Mass Effect 2: Character classes and powers - part 2
Adept class
Who should choose this class?
The adept class allows you to play the game as a biotic specialist and this is a good choice as you don't mind not being able to engage hostile forces in direct combat (using standard weaponry). Most of adept's biotic abilities are very useful in getting rid of enemy units and the unique class ability (Singularity) can become one of the best powers in the game after it's been fully developed. It's important to remember than an adept will have to rely on a combat specialist and on a tech specialist and he or she shouldn't use guns too often, resorting to them only in self defense.
The biggest advantage of this power is that it'll help you in defeating enemies using armors or protected by additional barriers. An adept will find this ability much more useful than a sentinel. The main reason is that you'll be allowed to pair this ability with other biotic powers, creating massive explosions which will damage your targets severely. Developing this ability should become one of your main priorities and doing so will result in its increased strength. The same thing will apply to the explosions mentioned above and this makes it even more interesting.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Heavy warp | You have a chance of inflicting major injuries. I would recommend choosing this option if you're interested in eliminating single and power enemies. |
Unstable warp | Increased power of the explosion as a result of other biotic powers being active. An adept should choose this option instead of the other one, because it will make this power much better in battle conditions. |
Throw is even more interesting than Pull, because you won't have to worry about finishing off the enemy you've just "picked up". Instead your opponent will be thrown away automatically and almost immediately. I would strongly recommend developing this power, because with each level your throws will become stronger, making it very difficult for most of your opponents to survive even a single attack.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Heavy throw | Your throws are much stronger. I would recommend choosing this option if you want to use this power to eliminate strong single targets. |
Throw field | You can throw several enemies at the same time as long as they were standing close to each other. I would recommend choosing this option if you want to use this power to eliminate larger groups of weaker units. |
Singularity (unique class power)
Adept's unique ability is quite probably one of the best biotic powers in the game. The biggest advantage of this power is that you'll be allowed to temporarily eliminate from the battle one or more enemies. You should also notice that you'll have a chance to weaken them by using guns or other powers when they are in a vulnerable state (Warp may come in handy here and offer magnificent results). Developing this power is crucial to your success and you should focus on achieving the highest level as soon as possible, because each time you advance you'll be allowed to "pick up" more enemies and the ability itself will last longer than before.

Singularity is an excellent biotic ability which should be often combined with your other powers.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Heavy singularity | You can grab even six enemies at the same time and the power itself lasts longer than before. This is by far a better option, however you won't be allowed to always capture a maximum number of opponents, because it's required that they must be standing close to each other. Still - you should choose this variant. |
Wide singularity | Increased range of the ability, however you will be allowed to grab only four opponents. Additionally they will remain in the captured state for the exact same amount of time as before. |
This is one of the best biotic powers available in the game, even though you may have a different opinion at first glance. What this power does is that it lifts an opponent into the air, preventing him from fighting back. Naturally this method won't work on some of the stronger enemies you encounter, but you should still take a lot of interest into unlocking it. Developing this power isn't absolutely necessary, because the only difference is that it will last longer with each level up.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Heavy pull | Pull ability lasts for a little while longer - it's not that useful so you might want to choose the other option instead. |
Pull field | You can grab and pull several opponents at the same time as long as they were standing close to each other. This is a much more interesting option which will come in handy especially while going against larger groups of enemy units. |
This biotic power is extremely useful while dealing with small groups of enemy units as long as you attack them from a short or from a medium distance. Each time you've activated this ability you'll send out several shockwaves, inflicting massive injuries and even knocking down some of your opponents. If you decide to start using this talent you should upgrade it as soon as possible, because each time you've unlocked a higher level you'll increase the range of your attacks, add additional waves and make them stronger.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Heavy shockwave | Increased strength of the shockwave. I would recommend choosing this option if you want to use the shockwave against small but well protected groups of enemy units. |
Improved shockwave | Increased range of the shockwave. I would recommend choosing this option if you want to use the shockwave against larger groups of enemy units or if you want to make sure that the shockwave will hit moving targets. |
Biotic mastery
This category contains four passive powers. Each time you've advanced a level you'll extend your life bar, make your abilities regenerate faster and you'll start earning more paragon or renegade points. Reaching the highest level doesn't necessarily need to be on the list of your priorities, because you'll want to unlock good biotic abilities first.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Bastion | Larger bonuses to: health, duration time of the powers, paragon/renegade points. The biggest disadvantage is that you won't receive any damage bonuses. This is a better option if you want to reach maximum values of a paragon bar or a renegade bar faster (30% difference!). |
Nemesis | Smaller bonuses to: health, duration time of the powers, paragon/renegade points. The biggest advantages are that you can count on improved regeneration time (powers) and that you can deal more damage. This is a better choice if you're interested in dealing with enemy units faster than before. |
Engineer class
Who should choose this class?
The engineer class allows you to play the game as a tech specialist and it's recommended only for experienced players. The main reason is that a lot of engineer's abilities are useful only against synthetic enemies and won't offer similar results with organic (and other) targets. The result of all of this is that an engineer must rely on the rest of the team. He or she also has to pay attention to enemy movements, because a poor defense means a risk of losing a lot of health (best case scenario) or even dying (worst case scenario).
This tech power can be used only on certain types of enemies, but don't worry, because you'll have plenty of opportunities. I would recommend spending at least one point on Overload in the early stages of the game and fully upgrading it throughout the rest of the campaign. Activating this ability creates a massive impulse near the target which deals a great amount of damage. Developing this power results in the increase of its strength which is important, because you'll want to use it not only against weaker targets but also against powerful opponents.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Heavy overload | Increased strength of the impulse. This is a much more interesting option and you'll notice the difference while going against elite enemy units, including YMIR mechs. Choosing this option also gives you a chance for weaker enemies to explode when they're destroyed, damaging nearby targets. |
Area overload | Increased range of the overload which allows you to weaken several enemy units at the same time. This is also an interesting option, however you can use the bonus only when going against larger groups of enemies. |
This technological power works in a similar way to incendiary ammunition, because you can launch a projectile which sets your enemies of fire. There are also other advantages of using this power - you can prevent your enemies from regaining life and you can destroy their armors. Don't forget to use Incinerate only against organic targets. Developing this power increases the damage done by the projectiles. I would recommend unlocking one or two levels of this power, but you won't have to fully upgrade it.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Heavy incinerate | Your projectiles inflict more damage. This is a better option if you want your attacks to be effective against single and well armored targets. |
Incineration blast | Large explosion taking place upon contact and within a three meter radius. This is a better option if you want your attacks to be effective against large groups of standard enemy units (they must be standing close to each other). |
Combat drone (unique class power)
The main feature of the combat drone is that it can distract enemies from the main character and from the rest of your team. You should know that the effects of the drone are in most cases satisfactory, allowing you to coordinate new attacks or to retreat from a hazardous area. There's only one thing you must acknowledge - a drone can't be used to kill enemies, because even though it tries to zap them the damage done to them is going to be minimal. Developing this ability doesn't help much - the drone receives additional energy points, but the only reason why you should upgrade it is to unlock special options of the fourth level.

A combat drone distracts enemies from you and/or from the rest of the team.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Attack drone | Drone's attacks deal more damage. I wouldn't recommend choosing this option, because the drone still won't be effective as an offensive tool. |
Explosive drone | A drone explodes once it's been destroyed. This is a much more interesting option, because in most cases your opponents will be standing close to the drone. Besides, spawning a new drone won't be a problem. |
Cryo blast
This technological power works in a similar way to cryo ammunition, mostly because you'll be given a chance to freeze your enemies. You should know that this trick works for all types of opponents, including organic and synthetic targets. It all makes this ability very useful and therefore you should take interest in it. As for further development of this power, it would be a good idea to take some time to think if this what you want, because unlocking new levels will only increase the amount of time in which your opponent if frozen. As a result you won't have to fully develop this power unless you're interested in the choices provided by the last development level.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Deep cryo blast | An opponent remains frozen for two more seconds. This is not the best option and you should consider choosing it only if you're planning on using this power to freeze much stronger opponents. |
Full cryo blast | There's a chance that you may freeze several enemy units as long as they were standing close to each other. This is a more interesting option, because you'll be allowed to take out a lot of enemies without taking major risks. |
AI hacking
AI hacking is one of the best technological powers available in the game. Using this power allows you to take over synthetic enemies and each target you've been able to temporarily add to your team will begin attacking its allies. This is very useful in larger battles when you're going against a lot of enemy units at the same time. Developing this power makes it last longer and you can also create an additional shield which protects an enemy unit under your control.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Improved AI hacking | You can still take control over only one synthetic enemy, but the power lasts longer and your new ally is protected by a much better shield. |
Area AI hacking | You can take control over several synthetic targets at the same time, however the power won't last long and your new allies will be using only standard shields. |
Tech mastery
This category contains four passive powers. Each time you've advanced a level you'll extend your life bar, make your abilities regenerate faster, lower costs of unlocking new technologies and you'll start earning more paragon or renegade points. Reaching the highest level should be on your list of priorities.
Options after reaching level four:
Options | Differences |
Operative | Larger bonuses to: regeneration time (powers), damage. Smaller bonus to: paragon/renegade points. This is a better option if you want your main character to be more effective on the battlefield. |
Mechanic | Smaller bonuses to: regeneration time (powers), damage. Larger bonus to: paragon/renegade points. This is a better option if you want to reach maximum values of a paragon bar or a renegade bar faster (30% difference!). |
Similarities between classes
Using different types of weapons:
Check the table seen below to find out which weapons can be used by members of specific classes. It shouldn't be a big surprise that a soldier can choose between the largest number of weapons. On the other end we have classes with no combat specializations - they're allowed to use only types of weaponry. Notice that only heavy pistols and heavy guns are common for all six classes, however heavy weapons can only be used by your main character.
Class | Assault rifles | Sniper rifles | Shotguns | Heavy pistols | Submachine guns | Heavy weapons |
Adept | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | available | available | available (only the main character) |
Engineer | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | available | available | available (only the main character) |
Infiltrator | unavailable | available | unavailable | available | available | available (only the main character) |
Sentinel | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | available | available | available (only the main character) |
Soldier | available | available | available | available | unavailable | available (only the main character) |
Vanguard | unavailable | unavailable | available | available | available | available (only the main character) |
Using different types of ammunition:
Check the table seen below to find out which ammunition types are reserved for members of specific classes. Soldiers have the biggest choice and some classes can't choose special ammunition on their own. Don't forget that better types of ammunition must be unlocked and that you equip your followers with the same type of ammunition by unlocking a proper option after advancing to level four of the power development process.
Class | Disruptor ammo | Incendiary ammo | Cryo ammo |
Adept | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
Engineer | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
Infiltrator | available | unavailable | available |
Sentinel | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
Soldier | available | available | available |
Vanguard | unavailable | available | available |
Using common biotic powers:
Check the table seen below to find out which biotic powers can be used by members of specific classes. As you can see an Adept can use all of them. You can find out more about each power from the descriptions of certain character classes.
Class | Pull | Shockwave | Throw | Warp |
Adept | available | available | available | available |
Engineer | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
Infiltrator | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
Sentinel | unavailable | unavailable | available | available |
Soldier | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
Vanguard | available | available | unavailable | unavailable |
Using common tech powers:
Check the table seen below to find out which technological powers can be used by members of specific classes. As you can see an Engineer can use all of them. You can find out more about each power from the descriptions of certain character classes.
Class | Overload | AI hacking | Incinerate | Cryo blast |
Adept | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
Engineer | available | available | available | available |
Infiltrator | unavailable | available | available | unavailable |
Sentinel | available | unavailable | unavailable | available |
Soldier | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
Vanguard | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
Unlocking special powers
What are special powers?
Completing personal quests of your crew members allows you to unlock their special powers and the best thing is that you'll be allowed to use these abilities even if they're not a part of your active team at the moment. You're also going to be allowed to upgrade special powers. The entire process is very similar to standard abilities so you'll have four levels and after advancing to the highest fourth level you'll be given a chance to choose between two options.
How can I use special powers?
You can only have one active special power at the moment and there's a total of eleven of them. Each time you want to change a special power to a different one you must go to the laboratory, interact with a terminal and purchase Advanced training technology (Prototypes category). I wouldn't recommend doing this often, because each time you're changing a special power you'll have to pay 5000 units of a very rare element zero. You can't find out more about how the technologies work from the third chapter of the atlas named Technologies and complete solutions of all personal quests of your crew members can be found in the main guide.

You can change special powers using a research terminal on board of the Normandy, however each swap forces you to spend 5000 units of a rare element zero.
There is also an alternative - if you've already completed a game and if you're starting a new one you'll be allowed to choose a special power before proceeding with the prologue. This choice is made at the very end of the creation process.
List of all special powers:
Check the table seen below for the information on the special powers.
Team member | Name of the power | Effects of the power |
Garrus | Armor-piercing ammo | A special type of ammunition which allows you to pierce through enemy armors and which also lowers their health bars. |
Grunt | Fortification | A temporary boost to your armor's strength. |
Jack | Warp ammo | A special type of ammunition which destroys enemy shields and armors, as well as provides additional damage to enemies under influence of your biotics. |
Jacob | Barrier | A protective barrier which shields you from enemy attacks for a few seconds. |
Legion | Geth shield boost | A temporary boost to the kinetic barrier's strength. |
Miranda | Slam | An enemy is lifted up in the air and then slammed into the ground. This ability is very useful in taking out single targets. |
Mordin | Neural shock | Targeted enemy unit becomes paralyzed for a while (it must be an organic target!). |
Samara / Morinth | Reave | A biotic attack which prevents your enemies from regenerating. Additionally your biotic can "steal" their health. |
Tali | Energy drain | Tech power which drains energy from synthetic enemies or kinetic barriers in order to recharge your shields. |
Thane | Shredder ammo | A special type of ammunition which is very effective in killing unshielded organic targets. |
Zaaed | Inferno grenade | Deployment of an incendiary grenade which explodes on. There's a chance that the explosion can injure several enemies at the same time. |
Which special power should I choose?
A choice of a special power should depend on the character class you've chosen for Shepard and on your preferred style of play. If you're playing as a combat specialist or as a tech specialist you should consider choosing a special power that has something to do with biotics. Miranda's Slam is very useful in getting rid of enemy units, even some of the elite ones. If you're playing as a biotic specialist you should consider choosing one of defensive special powers (Grunt's Fortification may prove to be a life saver).
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