Minimap – Displays the enemy Titans (big red triangles) and allied ones (blue), the enemy players (big red dots) and the allied ones (smaller, blue triangles). Additionally, with the Minion Detectors perk you will see small orange dots on the map, which symbolize the AI controlled enemies (Grunts & Spectres).
Information on the game mode, score and the remaining time.
Tactical Ability – An icon that symbolizes a specific ability of the pilot, and the time remaining to load it.
Ordnance – The selected "artillery" - informs of the number of remaining grenades.
Information on the selected weapon, remaining ammo and magazines.
Time remaining to the moment when you can summon a Titan or its condition, if it is AI controlled AI (the guard or follow mode).
The view while playing as the Pilot
1. Minimap - displays the enemy Titans (big red triangles) and allied ones (blue), the enemy players (big red dots) and the allied ones (smaller, blue triangles). Additionally, with the Minion Detectors perk you will see small orange dots on the map, which symbolize the AI controlled enemies (Grunts & Spectres).
2. Information on the game mode, score and the remaining time.
3. Tactical ability - an icon that symbolizes a specific ability of the Pilot, and the time remaining to load it.
4. Ordnance - the selected "artillery" - informs of the number of remaining grenades.
5. Information on the selected weapon, remaining ammo and magazines.
6. Time remaining to the moment when you can summon a Titan or its condition, if it is AI controlled AI (the guard or follow mode).
The interface in Titanfall is standard, similar to the one in the other FPS games. In the upper left corner, there is a minimap [1] that displays your current position, as well as that of your enemies and allies. At the bottom, you can learn information on the current status of the game [2] and you can find two important icons - one of them symbolizes the ability that you have selected [3], the time remaining to loading it and the remaining grenades [4]. The final key elements are: information on your currently selected weapon [5] and the one that tells you time remaining to the deployment of a Titan or about its current condition, if it is AI controlled. [6]