List of units for the Coalition and Gaalsien factions
Rachel S'Jet

Storyline unit. This special vehicle has been modeled after Baserunner. It is capable of engaging enemy units and can repair allied units. Later into the game, it can also deploy scanners and fire EMP projectiles. It also has its dedicated upgrade on the technology tree. It has nearly 15000 health points, which is why it can just as well be used for scanning the area and fighting back a small group of opponents.
Support Cruiser

Basic multi-task support unit. It can repair units, attack with long-range turrets (also airborne units!) and play the role of a resource collection unit. It is relatively expensive, which is why you should make sure that it is not destroyed in the battle, especially if it functions as a collection unit.
resource collection;
repairs allied units;
after upgrade (Anti-Aircraft) it is quite effective against enemy aircraft.

Resource collection unit. It transports resources to the Carrier or to Support Cruiser. One resource deposit can be simultaneously harvested by two units, but it is better to produce more of them and harvest distant deposits also. In the case that resources run out, you can sell the unit with the Retire option, because they do not have any special abilities.
collection of resources;
destroying wrecks with explosives.

Support vehicle. It is not too mobile, but it has an AA turret. It is perfect for scanning the area, which it does using cheap fast drones it deploys. Additionally, it can deploys tactical scanners (storyline only) and defense turrets: ground and airborne. In Skirmish/multiplayer, you use this vehicle to collect artifacts.
Light Armored Vehicle (LAV)

Basic assault unit. Very quick and can be used with "hit-and-run" tactic (attack the enemy to weaken the unit or to scare them away/ lure into ambush). It is effective against long-ranged units with heavy/light armor, e.g. Railguns. It has weak armoring and weak firepower. An additional upside is that it takes Cu only to produce it.
Boost - it allows you to increase the velocity by 60%, for 10 seconds. It is perfect for approaching the enemy quickly and escaping. Also, it makes the vehicle difficult to hit.
Armored Assault (AAV)

This vehicle has strong armoring and a firepower greater than LAVs, which it deals with perfectly. However, due to its low speed, it is a weak unit in the case of long-range attacks. However, thanks to Smoke Grenade, it can easily eliminate Railguns, by approaching them when they are blinded. It can also engage airborne units, however it only stands a chance of shooting one down, while in group.
Smoke Grenade - smoke screen that holds for 10 seconds. Strategically speaking, this is an excellent ability which allows you to stop the enemy units from attacking. It can also be used to retreat from the battlefield safely. You can use the screen by the units, or in a straight line between two individual units, which prevents enemy fire. As a result, you cannot shoot also, as you cannot see the opponent.
Suppress Targets - passive ability that additionally eliminates light vehicles from attempting to fight, by slowing them down, by 50%, for 3 seconds.

A long-range unit. It has the greatest firepower of all the base units, but its firerate is not too high. Also, it is not too accurate in movement. Unarguably, these should be kept at the back of the army, due to weak armoring. They pose a great threat to armored units, especially the AAV. As a group, they are excellent against the largest cruiser vehicles.
Sunder - passive ability. The unit hit by railgun receives a 4 pt. penalty to the armor, for the duration of 10 seconds, thanks to which it becomes an easier target for the rest of the vehicles.
Strike Fighter

It is the core airborne unit. After they are produced, they are put in groups of 3. After you select the Carrier, you can immediately issue an order to launch an airborne attack on an area- the units automatically find targets they are to attack. These units deal AoE damage, but only those of the enemy units that are clustered together actually take damage. After the attack, the units have to return to the Carrier to replenish fuel and ammo. If you build them in larger quantities, you can send them out in small fleets into different areas of the map. Strike Fighters are fast and they are perfect for launching precision attacks (such as turrets and enemy Cruisers).
Tactical Bomber

This type of plane is just as good against all ground targets. Its bombs have a high yield and they are devastating. It is best to use these for attacking previously scouted areas, or during offensive actions of ground units. The reason for this is their low speed, due to which they are an easy target for all sorts of turrets and AA missiles. You can have, at most, 3 bombers at a time.

This one is a specific aircraft. It is fast and relatively resistant, but its firepower is hilariously small. After it finds a target, it engages it with machine guns, while circling around the attacked area for several seconds. This type of attack should be used only against units with poor armor and only in situations, in which you do not face an airborne attack. You can have 2 units of this type, at a time.
Missile Battery

The basic AA unit of the Coalition. As a matter of fact, no plane flying over this unit goes any farther. The downsides of this vehicle are low speed and no weaponry against ground units.
Mortar - an useful ability, but only when you do not own any artillery. Mortar attacks groups of units with a relatively high force - two shells can destroy a group of AAVs. However, hardly anybody uses these in larger quantities at a time. Use this ability but do not rely on it too much. Also, its cooldown leaves much to wish for.

As a matter of fact, this is the most powerful unit of this faction. It has as much as a half of the Carrier's health and large firepower. Unfortunately, it is slow, which is why it can be destroyed even by LAVs, if it is not accompanied by additional units. In itself, id deals perfectly with ground targets, but it frequently falls victim to Railguns and all sorts of artillery and planes. Keep it at the head of the army to take damage, which opens way for the rest of the units. In the story mode, it can be upgraded by the autorepair function.
Smoke Screen - just like in the case of AAV, you can use smoke screen that remains active for 10 seconds. This time, however, it does not come in the form of grenades and smoke appears exactly in the spot where the vehicle is located and it covers that vehicle only.
Artillery Cruiser

A long range unit. It fires projectiles upwards and, for this reason, it can fire from behind an elevation or an obstacle. However, it takes some time for the projectile to reach its target. The purpose of this vehicle is predominantly to attacks clusters o enemies,, it is especially effective against railguns. Of course, it can be used also to attack all other kinds of ground units, but there is a risk that the projectile will impact its destined point too late, as well as risk to damage own units. Over short range, it can also use a weak machine gun, which may serve as a poor defense against LAVS, but all in all, it lacks AA defenses.
Area Barrage - an attack of an exceptionally vast damage over an area. It is perfect for engaging enemy groups by surprise. However, projectiles do not reach the target at the same time, which is why, you may miss your targets one they start moving.
Precision Strike - a precision long-range shot of high power. Unfortunately - you do not get it free-of-charge.
Auto Targeting - you can disable automatic barrage against enemy units in case of the risk to damage own units.
Assault Cruiser

At first sight, this unit looks as if it was stolen from Gaalsien. As a matter of fact, it is the most moderate unit: moderately fast, of moderate firepower and of relatively poor armor. It can attack effectively airborne units (after you have discovered the Anti-Aircraft upgrade). It works well both against light and heavier ground units, as well as it works pretty well against railguns - thanks to its decent speed. In spite of that, this is not a standalone unit because its armor is too weak. It harmonizes well with Battlecruisers.
Overcharge - try to use it in critical situations. It increases the speed of the vehicle, but only temporarily, and it blocks the option to use the rest of the abilities.
Self-Repair System - if you have some spare time after the battle, you can restore the unit with auto-repair. However, this leaves the unit completely inactive for 20 seconds.
Tactical Missile - this special attack with a long-range rocket of vast radius can often decide the outcome of the battle. However, note the cost of the rocket (250 Cu).

Just like in the case of Coalition, its purpose is to mine for resources, which is its only function. After resources run out, you can sell it to receive back some of the resources.
Production Cruiser

The basic difference between the factions is that the basic units for Gaalsien are produced by Cruisers, rather than by Carrier. You can often spot large armies traveling as protection for these vehicles. They have also been produced by it. Outside of production, the vehicle is also used as storage for resources from Salvagers (after you have purchased Refinery Mode upgrade), as well as an AA cannon.

Unlike Coalition, Gaalsien do not produce turrets. Instead, Baserunner can deploy free scanners, and that over distance. However, cooldown here is as long as 5 minutes. Its additional function is that it can quickly heal nearby units with a pulse that needs recharging afterwards. It has weak turrets, including AA turrets. In the artifact harvest mode, it functions as the unit to transport them.
Deploy Scanner - deploys free scanners that expand your range of vision. It cools down after 5 minutes.
Restore Allied Hull - for 150 Cu, you can heal nearby units, but the vehicle's remaining functions become inactive. This effect lasts 10 seconds.
Assault Ship

Basic armored unit. In comparison with AAV, its rate of fire is lower, but its projectiles are more powerful. Also, its cruising speed is slightly higher. It has advantage over unarmored units. Unlike AAV, it does not engage airborne units. It can be easily destroyed with planes, Cruisers and Railguns.
Missile Ship

This is the basic AA unit. Apart from the function to eliminate planes, it does not have any special properties.
Direct Fire Barrage - just like Mortar in Missile Battery of the Coalition, this vehicle can launch AoE attacks over long distance, thanks to which it can reinforce ground units.
Assault Railgun

Gaalsien basic long-range unit, much faster than the Heavy model. At the same time, its effective range and power are lower. For this reason, you should always deploy it right behind armored units, but not in the last line of battle. It can be threatened by all units, if only it is left alone with the enemy.
Dart Maneuver - this upgrade allows you to increase the cruising speed temporarily.
Heavy Railgun

What sets regular Railguns apart from these are: lower movement speed and lower firerate. Still, their projectiles are effective over longer distances and they are more powerful. These units should be considered cheap artillery that can easily be used to eliminate enemy RGs and armored units alike. Avoid close contact with enemy units and aircraft.
Ranged Calibration - further improves range of vision and effective distance, at the cost of mobility (requires Ranged Calibration upgrade).
Heavy Railgun EMP Rounds - with each projectile you fire, you paralyze an enemy unit with EMP pulse (requires EMP Rounds upgrade).
Sunder -armor of the attacked unit is
The attacked unit receives a 4 pt. penalty to the armor, for the duration of 10 seconds.
Precision Bomber

A classic bomber. It is faster than bombers of the Coalition, but it deals AoE damage. It comes armed with 2 bombs (can be upgraded to hold 4), and is perfect against enemy Cruisers. High armor usually allows it to reach its target even in unfavorable conditions. You can own up to 5 such units on the Carrier.

This small plane is perfect for destroying enemy units at a long range. This one is the fastest plane in the game, but due to low armoring, its durability is very low - one or two AA projectiles can ground it. It does not do that well against heavily armored units (such as Battlecruisers).
Siege Cruiser

An artillery unit that is excellent predominantly thanks to the EMP pulse (upgrade). Apart from that, it has a typical attack and deals AoE damage over long range and it is effective against all ground units. The downsides are its low mobility and low velocity of the projectile.
Artillery Barrage - an attack over vast area intended for damaging groups of enemies, preferably by surprise. Its projectiles drop to the ground at random for several seconds and, if the enemy realizes that early enough, damage can be avoided.
EMP Shell - after you purchase the upgrade of this name, you will be able to attack with EMP projectiles that immobilize all units within the blast radius (apart from the carrier).
Auto-targeting - it allows you to either enable or disable auto-lock. Disabling this ability ensures safety of your units from accidental fire.
Honorguard Cruiser

An unique unit with large firepower over very long distance. Do not let enemy units approach it while it is alone, because its fire rate is very low. Although it has machine guns that engage enemy over short distance, but often this is not enough. It should be noted that its projectiles explode on impact and deal AoE damage, while remaining accurate, unlike in the case of the artillery. There is an AA system available for this unit, however this is only an option.
Enable Anti-Air Defense - you can temporarily activate strong AA defenses, however this deprives you of the opportunity to attack ground units (this requires an upgrade). Its duration is 25 seconds, and 3 seconds are required to switch attacking mode.
Upsides and downsides of units - what to use to gain an edge?

Just like in any strategy here, familiarity with units is the key. More precisely, knowing how to use them to gain advantage over the enemy. In Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, there are three types of offensive ground units: Light (Light Armored Vehicle / Sandskimmer), Armored (Armored Assault / Assault Ship) and ranged (Railgun). You should be aware of basic interconnections between them:
- light units are superior to ranged ones;
- ranged units are superior to armored ones;
- armored units are superior to light ones.
The key to perform effective operations is good visibility. If you can see a ranged unit that attacks you at a distance, do not deploy your entire army of light units against it - you do not know what's beyond.
Then, there are inter connections between ground and airborne units:
- Light Aircraft (Strike Fighters) are generally superior to ranged units and cannons;
- AA vehicles are superior to all sorts of planes;
- bombers are superior to ground units (also your allies among the group you engage may take damage);
- Gunships are superior to Light units (LAV/Sandskimmer/RG), but it is highly vulnerable to being grounded while in the attacking mode..
As proven by the above, light planes should be used for destroying smaller targets and cannons. Such planes are more difficult to hit and much cheaper to make. Use bombers while attacking the enemy HQ and when you spot the movement of the enemy armies that are not guarded by AA cannons and vehicles with ground-to-air projectiles.
The last class encompasses Cruisers. Both of the factions have an artillery unit that is capable of attacking at a distance longer than Railguns, but it is defenseless against mere AAVs, if they approach too close. Although these are the most powerful and the most costly units in the game, never produce them for its own sake and never have them act by themselves. You should treat them as reinforcement for the armies composed of base units.
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