Valheim: Cheats list & guide
On this page of our Valheim guide, you'll find all useful cheat codes and learn how to activate and make use of console command box.
In Valheim, cheats can be used to e.g. make the hero invulnerable to damage, add skill points, or even teleport him to the chosen location. It should be mentioned here that most cheats work only in single player, and cannot be used in multiplayer.
- Valheim: Console Command Box - how to turn on and activate cheats?
- Valheim: Cheat list
- Valheim: Spawn command - values
Valheim: Console Command Box - how to turn on and activate cheats?
To activate the console, press F5. To begin using cheats, you need to input imacheater command and press Enter. Only after performing this step and seeing "Cheats: True" message, you can input the chosen cheat, and activate it. If you want to disable cheats, input imacheater again and press Enter.
If you want to view a full list of basic console commands, you can input "help"
Valheim: Cheat list
- god: god mode (invulnerability)
- ghost: activates a ghost mode that makes enemies ignore your character;
- heal: heals your hero to max HP
- puke: disables overeat/hunger and brings back the basic health/stamina value;
- killall: kills all nearby opponents;
- spawn [ItemName] [Amount] [Level]: spawns a given object (e.g. spawn Coins 100) More information about spawn commands can be found below;
- raiseskill [skill] [amount]: increases the level of the given ability by the given value;
- resetskill [skill]: resets given ability;
- resetcharacter: resets all player info;
- pos: gives current player position;
- goto [x,z]: teleports character;
- exploremap: reveals all map;
- resetmap: resets map;
- tame: tames all nearby creatures that can be tamed;
- freefly: you can explore the map freely, even in air;
- ffsmooth: makes freefly mode more smooth;
- location: starting location;
- event [name]: begins given event;
- stopevent: stops current event;
- randomevent: begins random event;
- dpsdebug: DPS debug On/Off
- hair: removes hair (character turns bald);
- beard: removes facial hair;
- save: saves current world state;
- players [nr]: increases the difficulty level based on the chosen value. Input 0 to reset difficulty level;
- removedrops: removes all dropables in the neighborhood;
- wind [angle] [intensity]: regulates the direction and the intensity of wind;
- resetwind: resets the direction and the intensity of wind;
- debugmode: creative mode On/Off
- tod [0-1]: sets the time of the day - 0 i 1 is midnight, while 0.5 - noon;
- skiptime [seconds]: time is fastforwarded by the given value;
- sleep: time is fastforwarded by one day;
Valheim: Spawn command - values
In Valheim, the Spawn command allows the players to create chosen items and can assume various values. For example, if you input spawn Bow 1, your hero will receive one bow, while writing spawn IronOre 100 will spawn 100 iron ores on the ground.
The Spawn command can assume following values:
- Amber
- AmberPearl
- ancientbarkspear_projectile
- AncientSeed
- aoe_nova
- ArmorBronzeChest
- ArmorBronzeLegs
- ArmorIronChest
- ArmorIronLegs
- ArmorLeatherChest
- ArmorLeatherLegs
- ArmorPaddedCuirass
- ArmorPaddedGreaves
- ArmorRagsChest
- ArmorRagsLegs
- ArmorTrollLeatherChest
- ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
- ArmorWolfChest
- ArmorWolfLegs
- ArrowBronze
- ArrowFire
- ArrowFlint
- ArrowFrost
- ArrowIron
- ArrowNeedle
- ArrowObsidian
- ArrowPoison
- ArrowSilver
- ArrowWood
- AtgeirBlackmetal
- AtgeirBronze
- AtgeirIron
- AxeBlackMetal
- AxeBronze
- AxeFlint
- AxeIron
- AxeStone
- Barley
- BarleyFlour
- BarleyWine
- BarleyWineBase
- barrell
- Battleaxe
- bed
- bee_aoe
- beech_log
- beech_log_half
- Beech_Sapling
- Beech_small1
- Beech_small2
- Beech_Stub
- Beech1
- BeechSeeds
- Beehive
- BeltStrength
- Birch_log
- Birch_log_half
- Birch1
- Birch1_aut
- Birch2
- Birch2_aut
- BirchStub
- BlackMetal
- BlackMetalScrap
- blastfurnace
- Blob
- blob_aoe
- BlobElite
- Bloodbag
- BloodPudding
- Blueberries
- BlueberryBush
- Boar
- Boar_piggy
- boar_ragdoll
- BombOoze
- BoneFragments
- Bonemass
- bonemass_aoe
- bonemass_throw_projectile
- BonePileSpawner
- bonfire
- BossStone_Bonemass
- BossStone_DragonQueen
- BossStone_Eikthyr
- BossStone_TheElder
- BossStone_Yagluth
- Bow
- bow_projectile
- bow_projectile_fire
- bow_projectile_frost
- bow_projectile_needle
- bow_projectile_poison
- BowDraugrFang
- BowFineWood
- BowHuntsman
- Bread
- Bronze
- BronzeNails
- Bush01
- Bush01_heath
- Bush02_en
- CapeDeerHide
- CapeLinen
- CapeLox
- CapeOdin
- CapeTest
- CapeTrollHide
- CapeWolf
- CargoCrate
- Carrot
- CarrotSeeds
- CarrotSoup
- Cart
- CastleKit_braided_box01
- CastleKit_groundtorch
- CastleKit_groundtorch_green
- CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit
- CastleKit_pot03
- Chain
- charcoal_kiln
- Chest
- Chitin
- Cloudberry
- CloudberryBush
- Club
- Coal
- Coins
- CookedLoxMeat
- CookedMeat
- Copper
- CopperOre
- Crow
- CryptKey
- Crystal
- cultivate
- Cultivator
- Dandelion
- dead_deer
- Deathsquito
- Deathsquito_sting
- Deer
- deer_ragdoll
- DeerGodExplosion
- DeerHide
- DG_Cave
- DG_ForestCrypt
- DG_GoblinCamp
- DG_MeadowsFarm
- DG_MeadowsVillage
- DG_SunkenCrypt
- digg
- digg_v2
- Dragon
- dragon_ice_projectile
- DragonEgg
- dragoneggcup
- DragonTear
- Draugr
- draugr_arrow
- draugr_axe
- draugr_bow
- draugr_bow_projectile
- Draugr_Elite
- Draugr_elite_ragdoll
- Draugr_ragdoll
- Draugr_Ranged
- Draugr_ranged_ragdoll
- draugr_sword
- dungeon_forestcrypt_door
- dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate
- Eikthyr
- eikthyr_ragdoll
- ElderBark
- Entrails
- eventzone_bonemass
- eventzone_eikthyr
- eventzone_gdking
- eventzone_goblinking
- eventzone_moder
- EvilHeart_Forest
- EvilHeart_Swamp
- Feathers
- Fenring
- Fenring_ragdoll
- fermenter
- FineWood
- FirCone
- fire_pit
- FireFlies
- FirTree
- FirTree_log
- FirTree_log_half
- FirTree_oldLog
- FirTree_Sapling
- FirTree_small
- FirTree_small_dead
- FirTree_Stub
- Fish1
- Fish2
- Fish3
- Fish4_cave
- FishCooked
- FishingBait
- FishingRod
- FishingRodFloat
- FishingRodFloatProjectile
- FishRaw
- FishWraps
- Flametal
- FlametalOre
- Flax
- Flies
- Flint
- flintspear_projectile
- ForestTroll_ragdoll
- forge
- forge_ext1
- forge_ext2
- forge_ext3
- forge_ext4
- forge_ext5
- forge_ext6
- FreezeGland
- fx_backstab
- fx_boar_pet
- fx_creature_tamed
- fx_crit
- fx_deathsquito_hit
- fx_deatsquito_death
- fx_dragon_land
- fx_drown
- fx_eikthyr_forwardshockwave
- fx_eikthyr_stomp
- fx_float_hitwater
- fx_float_nibble
- fx_gdking_rootspawn
- fx_goblinbrute_groundslam
- fx_goblinking_beam_hit
- fx_goblinking_meteor_hit
- fx_goblinking_nova
- fx_GP_Activation
- fx_GP_Player
- fx_GP_Stone
- fx_guardstone_activate
- fx_guardstone_deactivate
- fx_guardstone_permitted_add
- fx_guardstone_permitted_removed
- fx_leviathan_leave
- fx_leviathan_reaction
- fx_Lightning
- fx_lox_death
- fx_lox_hit
- fx_Potion_frostresist
- fx_shaman_fireball_expl
- fx_shaman_protect
- fx_sw_addflax
- fx_sw_produce
- fx_tentaroot_death
- fx_tombstone_destroyed
- fx_totem_destroyed
- fx_vines_hit
- fx_WaterImpact_Big
- fx_wolf_pet
- gd_king
- gdking_Ragdoll
- gdking_root_projectile
- Ghost
- GlowingMushroom
- Goblin
- goblin_banner
- goblin_bed
- Goblin_Dragdoll
- goblin_fence
- goblin_pole
- goblin_pole_small
- goblin_roof_45d
- goblin_roof_45d_corner
- goblin_roof_cap
- goblin_stairs
- goblin_stepladder
- goblin_totempole
- goblin_woodwall_1m
- goblin_woodwall_2m
- goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs
- GoblinArcher
- GoblinArmband
- GoblinBrute
- GoblinBrute_ArmGuard
- GoblinBrute_Attack
- GoblinBrute_Backbones
- GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap
- GoblinBrute_HipCloth
- GoblinBrute_LegBones
- GoblinBrute_ragdoll
- GoblinBrute_RageAttack
- GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard
- GoblinBrute_Taunt
- GoblinClub
- GoblinHelmet
- GoblinKing
- GoblinKing_ragdoll
- goblinking_totemholder
- GoblinLegband
- GoblinLoin
- GoblinShaman
- GoblinShaman_attack_poke
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers
- GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball
- GoblinShaman_protect_aoe
- GoblinShaman_ragdoll
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers
- GoblinShoulders
- GoblinSpear
- GoblinSpear_projectile
- GoblinSword
- GoblinTorch
- GoblinTotem
- Greydwarf
- Greydwarf_Elite
- Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_Root
- Greydwarf_Shaman
- Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_throw_projectile
- GreydwarfEye
- Greyling
- Greyling_ragdoll
- guard_stone
- guard_stone_test
- Guck
- GuckSack
- GuckSack_small
- Haldor (this is the merchant, yes he works if you spawn him)
- Hammer
- HardAntler
- Hatchling
- hatchling_cold_projectile
- Hatchling_ragdoll
- HealthUpgrade_Bonemass
- HealthUpgrade_GDKing
- hearth
- HeathRockPillar
- HeathRockPillar_frac
- HelmetBronze
- HelmetDrake
- HelmetDverger
- HelmetIron
- HelmetLeather
- HelmetOdin
- HelmetPadded
- HelmetTrollLeather
- HelmetYule
- highstone
- highstone_frac
- Hoe
- Honey
- horizontal_web
- HugeRoot1
- ice_rock1
- ice_rock1_frac
- ice1
- IceBlocker
- Imp_fireball_projectile
- Iron
- iron_grate
- IronNails
- IronOre
- IronScrap
- itemstand
- itemstandh
- Karve
- KnifeBlackMetal
- KnifeChitin
- KnifeCopper
- KnifeFlint
- LeatherScraps
- Leech
- Leech_cave
- Leviathan
- LinenThread
- LocationProxy
- loot_chest_stone
- loot_chest_wood
- LootSpawner_pineforest
- Lox
- lox_ragdoll
- lox_stomp_aoe_OLD
- LoxMeat
- LoxPelt
- LoxPie
- MaceBronze
- MaceIron
- MaceNeedle
- MaceSilver
- marker01
- marker02
- MeadBaseFrostResist
- MeadBaseHealthMedium
- MeadBaseHealthMinor
- MeadBasePoisonResist
- MeadBaseStaminaMedium
- MeadBaseStaminaMinor
- MeadBaseTasty
- MeadFrostResist
- MeadHealthMedium
- MeadHealthMinor
- MeadPoisonResist
- MeadStaminaMedium
- MeadStaminaMinor
- MeadTasty
- MineRock_Copper
- MineRock_Iron
- MineRock_Meteorite
- MineRock_Obsidian
- MineRock_Stone
- MineRock_Tin
- MountainGraveStone01
- mud_road
- mudpile
- mudpile_beacon
- mudpile_frac
- mudpile_old
- mudpile2
- mudpile2_frac
- Mushroom
- MushroomBlue
- MushroomYellow
- Neck
- Neck_Ragdoll
- NeckTail
- NeckTailGrilled
- Needle
- Oak_log
- Oak_log_half
- Oak1
- OakStub
- Obsidian
- odin
- OLD_wood_roof
- OLD_wood_roof_icorner
- OLD_wood_roof_ocorner
- OLD_wood_roof_top
- OLD_wood_wall_roof
- Ooze
- oozebomb_explosion
- oozebomb_projectile
- path
- paved_road
- Pickable_Barley
- Pickable_Barley_Wild
- Pickable_BogIronOre
- Pickable_Branch
- Pickable_Carrot
- Pickable_Dandelion
- Pickable_DolmenTreasure
- Pickable_DragonEgg
- Pickable_Flax
- Pickable_Flax_Wild
- Pickable_Flint
- Pickable_ForestCryptRandom
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04
- Pickable_Item
- Pickable_Meteorite
- Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried
- Pickable_Mushroom
- Pickable_Mushroom_blue
- Pickable_Mushroom_yellow
- Pickable_Obsidian
- Pickable_RandomFood
- Pickable_SeedCarrot
- Pickable_SeedTurnip
- Pickable_Stone
- Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom
- Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand
- Pickable_Thistle
- Pickable_Tin
- Pickable_Turnip
- PickaxeAntler
- PickaxeBronze
- PickaxeIron
- PickaxeStone
- piece_artisanstation
- piece_banner01
- piece_banner02
- piece_banner03
- piece_banner04
- piece_banner05
- piece_bed02
- piece_beehive
- piece_bench01
- piece_brazierceiling01
- piece_cauldron
- piece_chair
- piece_chair02
- piece_chest
- piece_chest_private
- piece_chest_wood
- piece_cookingstation
- piece_gift1
- piece_gift2
- piece_gift3
- piece_groundtorch
- piece_groundtorch_green
- piece_groundtorch_wood
- piece_jackoturnip
- piece_maypole
- piece_sharpstakes
- piece_spinningwheel
- piece_stonecutter
- piece_table
- piece_throne01
- piece_walltorch
- piece_workbench
- piece_workbench_ext1
- piece_workbench_ext2
- piece_workbench_ext3
- piece_workbench_ext4
- piece_xmastree
- PineCone
- PineTree
- Pinetree_01
- Pinetree_01_Stub
- PineTree_log
- PineTree_log_half
- PineTree_log_halfOLD
- PineTree_logOLD
- PineTree_Sapling
- Player
- Player_ragdoll
- Player_ragdoll_old
- Player_tombstone
- PlayerUnarmed
- portal
- portal_wood
- projectile_beam
- projectile_chitinharpoon
- projectile_meteor
- projectile_wolffang
- QueenBee
- QueensJam
- Raft
- raise
- Raspberry
- RaspberryBush
- RawMeat
- replant
- Resin
- Rock_3
- Rock_3_frac
- Rock_4
- Rock_4_plains
- Rock_7
- Rock_destructible
- Rock_destructible_test
- rock1_mountain
- rock1_mountain_frac
- rock2_heath
- rock2_heath_frac
- rock2_mountain
- rock2_mountain_frac
- rock3_mountain
- rock3_mountain_frac
- rock3_silver
- rock3_silver_frac
- rock4_coast
- rock4_coast_frac
- rock4_copper
- rock4_copper_frac
- rock4_forest
- rock4_forest_frac
- rock4_heath
- rock4_heath_frac
- RockFinger
- RockFinger_frac
- RockFingerBroken
- RockFingerBroken_frac
- rockformation1
- RockThumb
- RockThumb_frac
- root07
- root08
- root11
- root12
- RoundLog
- Ruby
- rug_deer
- rug_fur
- rug_wolf
- sapling_barley
- sapling_carrot
- sapling_flax
- sapling_seedcarrot
- sapling_seedturnip
- sapling_turnip
- Sausages
- Seagal
- Serpent
- SerpentMeat
- SerpentMeatCooked
- SerpentScale
- SerpentStew
- shaman_attack_aoe
- shaman_heal_aoe
- SharpeningStone
- ShieldBanded
- ShieldBlackmetal
- ShieldBlackmetalTower
- ShieldBronzeBuckler
- ShieldIronSquare
- ShieldIronTower
- ShieldKnight
- ShieldSerpentscale
- ShieldSilver
- ShieldWood
- ShieldWoodTower
- ship_construction
- shipwreck_karve_bottomboards
- shipwreck_karve_bow
- shipwreck_karve_chest
- shipwreck_karve_dragonhead
- shipwreck_karve_stern
- shipwreck_karve_sternpost
- shrub_2
- shrub_2_heath
- sign
- sign_notext
- Silver
- SilverNecklace
- SilverOre
- silvervein
- silvervein_frac
- Skeleton
- skeleton_bow
- skeleton_mace
- Skeleton_NoArcher
- Skeleton_Poison
- skeleton_sword
- Skull1
- Skull2
- sledge_aoe
- SledgeIron
- SledgeStagbreaker
- smelter
- Spawner_Blob
- Spawner_BlobElite
- Spawner_Boar
- Spawner_Draugr
- Spawner_Draugr_Elite
- Spawner_Draugr_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30
- Spawner_DraugrPile
- Spawner_Fenring
- Spawner_Fish4
- Spawner_Ghost
- Spawner_Goblin
- Spawner_GoblinArcher
- Spawner_GoblinBrute
- Spawner_GoblinShaman
- Spawner_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman
- Spawner_GreydwarfNest
- Spawner_Hatchling
- Spawner_imp
- Spawner_imp_respawn
- Spawner_Leech_cave
- Spawner_Location_Elite
- Spawner_Location_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Location_Shaman
- Spawner_Skeleton
- Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher
- Spawner_Skeleton_poison
- Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30
- Spawner_StoneGolem
- Spawner_Troll
- Spawner_Wraith
- SpearBronze
- SpearChitin
- SpearElderbark
- SpearFlint
- SpearWolfFang
- stake_wall
- StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf
- StaminaUpgrade_Troll
- StaminaUpgrade_Wraith
- StatueCorgi
- StatueDeer
- StatueEvil
- StatueHare
- StatueSeed
- Stone
- stone_arch
- stone_floor
- stone_floor_2x2
- stone_pile
- stone_pillar
- stone_stair
- stone_wall_1x1
- stone_wall_2x1
- stone_wall_4x2
- stoneblock_fracture
- stonechest
- StoneGolem
- stonegolem_attack1_spike
- StoneGolem_clubs
- StoneGolem_hat
- Stonegolem_ragdoll
- StoneGolem_spikes
- stubbe
- stubbe_spawner
- sunken_crypt_gate
- Surtling
- SurtlingCore
- SwampTree1
- SwampTree1_log
- SwampTree1_Stub
- SwampTree2
- SwampTree2_darkland
- SwampTree2_log
- SwordBlackmetal
- SwordBronze
- SwordCheat
- SwordIron
- SwordIronFire
- SwordSilver
- Tankard
- TankardOdin
- TentaRoot
- tentaroot_attack
- Thistle
- Tin
- TinOre
- tolroko_flyer
- Torch
- Trailership
- TrainingDummy
- TreasureChest_blackforest
- TreasureChest_fCrypt
- TreasureChest_forestcrypt
- TreasureChest_heath
- TreasureChest_meadows
- TreasureChest_meadows_buried
- TreasureChest_mountains
- TreasureChest_plains_stone
- TreasureChest_sunkencrypt
- TreasureChest_swamp
- TreasureChest_trollcave
- Troll
- troll_groundslam_aoe
- troll_log_swing_h
- troll_log_swing_v
- Troll_ragdoll
- troll_throw_projectile
- TrollHide
- TrophyBlob
- TrophyBoar
- TrophyBonemass
- TrophyDeathsquito
- TrophyDeer
- TrophyDragonQueen
- TrophyDraugr
- TrophyDraugrElite
- TrophyDraugrFem
- TrophyEikthyr
- TrophyFenring
- TrophyForestTroll
- TrophyFrostTroll
- TrophyGoblin
- TrophyGoblinBrute
- TrophyGoblinKing
- TrophyGoblinShaman
- TrophyGreydwarf
- TrophyGreydwarfBrute
- TrophyGreydwarfShaman
- TrophyHatchling
- TrophyLeech
- TrophyLox
- TrophyNeck
- TrophySerpent
- TrophySGolem
- TrophySkeleton
- TrophySkeletonPoison
- TrophySurtling
- TrophyTheElder
- TrophyWolf
- TrophyWraith
- tunnel_web
- turf_roof
- turf_roof_top
- turf_roof_wall
- Turnip
- TurnipSeeds
- TurnipStew
- Valkyrie
- VegvisirShard_Bonemass
- vertical_web
- vfx_arrowhit
- vfx_auto_pickup
- vfx_barley_destroyed
- vfx_barnacle_destroyed
- vfx_barnacle_hit
- vfx_barrle_destroyed
- vfx_beech_cut
- vfx_beech_small1_destroy
- vfx_beech_small2_destroy
- vfx_beechlog_destroyed
- vfx_beechlog_half_destroyed
- vfx_beehive_destroyed
- vfx_beehive_hit
- vfx_birch1_aut_cut
- vfx_birch1_cut
- vfx_birch2_aut_cut
- vfx_birch2_cut
- vfx_blastfurance_addfuel
- vfx_blastfurnace_addore
- vfx_blastfurnace_produce
- vfx_blob_attack
- vfx_blob_death
- vfx_blob_hit
- vfx_blobelite_attack
- vfx_blocked
- vfx_BloodDeath
- vfx_BloodHit
- vfx_boar_birth
- vfx_boar_death
- vfx_boar_hit
- vfx_boar_love
- vfx_BonemassDeath
- vfx_BonemassHit
- vfx_bonepile_destroyed
- vfx_bones_pick
- vfx_bonfire_AddFuel
- vfx_bonfire_destroyed
- vfx_bow_fire
- vfx_bowl_AddItem
- vfx_Burning
- vfx_bush_destroyed
- vfx_bush_destroyed_heath
- vfx_bush_leaf_puff
- vfx_bush_leaf_puff_heath
- vfx_bush2_e_hit
- vfx_bush2_en_destroyed
- vfx_clubhit
- vfx_Cold
- vfx_ColdBall_Hit
- vfx_ColdBall_launch
- vfx_cooking_station_transform
- vfx_corpse_destruction_large
- vfx_corpse_destruction_medium
- vfx_corpse_destruction_small
- vfx_creature_soothed
- vfx_crow_death
- vfx_damaged_cart
- vfx_Damaged_Karve
- vfx_Damaged_Raft
- vfx_Damaged_VikingShip
- vfx_darkland_groundfog
- vfx_deer_death
- vfx_deer_hit
- vfx_Destroyed_Karve
- vfx_Destroyed_Raft
- vfx_Destroyed_VikingShip
- vfx_dragon_coldbreath
- vfx_dragon_death
- vfx_dragon_hurt
- vfx_dragon_ice_hit
- vfx_dragonegg_destroy
- vfx_draugr_death
- vfx_draugr_hit
- vfx_draugrpile_destroyed
- vfx_draugrpile_hit
- vfx_DraugrSpawn
- vfx_edge_clouds
- vfx_eikthyr_death
- vfx_fenring_death
- vfx_fenring_hurt
- vfx_fermenter_add
- vfx_fermenter_tap
- vfx_fir_oldlog
- vfx_FireAddFuel
- vfx_FireballHit
- vfx_firetree_regrow
- vfx_firetreecut
- vfx_firetreecut_dead
- vfx_firlogdestroyed
- vfx_firlogdestroyed_half
- vfx_foresttroll_hit
- vfx_ForgeAddFuel
- vfx_Freezing
- vfx_Frost
- vfx_frostarrow_hit
- vfx_frosttroll_hit
- vfx_gdking_stomp
- vfx_ghost_death
- vfx_ghost_hit
- vfx_goblin_death
- vfx_goblin_hit
- vfx_goblin_woodwall_destroyed
- vfx_goblinbrute_death
- vfx_goblinbrute_hit
- vfx_goblinking_beam_OLD
- vfx_GoblinShield
- vfx_GodExplosion
- vfx_greydwarf_death
- vfx_greydwarf_elite_death
- vfx_greydwarf_hit
- vfx_greydwarf_root_destroyed
- vfx_greydwarf_shaman_pray
- vfx_greydwarfnest_destroyed
- vfx_greydwarfnest_hit
- vfx_groundtorch_addFuel
- vfx_GuckSackDestroyed
- vfx_GuckSackHit
- vfx_GuckSackSmall_Destroyed
- vfx_Harpooned
- vfx_hatchling_death
- vfx_hatchling_hurt
- vfx_HealthUpgrade
- vfx_HearthAddFuel
- vfx_HitSparks
- vfx_ice_destroyed
- vfx_ice_destroyed_shelf
- vfx_ice_hit
- vfx_iceblocker_destroyed
- vfx_ImpDeath
- vfx_kiln_addore
- vfx_kiln_produce
- vfx_leech_death
- vfx_leech_hit
- vfx_lootspawn
- vfx_lox_groundslam
- vfx_MeadSplash
- vfx_mill_add
- vfx_mill_produce
- vfx_MudDestroyed
- vfx_MudHit
- vfx_neck_death
- vfx_neck_hit
- vfx_oak_cut
- vfx_oaklogdestroyed
- vfx_oaklogdestroyed_half
- vfx_ocean_clouds
- vfx_odin_despawn
- vfx_offering
- vfx_perfectblock
- vfx_pickable_pick
- vfx_pinelogdestroyed
- vfx_pinelogdestroyed_half
- vfx_pinetree_regrow
- vfx_pinetreecut
- vfx_Place_bed
- vfx_Place_beehive
- vfx_Place_brazierceiling01
- vfx_Place_cart
- vfx_Place_cauldron
- vfx_Place_charcoalkiln
- vfx_Place_chest
- vfx_Place_digg
- vfx_Place_forge
- vfx_Place_Karve
- vfx_Place_mud_road
- vfx_Place_portal
- vfx_Place_Raft
- vfx_Place_raise
- vfx_Place_replant
- vfx_Place_smelter
- vfx_Place_spinningwheel
- vfx_Place_stone_floor
- vfx_Place_stone_floor_2x2
- vfx_Place_stone_wall_2x1
- vfx_Place_stone_wall_4x2
- vfx_Place_VikingShip
- vfx_Place_windmill
- vfx_Place_wood_beam
- vfx_Place_wood_floor
- vfx_Place_wood_pole
- vfx_Place_wood_roof
- vfx_Place_wood_stair
- vfx_Place_wood_wall
- vfx_Place_wood_wall_half
- vfx_Place_wood_wall_roof
- vfx_Place_workbench
- vfx_player_death
- vfx_player_hit
- vfx_Poison
- vfx_poisonarrow_hit
- vfx_Potion_health_medium
- vfx_Potion_stamina_medium
- vfx_prespawn
- vfx_ProjectileHit
- vfx_RockDestroyed
- vfx_RockDestroyed_large
- vfx_RockDestroyed_Obsidian
- vfx_RockHit
- vfx_RockHit_Obsidian
- vfx_SawDust
- vfx_seagull_death
- vfx_serpent_attack_trigger
- vfx_serpent_death
- vfx_serpent_hurt
- vfx_shrub_2_destroyed
- vfx_shrub_2_heath_destroyed
- vfx_shrub_2_hit
- vfx_shrub_heath_hit
- vfx_silvermace_hit
- vfx_skeleton_big_death
- vfx_skeleton_death
- vfx_skeleton_hit
- vfx_skeleton_mace_hit
- vfx_sledge_hit
- vfx_sledge_iron_hit
- vfx_smelter_addfuel
- vfx_smelter_addore
- vfx_smelter_produce
- vfx_Smoked
- vfx_spawn
- vfx_spawn_large
- vfx_spawn_small
- vfx_StaminaUpgrade
- vfx_stone_floor_destroyed
- vfx_stone_stair_destroyed
- vfx_stone_wall_4x2_destroyed
- vfx_stonegolem_attack_hit
- vfx_stonegolem_death
- vfx_stonegolem_hurt
- vfx_stonegolem_wakeup
- vfx_stubbe
- vfx_swamp_mist
- vfx_swamptree_cut
- vfx_torch_hit
- vfx_tree_fall_hit
- vfx_troll_attack_hit
- vfx_troll_death
- vfx_troll_groundslam
- vfx_troll_log_hitground
- vfx_troll_rock_destroyed
- vfx_turnip_grow
- vfx_UndeadBurn
- vfx_vines_destroyed
- vfx_walltorch_addFuel
- vfx_WaterImpact_Karve
- vfx_WaterImpact_Raft
- vfx_WaterImpact_VikingShip
- vfx_Wet
- vfx_WishbonePing
- vfx_wolf_death
- vfx_wolf_hit
- vfx_wood_stack_destroyed
- vfx_wraith_death
- vfx_wraith_hit
- VikingShip
- vines
- widestone
- widestone_frac
- windmill
- Wishbone
- WitheredBone
- Wolf
- Wolf_cub
- Wolf_Ragdoll
- WolfFang
- WolfPelt
- Wood
- wood_beam
- wood_beam_1
- wood_beam_26
- wood_beam_45
- wood_door
- wood_dragon1
- wood_fence
- wood_floor
- wood_floor_1x1
- wood_gate
- wood_ledge
- wood_pole
- wood_pole_log
- wood_pole_log_4
- wood_pole2
- wood_roof
- wood_roof_45
- wood_roof_icorner
- wood_roof_icorner_45
- wood_roof_ocorner
- wood_roof_ocorner_45
- wood_roof_top
- wood_roof_top_45
- wood_stack
- wood_stair
- wood_stepladder
- wood_wall_half
- wood_wall_log
- wood_wall_log_4x0.5
- wood_wall_roof
- wood_wall_roof_45
- wood_wall_roof_top
- wood_wall_roof_top_45
- woodiron_beam
- woodiron_pole
- woodwall
- Wraith
- wraith_melee
- YagluthDrop
- YmirRemains
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