Murdering Viktor Novikov | Paris: The Showstopper
Viktor Novikov can be eliminated in many ways. Below you will find various methods of killing him - including both ones that allow silent assassination of the target and more spectacular ones that will be noticed by guests and personnel in the palace.
Important - Some of the presented methods have a specific time window during which they can be performed (for example, before the fashion show ends). Details about it can be found in descriptions of specific assassinations.
Important - The main objectives (Viktor Novikov and Dalia Margolis) can be eliminated in any order. In some cases you can eliminate both of them with a single action. These "two in one" assassination methods are described on a separate page of the walkthrough.
- Option 1: Eliminating Novikov's bodyguard and killing the mission target in a remote location
- Option 2: Shooting Novikov when he is talking on the catwalk
- Option 3: Throwing the chandelier on Novikov
- Option 4: Killing Novikov with electricity
- Option 5: Dropping a speaker on Novikov
- Option 6: Poisoning Novikov
- Option 7: Murdering Novikov during his meeting with Decker
- Option 8: Murdering Novikov while he gives an interview
- Option 9: Dropping a light platform when Novikov is standing on a scene
Option 1: Eliminating Novikov's bodyguard and killing the mission target in a remote location

Killing Novikov in a remote location isn't an impressive technique, but if you do it properly you will get rid of the objective without alarming other people of your presence. As it was mentioned previously, Victor is traveling through floor 1 of the palace and is constantly accompanied by a personal body guard. Luckily, you can get rid of the guard. In order to do it, go to the catering staff room in the northwestern part of the building (M3,14). Once you reach the destination, find the Emetic Rat Poison and take one piece of it.

Novikov should occasionally walk into the catering room and whine on his employees. If you are perceptive, then you will notice as his bodyguard is using this opportunity to eat some treats. Memorize the plate from which the guard is taking the food (it is shown on the picture). Once both men leave the room, add the poison to that plate. When Victor will return to the room, his guard will be poisoned and will run to the toilet (where you can stun him and hide his body. However, it isn't a mandatory step).

Now you can follow Novikov and wait for a good time to eliminate him. A perfect place for murdering him is the corridor at the back of the catwalk. There is no one there and the only staff member is standing with his back turned on him. It is best to use garrote for the assassination, but you can also snap his neck or shoot him with a gun with suppressor.
Option 2: Shooting Novikov when he is talking on the catwalk

Novikov can be murdered by using the regular pistol with a suppressor. For obvious reasons, it shouldn't be done without any proper preparations. Agent 47 would be quickly noticed by the bystanders and in addition to that, Viktor is always shadowed by his bodyguard. So instead of that, you should obtain the staff member disguise and reach the second floor of the palace. More specifically, go to the balconies above the catwalk on which the fashion show takes place (M3,21).

Wait patiently until the fashion show ends. Once that happens, Novikov will walk on the scene in order to make a speech. Make sure that no one is coming towards Agent 47, lean from the balustrade, aim at Viktor's head (above picture) and shoot once. JUST AFTER killing Novikov you must hide your weapon and walk away from the balconies so that no one recognizes you as the killer.
Important - Don't be late with reaching the shooting position as Novikov will walk on the scene only once.
Important - Reaching the balconies on floor 2 means that Agent 47 will be recorded by security cameras. If you don't want to leave any trail, then go to the monitoring room on floor 0 (M3,17) and destroy the recordings.
Option 3: Throwing the chandelier on Novikov

There are many chandeliers that can be dropped on people in the palace, but selecting the "best" one isn't such an easy task. You should most of all take interest in the chandelier hanging above the stairs in the main hall (M3,19). You can drop it down by interacting with the handle (M3,16) located on floor 2 and shown on the picture. Before you do it, first obtain good disguise and eliminate few nearby enemies so that they won't detect Agent 47 during the sabotage. In addition to that, you must wait for Novikov to get to the stairs and start his speech for the guests.

If you don't have the patience to wait for Novikov or if you missed his speech, then you can take interest in the chandeliers located in the banquet room in the northern part of the building (M3,20). You can wait for Viktor to stop at the bar or at one of the tables where he will start a conversation with one of the guests. When that happens, quickly find the handle that allows dropping the chandelier that is above the mission target. It isn't a good assassination option for the following reasons:
a) You can be easily recognized by building security - you must use the panic to quickly leave the murder place.
b) There is a high chance that by dropping the chandelier you will not only kill Novikov, but bystanders as well. It won't cause mission failure, but your final score will be lower.
Option 4: Killing Novikov with electricity

If you want to murder Novikov with electricity, then you must hurry and start the preparations immediately after the mission starts. You should obtain the event crew disguise, but it isn't mandatory. In addition to that, you must obtain one of the screwdrivers. They are quite common, you can find one for example in the northern part of the gardens, near the palace staff member talking through the phone (M3,7). Another one is next to a small building in the southwestern part of the gardens (M3,12).

Go to the northern part of the gardens and find the place with the extension cord lying on the ground (M3,15). IGNORE IT as first you must turn the electricity off (otherwise Agent 47 would be killed by the electricity). Walk towards the nearby electric socket and unplug it.

Only after that you should go towards the extension cord and use the previously obtained screwdriver on it. This will uncover the power wire - you must dip it in a small slop. Go back to the socket, but DON'T plug it back. You must wait for Novikov to come, otherwise some bystander could be killed with the electricity. Turn the power on when Viktor get closes to the broken extension cord. Walk away immediately after as Novikov's accident will cause a ruckus.
Option 5: Dropping a speaker on Novikov

This assassination attempt requires some preparations. Try obtaining the event crew disguise. You will also need a crowbar. This item is quite commonly found. You can get it for example at the back of the small building north from starting location (M3,3) or in the event crew area in the southern part of the map (M3,14).

Go in the disguise to the second floor of the palace. More specifically, go towards the balconies above the catwalk on which the fashion show takes place (M3,21). Take interest in the speaker in the northeastern corner of the balconies (M3,17). Wait until Novikov stands directly underneath it, make sure that no one is walking towards Agent 47 and use the crowbar to detach the speaker from the balustrade. Quickly get away from the accident place as it will cause some ruckus. Sadly, this method doesn't guarantee that no bystanders die because of the speaker fall.
Important - Reaching the balconies on floor 2 means that Agent 47 will be recorded by security cameras. If you don't want to leave any trail, then go to the monitoring room on floor 0 (M3,17) and destroy the recordings.
Option 6: Poisoning Novikov

In order to complete this assassination method, you must find the receipt for Novikov's favorite drink, prepare it and add some poison to it. Start by reaching the basement (floor 0 of the palace). Go to the locker-room and find the palace staff disguise (M3,6) which you must wear. Explore the western part of the basement. Near the kitchen, in the place shown on the picture, you will find a cocktail recipe (M3,3). Look at it - Agent 47 will automatically learn the recipe.

The next step is obtaining the emetic rat poison. It can be found in many different places on the map (M3,3), for example in the catering room on floor 1 or in the southern part of the gardens. Once you get the poison, go towards the banquet room on floor 1 of the building (M3,20). Find a free position where Agent 47 can stand in the staff disguise (M3,4). Since you know the recipe for Novikov's favorite drink, you can press the button that will trigger preparation of the drink. Once it is done, add the previously obtained poison to the cocktail.

Now you must wait for Novikov to reach the bar and drink the cocktail. The poison won't kill him - instead, Viktor will go to the nearest toilet. Follow him and take a good use of the fact that Novikov's personal guard won't accompany him inside. You can kill Viktor with the garrote or by drowning him in the toilet. Once you're done, hide his corpse.
Option 7: Murdering Novikov during his meeting with Decker

This option allows murdering Novikov during a private meeting in the gardens. You don't need to rush doing it as you will have to "help" arranging the meeting for it to even take place. First go to the northern terrace of the mansion and find Decker (M3,1). Listen to the telephone conversation from which you will learn that Decker is waiting for a meeting with Novikov.

You must lead Decker to the location of the meeting. It can be done after wearing proper disguise. More specifically you must wear the CICADA Bodyguard disguise. It can be obtained for example by eliminating one of the bodyguards patrolling the area near the small building in the northwestern corner of the map (M3,8). Wait for your target to be alone, quickly stun him and hide his body in the container. Then wear the new disguise.

Go back to Decker after wearing the bodyguard disguise and initiate a conversation with him. Ask him to follow you. The destination is the gazebo in the southwestern corner of the gardens (M3,2). You can select any path leading there, but on your way you must avoid being detected by other bodyguards - some of them can recognize 47. You don't need to move through the map slowly - even if you move quickly, sooner or later Decker will catch up to you. Once you reach the part of the gardens that are a small labyrinth, bypass the guard and go towards the gazebo. Two-person patrols can be found in this part of the gardens and you can be recognized by the guards, so keep away from them. Wait for Decker to reach the gazebo. He will call Novikov and convince him to come to the meeting place.

It will take some time for Viktor to reach the gardens. You can use that time to select an elimination method. One of the methods is to sabotage any of the gas lamps near the gazebo. In order to do it, you must first find a wrench (there are many on the map) and sabotage the lamp not too soon before Novikov arrives. The explosion will happen automatically after too much of gas volatilize. You can also initiate the explosion on your own with a single pistol shot aimed at the damaged lamp.

Another interesting solution is using explosives:
- You could have taken ICA Proximity Explosives for the mission. Position yourself at least few meters from the gazebo, select the explosives from the inventory and throw it towards Novikov. It will explode just after landing.
- You can find a remote explosive on the palace attic on floor 3 (M3,9). This explosive can be planted in the gazebo before the meeting and be detonated from a safe distance.

Don't try killing Novikov with a regular gunfire (pistol, machine gun etc). Agent 47 would be immediately discovered. The only exception is situation when you repeat the mission and have Jaeger 7 sniper rifle (before the mission starts you must select a delivery point of the rifle and reach it in a bodyguard disguise). In that case you can go to one of the balconies on floor 3 of the palace. From there you will have an excellent view on the gazebo (M3,21). Get rid of the guard on that balcony, then wait for the meeting to start and kill Novikov with a headshot (you don't need to kill Decker).
Important - If you want to make sure no one hears the shot, you can find the Fireworks Remote Detonator (M3,10) on floor 2 and use it in order to start the fireworks.
Option 8: Murdering Novikov while he gives an interview

Start with obtaining any disguise (for example staff member or a body guard) that will allow you to move freely through floor 1. Look into the room in the northeastern corner of the building (M3,5). There you will find a female blogger who wants to have an interview with Novikov. Listen to her complains - you will learn that she needs lens for her camera.

Check the parking north from the blogger location (M3,15). There you will find a transmission car in which you can get the camera lens you're looking for.

Don't go back directly to the blogger. First you should obtain the remote explosive that will allow you to perform a remote detonation of the camera during the interview. If you intend to get rid of Novikov in that way, go to floor 3 and sneak up to the attic. You must reach the part of the attic with the hardware that allows monitoring the action (M3,9). Find the explosive there.

Go back to the female blogger. If you have the remote explosive, plant it in the camera on the table. Then give the previously stolen lens to the blogger. The woman will contact Novikov and will wait for meeting him near the fountain outside the building (M3,6). Be patient as it might take some time for Viktor to get there. You can detonate the explosive from safe distance once the interview starts.
Important - If you don't want the blogger to die, you can simply shoot Novikov. However, in that case it is better to have a sniper rifle and shoot him from one of the upper balconies from which you can see the area around the fountain.
Option 9: Dropping a light platform when Novikov is standing on a scene

This option is most impressive, but using it might lead to death of many innocents. You must also hurry a bit - all preparations must be over before the fashion show ends and Viktor enters the scene related to the crime scene. First obtain a good disguise, for example from a body guard. You must also obtain a crowbar. These items are common in the area, you can find it for example at the back of a small building north from starting location (M3,3) or in the event crew members area in the southern part of the map (M3,14).

Now you must go towards the attic on floor 3 of the palace (M3,31). The best ways of infiltrating it were described on one of the previous pages of the walkthrough (using the VIP disguise, using the ladder on floor 2 etc). Take interest in the western part of the attic, more specifically the giant light platform shown on the picture (M3,8).

There is no path leading to the light platform - you must jump over the balustrade, lower yourself and then slowly move to the left or right until you reach the destination. Now start sneaking up so that you won't get detected too early by the bodyguards on the attic (some of them will stand near the balustrade). The place where you perform the sabotage is shown on the above picture. What's important, DON'T USE the crowbar immediately after you reach the destination.

Now you must patiently wait for the fashion show on floor 1 (M3,21) to end. When it ends, Viktor Novikov will appear on the scene (the light will change color from blue to red). Now you can use the crowbar to drop the platform on the scene. It will spectacularly kill Novikov and all nearby people. QUICKLY leave the upper balconies and the attic so that you aren't recognized as the person responsible for the accident.
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