Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list


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On this page, you will find the trophy guide for Biomutant. We have included very detailed descriptions of all the game's trophies and achievements. You will learn the requirements for each achievement of Biomutant and ways to meet them without too much fuss.

Key information about Biomutant trophies

  1. Biomutant has 47 trophies - 1 platinum trophy (only available on PS4 and PS5), 3 gold, 6 silver, and 37 bronze.
  2. It is possible to earn all trophies during a single playthrough. You have to be vigilant, though, as a few trophies can be missed. These are mainly achievements related to performing certain actions during fights with bosses - World Eaters - these fights cannot be repeated.
  3. Remember about the trophies tied to character development. Try to collect at least 30 points of Light Aura, and wait with spending Bio, Psi, and upgrade points. This will help you to easily earn several related trophies without a long grind, or replaying the beginning of the game.
  4. Save the game often to avoid, e.g. choosing the wrong aura during an encounter. You will also be able to load the game after spending development points. Also, be sure to create a manual save before advancing to the final - you can't continue to play after the end credits. You can, of course, get all trophies associated with exploration and side quests before reaching the game's finale.
  5. There are a few collectible-related trophies in the game. However, these items aren't particularly difficult to find. Also, the game does not force you to find 100% of the secrets.
  6. It can take you over 30 hours to get the platinum. The main storyline alone is about 13-15 hours. You will spend at least twice as much on doing optional activities and fulfilling the specific objectives of certain trophies.

Biomutant Platinum Trophy

Trophy type: platinum

How to unlock: Unlock every Trophy in Biomutant.

Comment: The platinum trophy in Biomutant is available only on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. The platinum on PS5 is earned through backward compatibility. There is no separate version of the game for next-gen consoles.

The Adventure Begins

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Escape Bunker 101.

Comments: This is one of the trophies related to the progress in the main story - you cannot miss it. You will get the achievement shortly after completing the prologue, specifically after leaving Bunker 101.

Twinkle Twinkle

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Discover a Twinkle Crashsite.

Comment: This trophy is related to a side quest from Nova from the Fnackyleaves area. You have to investigate the place where the meteorite (called Twinkle) fell. For more details, go to the Side quests chapter in our guide.

Under the Table

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Win a Drinking Competition against Gulp.

Comment: Gulp is one of the NPCs encountered during the main storyline. You can't try to unlock the achievement right away. You'll have to return to that place later in the campaign to unlock the Gulp side quest - it's described on a separate page.

The aforementioned mission is about getting a Radium Syrup, so you can enter a drinking competition - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

The aforementioned mission is about getting a Radium Syrup, so you can enter a drinking competition. You will have to press the buttons displayed on the screen. When the competition is over, you will need to find the Driver's Helm to complete the side quest.

Wung-Fu Master

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Defeat 50 Enemies using Super Wushu.

Comment: This trophy is related to the Super Wung-Fu state, in which the hero becomes stronger for a certain period of time. Here's how the whole process works:

1) Choose a weapon from your inventory (e.g. Klonkfist in our example) and go to the Wung-Fu tab to check the available attacks.

2) Focus on studying those attacks that require you to press 3 buttons in the correct order (Square, Square, Triangle in the picture). Remember how to use two different attacks of this type.

3) During battles, use the combinations alternately - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

3) During battles, use the combinations alternately. Each correctly performed combo will activate a special attack.

4) Use special attacks to fill up the character icon (above image), but you need to use them alternately. The icon won't fill up if you use the same attack twice in a row.

5) When all three icons are full, you can activate Super Wung-Fu mode by pressing L1 R1 / LB RB.

6) While in Super Wung-Fu mode, try to kill as many opponents as possible. Wait with activating the mode until you face a lot of weaker opponents.

Of course, you won't be able to defeat 50 opponents in a single fight, so repeat the above steps regularly to activate Super Wung-Fu again.

Old World Gadgets

Trophy type: gold - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Discover all 15 Old World Gadgets.

Comment: Old World Gadgets are one of the categories of items that can be found in locations. They are various devices, such as a computer, telephone, microwave, or piano.

Each gadget has a logic puzzle that must be solved - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Each gadget has a logic puzzle that must be solved. We have described their general premise on the Difficulty of puzzles - how to lower it? page. Complete a puzzle to discover a gadget.

There are many more gadgets in the game than the 15 required for this achievement. You can simply choose to obtain the easiest ones.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Defeat 25 Bandits.

Comment: This achievement is not as easy as it might initially seem. You must defeat Bandits, a unique enemy type.

Look around the map for small square locations - they are bandit headquarters. After discovering the first location of this type, you will unlock the Cleaning up side quest in which you have to deal with bandits. Continue visiting these types of places until you get the trophy.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Drown 5 Enemies in Oil during Combat.

Comment: Look for locations with large puddles or oil tanks. You will use them to kill enemies. However, be careful not to let the main character fall into an oil tank, or you will die.

Pushing your opponent into oil can be difficult if you use only standard attacks - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Pushing your opponent into oil can be difficult if you use only standard attacks. You can make things easier by using Telekinesis to grab weak opponents. They can then be dropped into an oil tank.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Reach Level 25 with any Character Class.

Comment: You should get this trophy long before you complete the main storyline. Don't rush with completing only the main quests - remember to do optional missions and explore as well.


Trophy type: silver - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Discover all 30 Altars.

Comment: You get this trophy is for finding the Altars / Psi Shrines. Interacting with each such object gives you 1 free Psi point.

You can find altars in conquered enemy locations, as well as during the exploration. There are over 30 altars. This means you don't have to reach 100% of them.

Pew Pew!

Trophy type: silver - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Unlock all Gun Proficiency Skills.

Comment: This achievement is related to the Ranged Combat skills from the Wung-Fu tab. There are 5 categories in this menu, but rifles, automatic rifles, and shotguns are initially locked. You unlock them when you find or craft the first weapon of a given type.

Some skills in these categories are available right away, others have to be unlocked with Upgrade Points. You will need to spend a total of 15 Upgrade Points.

Additional hint - If you don't want to use up Upgrade Points on ranged weapons, you can accumulate points without spending them. Once you get 15, save the game manually, spend all the points and load the game after unlocking the achievement. This will help you get this and the achievement described below in a single playthrough.

Hack 'n Slash

Trophy type: silver - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Unlock all Melee Weapon Proficiency Skills.

Comment: This achievement is related to the Close Combat skills from the Wung-Fu tab. There are 5 categories in this menu, 3 of which are initially locked. You unlock them by finding or crafting the first weapon from a specific category.

Some skills in these categories are available right away, others have to be unlocked with Upgrade Points. You will need to spend a total of 16 Upgrade Points.

Additional hint - If you don't want to use up Upgrade Points on melee weapons, you can accumulate points without spending them. Once you get 16, save the game manually, spend all the points and load the game after unlocking the achievement. This will help you get this and the achievement described above in a single playthrough.

DNA Overload

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Re-code your DNA at a Cooling Tower Biopool.

Comment: This achievement is related to the "green" locations - with Biohazard. You have to look for places from the Bio Nucleus group - the ruins of nuclear power plants.

Remember, entering a biohazard zone without preparation can kill you fast - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Remember, entering a biohazard zone without preparation can kill you fast. You'll need to get a Biohazard Suit - we have described how to get one on the Suits - how to get them? page.

While exploring the former power plant, you must find the Biopool tank stored underground. It is guarded by strong opponents. After dealing with the monster, you have to spend 1 Bio-point near the tank to reprogram the character's DNA, i.e. to change your choices from the character creator.

Max Gains

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Upgrade any 2 Attributes to 100.

Comment: Try to develop your two favorite attributes from the very beginning of the game. Every time you level up, you will be able to increase one attribute by 10.

In the example in the image above, we have increased the Vitality and Strength attributes to over 100. Try to avoid distributing the points evenly between the attributes, at least until you get the trophy.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Defeat 20 Enemies using the Ki-Spark Ability.

Comment: Unfortunately, this achievement can be very problematic, as unlocking the Ki Spark is not easy. You need:

  1. 16 Psi points
  2. 30 points of Light Aura

After meeting both of these requirements, you will be able to purchase that ability. Spend Psi points on it, set the ability as active (assign it to 1 of the 4 d-pad buttons) and start using it during battles.

We recommend checking the Aura and Bio Points/Psi Points - where from? pages - you will learn more about gaining positive aura and psi points.

Stick It To Them

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Stick 25 Enemies to the Mucus Bubble.

Comment: This trophy requires preparation. You need 10 Bio-Points to buy Mucus Bubble in the Biogenetics tab.

After you spend Bio points on the ability, set it as active (assigning it to 1 of the 4 d-pad buttons) and start using during battles. You can use the ability multiple times on the same opponent. It doesn't have to be 25 different enemies.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Bounce 50 times on a Fungus.

Comment: For this achievement, you need to unlock a biogen called Fungi. It requires 4 Bio-Points.

After purchasing it, set the ability as active (assign to 1 of the 4 d-pad buttons). Use it to spawn a fungus. Keep bouncing on it until you get the trophy.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Ride the Googlide across all Water Resistance Levels.

Comment: This achievement requires using the Googlide, a watercraft that you can unlock by progressing through the game.

Googlide is initially equipped with a level one engine. You will need to install a level three engine in it. In order to find better engines, visit the Googlide Wrekbox. Open the Googlide modification window by holding down on the d-pad while using this vehicle. Go to the engine tab and choose the better one from the list.

Use the Googlide to move through bodies of water that require a level two (green) and level three (brown) engine - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Use the Googlide to move through bodies of water that require a level two (green) and level three (brown) engine. You will find them in various places in the eastern part of the world map.

Heavy Metal

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Survive 5 minutes in the Mekton while in the Deadzone.

Comment: This very simple trophy requires using a mech - we've posted information on gaining access to this machine on the Mech Mekton - how to unlock it? page. This is part of the main storyline.

Deadzone is a vast contaminated area in the western part of the map - explore it using the mech. Spend a total of 5 minutes there. You can stay in motion and do other activities or put the game down for 5 minutes and wait.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Ride a Gnaut 500 meters.

Comment: Gnaut is the name of the first mount you will unlock in the game. Start traveling on its back, and you should get the achievement pretty quickly. Check out Mounts and vehicles to learn how to unlock Gnaut.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Unlock all Automaton Upgrades.

Comment: Automaton is a pet - it is a mechanical grasshopper that accompanies the main character from the very beginning of the game.

In random moments of gameplay, you can meet the NPC from the picture above who is connected to the Mirage side quests. Each interaction will trigger a scene showing the events from the past.

After each flashback (even if you lose the battle), the game will allow you to choose 1 new ability for the Automaton - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

After each flashback (even if you lose the battle), the game will allow you to choose 1 new ability for the Automaton. The order in which they are unlocked isn't important. You must play 4 scenes from the past and thus gain 4 new skills for the pet.

For more information, check out Pet - Automaton.

In the Green

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Possess more than 1000 Greenleaf.

Comment: This is a simple achievement that requires you to collect Greenleaf, the local currency. The easiest way to fulfill the trophy requirements is to sell some of the more expensive items. You can check how much money you have in the inventory window. The Greenleaf is displayed in the upper right corner.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Obtain 10 of each Crafting Resource.

Comment: The Resources from the description of this trophy are crafting materials that you can gather throughout the game. Information about their current status is displayed in the inventory at the bottom left of the screen. If you want to unlock the trophy faster, then don't use up the resources to craft items.

Learn more about gathering resources on Resources - how to get them - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Learn more about gathering resources on Resources - how to get them? page. A good way to get resources is to destroy totems (random materials) and turn unwanted items into scrap.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Capture 20 Sqvips.

Comments: Sqvips are small creatures that you can meet at random times during the game. When you encounter one, try to use the net and catch it. After approaching the creature, you must keep pressing Triangle / Y until you catch it.

Remember that you have to capture the creature - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Remember that you have to capture the creature. Additionally, you will be faced with the choice of killing or keeping the creature alive. This is not important for the trophy, although it will allow you to unlock good or bad aura points for other achievements.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Capture 20 Gumducks.

Comment: Gumducks can be found for the first time during the main storyline, specifically when you have to upgrade your watercraft. Try to memorize this spot and return to it later in the game (more ducks will appear later), or you can find ducks as you explore the eastern part of Surfipelago. Catch Gumducks by pressing Triangle / Y.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Capture 20 Glittermoths.

Comment: Glittermoths are small flying creatures that resemble moths. You have to find some of them while completing the main storyline. You can find other creatures of this type during free exploration. Catch Glittermoths by pressing Triangle / Y.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Capture 20 Pippis.

Comment: Pippis are a species of birds that inhabit the world. They appear in random places. Try to locate them by the sounds they make and explore the places where they stay. Catch Pippis by pressing Triangle / Y.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Capture 20 Guppos.

Comment: Guppos are a species of black fish. You will encounter them during the main storyline. The main character will have to visit the Guppo Grotto. Memorize this place and return to it later in the game. After enough time has passed, the fish will respawn. Catch Guppos by pressing Triangle / Y.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Buy an item from Honki.

Comment: This trophy is related to a side quest received from Honki from the Sprill Slope. After completing the side quests for this NPC, you can return to him and purchase any item. For more details, go to the Side quests chapter in our guide.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Discover all 7 Environment Biomes.

Comment: Biomes is another name for the lands that make up the game world. You can easily get the trophy by exploring the game world - you will visit almost all biomes by completing main and side quests. The game informs you about entering a new biome for the first time by displaying a message in the lower-left corner of the screen.

Eye on the Road

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Discover and enter 3 Manholes.

Comment: Manholes can be found on asphalt roads - an example is shown in the picture above. You can explore each of them by going down the ladder.

You don't have to thoroughly explore the Gutway covered by a manhole - you simply have to go down the ladder - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

You don't have to thoroughly explore the Gutway covered by a manhole - you simply have to go down the ladder. You can go back to the top immediately after viewing the task list for the Gutway and head to another Manhole.


Trophy type: gold - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Defeat All four World Eaters.

Comment: World Eaters are powerful monsters that serve as the bosses. You need to prepare for each battle. These fights are quite long and consist of several phases. All confrontations with World Eaters are described in the Bosses chapter. You can defeat them by playing on any difficulty level.

That's Mine!

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Detonate 3 Bangballs on the Porky Puff.

Comment: Porky Puff is one of the four World Eaters. This achievement can be easily missed, as you face the boss only once during a given playthrough - you don't have to complete the achievement's requirements to defeat it. Save the game manually before starting the battle. This will allow you to replay the boss battle if you miss the achievement.

Once you start the fight, look for Bangballs, i.e. mines floating on water. You can attach them to your scooter (press Square on PS4/PS5 or X on Xbox One/Series) to change their position.

Try to reach the boss and leave the mines underneath the creature (press Square or X again) - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Try to reach the boss and leave the mines underneath the creature (press Square or X again). After that, immediately detonate the mine to inflict damage to Puff. Keep doing this until you get the trophy.


1 - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide
Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Feed the Jumbo Puff World Eater 6 Sqvips.

Comment: Jumbo Puff is one of the four World Eaters. This achievement can be easily missed, as you face the boss only once during a given playthrough - you don't have to complete the achievement's requirements to defeat it. Save the game manually before starting the battle. This will allow you to replay the boss battle if you miss the achievement.

When fighting the boss, wait for it to open its big mouth. Then quickly press L2 / Left Trigger to throw a Sqvip into its mouth (the small creatures). Repeat this until you get the trophy. Try not to advance too early to the final phase of the battle, which takes place in monster's belly.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Feed the Murk Puff 10 Guppos.

Comment: Murk Puff is one of the four World Eaters. This achievement can be easily missed, as you face the boss only once during a given playthrough - you don't have to complete the achievement's requirements to defeat it. Save the game manually before starting the battle. This will allow you to replay the boss battle if you miss the achievement.

Wait for the moment when you can press the L2 / Left Trigger to shoot Guppos at the boss to "feed" him. Try not to finish the fight too early - you need to feed the boss at least four times (you can only throw 3 Guppos towards him at a time).


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Pull all Teeth from the Hoof Puff.

Comment: Hoof Puff is one of the four World Eaters. This achievement can be easily missed, as you face the boss only once during a given playthrough - you don't have to complete the achievement's requirements to defeat it. Save the game manually before starting the battle. This will allow you to replay the boss battle if you miss the achievement.

Shoot at weak points on the boss's lower limbs to stun it. When the monster opens its mouth, press Square (on PS4/PS5) or X (on Xbox One/Series) to grab the tooth. Then keep pressing the button rhythmically to pull it out. Repeat this until the boss loses all 4 teeth - make sure you don't beat the World Eater too soon.

The Dragon

Trophy type: silver - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to start: Defeat or Subdue all five Rival Tribe Leaders.

Comment: This is one of the trophies related to the tribe war - the mechanics are described on the Tribes page in our guide.

The requirements are simple. After you ally with a tribe, you must start attacking outposts and forts belonging to other tribes. In the last region belonging to a given enemy tribe, you will have to confront a Rival Tribe Leader.

After winning a battle, you will have to make a choice - enslave or kill the enemy leader - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

After winning a battle, you will have to make a choice - enslave or kill the enemy leader. This decision doesn't matter for the achievement.

Continue the tribe war until all regions of the world are under the control of the tribe you have allied with.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Take Over 6 Tribe Outposts.

Comment: This is a simpler version of the achievement described above. You will be occupying enemy Tribe Outposts during the Tribe War.

In most cases, you take control of an enemy outpost by winning it in battle. However, in some cases, you will be able to persuade its leader to surrender and hand over the outpost (Persuasion test required).


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Defeat Enemies using 3 Different Tribe Weapons.

Comment: Tribe Weapons are unique items that you can obtain by taking over certain enemy outposts and forts. Once you have a new weapon, set it as the active weapon from the weapons radial menu. Use it to defeat one opponent. Do the same with other tribal weapons.


Trophy type: silver - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Complete all 20 Conscience Dialogues.

Comment: Conscience Dialogues are scenes in which two flying creatures appear. They represent the Light Aura and Dark Aura. The first scene of this type happens shortly after the game starts. To trigger the next ones, perform some actions that change your current aura level.

There are more than 20 Conscience Dialogues in the game - you don't have to look for opportunities to change your aura. Your choices during these parts are irrelevant.


Trophy type: silver - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Discover all 6 Tribe Forts.

Comment: This is an easy trophy related to the tribe war. Each tribe has its own Tribe Fort. The first two forts (Jagni and Myriad tribes) can be found at the very beginning of the game, shortly after leaving Bunker 101. The others are in different parts of the world - you won't miss them. You don't have to conquer forts - you just need to get close to them. You can get the trophy before finishing the tribe war.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Craft a 7-star Weapon.

Comments: A crafting-related trophy. The number of stars indicates the quality of the weapon - you need to craft a high-quality weapon. This trophy can be obtained later in the campaign. You need to acquire a rare weapon with a high number of stars. You also need high-quality parts to craft a weapon with 7 stars.

For more information on crafting and upgrading items, check out the Crafting page.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Find and Equip 5 Different Mekton Upgrades.

Comment: This easy trophy is related to the Mekton mech. You will gain access to it during the main storyline. You must look for Wrekboxes with parts for the mech. They are in different parts of the world - an example in the picture.

When you control the Mekton, hold down on the d-pad to access the mech's appearance menu - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

When you control the Mekton, hold down on the d-pad to access the mech's appearance menu. You must install 5 new parts - the ones found in the crates. You have complete freedom in choosing which parts you want to install. The trophy doesn't require any specific components.

Riding the Wave

Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Find and Equip 5 Different Googlide Upgrades.

Comment: This easy trophy is related to the Googlide. You will gain access to it during the main storyline. You must look for Wrekboxes with parts for the Googlide. They are in different parts of the world map. Each box has several parts that can be installed into the scooter.

When you ride the Googlide, hold down on the d-pad to access the scooter's appearance menu - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

When you ride the Googlide, hold down on the d-pad to access the scooter's appearance menu. You must install 5 new parts - the ones found in the crates. You have complete freedom in choosing which parts you want to install. The trophy doesn't require any specific components.


Trophy type: bronze - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Deal more than 1000 Damage in a Single Hit.

Comment: This is a fairly easy achievement that you should get relatively early in the game. Try to use the best melee weapons you have and perform special attacks (3-hit combos) that deal more damage.

By default, the game displays on-screen information about the amount of damage dealt (we have marked the example in yellow in the picture), so you can determine how far you are from getting the achievement.

Another way to make the trophy easier is to increase your Critical Chance - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Another way to make the trophy easier is to increase your Critical Chance. Invest development points in Luck or wear items that increase this attribute.


2 - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide
Trophy type: gold - Biomutant: Trophies/Achievements - list - Appendix - Biomutant Guide

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Discover all 16 Side Characters.

Comment: Side Characters are important NPCs that you can meet throughout the game. When you meet a new side character, the game will display their name. The 3D model of this character will also be added to the world map.

You should get the achievement without much trouble by exploring the game world. There are more than 16 friendly NPCs to find. You don't have to meet 100% of the side characters.

End of the Rainbow

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Find out what’s at the End of a Rainbow.

Comment: This trophy is related to a side quest given by Jumble from the Bullibull Glade area. You will have to investigate the titular rainbow and find a chest with unique loot. For more details, go to the Side quests chapter in our guide.


May 25, 2021

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