Murdering Jordan Cross | Bangkok
Jordan Cross is a lead singer of a popular rock band named The Class. The celebrity has a difficult past - a year ago he murdered a young actress (privately, his girlfriend), Hannah Highmoore. Now, he is recording another long-awaited album in the Himmapan hotel. The easiest way to get close to Cross is by disguising yourself as The Class crew or one of his bodyguards.
Killing as a drummer
This way of killing the heir of the Cross's fortune can be discovered in the restaurant on level 2 - by eavesdropping the conversation of two members of The Class recording crew (M6,2). The gossipers are talking about the group's new member - one of the most talented independent drummers, named Abel de Silva. It so happens that Agent 47 is very similar to De Silva, so this is a perfect way of getting close to the young Cross.

In order to do this you must backtrack to the restaurant, where you will encounter the unsuspecting musician. At this point you should be disguised as a hotel security guard - this lets you follow the drummer undisturbed by anyone. Otherwise, you may get stopped by the security, or your identity can be exposed by Himmapan personnel or the recording crew. Follow Abel until he goes out on the balcony (M6,13) in order to smoke. Quickly go after him and sneak through the balcony into the room adjacent to the corridor (M6,14). Now you just need to lure the drummer into this room - using a coin or any heavy object - and get rid of him.

The guard in the corridor that leads to the balcony can expose - so when you leave the room while carrying the drummer's body take the door on the opposite from the balcony. Upon leaving, go straight ahead through the main lobby and into the wing where The Crew members reside. Go into the apartments upstairs (level 5) over the recording studio (M6,3). Don't worry, the guards won't search you, so you can keep all your belongings that would otherwise be detected.

As soon as Cross sees Agent 47, he will greet him (taking him for Abel De Silva) and invite him downstairs. Follow him to the drum kit in the studio (M6,15). After introducing the hitman as a musician, Jordan will ask him to show his drumming skills. The crew will be delighted with Agent 47's performance, and this will also unlock the "Man Machine" challenge. Cross will be impressed too - this will get you an invitation for a private conversation on the building's roof.

When you get on the roof, Jordan Cross's bodyguards will tell everyone to clear the area. Now just wait for until the singer turns away and bends over the railing (M6,4) - you can end his life by simply pushing him off the roof. This will result in devastating the glass roof over the hotel entrance and unlocking the "You're So Fly" challenge.

Birthday Cake Kill
Jordan Cross is celebrating his 27th birthday - everyone is pretending not to remember of that fact, but the musician's manager is throwing him a modest surprise party. His father, although absent, has ordered a special vegan cake for this occasion - the condition is to garnish the cake with the number 27 topping. This is another good opportunity to get close to the target and take his life.

The first thing you should do, is get a kitchen staff disguise - this will enable you to take the topping without raising suspicions. In order to do that you should go to the kitchen's storage, where two cooks are doing inventory. You just need to lure one of them - using either a coin or a can from the shelf - into the icehouse (M6,11). There, you can knock the poor guy out and take his clothes.

Upon entering the kitchen, you can hear an employee complaining about Cross's whims about the vegan cake. Angry, he will stop looking at the counter where the number 27 topping is lying (M6,17) and leave the kitchen. Now, just wait until the other cook turns around - when that happens, approach the counter and take the topping without raising anyone's suspicions.

After taking the topping you can head to the room with the cake and balloons (Level 3) - above the security room - where The Class crew wearing party hats are waiting for Cross to show up. You can perform the kill in two ways - either poison the cake (M6,5) using the pills from the vial you took from one of the hotel rooms' bathroom (M6,2)) right before or soon after putting the topping on the cake. While wearing a kitchen staff disguise you can do that without drawing the attention of the excited crew members - they will just assume you are adjusting the topping. This way of killing Cross will unlock the "Have Your Cake" challenge. Another way is to choke Cross on the cake when the entire crew (together with the manager) leave the room. In order to do this simply approach Cross from behind when he is leaning over the cake. This will also unlock the "Icing On The Cake" challenge.

Bugman Kill
This opportunity of killing Jordan Cross can be discovered when you break into the Himmapan hotel's manager's office. On Mrs. Mookjai's desk there is an exterminator's schedule (M6,18) - reading this will reveal that an exterminator is supposed to inspect the Emperor's Suite and neutralize insects there.

The first step to realizing the plan, is getting an exterminator's disguise (M6,19). This isn't very difficult - you just need to follow the exterminator until he enters the room with the ventilation system controls. The technician is walking around together with a hotel staff member. When they enter that room, you should stick close to the shelf next to the hotel boy, and then knock him out and pull behind the shelf. The exterminator may hear Agent 47's actions, but he won't manage to call guards, as long as you act fast.

Now, you should get the insecticide (M6,7) - if you haven't done that already. For this purpose, you should go to the exterminator's van. Only when wearing the exterminator disguise you can take the chemicals without raising suspicions. You should still be careful, though, because the other technician can easily look through you - wait until he goes into the building or gets on the phone.

When you have the insecticide in your inventory, head to the hotel manager -you can find her most often in the backyards of the hotel (where various items are stockpiled) or in the main hall. After a brief conversation the hotel manager will call The Class crew and ask them to leave the Emperor's Suite. In just a moment the entire crew will move to the atrium.

While Jordan and The Class crew are going downstairs, you can head to the Emperor's Suite and blend into the environment by the keyboard (M6,16) - this will unlock the secret challenge "La Cucarachat". Now, go quickly back downstairs and interact with the ventilation system (M6,10) (this is in the room where you got the exterminator disguise from), and put the insecticide inside the vent.

After a short while, all those in the atrium will drop unconscious - you must act quickly now, because the security will soon notice that something is wrong. Identify Jordan Cross among the lying bodies (M6,6) and kill him using a suppressed pistol or by snapping his neck. The latter unlocks the secret challenge "Oh Snap!". This, however, won't let you eliminate both targets at the same time - before Ken Morgan comes into the atrium in order to ask about the message, The Class crew will wake up and return to their floor.

While walking around the hotel from the right you will pass by a room with two hotel staff members chatting (M6,17). They are talking about a secret recording of Hannah Highmoore - Jordan Cross's ex-girlfriend - which the musician is obsessed about. The audio recording has been taken from here by the manager, but this is a great way to remind Cross of his crime.

First, Agent 47 will have to sneak into the Emperor's Suite - this is where Barat's room no 404 is (M6,18). If you haven't got the outfit from one of Cross's bodyguards yet, try getting a recording crew disguise. To do this climb up the drain pipe from the room 102 balcony (M6,20) and into the room 202's bedroom (M6,19) - that's where a member of The Class crew resides, no witnesses. You can stun him and take his clothes.

Now you can safely go to the top floor, room 404 - this is where Barat is keeping the recording. It's up to you whether you wait by the door for a perfect moment to step in undetected (when the two guards walk away, you can trick the third one using a coin), or steal clothes from one of Jordan Cross's personal bodyguards - with this you will be able to go into Barat's room without risking detection.

Once in room 404 you will learn that the recording is in the safe (M6,21), the code to which is in Barat's possession (you can learn that from the manager's note "On Penthouse Safe", which is in the monitoring room). The woman carries the code on herself, so you will have to take it by force. To achieve that Agent 47 has to lure her into a room adjacent to the room 404 (M6,22). This can be done using coins, but a quicker and more interesting way is to use the guitar (M6,6) stored in that room (doing this will unlock the "Power Chord" challenge). Concerned about the sound, the woman will enter the room, thus creating a good opportunity for you to take her out - this will also unlock the secret achievement "Memory Loss".

Now, time for the last step - go back to room 404 and open the safe - you will find a USB flash driver inside. After taking the USB flash drive, you should head over to the rooms on the other side of this wing. Once you get inside Cross's room, find his computer (M6,23) and play the recording. This will unlock the "Intervention" challenge. While waiting for Cross, Agent 47 has to sit on the armchair (M6,12), which is shaded by the large folding screen. Killing the musician will unlock the "Fade to Black" challenge - but only kill Cross when there are just two opponents in the corridor. Otherwise, you will have some big troubles making an escape.

Electric Mic Kill
You will learn about another opportunity of killing Jordan Cross - using a microphone - by the port. Take the stairs that lead to the hotel, turn left and go straight until you get close to the two members of The Class crew (M6,24). Eavesdropping their discussion reveals that Wes Liston - the producer of Cross's new album - has ordered a microphone that is commonly considered faulty. This can be a foothold for an accident kill.

First, head to room 207 (M6,25) - this is where Julian, who picked up the microphone from the reception, resides. It's easiest to get there while being disguised as hotel staff. You will also need a master keycard for that (M6,14), which you can use to open room 207. When you get the disguise and the keycard, head to the third level in the south wing, enter the right room and steal the microphone (M6,7).

After getting the mic, you will need to steal Julian's clothes (M6,4) - they are in the room 207's bathroom, next to the bathtub. You should be careful while wearing the sound technician's outfit though - some of the crew members can blow your cover if they look at you for too long. When you're in the studio, approach Wes Liston and talk to him.

The producer will tell Agent 47 to replace the original microphone in the booth with the faulty Branson MD-2 (M6,8). In a moment you will be able to unlock the challenge "47 Out". Do what Wes asked you, and approach the mixing table (M6,26). Liston will ask Agent 47 to jam a song - this mini-game has you selecting the right sound section in all four columns.

Now just wait for Jordan Cross, who will come in order to sing his song in the recording booth - this is when you should change the voltage on the voltage regulator (M6,9). When he grabs the mic, the musician gets electrocuted, and this will be considered an accident. This will also unlock the "Thunder Kiss '65" challenge.
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