Relics and useful items | Additional Equipment

Tears of Saint
The first relic that you will come across in the game. It fully restores your health bar and increases it for a short duration.
Seal of Alastor
Unlocks all available skills in the game and increases your mastery with weapons for a short time. This relic comes in handy especially at the beginning of the game, when you can't afford to unlock all the available skills. It loses its power later on as the game progresses, but thanks to increase in mastery, it can be useful throughout the game.
Ensnared Demon
This relic gives you an unlimited supply of Void and Chaos Magic for its duration, which allows you to use your abilities almost as much as you want - it's especially useful versus flying enemies (you need Void or Chaos magic to bring flying foes to the ground), or during some of the challenges, which are really hard to do without a large supply of magic power.
Remember: after the duration of the relic ends, your supply of both magic will be emptied, even if you have "your own" supply before activation. It's crucial to use this relic only when your magic bars are empty.
Stolas' Clock
Upon activation, enemies struck by your attacks will be slowed (to the point of not moving at all - larger enemies are more resistant to this and can occasionally attack you) and will drop additional experience points - if you feel a deficiency in experience or when you are having a hard time with some foe, use this relic.
Unfortunately, this relic doesn't work on some of the larger enemies (or slows them instead of stopping) and bosses.
Dodo Egg
If you care about finding all the secrets in the game (and you should, as most of them will make your game a lot easier), then this relic is ideal for you. After activation, you send out a Dodo Bird, which will locate the nearest treasure and its (treasure) location will be shown to you on the map. Dodo will only guide you to those treasures, which are available to you (you need certain abilities, like double jump or Mist to gain access to most of them) - if there is none available to you, because you lack the necessary skill or if there simply are none left on the district, you will get an appropriate message displayed on the screen.
Remember: Dodo Bird won't be "sitting" at the treasure for an unlimited time - after several minutes his "mark" will start to flash and it will disappear. Fortunately for you, the time provided by this relic is sufficient in most cases.
Talisman of the Dragon
A relic which allows you to take the form of a dragon - at least for a split second. After activation, an effective animation awaits you, after which all the enemies in your vicinity will take gigantic damage - most of them (besides bosses) will be turned to ashes. In order to activate it, you have to collect 5 Dragon Scales, which are sometimes dropped out of slain enemies. You can also buy them at the Chupacabras' (he can sell only 3 scales at a time). Leave this relic on some tough enemies or especially annoying enemies, like Riot Mechs.
White Wolf Medallion
A special medallion, which is given to you by Trevor. It allows you to travel between two "time zones" - medieval (City of the Damned, Overlook Tower, Bernhard's Wing, Carmilla's Lair) and present time (Downtown, Victory Plaza, Arts District, Sciences District). Aside from story-related quests, you will mostly use it to get to the Chupacabras' shop in the City of the Damned.
Dungeon Key
An item, which is used to activate different kinds of mechanisms - from elevators, with which you must travel to push the story forward, to treasures hidden on the map (which award you with a large amount of experience points).
There are two ways to acquire them - by killing the only enemy who drops them (Dungeon Jailer), or by buying them at the Chupacabras' shop. You should buy them whenever you can (whenever you are close to the shop), because you never know when they will come in handy and you don't want to waste time going back for them.
An item, which can be used to gain access to Kleidos Challenges (which you can activate in the Chupacabras' shop). Kleidos consists of a mask and special nails - you need 4 of them to unlock the first Challenge group, 8 to unlock the next and so on, finishing at 16 nails, which will give you an access to all the Kleidos Challenges.
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