Clan Centurio | Head hunters


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At the beginning of the game you get into hunters guild thanks to Tomaj. The first monster to kill - Rouge Tomato - is connected with plot, but the rest you do on your own and when you feel like doing it. To become the member of the clan you have to kill Rouge Tomato and after the talk with Tomaj go to the clan's HQ. There talk with a bangaa standing in front of the entrance, enter the building and talk with Montblanc - and that's it - you're in.

This is virtually the biggest side quest in the game. You don't have to kill these monsters if you don't want to and it won't interrupt you in the plot but only in this way you'll be able to find the strongest boss in the game - Yiazmat. Besides some hunts are needed to other side quests.

Entrance to Centurio HQ in Rabanastres northern district - Clan Centurio | Head hunters - Head hunters - Final Fantasy XII Game Guide
Entrance to Centurio HQ in Rabanastre's northern district


Montblanc on barrier - Clan Centurio | Head hunters - Head hunters - Final Fantasy XII Game Guide
Montblanc on barrier
Makenroh - he gives you info about the current hunt your on and about your clan level. - Clan Centurio | Head hunters - Head hunters - Final Fantasy XII Game Guide
Ma'kenroh - he gives you info about the current hunt your on and about your clan level.
Clan shop in the Muthru Bazaar. The thing you can buy here depend on your clan level - Clan Centurio | Head hunters - Head hunters - Final Fantasy XII Game Guide
Clan shop in the Muthru Bazaar. The thing you can buy here depend on your clan level

Clan rating:

Killing wanted monsters you gain esteem, but it's not enough to climb the ladder of ratings. You still need the clan points. You get them for defeating encountered enemies. Thanks to this you're able to reach higher and higher ranks.

The assignments you take also have their ranks, but their ranks and your rank as a hunter doesn't have anything in common.


Required number of assignments

Required number of clan points

What you get from Montblanc




3x Potion

Hedge Knight



2x Warp Motes

2x Teleport Stone

Rear Guard


8 000

3x Remedy

2x Teleport Stone



20 000

3x Hi-potion

2x Teleport Stone



30 000

2x Ether

2x Teleport Stone

Ward of Justice


40 000

2x X-Potion

2x Teleport Stone

Brave Companion


100 000

2x Hi-Ether

3x Teleport Stone



200 000

2x Elixir

3x Teleport Stone

Paragon of Jusice


250 000

High Arcana,

3x Teleport Stone

High Guardian


300 000

Empyreal Soul (2000g),

3x Teleport Stone

Knight of the Round


500 000

2x Megalixir,

3x Teleport Stone

Order of Ambrosia


1 000 000,

All prizes in Sky Pirate's den

Centurio Hero's Badge (1 gil),

3x Teleport Stone

1 - Clan Centurio | Head hunters - Head hunters - Final Fantasy XII Game Guide
And this it the long awaited prize for reaching the status of a legend - Clan Centurio | Head hunters - Head hunters - Final Fantasy XII Game Guide

And this it the long awaited prize for reaching the status of a legend.

Muthru Bazaar:

The Clan has its own shop in the Muthru. Only clan members can buy there and the things you can get there depend on you Clan Rating.






Restore small amount of HP to the target




Restore a bit more HP than ordinary Potions


Hedge Knight

Gyshal Greens

Thanks to them you can ride runaway chocobos


Rear Guard

Teleport Stone

This let's you teleport between gate crystals




Reverses the effect of restorative items used

30 000



Causes Reverse

7 600



Causes Bubble

3 300

Ward of Justice


Causes Faith

5 800

Brave Companion

Bubble Belt**

Permanent Bubble

19 800



Target's strength raise

5 800


Warp Mote

Has the power of Warp spell


Paragon of Justice

Cat-ear Hood

Vitality +20,

Swiftness +50

30 000

High Guardian

Knot of Rust

Damages one enemy


Knight of the Round

Dark Matter

Damages all enemies in range


Order of Ambrosia

* They disappear after gaining the next clan rank,

**disappears when you become the Paragon of Justice, and reappears when you become the High Guardian.

Notice Board and Montblanc:

On the Notice Board you can find information about available hunts.

On the left side in the column labeled as Mark you can see the name of monsters waiting to be killed, - Clan Centurio | Head hunters - Head hunters - Final Fantasy XII Game Guide

On the left side in the column labeled as "Mark" you can see the name of monsters waiting to be killed,

In the column in the middle labeled as "Rank" you can see the rank of the hunt.

And in the column on the left you can see the status of the hunt:

  • Available - hunt ready to be accepted,
  • Accepted - you have already agreed to kill the monster,
  • Complete! - you have already killed the monster and all you have to do now is to collect your prize.

Montblanc gives you exclusive (read: hard) notices, but it works as the ordinary Notice board.

After accepting the hunt you have to go and talk to the petitioner and than you can go hunting. After you deal with the monster get back to the petitioner and collect your bounty.

Final Fantasy XII

October 31, 2006

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