Artifacts to obtain: none
Primary objectives:
- repair the damaged units and gather resources;
- assist Coalition Survivors that are under enemy fire;
- defend Kapisi and Rachel for 10 minutes;
- destroy remaining enemy units (even after you wait for the sandstorm).
start with collecting resources marked in orange.
First, fix the four armored units using Rachel S'jet and the Support Cruiser. Use Salvagers to gather resources At the same time, in the Kapisi Carrier, start producing 3 LAVs after you gather enough resources.
Hint: As soon as you have collected all of the resources, you can sell Salvagers, you are not going to need them anymore. However, you may still need them in the next mission, if only you will continue with your current units.
Hint 2: You can later on buy two upgrades for LAVs - one that increases their speed (LAV - Engine Upgrade, cost - 500) and one speeding up cooldown on Boost (LAV - Boost Recharge, cost - 700). IF you want to, you can save up for those upgrades. However, if you are new to the game, it is better to keep producing LAVs.
After time counter reaches 2:20, your base will start being attacked. Deploy 3 LAVs by the Western turret [1], and the rest of them by the turrets to the North [2]- do not bother with the attacked radar. Have Rachel S'Jet ready by the LAVs on the Western side.
deploy armored vehicles in the front of the base (North) [3], accompanied with Support Cruiser ( keep your LAVs in front of them, they are not as valuable and they can attack Railguns earlier).
From the North-Western direction, you will receive reinforcements of armored vehicles. Protect them at all costs.
After 5 minutes have elapsed, you will receive reinforcements from North-West, of three armored vehicles. LAVs that have been deployed there will fight off their pursuers. Have Rachel start repairs. Also, be ready to fight off a Railgun that starts attacking your turrets from the North. LAVs z with their Boost will quickly deal with it.
Hint: It is best to approach Railguns along the route that you set with the Shift key, from the side. Thanks to this, they will not attack you and your units will not drive around to attack from the back of the Railguns, which is where their reinforcements appear.
Keep the Support Cruiser in the center of the HQ - if repairs are necessary, you will know where to find it. Also, it will support units at the base, if the enemy manages to cut through your defenses.
Now, deploy the armored AAVs here (in [1]), and move LAVs East [4]. More units will come from there and they will be under enemy fire. They will walk right in front of Kapisi from its Northern side, among the containers [5] - deploy your Support Cruiser there and have Rachel move to the northern frontier, to the rest of the units.
After the time elapses, launch a final attack Northwards, with all you have.
The only thing left to do now is wait for the final wave to arrive (it appears at the same time as the countdown clock in the center of the screen). Keep an eye on the radar to make sure that the enemy has not walked past your units. The final attack will come from the North. As soon as you spot Railguns, command the majority of your units north, with LAVs going in first and then armored vehicles. However, watch out, because Heavy Railguns can also attack you from the East.
As a matter of fact, all you need to fight the enemy back (at the Classic level), is 3 LAVs at both sides of the armored units, heading towards the attack from the North.
Hint: It is best to attack with "attack-move" and command your units over a straight line, towards the HQ to the North.