Total War Warhammer 3: Khorne - unique mechanics Total War Warhammer 3 guide, walkthrough
This guide page will tell you all about the unique mechanics of the Khorne faction in Total War Warhammer 3.
Last update: 04 April 2022
The following page of the guide will introduce you to the unique mechanics of the Khorne faction in Total War Warhammer 3.
The unique resource that the Khornes collects are skulls. You can check their current amount at the top of the screen.
You can get skulls as battle loot, by looting cities or by finding them after battles fought by other factions. Additionally, some technologies grant you a passive skull bonus.
It is an extremely important resource for Khorne, as it allows you to research new technologies and capture settlements. Additionally, it allows you to use the Skull Throne .
The Skull Throne
Another important and unique Khorne mechanic is the Skull Throne. By sacrificing 2,000 skulls (this number can be reduced with technology) you will get the god's blessing. It will give you better rewards for battles and increased mobility after destroying a settlement. In addition, the armies summoned within the Blood Hosts will be bigger.
Blood Hosts
Once you defeat a settlement's defence as Khorne (similarly to other races), you can decide on the settlement's further fate. Aside from conquering it, looting and collecting skulls, you will have one more option - Blood for the Blood God.
Selecting this option will bring an additional army to your command. This army, however, will begin to lose strength over time if it does not participate in battles.
If you select an army and look at the bottom left corner, you will see an "hourglass"-like meter.
It counts the recent battles a given army has fought. Every three battles, the meter "levels up", thus unlocking new bonuses. Aside from upgrades for a specific army, such as reduced maintenance costs or faster hiring, you will also receive positive effects for all armies (loss replenishment) and for the provinces - an increase in Khorne's corruption and faster development.
Unfortunately, if the army does not fight any battle for 2 consecutive turns, the meter will drop. If it drops to zero (which is the worst case scenario), you may ever start receiving penalties!
The daemon mechanic - Unholy Manifestation may help you in that (see more information about it on a separate page). It allows Khorne to summon an army that will attack the allied army of your choice. This is not only a "free" skull source, but also a way to raise your marker in a critical situation. Unfortunately, this method can only be used every 15 turns.
To use this faction skill, select the skull symbol from the wheel menu, then Eternal War, and finally select the army you want to attack.
Drawn to Destruction
As mentioned earlier, Khorne must use skulls to control settlements. However, this is not the only form of colonization this faction has.
If you already have a settlement in a given province, while another one is uninhabited, there is a chance (which can be increased with technologies and buildings) that you will take over the deserted town automatically - without any engagement from your end.