This icon was used to mark locations in which you can find Dark Zone Chests - those that require a Dark Zone Key to open.
This icon was used to mark locations in which you can find chests containing Division Tech crafting materials.
This icon was used to mark unique, named enemies - The Division's equivalent of bosses.
This icon was used to mark locations in which you can find Dark Zone Chests - those that require a Dark Zone Key to open.
Dark Zone chest #1 – The chest is located in the contaminated area, at the western edge of it. It's lying on the back of a small truck.
Dark Zone chest #2 – The chest is located on the lowest level of the underground - you can find it at the end of the railroad tracks, inside of a small room.
Dark Zone chest #3 – The chest can be found in the landmark called The Pit.
This icon was used to mark unique, named enemies - The Division's equivalent of bosses.
Named enemy #2 – The enemy can be found underground, near the #2 chest.
Named enemy #1 – The enemy can be found in the contaminated area, near the #1 chest.
Named enemy #3 – The enemy can be found in the landmark called The Pit, near #3 chest.
Named enemy #4 – The enemy can be found near the landmark called Scaffolding Collapse.