Mass Effect 2: Resources list #2
The table seen below contains a list of all the planets and moons where you may find iridium. The last column of the table informs you how much resources you can find: very poor (0-1500 units), poor (1500-3500 units), moderate (3500-6000 units), rich (6000-9000 units), very rich (more than 9000 units).
Name of the planet/moon | Location | Quantity |
Agnin | Caleston Rift :: Aysur | very rich |
Alformus | Caleston Rift :: Aysur | poor |
Dranen | Caleston Rift :: Aysur | poor |
Shasu | Caleston Rift :: Aysur | very rich |
Shir | Caleston Rift :: Aysur | very rich |
Tamgauta | Caleston Rift :: Aysur | moderate |
Bres | Caleston Rift :: Balor | very rich |
Caleston | Caleston Rift :: Balor | moderate |
Cernunnos | Caleston Rift :: Balor | poor |
Elatha | Caleston Rift :: Balor | very rich |
Partholon | Caleston Rift :: Balor | poor |
Sinmara | Caleston Rift :: Solveig | very rich |
Surtur | Caleston Rift :: Solveig | poor |
Thrivaldi | Caleston Rift :: Solveig | poor |
Aitarus | Caleston Rift :: Talava | rich |
Kaushus | Caleston Rift :: Talava | very rich |
Maitrum | Caleston Rift :: Talava | very rich |
Taitus | Caleston Rift :: Talava | moderate |
Doriae | Crescent Nebula :: Lusarn | moderate |
Euntanta | Crescent Nebula :: Lusarn | moderate |
Jontan | Crescent Nebula :: Lusarn | moderate |
Tarith | Crescent Nebula :: Lusarn | poor |
Xetic | Crescent Nebula :: Lusarn | poor |
Acaeria | Crescent Nebula :: Ondeste | moderate |
Maisuth | Crescent Nebula :: Ondeste | moderate |
Zesmeni | Crescent Nebula :: Ondeste | poor |
Beregale | Crescent Nebula :: Tasale | moderate |
Naxell | Crescent Nebula :: Tasale | poor |
Ponolus | Crescent Nebula :: Tasale | moderate |
Thail | Crescent Nebula :: Tasale | poor |
Epho | Crescent Nebula :: Zelene | moderate |
Gaelon | Crescent Nebula :: Zelene | poor |
Helyme | Crescent Nebula :: Zelene | moderate |
Nepyma | Crescent Nebula :: Zelene | very rich |
Anhur | Eagle Nebula :: Amun | poor |
Bast | Eagle Nebula :: Amun | poor |
Neith | Eagle Nebula :: Amun | moderate |
Sekhmet | Eagle Nebula :: Amun | poor |
Sobek | Eagle Nebula :: Amun | poor |
Gregas | Eagle Nebula :: Imir | very rich |
Osalri | Eagle Nebula :: Imir | moderate |
Quodis | Eagle Nebula :: Imir | moderate |
Flett | Eagle Nebula :: Malgus | moderate |
Uzin | Eagle Nebula :: Malgus | poor |
Wrill | Eagle Nebula :: Malgus | poor |
Beach Thunder | Eagle Nebula :: Relic | very rich |
First Land | Eagle Nebula :: Relic | moderate |
Fitful Current | Eagle Nebula :: Relic | very rich |
Island Wind | Eagle Nebula :: Relic | poor |
Murky Water | Eagle Nebula :: Relic | moderate |
Preying Mouth | Eagle Nebula :: Relic | poor |
Rough Tide | Eagle Nebula :: Relic | poor |
Antigar | Eagle Nebula :: Strabo | poor |
Charoum | Far Rim :: Dholen | poor |
Gotha | Far Rim :: Dholen | rich |
Ammut | Far Rim :: Ma-at | moderate |
Bothros | Hades Nexus :: Hekate | poor |
Ker | Hades Nexus :: Hekate | moderate |
Triodia | Hades Nexus :: Hekate | poor |
Dobrovolski | Hades Nexus :: Pamyat | very rich |
Komarov | Hades Nexus :: Pamyat | very rich |
Patsayev | Hades Nexus :: Pamyat | moderate |
Volkov | Hades Nexus :: Pamyat | very rich |
Gei Hinnom | Hades Nexus :: Sheol | moderate |
Cantra | Hawking Eta :: Century | moderate |
Klendagon | Hawking Eta :: Century | rich |
Tamahera | Hawking Eta :: Century | moderate |
Tharopto | Hawking Eta :: Century | very poor |
Hebat | Hawking Eta :: Chandrasekhar | poor |
Teshub | Hawking Eta :: Chandrasekhar | poor |
Atahil | Hawking Eta :: Schwarzschild | very rich |
Etamis | Hawking Eta :: Schwarzschild | moderate |
Linossa | Hawking Eta :: Schwarzschild | poor |
Rihali | Hawking Eta :: Schwarzschild | poor |
Lethe | Hawking Eta :: Thorne | poor |
Mnemosyne | Hawking Eta :: Thorne | poor |
Alingon | Hourglass Nebula :: Faryar | rich |
Antictra | Hourglass Nebula :: Faryar | very rich |
Daratar | Hourglass Nebula :: Faryar | moderate |
Nephros | Hourglass Nebula :: Faryar | moderate |
Quarem | Hourglass Nebula :: Faryar | very rich |
Tunfigel | Hourglass Nebula :: Faryar | rich |
Wenrum | Hourglass Nebula :: Faryar | moderate |
Aganju | Hourglass Nebula :: Osun | moderate |
Erinle | Hourglass Nebula :: Osun | moderate |
Olokun | Hourglass Nebula :: Osun | poor |
Orunmila | Hourglass Nebula :: Osun | poor |
Aigela | Hourglass Nebula :: Ploitari | very rich |
Synalus | Hourglass Nebula :: Ploitari | rich |
Thegan | Hourglass Nebula :: Ploitari | moderate |
Zanethu | Hourglass Nebula :: Ploitari | very rich |
Lepini | Ismar Frontier :: Aquila | poor |
Metaponto | Ismar Frontier :: Aquila | poor |
Pollino | Ismar Frontier :: Aquila | poor |
Vecchio | Ismar Frontier :: Aquila | very rich |
Volturno | Ismar Frontier :: Aquila | rich |
Hito | Ismar Frontier :: Faia | moderate |
Imaen | Ismar Frontier :: Faia | very rich |
Viantel | Ismar Frontier :: Faia | rich |
Durak | Krogan DMZ :: Aralakh | very rich |
Kanin | Krogan DMZ :: Aralakh | moderate |
Kruban | Krogan DMZ :: Aralakh | moderate |
Ruam | Krogan DMZ :: Aralakh | poor |
Vaul | Krogan DMZ :: Aralakh | poor |
Mantun | Krogan DMZ :: Nith | very rich |
Tula | Krogan DMZ :: Nith | poor |
Vard | Krogan DMZ :: Nith | poor |
Jupiter | Local Cluster :: Solar System | poor |
Mercury | Local Cluster :: Solar System | rich |
Neptune | Local Cluster :: Solar System | poor |
Pluto | Local Cluster :: Solar System | rich |
Saturn | Local Cluster :: Solar System | moderate |
Uranus | Local Cluster :: Solar System | poor |
Venus | Local Cluster :: Solar System | moderate |
Invictus | Minos Wasteland :: Caestus | moderate |
Temerarus | Minos Wasteland :: Caestus | very rich |
Aequitas | Minos Wasteland :: Fortis | moderate |
Pietas | Minos Wasteland :: Fortis | poor |
Vir | Minos Wasteland :: Fortis | moderate |
Alkonost | Nubian Expanse :: Dakka | poor |
Bannik | Nubian Expanse :: Dakka | moderate |
Gamayun | Nubian Expanse :: Dakka | poor |
Zirnitra | Nubian Expanse :: Dakka | very poor |
Tefnut | Nubian Expanse :: Kalabsha | poor |
Yamm | Nubian Expanse :: Kalabsha | moderate |
Noresha | Nubian Expanse :: Qertassi | poor |
Alchera | Omega Nebula :: Amada | moderate |
Anjea | Omega Nebula :: Amada | poor |
Eingana | Omega Nebula :: Amada | poor |
Karora | Omega Nebula :: Amada | moderate |
Takkan | Omega Nebula :: Amada | poor |
Utha | Omega Nebula :: Arinlarkan | moderate |
Logasiri | Omega Nebula :: Batalla | poor |
Nearog | Omega Nebula :: Batalla | moderate |
Thunawanuro | Omega Nebula :: Batalla | moderate |
Dorgal | Omega Nebula :: Fathar | moderate |
Korar | Omega Nebula :: Fathar | very rich |
Lorek | Omega Nebula :: Fathar | moderate |
Sehtor | Omega Nebula :: Kairavamori | very rich |
Uwan Oche | Omega Nebula :: Kairavamori | very rich |
Vatar | Omega Nebula :: Kairavamori | very rich |
Bindur | Omega Nebula :: Sahrabarik | poor |
Imorkan | Omega Nebula :: Sahrabarik | poor |
Urdak | Omega Nebula :: Sahrabarik | moderate |
Canalus | Pylos Nebula :: Dirada | moderate |
Siano | Pylos Nebula :: Dirada | very rich |
Sineus | Pylos Nebula :: Dirada | poor |
Thenusi | Pylos Nebula :: Dirada | very rich |
Vioresa | Pylos Nebula :: Dirada | poor |
Zeth | Pylos Nebula :: Dirada | moderate |
Geus | Pylos Nebula :: Kriseroi | poor |
Neidus | Pylos Nebula :: Kriseroi | moderate |
Tenoth | Pylos Nebula :: Kriseroi | poor |
Theonax | Pylos Nebula :: Kriseroi | moderate |
Uzin | Pylos Nebula :: Kriseroi | moderate |
Isale | Pylos Nebula :: Nariph | poor |
Jonus | Pylos Nebula :: Nariph | poor |
Anedia | Pylos Nebula :: Satent | moderate |
Boro | Pylos Nebula :: Satent | moderate |
Nataisa | Pylos Nebula :: Satent | poor |
Raisaris | Pylos Nebula :: Satent | very rich |
Rescel | Pylos Nebula :: Satent | moderate |
2175 AR2 | Rosetta Nebula :: Alpha Draconis | poor |
2176 Aeia | Rosetta Nebula :: Alpha Draconis | poor |
Goliath | Rosetta Nebula :: Enoch | poor |
Joab | Rosetta Nebula :: Enoch | moderate |
Laban | Rosetta Nebula :: Enoch | very rich |
Mizraim | Rosetta Nebula :: Enoch | poor |
Cyllene | Rosetta Nebula :: Phi Clio | poor |
Parnassus | Rosetta Nebula :: Phi Clio | very rich |
Prospect | Shadow Sea :: Iera | moderate |
Venture | Shadow Sea :: Iera | moderate |
Watchman | Shadow Sea :: Iera | rich |
Laena | Sigurd's Cradle :: Decoris | poor |
Sanctum | Sigurd's Cradle :: Decoris | poor |
Crick | Sigurd's Cradle :: Skepsis | very rich |
Darwin | Sigurd's Cradle :: Skepsis | very rich |
Franklin | Sigurd's Cradle :: Skepsis | very rich |
Keimowitz | Sigurd's Cradle :: Skepsis | moderate |
Pauling | Sigurd's Cradle :: Skepsis | moderate |
Wallace | Sigurd's Cradle :: Skepsis | moderate |
Watson | Sigurd's Cradle :: Skepsis | poor |
Ekuna | The Phoenix Massing :: Salahiel | very rich |
Ishassara | The Phoenix Massing :: Tassrah | moderate |
Pahhur | The Phoenix Massing :: Tassrah | very rich |
Sarapai | The Phoenix Massing :: Tassrah | moderate |
Bovis Tor | The Shrike Abyssal :: Urla Rast | moderate |
Doz Atab | The Shrike Abyssal :: Urla Rast | poor |
Talis Fia | The Shrike Abyssal :: Urla Rast | moderate |
Afras | The Shrike Abyssal :: Xe Cha | moderate |
Tosal Nym | The Shrike Abyssal :: Xe Cha | very rich |
Vem Osca | The Shrike Abyssal :: Xe Cha | very poor |
Zada Ban | The Shrike Abyssal :: Xe Cha | rich |
Capek | Titan Nebula :: Haskins | very rich |
Dumah | Valhallan Threshold :: Micah | poor |
Elohi | Valhallan Threshold :: Micah | poor |
Farlas | Valhallan Threshold :: Micah | very rich |
Israfil | Valhallan Threshold :: Micah | very rich |
Kakabel | Valhallan Threshold :: Micah | very rich |
Gorvug | Valhallan Threshold :: Paz | poor |
The table seen below contains a list of planets and moons where you may find iridium during missions (primary or secondary). In most cases you'll find the minerals inside containers, however sometimes you'll have to interact with other objects. Check the description of each quest for more info.
Name of the planet/moon | Location | Quest type | Number of units |
Citadel: Factory District | Serpent Nebula :: Widow | companion | 2000 |
Haestrom: Quarian landing site | Far Rim :: Dholen | main | 2000 |
MSV Strontium Mule | Omega Nebula :: Arinlarkan | N7 | 2000 |
MSV Broken Arrow | The Phoenix Massing :: Nariph | N7 | 2000 |
Omega: Slums | Omega Nebula :: Sahrabarik | main | 2000 |
Aequitas Planet: Mining Facility | Minos Wasteland :: Fortis | N7 | 2000 |
Freedom's Progress | - | prologue | 2000 |
Sanctum: Blue Suns Base | Sigurd's Cradle :: Decoris | N7 | 2000 |
Jarrahe Station | Eagle Nebula :: Strabo | N7 | 2000 |
Zanethu: MSV Estevanico | Hourglass Nebula :: Ploitari | N7 | 2000 |
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