Sean Rose can die during the test if nitroglycerin was added to the ingredients (red 2 on the map).
You can add nitroglycerin to the ingredients and that can lead to Sean Rose's death (red 1 on the map). A single enemy can be distracted by turning off the generator or poisoned (coffee cup).
You can find nitroglycerin in a few places around the farm (red 10, 15 and 31 on the map).
Collecting the blueprint is the first step in detonating the watch.
You can use it to kill Maya Parvati when she'e standing under the car.
You can sabotage the tank and detonate it when Maya Parvati is nearby.
You can listen on the guards conversation and find out about the possibility of making Penelope Graves show up here. The first step is to obtain the Interpol badge (red 13 on the map).
After Penelope Graves gets here you can push her into the pit (you can also try eliminating other mission targets this way, but it'll be hard).
Good sniping point - there's a large crate here and a sniper rifle can be delivered.
You can begin the mission on the tower or reach it by climbing a ladder (blue 24 on the map).
Whereabouts of the point man
You can shoot him (there's another enemy inside the building), poison him (bottle) or sabotage the extention cord and electrocute him. After you're done collect a new disguise and go meet with Maya Parvati (red 17 on the map).
You can sabotage the cannister and make the gas explode after Penelope Graves stops nearby.
Sabotage the generator to lead the militia soldier away and steal 3 bottles of nitroglycerin. You can then use one of the bottles in the explosives test area (red 2 on the map).
You can turn on the faucet, turn off the generator, sabotage the extension cord and convince Penelope Graves to move closer to the electricity.
You can put poison into the bottle and wait for Penelope Graves to drink it.
Penelope Graves' private journal - you can find out about Sean Rose's OCD (first step in a plan to murder him).
You can sabotage the generator or the faucet and poison the militia soldier or quietly eliminate him (he's moving between places in this part of the orchard). Once you've collected the Interpol badge you can meet with Penelope Graves and go with her to the slurry pit (red 6 on the map) to kill her.
Examining the invoice is the first step towards murdering Sean Rose in an explosion in the closed-off test area (red 1 on the map).
Ezra Berg shows up here regularly and you can kill him. Get rid of two militia elite members first. You can enter the garage through a window, use a lockpick/crowbar to open the door or find a garage key in the main house (green 15 on the map). You can sneak on Ezra Berg from behind and kill him or you can sabotage the gas cannister and detonate it.
Nitroglycerin bottle, hallucinogenic drugs - these objects may be helpful in killing Sean Rose.
You can sabotage it. This will allow you to murder Maya Parvati (and optionally also Sean Rose) after the exercise.
After you've sabotaged the ram (red 16 on the map) you can take part in the training exercise as the point man and kill Maya Parvati (and optionally also Sean Rose) with the ram.
You can insert poison into Maya Parvati's bottle.
You can drop hay in order to kill Sean Rose or Maya Parvati.
You can shut off power and then sabotage the extension cord and the gas cannister. Turn back power when Penelope Graves is nearby to kill her.
You can cause an oil leak and set it on fire when Ezra Berg shows up nearby.
You can push Ezra Berg into the well (get rid of one of the soldiers first).
You can use the hallucinogenic drugs found in the small garage (red 15 on the map). After Sean Rose shows up and smokes a cigarette he'll proceed to a small hut (red 24 on the map) where it'll be easy to kill him.
Sean Rose can show up here after he smokes a poisoned cigarette in the backyard (red 23 on the map). There's a container at the back of the hut where you can hide his body.
You can damage them and create an explosion when Ezra Berg shows up nearby.
You can interact with it to trigger an OCD reaction from Sean Rose.
You can drop it when Sean Rose or Penelope Grave show up on the ground floor.
This is one of the objects needed to detonate Sean Rose's watch (red 33 on the map).
Use the crowbar/lockpick, a key, enter through a window or the toilet.
You can tamper with the objects on the desk to trigger an OCD reaction from Sean Rose.
You can surprise Sean Rose here or you can turn off the valve (triggering an OCD reaction from Sean Rose).
Explosive watch battery - this is one of the objects needed to detonate Sean Rose's watch (red 33 on the map).
Nitroglycerin bottle.
You can administer a serum overdose to make Ezra Berg show up here.
Sean Rose leaves his watch here from time to time. If you have an explosive battery from his room (red 31 on the map) you can insert it into the watch.
You can listen in on their conversation and find out about the hostage being held by Ezra Berg (red 32 on the map). This is the first step in a plan to mureder Berg.
It's well hidden on a high shelf by the stairs.
Default place to start the mission. Agent 47 can be detected anywhere on the map if he's not using a disguise.
2-4 militia soldiers are stationed here. You can turn on the alarm of a nearby forklift and you can hop over the fence.
It's guarded by at least 2 militia soldiers.
It's guarded by 2 militia soldiers.
You can open them with a crowbar or a lockpick. You can also find a key to the gates in the farm (green 8 on the map).
It's guarded by 2 militia soliders. You can also climb through a window or hop over a fence nearby.
You can climb through a window to enter the farm.
There are 2 militia soldiers nearby. You can eliminate them and dispose of their bodies using the baler.
You can use it to leave the mission area (only in contracts and escalation). You will need the keys from the southern hut (green 4 on the map).
It's guarded by 2 militia soldiers. You can leave the mission area here (only in contracts and escalation).
You can leave the mission area here (only in contracts and escalation).
You can use the boat to leave the mission area (only in contracts and escalation).
It's patrolled by at least 1 militia soldier. You can turn on a water pump to distract him.
Only the explosives specialists are allowed here.
You can use it to dispose of the bodies.
There's also a radio here which can be used to attract enemies.
You can sneak past the area where the explosive materials are tested.
There are several smaller buildings and a large garage nearby. Standard militia soldiers and technicians are allowed to be here as well.
All militia members are allowed here.
The greenhouse becomes a restricted area when Penelope Graves is inside.
Only the militia spec ops and the point man are allowed here. You can activate the forklift alarm by the main entrance.
Training exercises before the limousine attack are carried out inside the barn and interfering in them will alert the enemies. Ladder to the upper level of the barn.
Only the militia spec ops and the point man are allowed here. Standing in the line of fire may alert enemies.
You can climb on the roof and reach the upper level of the barn. Two enemies are nearby.
They're guarded by the militia spec ops.
Two militia spec ops are stationed here. Ladder to the lower level.
There are two militia soldiers on the building's roof. You can sabotage the fuse box.
You can resupply here if you need a gun for the shooting range or for the limousine attack excercise. There's also a crowbar here.
You can sabotage the generator or use throwable objects to make him move away to a quieter place and obtain his disguise. You can also sabotage the stove.
The building and the area around it have restricted access. Only the milita elite and the hackers have access.
It's guarded by at least 2 soldiers. It leads to the kitchen.
It's guarded by 2-3 enemies. It leads to the room with the monitoring.
A reasonably large group of the miltia elite is stationed here.
You can complete a climb to reach a window on the upper floor of the building.
It's guarded by 0-2 soldiers. Use a lockpick/crowbar or the basement key.
Use a lockpick/crowbar or the basement key.
You can sabotage the server and attack the hacker that shows up here to collect his disguise.
The room is guarded by at least 1 soldier. Kill him or distract him. Destroying the tapes will erase any traces of Agent 47's presence.
You can get here using the corridors or by climbing through a window.
Distract the guards or kill them to be able to play on the console (optional challenge).
You can get here using the stairs found outside (blue 31 on the map) or inside (blue 32 on the maP) the main building. There's at least 1 soldier here.
You can sabotage the fuse box to turn off the light or you can turn on the boiler to distract enemies.
You must have Sean Rose face mask from the 3D printer found upstairs (green 17 on the map) or you must drag Sean Rose's body to the scanner. Entering the bunker is possible after you've killed all 4 targets.
Only available exhit during the main mission (you can choose other exits while playing contracts and escalation).
You can leave the mission area here (only in contracts and escalation).
Quad keys
The quad is parked by the eastern entrance to the farm (blue 9 on the map).
It's needed to complete the escalation.
This key is used to open all exterior gates (blue 5 on the map).
While using this disguise you can hide as a scarecrow in a few places on the farm. This disguise is also needed to complete the escalation.
You can wear it without any problems despite enemy presence.
Screwdriver, wrench.
Apprentice notes.
It's needed to complete one of the minor challenges (silencing 10 soldiers).
The room is upstairs.
The garage is to the east of the building (red 15 on the map).
Turn on the 3D printer and wait for the mask to be created. You can use it to access the bunker in the basement (blue 37 on the map).
You can open them with a crowbar or a lockpick. You can also find a key to the gates in the farm (green 8 on the map).
You can open them with a crowbar or a lockpick. You can also find a key to the gates in the farm (green 8 on the map).
You can open them with a crowbar or a lockpick. You can also find a key to the gates in the farm (green 8 on the map).
You can open them with a crowbar or a lockpick. You can also find a key to the gates in the farm (green 8 on the map).
You can open them with a crowbar or a lockpick. You can also find a key to the gates in the farm (green 8 on the map).
You can open them with a crowbar or a lockpick. You can also find a key to the gates in the farm (green 8 on the map).
You can leave the mission area here (only in contracts and escalation).
They're guarded by the militia spec ops.
The building and the area around it have restricted access. Only the milita elite and the hackers have access.
The building and the area around it have restricted access. Only the milita elite and the hackers have access.
Location map - M7 | Colorado
Key points of Hitman - M7 Colorado
Locations on the map
Important items on the map
Locations tied to the assassinations
Locations tied to the assassinations
1 – Area used to test the explosives
Sean Rose can die during the test if nitroglycerin was added to the ingredients (red 2 on the map).
2 – Area where the explosives are being prepared
You can add nitroglycerin to the ingredients and that can lead to Sean Rose's death (red 1 on the map). A single enemy can be distracted by turning off the generator or poisoned (coffee cup).
You can find nitroglycerin in a few places around the farm (red 10, 15 and 31 on the map).
3 – Rose's watch blueprint
Collecting the blueprint is the first step in detonating the watch.
4 – Car lift mechanism
You can use it to kill Maya Parvati when she'e standing under the car.
5 – Fuel tank
You can sabotage the tank and detonate it when Maya Parvati is nearby.
6 – Slurry pit
You can listen on the guards conversation and find out about the possibility of making Penelope Graves show up here. The first step is to obtain the Interpol badge (red 13 on the map).
After Penelope Graves gets here you can push her into the pit (you can also try eliminating other mission targets this way, but it'll be hard).
7 – Water tower
Good sniping point - there's a large crate here and a sniper rifle can be delivered.
You can begin the mission on the tower or reach it by climbing a ladder (blue 24 on the map).
8 – Emetic rat poison. Lethal poison pill jar.
Whereabouts of the point man
You can shoot him (there's another enemy inside the building), poison him (bottle) or sabotage the extention cord and electrocute him. After you're done collect a new disguise and go meet with Maya Parvati (red 17 on the map).
9 – Gas cannister
You can sabotage the cannister and make the gas explode after Penelope Graves stops nearby.
10 – Nitroglycerin stash
Sabotage the generator to lead the militia soldier away and steal 3 bottles of nitroglycerin. You can then use one of the bottles in the explosives test area (red 2 on the map).
11 – Extension cord
You can turn on the faucet, turn off the generator, sabotage the extension cord and convince Penelope Graves to move closer to the electricity.
12 – Greenhouse
You can put poison into the bottle and wait for Penelope Graves to drink it.
Penelope Graves' private journal - you can find out about Sean Rose's OCD (first step in a plan to murder him).
13 – Soldier with an Interpol badge
You can sabotage the generator or the faucet and poison the militia soldier or quietly eliminate him (he's moving between places in this part of the orchard). Once you've collected the Interpol badge you can meet with Penelope Graves and go with her to the slurry pit (red 6 on the map) to kill her.
14 – Nitroglycerin invoice
Examining the invoice is the first step towards murdering Sean Rose in an explosion in the closed-off test area (red 1 on the map).
15 – Small garage
Ezra Berg shows up here regularly and you can kill him. Get rid of two militia elite members first. You can enter the garage through a window, use a lockpick/crowbar to open the door or find a garage key in the main house (green 15 on the map). You can sneak on Ezra Berg from behind and kill him or you can sabotage the gas cannister and detonate it.
Nitroglycerin bottle, hallucinogenic drugs - these objects may be helpful in killing Sean Rose.
16 – Ram's safety system
You can sabotage it. This will allow you to murder Maya Parvati (and optionally also Sean Rose) after the exercise.
17 – Ram activation button. Bottle.
After you've sabotaged the ram (red 16 on the map) you can take part in the training exercise as the point man and kill Maya Parvati (and optionally also Sean Rose) with the ram.
You can insert poison into Maya Parvati's bottle.
18 – Winch mechanism
You can drop hay in order to kill Sean Rose or Maya Parvati.
19 – Extension cord
You can shut off power and then sabotage the extension cord and the gas cannister. Turn back power when Penelope Graves is nearby to kill her.
20 – Emetic rat poison
21 – Garden tractor
You can cause an oil leak and set it on fire when Ezra Berg shows up nearby.
22 – Well
You can push Ezra Berg into the well (get rid of one of the soldiers first).
23 – Cigarette pack
You can use the hallucinogenic drugs found in the small garage (red 15 on the map). After Sean Rose shows up and smokes a cigarette he'll proceed to a small hut (red 24 on the map) where it'll be easy to kill him.
24 – Small hut
Sean Rose can show up here after he smokes a poisoned cigarette in the backyard (red 23 on the map). There's a container at the back of the hut where you can hide his body.
25 – Gas lamps
You can damage them and create an explosion when Ezra Berg shows up nearby.
26 – Grandfather's clock
You can interact with it to trigger an OCD reaction from Sean Rose.
27 – Chandelier
You can drop it when Sean Rose or Penelope Grave show up on the ground floor.
28 – Hacker's phone
This is one of the objects needed to detonate Sean Rose's watch (red 33 on the map).
29 – Sean Rose's room
Use the crowbar/lockpick, a key, enter through a window or the toilet.
You can tamper with the objects on the desk to trigger an OCD reaction from Sean Rose.
30 – Toilet
You can surprise Sean Rose here or you can turn off the valve (triggering an OCD reaction from Sean Rose).
31 – Sean Rose's bedroom
Explosive watch battery - this is one of the objects needed to detonate Sean Rose's watch (red 33 on the map).
Nitroglycerin bottle.
32 – Hostage
You can administer a serum overdose to make Ezra Berg show up here.
33 – Sean Rose's watch
Sean Rose leaves his watch here from time to time. If you have an explosive battery from his room (red 31 on the map) you can insert it into the watch.
34 – Guards
You can listen in on their conversation and find out about the hostage being held by Ezra Berg (red 32 on the map). This is the first step in a plan to mureder Berg.
35 – Modern lethal syringe
It's well hidden on a high shelf by the stairs.
Locations on the map
1 – Starting area
Default place to start the mission. Agent 47 can be detected anywhere on the map if he's not using a disguise.
2 – Main entrance to the farm
2-4 militia soldiers are stationed here. You can turn on the alarm of a nearby forklift and you can hop over the fence.
3 – Farm entrance in the old orchard
It's guarded by at least 2 militia soldiers.
4 – Farm entrance by the western bridge
It's guarded by 2 militia soldiers.
5 – Exterior gates
You can open them with a crowbar or a lockpick. You can also find a key to the gates in the farm (green 8 on the map).
6 – Eastern entrance to the farm
It's guarded by 2 militia soliders. You can also climb through a window or hop over a fence nearby.
7 – Empty hut
You can climb through a window to enter the farm.
8 – Hay baler
There are 2 militia soldiers nearby. You can eliminate them and dispose of their bodies using the baler.
9 – Quad
You can use it to leave the mission area (only in contracts and escalation). You will need the keys from the southern hut (green 4 on the map).
10 – Front gate
It's guarded by 2 militia soldiers. You can leave the mission area here (only in contracts and escalation).
11 – Bridge
You can leave the mission area here (only in contracts and escalation).
12 – River
You can use the boat to leave the mission area (only in contracts and escalation).
13 – Old orchard
It's patrolled by at least 1 militia soldier. You can turn on a water pump to distract him.
14 – Closed-off area
Only the explosives specialists are allowed here.
15 – Hay baler
You can use it to dispose of the bodies.
There's also a radio here which can be used to attract enemies.
16 – Small barn
You can sneak past the area where the explosive materials are tested.
17 – Square surrounced by small buildings
There are several smaller buildings and a large garage nearby. Standard militia soldiers and technicians are allowed to be here as well.
18 – Large orchard
All militia members are allowed here.
The greenhouse becomes a restricted area when Penelope Graves is inside.
19 – Large barn
Only the militia spec ops and the point man are allowed here. You can activate the forklift alarm by the main entrance.
Training exercises before the limousine attack are carried out inside the barn and interfering in them will alert the enemies. Ladder to the upper level of the barn.
20 – Shooting range
Only the militia spec ops and the point man are allowed here. Standing in the line of fire may alert enemies.
21 – Roof of the large garage
You can climb on the roof and reach the upper level of the barn. Two enemies are nearby.
22 – Stairs to the upper level of the barn
They're guarded by the militia spec ops.
23 – Upper level of the barn
Two militia spec ops are stationed here. Ladder to the lower level.
24 – Ladder to the water tower
There are two militia soldiers on the building's roof. You can sabotage the fuse box.
25 – Weapon stash
You can resupply here if you need a gun for the shooting range or for the limousine attack excercise. There's also a crowbar here.
26 – Cook
You can sabotage the generator or use throwable objects to make him move away to a quieter place and obtain his disguise. You can also sabotage the stove.
27 – Main building
The building and the area around it have restricted access. Only the milita elite and the hackers have access.
28 – Side entrance to the building
It's guarded by at least 2 soldiers. It leads to the kitchen.
29 – Back entrance to the building
It's guarded by 2-3 enemies. It leads to the room with the monitoring.
30 – Backyard
A reasonably large group of the miltia elite is stationed here.
You can complete a climb to reach a window on the upper floor of the building.
31 – Outside entrance to the basement
It's guarded by 0-2 soldiers. Use a lockpick/crowbar or the basement key.
32 – Inside entrance to the basement
Use a lockpick/crowbar or the basement key.
33 – Server room
You can sabotage the server and attack the hacker that shows up here to collect his disguise.
34 – Monitoring room
The room is guarded by at least 1 soldier. Kill him or distract him. Destroying the tapes will erase any traces of Agent 47's presence.
35 – Playroom
You can get here using the corridors or by climbing through a window.
Distract the guards or kill them to be able to play on the console (optional challenge).
36 – Basement
You can get here using the stairs found outside (blue 31 on the map) or inside (blue 32 on the maP) the main building. There's at least 1 soldier here.
You can sabotage the fuse box to turn off the light or you can turn on the boiler to distract enemies.
37 – Bunker entrance
You must have Sean Rose face mask from the 3D printer found upstairs (green 17 on the map) or you must drag Sean Rose's body to the scanner. Entering the bunker is possible after you've killed all 4 targets.
38 – Exit
Only available exhit during the main mission (you can choose other exits while playing contracts and escalation).
39 – Southern gate
You can leave the mission area here (only in contracts and escalation).
Important items on the map
1 – Crowbar
2 – Screwdriver
3 – Wrench
4 – Wrench
Quad keys
The quad is parked by the eastern entrance to the farm (blue 9 on the map).
5 – Drug laboratory memo
6 – Old axe
It's needed to complete the escalation.
7 – Militia technican disguise
8 – Perimeter gate key
This key is used to open all exterior gates (blue 5 on the map).
9 – Scarecrow disguise
While using this disguise you can hide as a scarecrow in a few places on the farm. This disguise is also needed to complete the escalation.
10 – Elite militia disguise
You can wear it without any problems despite enemy presence.
11 – Basement key.
Screwdriver, wrench.
Apprentice notes.
12 – Militia spec ops disguise
13 – Mannequin arm
It's needed to complete one of the minor challenges (silencing 10 soldiers).
14 – Rose's room key
The room is upstairs.
15 – Garage key
The garage is to the east of the building (red 15 on the map).
16 – Elite militia disguise
17 – Sean Rose face mask
Turn on the 3D printer and wait for the mask to be created. You can use it to access the bunker in the basement (blue 37 on the map).
The map represents the area of the fifth main episode of Hitman. The contract is called Freedom Fighters, and the very mission takes place in Colorado, USA. Agent 47 needs to infiltrate a farm that was changed into a training camp for mercenaries.
Your primary task is to eliminate four people on the farm: Sean Rose, Ezra Berg, Penelope Graves and Maya Parvati. Each of them is located in a different part of the map and has different duties. However, targets come across one another. Once you eliminate all the targets, you will have to reach a shelter located in the basement of the main building, in order to obtain secret data. Remember - the shelter will remain unavailable as long as the targets are alive. This happens due to the fact that once you explore the shelter, the only available exit is revealed (all other means of escape are for optional contracts and escalations).
The mission offers a wide range of options when it comes to moving across the farm, reaching your targets and eliminating them. The best scenario was described further on in the game guide.
One of the key items that you should take with you is a lockpick. You will use it to open various gates and reach two main parts of the farm - Sean Rose's room and the basement. Using a picklock is not obligatory but it will save you time on looking for keys and alternative ways of reaching important areas.
You begin the mission in south part of the farm (M7.1) and it's crucial to mention that the entire area is guarded - Agent 47 can be attacked regardless of his location, even outside the farm. As you advance in mastering this mission, you should change the starting point to e.g. the greenhouse (M7.12) in a soldier's uniform. This disguise will allow you travel safely in most areas. The best starting point is the main building (M7.27), as you can obtain a very useful (hacker) early in the game. However, unlocking this starting point requires reaching nearly the maximal level in Colorado. Reaching higher ranks will also unlock additional spots where the Agency can stash supplies. A worth mentioning location is the water tower (M7.7). If you are planning on killing your targets with a sniper rifle, this is the perfect place to deliver this weapon.
Mission info
Targets: Sean Rose, Ezra Berg, Penelope Graves and Maya Parvati. All targets travel across the farm in the same areas which makes it easier to kill them. Sean Rose will stop in his room in the main building (M7.29), in the locked test zone (M7.1) and a large barn (M7.19). The game provides you with a wide variety of Opportunities to eliminate (almost half of the available Opportunities). Ezra Berg remains near the main house, moves between the garage (M7.15) and the basement with the prisoner (M7.32). Penelope Graves can be found on the ground floor of the main house (M7.27) and a large orchard, where she stops in the greenhouse (M7.12). May Parvati can be found in the large barn (M7.19) where she takes part in a training related to striking a limousine. However, she visits a nearby square from time to time (M7.17).
Remember - if you set off the alarm, an emergency procedure may take place- main targets will be escorted to a safe spot. If that happens, you can sneak up to that location or wait for the alarm to end.
Difficulty level: first moments of the game are quite challenging. When starting the mission for the first time, you should quickly get a disguise (e.g. Militia Soldier) to explore the main areas of the farm. Furthermore, there are several locations (e.g. the main house, the barn) that only authorized personnel can access (thus you will need different sets of disguise or master the art of stealth). Eliminating the very targets shouldn't cause too much problems. There are various ways of killing them. At the end of the mission, Agent 47 needs to sneak up to the basement but by that time you should have the right key and know the map.
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