Key points of Tom Clancy's The Division - Dark Zone Map - DZ 02
This icon was used to mark locations in which you can find Dark Zone Chests - those that require a Dark Zone Key to open.
This icon was used to mark locations in which you can find chests containing Division Tech crafting materials.
This icon was used to mark unique, named enemies - The Division's equivalent of bosses.
This icon was used to mark locations in which you can find Dark Zone Chests - those that require a Dark Zone Key to open.
Dark Zone Chest #1 – The chest can be found on the ground floor of the building, right next to a wall.
Dark Zone Chest #2 – The chest can be found right next to the library, by the main entrance.
Dark Zone Chest #3 – The chest can be found right in the middle of the sports store, on the upper floor.
Dark Zone Chest #4 – The chest can be found inside of a contaminated area - surrounded by multiple boxes.
This icon was used to mark unique, named enemies - The Division's equivalent of bosses.
Named enemy #1 – The enemy can be found on the upper floor of the building with the #1 chest.
Named enemy #2 – The enemy can be found at the main entrace to the library.
Named enemy #4 – The enemy can be found right in the middle of the contaminated area.
Named enemy #3 – The enemy is patrolling the building in which you can find #3 chest.
The above map indicates the locations of all key places in the Dark Zone 02. There you will find chests requiring a Dark Zone key to open, containers with the extremely valuable Division Tech components hidden inside, as well as dwelling places of unique, named enemies, killing which will give you both Phoenix Credits, as well as a chance for a High-End drop.
Dark Zone 02 is the second in order, and at the same time a lot less populated area. You can find the following things here:
- 4 Dark Zone chests - all of them located above the ground this time.
- 4 unique, named enemies - each one of them patrolling the area surrounding one of the Dark Zone chests.
- 11 suitcases with Division Tech crafting materials, scattered around the whole map, mainly in the vicinity of Dark Zone chests / unique enemies.
Finding chests, unique enemies and suitcases with Division Tech crafting materials is a lot easier this time, given the fact that none of this things is hidden underground, and most of them (aside from a single container with Division Tech) are lying in one of the five zones in the district.
Unfortunately, this comes with a serious problem - easy access to the above mentioned things, even with lesser player density makes it extremely difficult to stumble upon unique enemies that are still alive, or unopened chests and / or containers. If you arrived at a place that is already looted, head towards the next one and get back here later (enemies require several minutes to respawn, chests few hours).