Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide


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This page contains a trophy/achievement guide to Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, a remake of RE3 released in 2020 for PC and PS4 and XONE. In our guide, you will find a detailed overview of all available trophies. You will learn how to meet their requirements and how to get the platinum trophy in Resident Evil 3 Remake.

Important information about Resident Evil 3 Remake's trophies

  1. Resident Evil 3 Remake has 33 trophies. All achievements relate to the single-player mode. This means that Resident Evil Resistance has a separate set of trophies. Thus, you can get the platinum trophy without participating in multiplayer battles.
  2. The platinum trophy in RE3 Remake is quite difficult - you have to finish the game multiple times and follow challenging rules. These trophies require you to finish the game with Rank S, in Hardcore mode, within a specified time (speedrun), without opening item chests, or using medicaments. Resident Evil 2 Remake had similar challenges, so these trophies shouldn't surprise those who earned the platinum trophy in the previous game.
  3. The game has combat-related trophies (e.g. winning confrontations with Nemesis, killing 2 monsters with one bullet) and collectibles (like documents, safes, lockers, figurines or increasing inventory capacity).

First escape

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to Unlock: Get Out of Jill's apartment building.

Comment: This trophy is connected to the main story and you can't miss it. The achievement is unlocked right after you escape Nemesis for the first time and reaching the side alley.

Somebody to Lean On

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to Unlock: Escape suburban Raccoon City.

Comment: This trophy is connected to the main story and you can't miss it. The achievement is unlocked shortly after completing the prologue when Carlos first appears to help Jill escape Nemesis.

Escape from the City

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: escape downtown Raccoon City.

Comment: This trophy is connected to the main story and you can't miss it. The achievement will be achieved after completing all the steps necessary to power the subway and after successfully returning to the car located on Redstone Street Station.

I Don't Feel so Good

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: leave the square with the clock tower.

Comment: This trophy is connected to the main story and you can't miss it. The achievement is unlocked shortly after Nemesis is defeated in the courtyard with the clock tower - one of the obligatory fights against this monstrum.


Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Complete the game in the "Inferno"mode.

Comment: Inferno is the top difficulty level in Resident Evil 3, which initially is unavailable. You must first finish the game at Hardcore and Nightmare difficulty levels.

It is worth noting that the game does not block the ability to use the codes (cheats) available in the shop after completing the game for the first time. You can make your game a lot easier, among others, by unlocking automatically healing items or weapons with unlimited ammunition.

Basic Chemistry

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: craft an item.

Comment: This is a very simple trophy that deals with the absolute basics of crafting, i.e. the mechanics of combining different objects/ingredients together. The achievement can be unlocked after completing the prologue and getting to Redstone Street Station. Reach the area where you find the Green Herb and Gunpowder. Pick up these items and combine two herbs or two gunpowder packages in the inventory.


Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Upgrade your weapon.

Comment: This is another low-key achievement. In order to unlock this trophy, you must find and install any weapon upgrade. We have included information about where to find them in the Collectibles and secrets chapter. An example of a place to get an upgrade is the safe in a residential building in the downtown area.

Combine the acquired upgrade with the weapon to which it fits - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Combine the acquired upgrade with the weapon to which it fits. Only one upgrade is required for this trophy. You don't have to find all the upgades for a given weapon.

Get Organized

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: increase the number of inventory slots.

Comment: it's an easy trophy that involves finding at least one Hip Pouch. Each pouch increases the character's inventory capacity by 2 slots.

It is easiest to achieve when you reach the Subway Power Substation. The bag shown in the image above will lie on a ladder in a control room with four screens. Location information for all such items is also included in the Collectibles and secrets section of this guide.

Nemesis Down

Trophy type: silver - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: make Nemesis drop an item.

Comment: This trophy can be unlocked during any confrontation with Nemesis while exploring the downtown of Raccoon City. The first opportunity to unlock it comes after solving a puzzle at the Subway Power Substation. While trying to leave the substation, Nemesis breaks through the wall of one of the surrounding buildings.

Don't run when nemesis appears, just start attacking him. Use a shotgun or grenades. You have to get the boss down on one knee.

After Nemesis gets down on one knee, there is a chance that he will throw away the supply case that appears in front of him - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

After Nemesis gets down on one knee, there is a chance that he will "throw away" the supply case that appears in front of him. You'll get the trophy before you touch the suitcase, but it's worth adding to the inventory because the first suitcase will contain a weapon upgrade.

Nemesis Down? (Nemesis Down?)

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Defeat Nemesis on the roof.

Comment: this trophy involves winning the first mandatory boss duel, which takes place on the Demolition Site roof. Nemesis uses a flamethrower in this fight.

For a complete description of fighting Nemesis, see the Nemesis - boss fights section and our walkthrough guide.

Power Stones

Trophy type: silver - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: place all the jewels in the clock tower monument.

Comment: This trophy is associated with a clock located at Redstone Street Station, where you wind up after the prologue.

Your task is to find 3 jewels in different parts of the downtown area - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Your task is to find 3 jewels in different parts of the downtown area. Each stone must be delivered to the clock and placed in the appropriate slot. A complete description of the riddle associated with this achievement can be found in The Redstone Street Station clock riddle - how to solve it?.

The Carlos Express

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: escape the R. P. D.

Comment: This trophy is connected to the main story and you can't miss it. The achievement is unlocked shortly after completing all of Carlos's activities at the police station and reaches the S. T. A. R. S. office.

An Unfortunate End

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: defeat Brad who turned into a zombie.

Comment: This trophy is unlocked shortly after Carlos arrives near the Raccoon City Police Department building. After the cutscene by the main entrance, Carlos is attacked by a zombie named Brad - you'll recognize him by his yellow vest. Shoot the undead Brad with any weapon.

Jill Valentine

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Complete the game with the S rank in "Inferno"mode.

Comment: This is a more difficult version of the Dominator trophy, as in addition to selecting the highest (Inferno) difficulty level, you must also get the highest S rating for completing the game. The main requirements for the S Rank are:

  1. Completing the game in less than 2 hours.
  2. Using up to 5 manual save slots.

To make it easier, you can take a look at the most powerful cheat in the game - a rocket launcher with unlimited ammunition, which is unfortunately very expensive. Remember also to return to the main menu in case of wasting a lot of time and load the previous save the file in order to play a given sequence faster. Do the same upon dying - do not continue the game (the game time would still be counted), only return to the main menu and load the previous save file.

I Need a Hero

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: survive a zombie siege.

Comment: a zombie horde attacks when you explore the hospital, shortly after obtaining a vaccine for Jill. Carlos must defend himself in the lobby of the hospital from zombies attacking from all sides. Information on how to survive a zombie siege can be found in a separate section titled "How to defeat the Zombie horde?" and in our walkthrough guide.

The Pursuer

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: follow Nicholas deeper underground.

Comment: This trophy is connected to the main story and you can't miss it. Achievement is unlocked after escaping Nemesis from the Underground Storage and for reaching a secret umbrella complex called NEST 2.

Electric Slide

Trophy type: silver - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: collect all fuses within 5 minutes.

Comment: the fuse puzzle is solved in a large warehouse located in the Underground Storage. The game begins the countdown after Nicholai turns off the power supply. The countdown is stopped when the elevator is activated after the fuses are placed in the box.

There are three different fuses to be found and placed inside the box next to the elevator.

The whole riddle was thoroughly described on a separate page of this guide titled Underground Storage fuse riddle - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

The whole riddle was thoroughly described on a separate page of this guide titled "Underground Storage fuse riddle". You will find information about the location of the fuses and the optimal route to reach them.

We strongly advise you to hurry up and attack only those zombies that interfere with Jill's ability to reach further fuses. You can also save the game before entering the storage so you can repeat the puzzle easily if necessary.

Nemesis Down!? (Nemesis Down!?)

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: beat the second stage of Nemesis.

Comment: this achievement is tied with the third consecutive duel with Nemesis that occurs during NEST 2 exploration. The spot where the fight takes place is a large circular tank and Nemesis is again a four-legged beast.

For a complete description of fighting Nemesis, see the Nemesis - boss fights section and our walkthrough guide.

Nemesis Down!!! (Nemesis Down!!!)

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: beat the third stage of Nemesis.

Comment: Nemesis's third stage is simply the final boss of the story campaign. You need to fight it at the final Hall of NEST 2. This clash comes shortly after eliminating Nemesis Stage 2.

For a complete description of fighting Nemesis, see the Nemesis - boss fights section and our walkthrough guide.

Hello Charlie! Hello Charlie!

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: destroy Charlie doll.

Comment: Charlie dolls/figurines are one of the secrets in Resident Evil 3. Each doll makes a quiet sound, and after locating it, it must be destroyed with any weapon. To earn the trophy, it's enough to destroy 1 figurine out of 20 possible.

Two for One Deal

Trophy type: silver - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: defeat 2 enemies with one shot.

Comment: it's best to use the shotgun or grenade launcher to unlock this trophy - each of these weapons will do well to inflict damage on more than one opponent.

The ideal place for earning this trophy is, in our opinion, the Subway Power Substation. As she reaches the consecutive switches, Jill is attacked by spiders. Wait until at least two spiders appear in front of her to fire a shotgun at them. There is a good chance that at least two spiders will die and that you will get the achievement.


Trophy type: silver - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: read all the files.

Comment: files can be various documents, notes or letters - all such items are collectibles. You need to keep finding them while exploring subsequent locations, as you often won't be able to return to previous areas and thus easily miss chances of finding missed documents. For more details, check out the Collectibles and secrets section of our guide.

Goodbye, Charlie! (Goodbye, Charlie!)

Trophy type: silver - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: destroy all Charlie dolls.

Comment: This is a more difficult version of the trophy described above. You need to find all 20 dolls. Like with documents, try to explore the locations you visit well so as not to miss a single doll. Check the Collectibles and secrets chapter to find information on where to find the figures.

NOTE - Try not to miss the first collectible shown in the picture, which can be destroyed just after completing the prologue. Go back upstairs and get it before you follow Carlos. If you get to the wagon too early, you will lose the chance to destroy the figure. For more information, check out the Redstone Street Station page.

Kendo's Armory

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: collect all weapons in the campaign.

Comment: here's the list of weapons required to unlock this trophy:

  1. G19 Handgun - Jill automatically gets it during the prologue.
  2. M3 Shotgun - Jill has to take it from a display case downtown - we described it in a separate section titled Shotgun - where to find it?.
  3. MGL Grenade Launcher - Jill has to find it in the sewers - we described it in a separate section titled Grenade Launcher - where to find it?.
  4. CQBR Assault Rifle Assault Rifle - Carlos has this weapon from the very beginning.
  5. G18 Handgun Burst Model - Jill finds it after waking up in hospital. It's in the same room as Jill.
  6. Magnum .44 AE Lightning Hawk - Jill can find the magnum after waking up in the hospital - we described it in a separate section titled Magnum - where to find it?.

If you have obtained weapons in the order described above, the trophy will be unlocked upon finding the magnum.

RE: Master of Unlocking

Trophy type: bronze - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: open all safes, cabinets, armored cabinets and locks.

Comment: this trophy is related to the following activities:

  1. Opening safes - there are 3 safes in the game: in an apartment building downtown, at the Police Station, and at the hospital.
  2. Opening cabinets - there are 2 cabinets at the police station -combinations for padlocks mounted on them are CAP and DCM.
  3. Opening armored cabinets - this refers to boxes found at a police station. The ID Card taken from Brad zombie is needed to open them.
  4. Opening locks - for this, you need the lockpick you acquire as Jill. Remember to go back to all the locks you've seen before. It's especially easy to miss the ones from the hospital you discovered as Carlos. You have to go back to them as Jill after she is healed (Carlos doesn't have the lockpick).

If you've been opening all possible objects on a regular basis, then you should get the trophy just after you open the last door at the hospital as Jill. In the final locations (Underground Storage, NEST 2) there are no more safes, lockers, etc.

For more information, check out a separate chapter on Collectibles and secrets in our guide.


Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: complete the game at least on "Normal" difficulty level.

Comment: You cannot lower the difficulty level to Assisted (the lowest one) at any point of your playthrough. In such case you'd lose the chance to unlock the trophy.


Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: complete the game at least on "Hardcore" difficulty level.

Comment: if you're feeling up to it, choose this difficulty level right away for the first time. It is required to unlock the next difficulty level - Nightmare.


Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Complete the game at least on "Nightmare" difficulty level.

Comment: Nightmare difficulty level is not available from the start. You must first complete the game on the Hardcore level. Completing the game on a low or normal difficulty level will not be sufficient to unlock the Nightmare mode.

Enemies on the Nightmare difficulty are much more aggressive and that is also true for Nemesis. You also have to expect that some powerful monsters (e.g. toad and Hunter) will start appearing much earlier. Another problem is that you will find and craft far less medicines and ammunition. The Nightmare difficulty level requires you to know what you have to do and be able to dodge attacks perfectly.

Sensational Work

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Complete the game with S Rank.

Comment: the S Rank is awarded for completing the story within a specified time limit and saving the game a maximum of 5 times. The easiest way to do this is by playing on a low difficulty level (Assisted), where the game needs to be completed in less than 2 hours and 30 minutes. If you don't waste time on optional exploration and fights, you should see the end credits after about 90 minutes.

The cheats you buy from the built-in store (the game unlocks it after the first completion of the campaign) can also help you in fulfilling the objectives of this trophy. The most helpful cheat includes guns with unlimited ammunition.


Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Complete the game without opening the item box.

Comment: this is one of the more difficult trophies - it forces you to skillfully manage the character's inventory without storing items in the boxes.

Select a low - Assisted - difficulty level to unlock this achievement. We also recommend purchasing as many codes/cheats as possible, especially those that allow you to already have hip bags (each of which grants 2 inventory slots) and unlimited ammunition for weapons. You can play slowly and simply return to previously found objects only when it is necessary to survive or solve a puzzle.

I Might Need Those Later!

Trophy type: silver - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Complete the game using up to 1 regenerating item.

Comment: this trophy seems difficult at first glance, as you can't use any herbs or sprays.

Help yourself with some codes/cheats. One category of objects to buy in the shop are the recovery Recovery Icons, which allow you to recover lost health points automatically.

We recommend using the only available healing item during the puzzle in the substation - when Jill is infected by the first spider-lie creature - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

We recommend using the only available healing item during the puzzle in the substation - when Jill is infected by the first spider-lie creature. Avoid all other spiders while completing this puzzle - you don't want to get infected again.


Trophy type: gold - Resident Evil 3: Trophy guide - Appendix - Resident Evil 3 Guide

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: complete the game under 2 hours.

Comment: it's one of the simpler trophies associated with completing the game under given conditions. Choose the lowest - Assisted - difficulty level. In addition, try to purchase as many cheats as possible from the shop - at least one weapon with unlimited ammunition in particular.

Focus solely on getting to the items and locations associated with the main plot. If you die or waste too much time in a given location, go back to the main menu and load the previous save file to complete a given sequence faster.

You can check the current time in the pause menu - the counter appears in the top right corner of the screen.

Resident Evil 3

April 3, 2020

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