be able to immediately go through the two places with a curved grate, the first one will be on the right, the other on the left. Going through the second one, go diagonally left all the time to get from the ceiling to the wall and then on the shaft floor. This is important, because at the end of the shaft the sides and the ceiling are covered with a yellowish material, on which you can't enter (second picture above). While continuing to run as fast as possible get to the room with red and blue pipes.

There will be a checkpoint here, so if by any chance you fall, you'll start right here. What's more, if you have had good time and not have been blocked anywhere, the results will be saved. However, you do not have the time to walk sideways. After exiting the shaft get on the pipes, but also go diagonally to the right to enter the vertical part by facing the pipes. At the top go straight, turn left and start going a little to the left - in such a way as to jump to vertical, not horizontal pipes on the left (picture above). It will save you a lot of time. Go up them, turn around to the right, jump into the next shaft and go forward. Use the electric charge on the grate and fall down on the man. Use the charge again and look out for a message about passing the challenge (it should appear before the retina scan has begun). If there wasn't any, start the mission from the beginning.
Retrieve precious cargo (Ziggy)

After the adventure with Ziggy is over and after you've cleared the opponents in the CRC room, follow Salazar to the main computer (first picture above). Look for Ziggy on the floor to the right and take it to pass the challenge (second picture above).
Kill enemy personnel with headshots (x5) in Club Solar
You need to kill at least five enemies of all who are standing on the dance floor. The fewer enemies you kill during any slowmo, the more will remain at the end, which can mean that there will be too many and you'll get killed. All the time, slowly, you will be moving left - keep that in mind when aiming. The enemies will be positioned more or less in the same way each time. You can give more than one shot near an opponent's head - the more shots, the better chance to hit.

During the first slowmo immediately press the scope button - without it you have no chance of any accurate shot. The crosshair should stop on the head of an opponent crouching on the right - shoot him, aim at the one standing on the left, shoot and try to kill another one standing on the left (picture above). Try to shoot at least in two heads.

Immediately aim at the opponent's head who's crouching on the left, because he's the one who's going to shoot at you first (the one crouching on the right looks to the right, so leave him). If you get hit, you'll lose precious time. After shooting the enemy, try to also kill the one standing on the left (picture above).

Again, choose the one crouching on the left as your target. If everything went well, then during this slowmo there should be a message that the challenge is passed (picture above).

If it doesn't happen, you'll have the last chance during the fourth slowmo (picture above). If you still didn't succeed, when the events return to the normal pace, immediately stop the game and exit to menu. After loading (or death during any of the slowmos) you will return at the beginning of the first slowdown.
Ensure zero non-combatant casualties

After the adventure with Ziggy is over and after you've cleared the opponents in the CRC room, go exactly forward passing by the shelves. Eventually, you'll get to the room on the left. Go inside (picture above) and look at the word Access on the left. Move closer and press the use button. From now on all the opponents will have a red light on them, which will help you identify them and also pass the challenge. Now all you need to do is to make sure you don't kill any civilians yourself and the challenge will be passed.
Eliminate repelling enemies (x5)

When you enter the mall, directly opposite you'll see a big sign saying CAFI. The first pair of enemies will appear exactly behind it. They will repel down the ropes (picture above), though in the heat of the battle you might not be able to kill any of them. But do not worry about it - there will soon be a second chance.

When you and Salazar open the big door, choose the left stairs (on the right there's an ASD) in the next room and run downstairs as quickly as possible. Run outside and look up - you should see an enemy transporter helicopter, which is about to drop off the soldiers. Simply start shooting with a continuous round at the helicopter door (picture above), thanks to which the bodies of the enemies will be falling down. Keep looking out for the message about passing the challenge. If there isn't any and the helicopter flew away, quickly exit to the menu and exit the mission, and then load it again. With a bit of luck, you won't get to the next checkpoint (although it's very easy to do it, which will mean that in order to pass the challenge you will have to play the entire mission through from the beginning).
Eliminate enemy personnel (x25) in the outdoor area

The outdoor area is the last part of the level, namely, the one you'll find yourself in after going down the big stairs and exiting the shopping center. Of course, the challenge can be combined with the one below. There is a huge number of enemies in this vast area, so do not worry that you'll run out of them. If you're going according to the mission description, then after crossing the bridge and climbing the first stairs don't go down the next ones, but wait at their top. Kill the enemies downstairs. New ones will be appearing in the place of the killed ones endlessly (picture above). It's easiest to pass the challenge in this place. If there are no enemies, simply look for them, but do not get less than 102-103 meters to DeFalco, because he will start running away!
Incapacitate enemy personnel (x20) using Combatant Suppression Knuckles

Immediately after the scene with the slowmos in the club and the cutscene are over, wait until Harper finishes telling the guard what the latter has to do. When he opens the armory on the right, go inside and look at the armored gate with a word Access (picture above). Open it. You will equip your character with combatant suppression knuckles, which are necessary to pass the challenge.

Now you must simply find and incapacitate 20 enemies in melee. Of course, it is best to do that on Recruit level. To make a good start, carefully inspect every corner of the shopping center, first the second floor, then the first floor (picture above). Having done that, you and Salazar should open the big door. It's unlikely that you'll manage to kill all the 20 enemies at the mall, but you'll definitely kill a large number of them. There are really big groups here, but watch out not to fall among several opponents who will flood you with blows - you will die quickly, even on the easiest difficulty level.

Finish the challenge outside - there's virtually no limit to the number of enemies there. Pay special attention to the interior of the buildings, balconies, etc. (picture above). If you are not going closer to the target, you'll have an unlimited amount of time to pass the challenge. Beat the enemies until you pass the challenge. It can be combined with the one above, of course.
Protect ASD resource from destruction

All you have to do to pass this challenge is to find the ASD. It will be in the mall, exactly to the left of Salazar, who will stand by the big door, waiting for you. Before you walk up to him, open the door with a word Access (picture above). After a while the ASD will start to fight on your side. You do not have to worry about it - opponents have no chance of destroying it.
Collect intel (x3)
See the "Intel" section or the description of a mission walkthrough to discover where you can find intel in this mission. Collect it all to pass the challenge.
100% survivability rating
In this respect, it will not be a difficult mission. Enemies use only flash-bang grenades, which can't kill you. In fact, the only thing you need to do is to be careful when operating Ziggy, when you're walking and jumping on the blue and red pipes. The second thing you should watch out for are the big groups of enemies after the events at the club. While they will be shooting at you, one of them can run up and hit you. In such case it is easiest to die.
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