Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations


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This page of the guide to Resident Evil 3 Remake has information on where to find all weapons upgrades. These upgrades improve weapons in various ways (e.g. better accuracy, more rounds in a magazine/clip). This makes upgrades helpful in eliminating monsters.

General information about weapon upgrades

Get the upgrades in the order presented by us - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Get the upgrades in the order presented by us. Unfortunately, each of them can be easily missed - this will happen if you leave a given location for good or if you don't attack Nemesis at the right moment (the monster can drop a case).

Every upgrade must be combined in the inventory with a weapon. Remember this - they aren't installed automatically.

Upgrades have no drawbacks - they can only increase the usefulness of a given weapon. The only exception to this rule may be the shotgun. One of its improvements makes it take up two inventory slots instead of one. This, however, will increase the usefulness of this weapon.

Tactical Stock (Shotgun) - an upgrade for the M3 Shotgun

1 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
You get this upgrade at the Redstone Street Station, the location you will reach after the prologue - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

You get this upgrade at the Redstone Street Station, the location you will reach after the prologue. Getting this upgrade isn't easy - you have to bring two gems found in Downtown to the large clock. This puzzle is described in more detail on Clock Tower Commemoration Puzzle. You get the upgrade by placing 2 out of 3 gems in the clock.

Tactical Stock reduces the recoil, thus increasing the shotgun's accuracy.

Dot Sight (Handgun) - an upgrade for the G19 handgun

2 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
This upgrade can be found in the Downtown area, which is the first major area visited after leaving the subway - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

This upgrade can be found in the Downtown area, which is the first major area visited after leaving the subway. You need to visit one of the apartment buildings in Downtown and find the safe. The correct combination for the safe is 9 Left (stop the knob on 9), 3 Right (stop the knob on 3), 7 Left (stop the knob on 7).

The Dot Sight upgrade adds a sight that increases accuracy.

Extended Magazine (Handgun) - an upgrade for the G19 handgun

3 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
You get this upgrade in a very unusual way - by attacking Nemesis and forcing him to drop a large case - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

You get this upgrade in a very unusual way - by attacking Nemesis and forcing him to drop a large case. You get a chance to obtain it after restoring power at the Subway Power Substation and returning to Downtown. On the way back, Nemesis will break through one of the walls. Don't run away from the monster - attack him (preferably with the shotgun or grenades). Fight until Nemesis drops the case. Pick it up and open in the inventory.

The Extended Magazine increases the capacity of the magazine - it can now store 33 rounds.

Moderator (Handgun) - an upgrade for the G19 handgun

4 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
You get this upgrade in the same way as the one described above - by attacking Nemesis until he drops a case - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

You get this upgrade in the same way as the one described above - by attacking Nemesis until he drops a case. Here, you need find the perfect moment to attack the mutant. First you have to solve the puzzle of getting the subway online in the Kite Bros Railway building. When you return to Downtown, head toward the subway station. Nemesis appears after leaving the Donut Shop - you will see the cut-scene from picture 1. Don't run away from Nemesis, face him.

The upgrade adds a silencer to the handgun and increases the chances of inflicting critical damage.

Semi-Auto Barrel - Shotgun - an upgrade for the M3 shotgun

5 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
This upgrade can be found at the Gun Shop Kendo located in Downtown - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

This upgrade can be found at the Gun Shop Kendo located in Downtown. You reach the store after defeating Nemesis on the roof at the Demolition Site. The upgrade is on one of the shelves inside the store.

Semi-Auto Barrel upgrade allows your shotgun to shoot in semi-automatic mode and also reduces the shot's spread, increasing the damage inflicted.

Note - The shotgun with this upgrade installed will take up 2 slots in the inventory. If you have very limited inventory space, install the upgrade after you move unnecessary items into an item chest or find another Hip Bag.

Scope (Assault Rifle) - an upgrade for the CQBR assault rifle

6 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
This upgrade can be found in the West Office located on the first floor of the Police Station - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

This upgrade can be found in the West Office located on the first floor of the Police Station. It is stored in a locked box. To open the box, you need the ID Card that zombie Brad had on him. If you didn't take it then, leave the police station and examine Brad's body.

The Scope upgrade allows you to mount a sight on the assault rifle improving its accuracy.

Dual Magazine (Assault Rifle) - an upgrade for the CQBR assault rifle

7 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
This upgrade can be found in the Nurses Station located on the second floor of the Hospital - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

This upgrade can be found in the Nurses' Station located on the second floor of the Hospital. The upgrade is stored in the safe shown in the image. The correct combination to open the safe is Right 9 (stop the knob on 9), Left 3 (stop the knob on 3).

The Dual Magazine upgrade allows two magazines to be used simultaneously. The maximum number of rounds that can be fired increases to 64.

Tactical Grip (Assault Rifle) - an upgrade for the CQBR assault rifle

8 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
This upgrade can be found in the Courtyard located on the first floor of the Hospital - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

This upgrade can be found in the Courtyard located on the first floor of the Hospital. To get into the courtyard you need to reach the central corridors on the second floor. Find the place where you can jump over the railings and land in the courtyard.

Tactical Grip reduces the recoil during continuous fire, improving the weapon's stability.

Shell Holder (Shotgun) - an upgrade for the M3 shotgun

9 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
This upgrade can be found in Underground Storage, the location where you had to find 3 fuses - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

This upgrade can be found in Underground Storage, the location where you had to find 3 fuses. You can get this upgrade only after solving the puzzle. You need to explore the southeast part of the storage and use the lever to lower one of the elevators down. This will unlock access to the box with the upgrade (picture 1).

Shell Holder upgrade helps you reload the shotgun faster.

MAG - Extended Barrel

10 - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide
This upgrade is in the Surveillance Room located in the Underground Storage - Resident Evil 3: Weapons upgrades - locations - Weapons - Resident Evil 3 Guide

This upgrade is in the Surveillance Room located in the Underground Storage. You reach this room right after completing the puzzle with 3 fuses in the storage and using the elevator. Go to the section of the wall made of glass and find the upgrade box from picture 1.

Extended Barrel upgrade reduces the spread when firing the magnum and increases the damage.

Resident Evil 3

April 3, 2020

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