Party Members available in Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden
This page contains a full list of potential party members. Dux and Bormin are available from the beginning of the game, further characters have to be recruited. The list contains the locations of new companions and their unique traits.

Dux is one of the two heroes available from the beginning of the game. You don't need to fulfill any additional requirements. Dux's active skills are as follows:
- Skull Splitter - Not a straight-forward ability. It lowers the accuracy of the shot, but if it's a success, Dux will deal critical damage. Feel free to try, especially if you've e.g. received a bonus to critical damage thanks to weapon upgrades.
- Knee Shot - Useful when pitted against more powerful mutants, as it can stop the enemy in his tracks for two turns. Very useful when you are facing a Tank or a different mutant that may become a problem for the party once he comes close.
- Moth Wings - This mutation enables Dux to fly. You can use the ability to deal extra damage or to access a previously unavailable roof. This ability can also be used to simply access a vantage point that will enable you to conduct additional attacks.
- Circuit Breaker - This ability is useful when fighting against various bots - you can use it to disable a robot opponent for one turn. Use this ability if you don't want to use up your EMP grenades.
- Chameleon - An interesting ability best utilized when planning surprise attacks, as it gives you invisibility which turns off when you perform an attack. You can use it to place Dux in a chosen location to enable him to deal large damage to e.g. difficult opponent.
When it comes to passive skills, consider utilizing Eagle Eye. It increases your weapon range by 25%, which will be useful when using Dux's crossbow, as well as other ranged weapons.
Development points can be spent on bonuses to your stats. This will enable you to increase your health points and increase the range of movement per turn. Buy two initial bonuses as their cost is a meagre 3 points.
Dux is equipped with a crossbow that is a perfect weapon for sneak attacks. You can utilize it to eliminate single opponents. Make sure to upgrade your crossbow, as the game progresses, standard opponents will be upgraded with additional health points.

Bormin is one of two playable heroes available from the beginning of the campaign. You don't need to fulfill any additional requirements. Bormin's active skills are as follows:
- Run 'N' Gun - This ability enables you to perform an attack after a completed sprint. It is purely an offensive skill, as sprint allows you to close the distance to the targeted opponent. Consider using it when your opponent is weakened, as it may turn out that the attack will be enough to end the encounter.
- Joker - The opponents focus their attention on Bormin. Especially useful when one of your teammates is under attack and you want to save him from dying or simply buy him enough time to use a medkit in the next turn.
- Hog Rush - One of Bormin's most vital skills. You can use it to engage opponents that are hiding behind cover and are resistible to normal attacks. The attack not only gets rid of the cover, but also stuns the opponents for one turn. However, remember that Bormin will end up out in the open after the successful attack.
- Twitch Shot - This ability enables you to perform two shots in a single turn - their accuracy is lowered by 25%. This ability works well with shotguns and close quarter combat. If Bormin is close to an opponent, the lowered accuracy won't matter that much.
- Corpse Eater -An important ability that should be active during encounters with bigger groups of opponents. It enables Bormin to regenerate his health by feasting on a dead mutant. A great alternative to a medkit. It should be mentioned that you can use the ability only during combat. You cannot interact with a dead opponent after the encounter.
- Stone Skin - This mutation offers invulnerability for one turn. It can be used during tougher battles or simply used when you engage in a risky playstyle and end up in a situation when Bormin is in dangerous position.
Bormin's passive skills require 10 Development points. Consider utilizing Eagle Eye, that increases the range of your weaponry by 25%. This increase can be vital, especially when you use shotguns, which have low range by default.
Development points can also be spent on stat bonuses. In case of Bormin, all skills have the same effect - they increase his health points. Consider buying two of them early during the game (their cost is only 3 points).
Bormin begins the game with a shotgun and a pistol - switch the pistol for a better weapon as soon as possible. Moreover, it should be mentioned that Bormin has more health points than Dux.

Selma can join your team after meeting her in The High Road. You'll find her in a small campsite in the woods - all you have to do is engage in a short conversation with her. It should be mentioned that Selma levels up automatically to the current level of your team. Selma's active abilities are as follows:
- Joker - Works the same way as the Bormin's ability. You can use it to focus the enemy attention on Selma. Especially useful when the opponents are currently engaging an injured party member and you want to save him from death or give him time to use a medkit in the next turn.
- Tree Hugger - One of Selma's most useful abilities. Use it to stop all encountered opponents in place for one turn. Useful when fighting against groups of mutants, to stop them from engaging or simply to be able to engage them from the distance.
- Run 'N' Gun - Another mutation "borrowed" from Bormin. Enables you to perform an additional action after a sprint. Purely an offensive skill, as the sprint enables you to close the distance to the targeted opponent. Especially useful when targeting an injured opponent, as it may turn out that the attack will be enough to end the encounter.
- Frog Legs - Another ability useful when finding your way around the battlefield. Enables Selma to perform a long jump. Consider equipping it when fighting on large maps or when the party may be easily surrounded. You can use Frog Legs to escape the ambush.
- Twitch Shot - This ability enables Selma to perform two attacks in a single turn; the accuracy of the shots is lowered by 25%. This ability works well with shotguns and close range combat. If Selma is very close to an opponent, the lowered accuracy won't matter that much.
Selma has multiple passive skills. Consider utilizing Contortionist - low cover offers the same bonus as high cover (75%). Choose this ability to have more freedom when choosing a cover for Selma.
Development points can be spent on stat bonuses. In case of Selma, you can receive a bonus to health or the effective range of an grenade. The first bonus is more useful, but consider investing points into two cheapest abilities.
At the beginning, Selma is equipped with a silenced pistol. As a result, you can gang up with Dux and perform stealth attacks - the targeted opponent can receive two stealth attacks in the first round. This increases the probability of him dying before he can alert his allies.

Magnus can join your party once you enter House of Bones. Finding Magnus is more difficult than in the case of other party members, as Magnus is imprisoned at the crash site that is inhabited by Brother Skoog and other opponents. You need to get rid of the ghouls and free Magnus only then. It should be mentioned that Magnus will level up to the current level of your party automatically. Magnus' active skills are as follows:
- Dodge Dash - this ability makes Magnus invulnerable to Overwatch set by your opponents during sprinting. The skill is very useful when in combat against Hunters and other opponents that utilize Overwatch often. You can easily switch your current position to get ready for the next attacks.
- Sneak - This ability enables you to sneak between covers. An useful skill, especially when you engage in a careful playstyle (e.g. utilizing stealth and surprising your opponents).
- Puppeteer - Magnus's best skill that proves to be very useful during encounters. The hero employs mind control to temporarily control the enemy mutant. It can be immensely useful when you receive control over a powerful enemy (e.g. Tank or Pyro). You won't have to worry about his attacks, and you can utilize his powerful attacks to damage the remaining opponents.
- Chain Lightning - This skill is an alternative to the aforementioned ability, as both take up the same slot and you can choose only one at a time. Magnus fires chains of lightning that can hurt multiple opponents in the vicinity. A great way of attacking a few opponents standing nearby.
- Run 'N' Gun - Bormin and Selma have the same ability. Enables you to perform an additional action after a completed sprint. It is purely an offensive skill, as sprint enables you to close the distance to the targeted opponent. The skill can be especially useful when targeting an injured opponent, as it may turn out that the attack will be enough to end the encounter.
- Skull Splitter - Dux has the same ability. The attack lowers the accuracy of the next shot, but if it's a success, you'll deal critical damage. Consider using especially when e.g. you've upgraded your weapon to increase the critical damage.
Silent Assassin is Magnus's best passive ability, but its cost is high (10 Development points). It doubles the chance of a critical strike when performing a stealth attack. This is a great way of beginning a battle or renewing it if Magnus managed to hide during his turn.
Development points can also be spent on stat bonuses. In case of Magnus, you can increase the amount of your health points or the range of movement during his turn. Buy at least two initial bonuses, as they cost only 3 points.
Magnus begins with a semi-automatic Rambino rifle. It's a nice weapon, but consider developing its stats or installing good upgrades.

Farrow can join the party in Metal Fields. You can find her in a small campsite next to the train tracks. It should be mentioned that Farrow automatically levels up to the party's current level. Farrow's active skills are as follows:
- Circuit Breaker - Dux has the same ability. It enables you to disable a robot enemy for one turn, allowing you to weaken the currently chosen target, or use the time to focus on other robots. Use this ability if you don't want to use too much of your EMP grenades. If you travel with Dux, you can sabotage robots in turns.
- Sneak - This skill enables you to sneak between covers. A useful ability if your playstyle is rather careful (sneaking a lot and surprising your opponents).
- Gunslinger - This ability enables you to fire at more than one opponent. Your accuracy is lowered by 25%. This ability can be useful if you engage in close quarters combat (e.g. using shotguns) and fight against opponents that stand close to each other.
- Corpse Eater - Bormin has the same ability. Enables you to regenerate your health by eating a dead mutant. Great alternative to medkits. It should be mentioned that you can only heal during combat. You can't interact with a dead opponent once the combat has ended.
- Moth Wings - Skill borrowed from Dux. Enables Farrow to fly. This may prove useful when attempting to increase your damage by attacking from air but you cannot access a rooftop or an elevated position. This ability can also be used to simply access a vantage point that will enable you to continue combat from a convenient location.
- Frog Legs - An ability that enables you to travel around the battlefield. Enables Farrow to perform a long jump. Useful during missions that take place on large maps or in locations where your party can be easily surrounded. You can use Frog Legs to escape the ambush.
When it comes to passive skills, consider choosing a cheaper (and more useful) Silent Assassin. It increases your chances of a critical strike when performing a sneak attack. This is a great way of initiating a battle or continuing it if Farrow managed to hide again.
Development points can also be spent on bonuses to statistics. In case of Farrow, they enable you to increase the amount of your health points and the chances of dealing critical damage (up to 20%). Both these bonuses are very useful. You can begin with the cheapest bonuses (their cost is meagre 3 points) but don't wait too long before buying the next ones.
Farrow begins the game with a powerful shotgun - Boomstick. It is recommended for combat on short and middle range, as even its basic version deals a lot of damage (both normal and critical). Upgrading it further will increase its potential.
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