Key points of Tom Clancy's The Division - Chelsea M1 - Intel Collectibles
Survival Guides
Missing agents
Incident Reports
Phone Recordings
Phone Recordings
Radio Show Rant [Week Two 02]
Survival Guide, Page 3 [02]
Working Overtime [JTF 02]
Methods [Rioter reports 01]
JTF Interview [JTF 01]
Alvaro's Message [Week Two 01]
The Thing [Before Outbreak 01]
Shortcut [General 26]
Survival Guide, Page 4 [03]
Michael Trudeau [02]
Cab Drivers [Week One 01]
Ex-girlfriend [Week Two 11]
Secret is underground, at metro station.
Survival Guide, Page 1 [01]
Supply Chain [General 09]
PricerHouse [Week Two 10]
Missing Person [JTF 11]
Riot [April Kelleher 01]
Bad Loot [Rioter reports 02]
On Fleek [Before Outbreak 02]
Investigating [Suspicions 01]
In the contanimation zone.
Surprise [Suspicions 02]
Invitation [Rogue agents 06]
Available to collect after end of the game's main strony, in additional quest in this point.
Heather Lau, part1 (Heather Lau 01)
Additional quest, which contains Heather Lau ECHOs.
The purpose of the above map is to mark the locations of all the collectibles in Chelsea zone. This is the first location that you visit and there are 22 collectibles here. None of the collectibles has been hidden in the mission area, but there is one ECHO near the military base and it is impossible to collect it before the end of the main storyline. There are no Crashed Drones here.
Camp Hudson
ECHO at Camp Hudson
At Camp Hudson, there is only one ECHO signal - Heather Lau, part 1. It is easy to miss it and simply leave the base. This collectible is connected with the side mission there marked on the map. Simply, while leaving the base across the main gate, after you leave the zone of restricted weapon use, and cross the main gate with the name "Camp Hudson" on it, go left across the ajar, slightly destroyed gate - at the end of the road, you find the signal (M1,23).
List of all the collectibles in Chelsea:
Survival Guides
- Survival Guide, Page 1 [01]
- Survival Guide, Page 3 [02]
- Survival Guide, Page 4 [03]
Phone Recordings
- Cab Drivers [Week One 01]
- Alvaro's Message [Week Two 01]
- Radio Show Rant [Week Two 02]
- PricerHouse [Week Two 10]
- Ex-girlfriend [Week Two 11]
- JTF Interview [JTF 01]
- Working Overtime [JTF 02]
- Missing Person [JTF 11]
- The Thing [Before Outbreak 01]
- On Fleek [Before Outbreak 02]
- Investigating [Suspicions 01]
- Surprise [Suspicions 02]
Incident Reports
- Methods [Rioter reports 01]
- Bad Loot [Rioter reports 02]
Missing agents
- Supply Chain [General 09]
- Shortcut [General 26]
- Riot [April Kelleher 01]
- Invitation [Rogue agents 06]
Survival Guide
Survival guide, page 1 [01]
The entrance of the building with the guide inside
The guide in the living room at the upper floor
Around halfway through road W 23rd St, you find an open staircase from the Northern side(M1,13). Enter and climb to the first floor, which is where you find the guide.
Survival guide, page 3 [02]
The third page of the guide in the one-room flat.
To collect this guide (M1,2), go to the corner of W 29th St and 10th Ave, and from there into the open building to the South. At the upper floor, in the locked flat, you find the guide. Note - to open the door, you need to pick the lock.
Survival guide, page 4 [03]
The fourth page at the upper floor in the building
More or less, halfway through W 22nd St, at the Northern side, you find a house with door wide open (M1,9). Go to the open flat at floor 2 and collect the guide from the kitchen.
Phone Recordings
PricerHouse [Week II 10]
The phone in the contaminated area
By W 23rd St and 8th Ave, there is a contaminated area. You can get there by walking into the alleyway between two houses and, by the zone itself, on the heap of trash, there is the phone (M1,15).
Missing person [11]
The alley in which you find the Missing person recording
Westwards of W 23rd St and 8th Ave, in the alley between buildings, next to the parking lot, there is the phone(M1,16).
Investigating [Suspicions 01]
Inside the contaminated area, you find one collectible
You find the phone in the contaminated area (requires tier I filter) at the by road W 21st St, in the Eastern part of the area. It is on the sidewalk (M1,20).
On Fleek [Before Outbreak 02]
You find this phone in the alley between buildings
The Eastern part of the zone, the corner of W 21st St and 8th Ave. Walk between buildings and in the corner, b the walls, you find the phone (M1,19).
Radio Show Rant [Week II 02]
By the destroyed car in the garage, there is one of the first smartphones
It is in the Western part of the zone, Northwards of the military base (M1,1). The phone is by the trashcan at the beginning (the West), of W 26th St.
Surprise [Suspicions 02]
This phone is next to the contaminated area and not inside it
The last collectible in the zone (M1,21) is in the small alley to the East of the contaminated area, by W 21st St (the Eastern part of the zone).
Working Overtime [JTF 02]
Another phone by the trashcans, near 9th Ave
Phone (M1,3) is on the trash in the alley on the corner of W 29th St and 9th Ave. You can encounter goons here.
JTF Interview [JTF 01]
The lost phone in a small park
Go into the alley between buildings on the corner of W 24th St and 10th Ave. There, you find a phone (M1,5).
Alvaro's Message [Week II 01]
You find the phone in the garage behind the green container
Find the device by W 22nd St (West). You find it in a small garage next to the white armored vehicle (M1,6).
The thing [Before the Outbreak 01]
In the alley, you find a small encampment and next to it, there are two collectibles - a phone and an ECHO
Collectible (M1,7) is behind the wall in the park, by W 23rd St and 9th Ave.
Ex-Girlfriend [Week II 11]
You have to climb down into the metro station, where there is the phone on the bench, by the tracks
On the corner of W 21st St and 8th Ave, there is a metro station entrance (M1,12). Go there and keep going straight ahead and you find the phone across the tracks, on the station.
Cab Drivers [Week One 01]
Another phone in the alley
Between W 21st St and W 20th St (Eastwards of 9th Ave), there is a car garage. Go behind the garage and you find the camera (M1,11).
Incident Reports
Methods [Rioter reports 01]
The laptop is by the trashcans at the main road
On the crossroads of 24th St and 10th Ave, by the trash, you find the laptop with data (M1,4).
Bad Loot [Rioter reports 02]
Next to the ambulance, in the alley, there is the other laptop
In the Eastern part of the zone, at W 22nd St by the contaminated area (Northwards) (M1,18), there is a laptop with a report by the ambulance.
Missing agents
Michael Trudeau
The trail of the missing person leads to the dead end in the sewers
You find the trails (M1,10) is in the middle of the crossroads of W 20th St and 9th Ave. The trails takes you to the sewers. A while afterwards, you find the data.
Supply Chain [General 09]
The ECHO is by the crates at the main road
You find the signal (M1,14) at the crossroads of W 24th St and 8th Ave.
Riot [April Kelleher 01]
Another ECHO connected with side mission
In the Eastern part of the zone, on W 23rd St, you find signal (M1,17). It is in the middle of the road, it is difficult to miss. It is connected with April Kelleher side mission.
Shortcut [General 26]
Behind the small park, you find an alley where there is the ECHO
You find the ECHO signal (M1,8) behind the wall in the park by W 23rd St and 9th Ave. Next to it, you also find a phone (The Thing).
Invitation [Rogue agents 06]
The entrance into the building with the last ECHO
You find this ECHO at the upper floor in the building
This is the last ECHO in this location and it is in the building by the exit from Hudson Camp (M1,22). It is possible to collect it only after the end of the main storyline. This is when the marker for the side mission appears here. At the same time, the entrance into the building, from the side of the main alley, will be unlocked (the door gate disappears) and you can walk inside to collect it.