God of War: Game length God of War Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: 18 June 2021
This page of our guide provides the information how long does it take to complete God of War. The estimated time to complete the game was divided into several options, such as the storyline itself, side missions, and completing the game 100% by unlocking all trophies.
- God of War is an adventure game that doesn't take as long as it might seem. At the normal difficulty level, the game can be completed within 20 hours, provided one only wants to complete the story. At higher difficulty levels, God of War can significantly extend this time, as the gameplay is really demanding, and the death of Kratos forces the player to return to the last checkpoint. In addition, boss fights can prove quite difficult, which has a huge impact on how long it takes to complete the story.
- Although God of War focuses on telling the story of Kratos and his son, it also gives players the ability to complete various side quests, the completion of which has various advantages in the game. By focusing on completing the game, as well as completing side quests, the player can complete the game in about 30 hours. There are not so many activities, but they are still worth doing, as they will help raise the statistics of the main character.
- For those who want to complete the game completely, that is, complete the entire storyline, all the side missions, and getting all the trophies, including the platinum achievement, the time required for this is about 50 hours.