Key points of Mafia 3 - Vargas
Areas where you can find the posters
Areas where you can find the posters
1,2 – The paintings are inside the Doucet's establishment - the first one on the ground floor near the entrance, the second one in the boss's office on the upper floor.
3 – The painting is in Lincoln's hideout in the basement of Sammy's bar.
4 – The painting is in the office in the Dixie gang's hideout.
5 – The painting is in the office in the distillery.
6 – The paintig is in the junkyard, inside the building next to the water (Nicki Burke resides here by default).
7 – The painting is in the office in the main building of the junkyard. You won't be able to enter the building until you've recruited Burke.
8 – The painting is in the office in the meat packing plant.
9,10 – The painting are in Vito's hideout - on the ground floor behind the counter and in the office on the upper floor.
11 – The painting is a on wall on the upper floor of the warehouse. This place is guarded by gangsters, but later on in the game you'll encounter Alma here.
12 – The painting is hanging on a wall of the union extortion racket.
13 – The painting is hanging on an office wall on the upper floor of the warehouse.
14 – The painting is hanging on a wall in the office in the main building.
15 – The painting is inside one of the small buildings in the quarry.
16 – The painting is in the construction site. Enemies are here by default.
17 – The painting is in the reception of The Royal Hotel.
18 – The painting is in a large display the office at the top floor of the bath house.
19 – The painting is on one of the walls in the Auto Service building (enemy racket).
20 – The painting is in the office of the Best Oil building.
21 – The painting is hanging on an office wall in the last building in the docks.
22 – The painting is hanging on a wall inside the Duvall Hall Science Center building.
23 – The painting is in the office of the supermarket controlled by the Southern Union members.
24 – The painting is in the hut on the yacht club grounds. You can't get there until you've unlocked the "Kill Olivia Marcano" main mission.
25 – The painting is in the office on one of the lower levels of the jazz club. This location is controlled by gangsters by default.
26 – The painting is hanging on a wall in the main area of the jazz club.
27 – The painting is on a shelf behind the bar counter.
28 – The painting is on a wall in the upper floor office. Enemies are here by default.
29 – The painting is on a wall in the upper floor office. This place is controlled by gangsters until you take over their business.
30 – The painting is in the office on the upper floor. This location is controlled by gangsters by default (black market racket).
31 – The painting is on a wall inside the warehouse.
32 – The painting is in Sal Marcano's casino (unlocked at the end of the game). You'll find it in a corridor connecting the first and the second main area.
33 – The painting is in Sal Marcano's casino (unlocked at the end of the game). You'll find it in a room on the upper floor in the second area, exactly where Giorgi is stationed.
The above map shows the location of Vargas paintings in New Bordeaux in Mafia III. Each point has a short description with advice related to precise location of a secret. Once you find a painting, you can check it in the secrets window.
Paintings 1 and 2
Painting 1 is on the ground floor and painting 2 is on the first floor
The paintings are located in Doucet's building which you will visit for the first time during the "Prostitution" mission (prostitution racket). If you can't get there, wait for the mission starts and get the collectibles during or after it. Painting 1 is hanging on the wall near the main entrance and painting 2 is on the first floor in the office of the boss of the prostitution racket.
Painting 4
Reach the small room
This painting is in Dixie gang hideout which is at first very well guarded. Because of that, you should obtain it after completing the story mission "Smack" in which you take over the heroin racket. The secret can be found in the last room of the large building.
Paintings 5 and 8
Painting 5 is in the distillery and painting 8 in the meat facility
The paintings are in the large buildings in Pointe Verdun. At first the buildings are under complete control of the enemy gangs. You should look for the collectibles after you take over the enemy racket ("Moonshine" story mission). Painting 5 can be found on the wall in the office in the distillery and painting 8 is in the office in the meat facility.
Painting 6
The painting is in the scrap yard, more precisely inside the southern building at the water. In this place Lincoln can meet with Nicki Burke. If she isn't present in the building, then the main entrance can be closed. In that case you can reach the building from the water, by getting to the door shown on the picture.
Painting 7
Examine the office in the large building in the scrap yard
The painting is inside the main building of Burke's Iron & Metal. The object is closed at first and you can get inside after you meet with Burke and recruit him in the "Cut and Run" story mission.
Paintings 9 and 10
Painting 9 is well hidden behind the counter and painting 10 is in Vito's office
The paintings are located in Benny's restaurant which serves as Vito's hideout. Because of that, you should start looking for the secrets after you recruit Vito by completing the story mission "We Partners Now?". The painting number 9 can be found behind the counter at the ground floor of the building and painting 10 is in the office on the first floor where you can find Vito.
Painting 15
The building in which you will find the painting
In order to obtain this painting you must visit the quarry in Barclay Mills. The quarry is related to one of the story missions. The secret can be found in one of the small buildings. As usually, it will be hanging on the wall.
Painting 16
The painting is on the construction site in Downtown. Until you take over the hostile racket, the location is occupied by many enemies. Because of that, you should wait with the search until it will be safe. The precise location of the painting is shown on the above picture - it is standing next to the chest behind a few chairs.
Painting 17
The painting is inside the Royal Hotel. Once you reach the lobby, go to the reception and jump over the counter. The secret can be found in the place shown on the picture.
Painting 21
This painting can be found in the last building at the docks, at the start the location is occupied by gangsters, so it is worth it to hold off its exploration until it is taken over. The secret can be found in the location shown in the picture above - it is the office on the first floor, which you will reach soon after walking past a large ship.
Painting 22
Look in the office, in which you have confronted Bobby Bastian
The painting is hanging on the wall in the office of the large Duvall Hall Science Centre building. This location is by default the headquarters of Bobby Bastain's people, and as a result it is best to acquire this secret after the PCP racket has been taken over.
Painting 23
The painting is located on the floor of The Bellaire's supermarket. The supermarket is by default under the control of the racist Southern Union organization and it is best to wait until you visit the supermarket in one of the missions connected to this organization, or until to completely take over the Southern Union racket. The secret can be found in an office on the first floor, which is the main office of Chester Moreau (as shown in the picture above).
Painting 24
The painting is located in the area of the yacht club and you will not be able to reach it until you start the story mission "Kill Olivia Marcano". While completing this mission, Lincoln will have to save Stephen Degarmo and the painting can be found in the small building next to the garden in which Stephen is being interrogated. The exact location of the secret is shown in the picture above - you can grab it immediately, during the mission, or come back to the yacht club after you have saved Degarmo.
Painting 25
The painting is in the office shown above. The office is located in the basement of the jazz club (the entrance to the basement is in the main space of that club). The location is initially occupied by two hostile gangsters, so it's best to go for the picture after you take down the lieutenant and take over the drug racket. The collectible is in the same room where you've fought the boss.
Paintings 32 and 33
Both of these can be found in the Sal Marcano's casino - the location is unavailable at first. The casino can be visited during the final story mission, "Kill Sal Marcano". You can get back to this place after finishing the plot.
Painting 32 can be found in the corridor shown above - the corridor links the first and the second big area of the casino.
Painting 33 is on the first floor of the second area in the casino. It's the same location where you take down Giorgio.