Starting position – Your base has numerous mineral deposits, but in this mission you will require large volumes of gas to build advanced units. Construct additional Hatcheries to speed up resource acquisition. The enemy will attack from three sides, but usually from the North, using a group of Scouts and Carriers.
Protoss Base #1 - Drop zone – Behind the crystal field, on the hill, there's an undefended location. You can drop your forces there and attack the enemy Nexus directly. Deal with that, and all you'll have left to do will be the slow eradication of enemy base and structures on this side of the map.
Protoss Base #2 - Barracs – Before you attack the main base on the eastern side, destroy enemy barracks and turrets. Begin, however, with taking out the Pylons, effectively disabling enemy structures. A team of Hydralisks and a few Mutalisks should be enough for the job.
Protoss Base #2 – The easiest way to attack it is from the North. Once you take out the production buildings and the Nexus, take care of the Pylons near the cliff. This will deactivate enemy turrets before they can do you any harm. Don't let even a single worker escape.
Expansion space – Build not only the Hatchery, structures to produce units and acquire resources, but also Nydus canal leading to your main base. This will enable you to swiftly transport your forces between the two bases when needed.
Protoss Base #3 - Outer defenses – Use your flying units to attack. They will be able to attack freely from above the ruins surrounding the Protoss base. Keep your Mutalisks around to repel any counterattacks. Proceed with your land forces.
Protoss Base #3 - Nexus – Destroying the Nexus and Vespine gas mine is crucial. It will deal a sever blow to enemy economy and force him to spend his resources on a new Nexus (although he has one more, North of the mission objective). Often it will also lure enemy forces to this point, enabling you to wipe them out.
Mission Objective - defense line – There's a well fortified defense line, consisting of a Pylon and two turrets, surrounding the Temple. It's better to just smash the Pylon and leave the inactive turrets alone, focusing on enemy units instead.
Mission Objective - Protoss Temple – Some of the enemy's most powerful units are guarding this locations. You should have amassed a large ground force and several air groups by now. Once you deal with the defenders, you'll have to deliver the crystal from your base to the ruins of the Temple. If you've built a Nydus canal, you can use it now to speed up the transport. In the meantime, the red Protoss will attack your positions around the Temple.
Mission objectives:
- Destroy the protoss temple;
- Bring the Khaydarin Crystal to the beacon.
The time has come to make another step in subjugating the might of Auir. The Overmind decided to definitively conquer the planet. To do so, you have to destroy the sacred place of the ancient race of the Xel'naga. The protoss built their own temple there. You must destroy it.
The enemy will be sending a small flyer team from time to time - several Scouts and a Carrier. A group of Hydralisks should be enough to repel the enemy.
Your starting position is located at the bottom edge of the map (1). It is situated between two small bases. From there, the enemy will be often sending land forces. To the north, around the temple area, there is a vast base of the Yellow protoss. This one will be sending a Carrier and several (3-5) Scouts every now and then. At the beginning, create a team of Hydralisks - it will deal with most of the threats. Ultimately, you need to create large flyer squads, and to do so, you need big amounts of gas. The last army, the Red protoss at the north edge of the map, won't be attacking you for the majority of time.
You start the mission with a large amount of raw materials. Minerals aren't a problem in this scenario. You will find many locations with mineral deposits. Immediately build an extra Hatchery to the right from your base but on the Creep, not at the cliff. Then, build another Hatcher on the left, as close to the deposit as possible. Focus on creating workers and Hydralisks for the defense of you base. Before you start attacking, buy all enhancements for Overlords, several for land units and flyers, and recruit at least two teams of Hydralisks and Zerglings. Expand your fortifications and place Turrets in pairs, meaning Sunken Colony and Spore Colony next to one another, around your base. Now, deploy your units to the hill, right behind the mineral deposit on the left (2). Going up, you'll see a Nexus. Order your Hydralisks to destroy it and have your Zerglings kill the defenders if there are any. Then, send all to the north and take care of the rest of the base.
A large group of Hydralisks or Mutalisks should handle the enemy facility on the right cliff. First, destroy the two Pylons, then send the Mutalisks do destroy the base in the upper corner.
Before you attack the base on the far side, create a team of Mutalisks. Start from the enemy barracks surrounded by Turrets (3). Targets the two Pylons first for a change. In this way, you can disable more buildings that pose a threat to you. March towards the bottom right corner - destroy the production buildings first, then the Nexus (4). Have the Mutalisks carry out the attack and let the infantry follow them.
Time to prepare to assault the Temple. Build a Hatchery near all raw materials deposits in the area (5). In the center of the map as well as at the right and left edge of the map are two unprotected areas available for expansion. Apart from a Hatchery and a pair of Turrets, also build a Nydus Network. In this way, you'll be able to transport your army from the main base to the frontline quicker. Your primary assault force are 24 Mutalisks and the same number of Guardians. Moreover, take Zerglings and Hydralisks or, if you happen to have one, a team of Ultralisks. It's a good idea to have at least one or two Queens and Defilers. Their abilities can prove helpful at some point.
The Temple is fortified with a large number of Turrets. A numerous group of infantry and aircraft should break into the base with no problem. Watch out for Archons and Templars! Use Spawn Broodlings to quickly eliminate them.
These four teams should start the attack from the left edge, destroying all resistance and production buildings. There, you can not only destroy the barracks but also the Nexus (6,7). In the center part, below the Temple, there is the training center of the Yellow protoss. You can destroy this place if you still feel threatened by it. You can also attack the approach from the right side because it is poorly defended but this lets the Yellow protoss keep producing units. The Temple itself is surrounded by a line of fortifications of the following pattern: two Turrets and one Pylon (8,9). If you destroy the Pylon, you don't have to worry about the Turrets. Send Guardians to bomb these generators. Carriers will be often flying around the Temple, but two teams of Mutalisks should eliminate them before they can threaten you. Here, you will also encounter Archons, but you can easily get rid of them using the Spawn Broodling ability of a Queen.
Having destroyed the Temple, you will receive a new objective: bring the Crystal from the previous mission to the ruins. Take a worker and order it to march through the area you control. In the meantime, the Red protoss will be attacking the position around the Temple. If you built a Nydus Network earlier, the courier will be back much quicker. Otherwise, take it aboard a fully-enhanced Overlord and fly him to its destination. Mission accomplished!