Key points of Tom Clancy's The Division - Dark Zone Map - DZ 03
This icon was used to mark locations in which you can find Dark Zone Chests - those that require a Dark Zone Key to open.
This icon was used to mark locations in which you can find chests containing Division Tech crafting materials.
This icon was used to mark unique, named enemies - The Division's equivalent of bosses.
This icon was used to mark locations in which you can find Dark Zone Chests - those that require a Dark Zone Key to open.
Dark Zone chest #1 – Te chest can be found underground - you must venture two levels below ground. The chest can be found behind the staircase.
Dark Zone chest #2 – The chest can be found right in the middle of the extraction zone.
Dark Zone chest #3 – The chest can be found underground -it's located under a staircase.
Dark Zone chest #4 – This chest is located underground, near chest #3. In order to reach it, turn around after collecting chest #3, run upstairs, head along the corridor and turn to the left, through a narrow passage. Now you just have to go to the lowest level, where a chest will await you.
This icon was used to mark unique, named enemies - The Division's equivalent of bosses.
Named enemy #1 – The enemy can be found underground, near #1 chest.
Named enemy #2 – He is patrolling the area of the extraction zone.
Named enemy #3 – The enemy can be found underground, near #3 chest.
Named enemy #4
The above map indicates the locations of all key places in the Dark Zone 03. There you will find chests requiring a Dark Zone key to open, containers with the extremely valuable Division Tech components hidden inside, as well as dwelling places of unique, named enemies, killing which will give you both Phoenix Credits, as well as a chance for a High-End drop.
The third Dark Zone district differs slightly from the others, as the action in the district is focused mainly in one place. You can find the following things here:
- 4 Dark Zone chests - three of them, unfortunately, underground. The advantage of the situation is the fact, that they are easy to spot - they can be found at the end of tunnels, at the lowest levels. None of them is hidden in a difficult to find place. Additionally, one of the chest is located right in the middle of the extraction zone, at the center of the map.
- 4 unique, named enemies - each one of them patrolling the area surrounding one of the Dark Zone chests. Two of them are underground, one is inside of a building, the last one is patrolling the extraction area.
- 4 suitcases with Division Tech crafting materials, scattered around the map, making Dark Zone 03 an ineffective source of them.
Because of the fact, that the action of the entire district is focused around a single extraction zone, located right in the middle of the district, this zone is heavily populated with other players. The advantage is the fact that you can simply "hook" to someone, or a group of players - to receive drop, or experience points from an enemy you just have to deal any amount of damage to him. Regardless of the player who kills the enemy, every player that wounded him will get both drop and experience points - on top of Phoenix Credits if it was a unique enemy. If the extraction zone is already cleared, wait for a short while and they will respawn.
If you are looking for a place to farm Division Tech crafting materials, better look for another area - there are only 4 suitcases with them in the Dark Zone 03, and they are scattered around the whole district. This makes farming them here extremely ineffective.