The poison is inside a locked cabinet in the bathroom - a crowbar is required (green 3 on the map).
There are coins in the cabinet and you can also find a spare patient's disguise and scissors in the bathroom.
You can use them while planning the murder of Yuki Yamazaki. Deliver the cigarettes to her apartment (red 6 on the map) or to her private booth in the restaurant (red 18 on the map).
You can listen in on their conversation about Yuki Yamazaki's addiction (an opportunity to eliminate her). You can also distract one of the guards and obtain the bodyguard's disguise.
You can meet with Yuki Yamazki her disguise as the director and kill her by throwing her over the balustrade.
If you've alarmed the enemies then Yuki Yamazaki may attempt to escape in the cable car. You can shoot it down to kill her.
The cable car is one of the available exits in this mission.
The toxin is inside a locked cabinet in the bathroom - a crowbar is required (green 3 on the map). This is a lethal poison.
You can enter it disguised as a bodyguard or reach it by using a ledge and starting in Jason Portman's apartment (blue 3 on the map).
Place to leave the pack of cigarettes - Yuki Yamazaki will go to the balcony to smoke them.
Katana. Coins on the bed.
You can upload it to a computer in one of the operating rooms (red 33 on the map) and make the chief surgeon take a look at it.
Water bottle
You can insert the poison here. If it wasn't lethal then Yuki will go to the toilet.
It's guarded by 2 bodyguards. You can kill Yuki Yamazaki when she shows up for a smoke (throwing her over the balustrade or shooting at her from the balcony of Jason Portman's apartment) or you can sabotage the gas lamp (wrench is required).
It's hidden in the corner.
You can use the kitchen knife on it (there's one in the kitchen) and obtain the fugu poison. It's best to use this poison to prepare a poisoned sushi for Yuki Yamazaki in the restaurant (red 19 on the map).
Enter the room using a door or through a window. You can use the remote on one of the doctors (The Curator) in the morgue (red 27 on the map). It'll help you in murdering Erich Soders.
You can lead the chief surgeon (red 15 on the map) here while dressed as a pilot in order to give him the pills. You can also poison the pills. Watch out for the sleeping guard.
You can shoot Yuki Yamazaki from here when she appears on the bridge in the garden (red 25 on the map). You can also deliver a sniper rifle to this location.
The helicopter pilot is here and you can start following him to obtain his disguise.
You can use the helicopter to escape after finishing the mission.
It's guarded by bodyguards - they may decide to frisk you if you're playing as a pilot or surgeon.
You can meet with the chief surgeon when dressed as a pilot and lead him to the pill stash (red 12 on the map).
You can reach the entrance by using the ledge in the garden (blue 19 on the map).
You can attack Jason Portman here to take over his identity.
The hospital director will show up here after he'll eat the poisoned meal in the restaurant (red 17 on the map).
You can add poison to the snacks and as a result you'll poison the hospital director.
You can enter this area dressed as the hospital director (mandatory frisk) or after distracting the bodyguard.
Leaving a pack of cigarettes here will convince Yuki Yamazaki to go to the garden to have a smoke (red 20 on the map).
You can prepare a poisoned meal for Yuki Yamazaki here while dressed as a chef.
Kitchen knife, cleaver.
Yuki Yamazaki will go here to have a smoke after she finds a pack in the restaurant (red 18 on the map). You can punch a hole in the barrel prior to that (screwdriver is required) so that she'll die in flames.
You can complete a yoga lesson here with Yuki Yamazaki while dressed as the instructor. This will allow you to kill her.
Yoga schedule.
This is the default area where you can find the instructor (he may also go to the ground level garage). You may attack him, wear his disguise and meet with Yuki Yamazaki while posing as the instructor.
You can turn the valve and make the patients leave the area where yoga lessons are being organized (red 21 on the map). This will make it easier to kill Yuki Yamazaki while dressed as the yoga instructor.
A terminal which controls the sauna is in the side room. You can chase off the guests and then trap Yuki Yamazaki in the hot sauna to kill her.
Yuki Yamazaki stops here from time to time. You can use this opportunity to kill her with a sniper rifle (red 13 on the map).
You can find out about the Curator's neurochip (first step of the Opportutnity tied to killing Erich Soders). The neurochip remote is in one of the sleeping quarters (red 11 on the map).
Curator is here - you can use the remote (red 11 on the map) on his neurochip.
You can use the nondescript keycard (green 9 on the map) or the disposale scrambler (green 6 on the map) to open one of the refrigerators. You'll rescue Smith and you will be allowed to collect a RFID master chip. It can be used to open all locked doors.
There's a heart here intended for Erich Soders and it's guarded by 2 bodyguards. You can get rid of them with the help of the Curator or by lowering the temperature in the room (wrench required) dressed as the morgue doctor. This will allow you to destroy the heart and kill Soders.
You can use one of the poisons on the stem cells. You'll obtain the lethal stem cell container and you'll be able to use it to kill Erich Soders (red 31 on the map).
Erich Soders is being operated here. The main entrances are guarded by bodyguards and they only let the surgeons through. You can get here by using the door in the surgery control room (blue 34 on the map) or the door in the stem cells control room (red 31 on the map).
You can get here from the operating room or from the morgue. Switching the stem cells (red 29 on the map) to poisoned ones will kill Erich Soders.
You can turn off the respirator. Erich Soders will die only if the KAI artificial intelligence was sabotaged (red 36 on the map).
You can upload Erich Soders' kill list (red 7 on the map) to the computer and wait for the chief surgeon to see it.
You can use this console when playing as the chief surgeon. Using the proper commands will result in Erich Soders' death.
You can use the console to murder Erich Soders, but only if the KAI artificial intelligence was sabotaged (red 36 on the map).
You can sabotage KAI and allow yourself to murder Erich Soders using one of the other control panels (red 32 and 35 on the map).
You can sabotage the safety module and abort the procedure. Overcharging the defibrillator when it's being prepared by KAI will result in Erich Soders' death.
Pack of cigarettes - it's inside a locked cabinet and it requires a crowbar (green 3 on the map). You can use them while planning the murder of Yuki Yamazaki. Deliver the cigarettes to her apartment (red 6 on the map) or to her private booth in the restaurant (red 18 on the map).
You can use poison and eliminate the doctor in a quieter place to get his disguise.
You can easily attack a surgeon here if you've taken over the identity of Jason Portman.
If Jason Portman got to the main building on his own he will be travelling between rooms on this floor.
This is a lethal poison.
Default place to start the mission. You can use the ledge to reach the balcony of an adjacent apartemnt (Amos Dexter's).
Public patient journal - Tobias Rieper. Gama hospital pamphlet.
You can enter it using the doctor's disguise or reach it by using a ledge and starting in Agent 47's apartment. Amos Dexter returns here regularly - you can eliminate him and take his disguise.
Button used to call for help - you can summon the doctors and use this to eliminate one of them.
Public patient journal - Amos Dexter.
You can enter it using the doctor's disguise or reach it by using a ledge and starting in Yuki Yamazaki's apartment. Jason leaves the apartment at the beginning of the mission.
Public patient journal - Jason Portman.
There are 2 chefs here.
You can poison one of the meals by the roller door and follow the poisoned person to the toilet to obtain their disguise.
Kitchen knife.
The food storage room is one of the available Agency pickups.
You can listen in on the conversation about Yuki Yamazaki's culinary preferences.
One of the Agency pickups is located here. You can also eliminate here a staff member who was poisoned in the kitchen.
You can use a screwdriver to sabotage the extension cord and then increase the difficulty level of the video game. The handyman will die while trying to beat the record.
There's no one here. You can begin the mission here dressed as the resort staff. There's also one of the Agency pickups in the wardrobe room.
You can encounter a resort security member and a handyman here (he's carrying a pack of cigarettes). You can also sabotage a gas cannister.
A handyman is working on a snowmobile here and you can eliminate him to obtain his disguise. A yoga instructor also shows up here.
One of the Agency pickups is located here.
You can sneak past the resort security member and the doctor.
There's a fireaxe in the corridor.
You can use it to escape after finishing the mission.
You can sabotage it and eliminate a handyman who shows up here to obtain his disguise.
You can use it to easily reach the morgue and the upper floors of the main building of the hospital.
You can climb the wall here while dressed as a ninja to get to the hospital roof (minor challenge).
It's unguarded.
The window leads to the toilet on the ground level.
The pipe leads to an open window on the higher floor (room with the doctors).
You can begin and end your mission here.
Sabotaging the box will result in a chef appearing here. You can attack him and take his disguise.
A pipe allowing to reach the upper level of the garden.
You can go over the ballustrade and reach the back entrance to the hospital (red 15 on the map).
There are 2 resort security members here. You can sabotage the monitoring.
KAI surgical system manual.
Doctors, hospital directors and bodyguards are allowed. Other people won't be let in or they will be frisked.
This area is open for patients. You can begin your mission here.
This area is open for patients. You can begin your mission here.
It has glass walls and you must watch out for the handymen if you're not using a disguise.
It turns off the lights on the bridge in the garden.
You can sabotage the monitoring from here without the risk of detection.
You can drop bodies in the furnace and turn them on to get rid of evidence.
There are 2 morgue doctors here. You can distract one of them by turning off the spotlight.
You can begin the mission in this location (pretending to be a corpse).
You can insert the poison into the glass and eliminate the doctor after he goes to the toilet.
Confidential patient journal - Jason Portman
Confidential patient journal - Tobias Rieper
Confidential patient journal - Amos Dexter
Hospital workers and patients are allowed here. Yuki Yamazaki and the hospital director appear here regularly.
You can begin the mission here dressed as a handyman.
You can eliminate a doctor here after he drinks the poison.
One of the Agency pickups is located here.
You can begin the mission here dressed as a surgeon.
Confidential patient journal - Erich Soders
It's where the staff member is taking a shower.
The wrench is inside a locked cabinet in the corridor - a crowbar is required (green 3 on the map).
You can use it to open locked cabinets in various parts of the map.
The device is inside a locked cabinet - a crowbar is required (green 3 on the map). You can use this gadget to open any locked door or to free a person in the morgue (red 27 on the map).
KAI surgical system manual
Remove the clothes from the corpse in the morgue. You can use this disguise to complete one of the minor challenges.
Baseball uniform disguise, baseball bat - you can use them to complete one of the minor challenges.
Nondescript keycard - you can use the keycard to free a person in the morgue (red 27 on the map).
Location map - M8 | Hokkaido
Key points of Hitman - M8 Hokkaido
Locations on the map
Important items on the map
Locations tied to the assassinations
Locations tied to the assassinations
1 – Emetic rat poison
The poison is inside a locked cabinet in the bathroom - a crowbar is required (green 3 on the map).
There are coins in the cabinet and you can also find a spare patient's disguise and scissors in the bathroom.
2 – Pack of cigarettes
You can use them while planning the murder of Yuki Yamazaki. Deliver the cigarettes to her apartment (red 6 on the map) or to her private booth in the restaurant (red 18 on the map).
3 – Bodyguards
You can listen in on their conversation about Yuki Yamazaki's addiction (an opportunity to eliminate her). You can also distract one of the guards and obtain the bodyguard's disguise.
4 – Cable car
You can meet with Yuki Yamazki her disguise as the director and kill her by throwing her over the balustrade.
If you've alarmed the enemies then Yuki Yamazaki may attempt to escape in the cable car. You can shoot it down to kill her.
The cable car is one of the available exits in this mission.
5 – Botulinum toxin
The toxin is inside a locked cabinet in the bathroom - a crowbar is required (green 3 on the map). This is a lethal poison.
6 – Yuki Yamazaki's apartment
You can enter it disguised as a bodyguard or reach it by using a ledge and starting in Jason Portman's apartment (blue 3 on the map).
Place to leave the pack of cigarettes - Yuki Yamazaki will go to the balcony to smoke them.
Katana. Coins on the bed.
7 – Erich Soders' Kill List
You can upload it to a computer in one of the operating rooms (red 33 on the map) and make the chief surgeon take a look at it.
Water bottle
You can insert the poison here. If it wasn't lethal then Yuki will go to the toilet.
8 – Balcony of Yuki Yamazaki's apartment
It's guarded by 2 bodyguards. You can kill Yuki Yamazaki when she shows up for a smoke (throwing her over the balustrade or shooting at her from the balcony of Jason Portman's apartment) or you can sabotage the gas lamp (wrench is required).
9 – Emetic rat poison
It's hidden in the corner.
10 – Fugu fish
You can use the kitchen knife on it (there's one in the kitchen) and obtain the fugu poison. It's best to use this poison to prepare a poisoned sushi for Yuki Yamazaki in the restaurant (red 19 on the map).
11 – Neurochip remote control
Enter the room using a door or through a window. You can use the remote on one of the doctors (The Curator) in the morgue (red 27 on the map). It'll help you in murdering Erich Soders.
12 – Pill stash
You can lead the chief surgeon (red 15 on the map) here while dressed as a pilot in order to give him the pills. You can also poison the pills. Watch out for the sleeping guard.
13 – Sniping point
You can shoot Yuki Yamazaki from here when she appears on the bridge in the garden (red 25 on the map). You can also deliver a sniper rifle to this location.
14 – Helicopter landing pad
The helicopter pilot is here and you can start following him to obtain his disguise.
You can use the helicopter to escape after finishing the mission.
15 – Landing pad side entrance
It's guarded by bodyguards - they may decide to frisk you if you're playing as a pilot or surgeon.
You can meet with the chief surgeon when dressed as a pilot and lead him to the pill stash (red 12 on the map).
You can reach the entrance by using the ledge in the garden (blue 19 on the map).
16 – Toilet
You can attack Jason Portman here to take over his identity.
The hospital director will show up here after he'll eat the poisoned meal in the restaurant (red 17 on the map).
17 – Snacks
You can add poison to the snacks and as a result you'll poison the hospital director.
18 – Yuki Yamazaki's private booth
You can enter this area dressed as the hospital director (mandatory frisk) or after distracting the bodyguard.
Leaving a pack of cigarettes here will convince Yuki Yamazaki to go to the garden to have a smoke (red 20 on the map).
19 – Sushi preparation table
You can prepare a poisoned meal for Yuki Yamazaki here while dressed as a chef.
Kitchen knife, cleaver.
20 – Barrel
Yuki Yamazaki will go here to have a smoke after she finds a pack in the restaurant (red 18 on the map). You can punch a hole in the barrel prior to that (screwdriver is required) so that she'll die in flames.
21 – Area for performing yoga
You can complete a yoga lesson here with Yuki Yamazaki while dressed as the instructor. This will allow you to kill her.
Yoga schedule.
22 – Yoga instructor
This is the default area where you can find the instructor (he may also go to the ground level garage). You may attack him, wear his disguise and meet with Yuki Yamazaki while posing as the instructor.
23 – Cold water valve
You can turn the valve and make the patients leave the area where yoga lessons are being organized (red 21 on the map). This will make it easier to kill Yuki Yamazaki while dressed as the yoga instructor.
24 – Sauna
A terminal which controls the sauna is in the side room. You can chase off the guests and then trap Yuki Yamazaki in the hot sauna to kill her.
25 – Bridge
Yuki Yamazaki stops here from time to time. You can use this opportunity to kill her with a sniper rifle (red 13 on the map).
26 – Research assistant's notes
You can find out about the Curator's neurochip (first step of the Opportutnity tied to killing Erich Soders). The neurochip remote is in one of the sleeping quarters (red 11 on the map).
27 – Morgue
Curator is here - you can use the remote (red 11 on the map) on his neurochip.
You can use the nondescript keycard (green 9 on the map) or the disposale scrambler (green 6 on the map) to open one of the refrigerators. You'll rescue Smith and you will be allowed to collect a RFID master chip. It can be used to open all locked doors.
28 – Organ storage
There's a heart here intended for Erich Soders and it's guarded by 2 bodyguards. You can get rid of them with the help of the Curator or by lowering the temperature in the room (wrench required) dressed as the morgue doctor. This will allow you to destroy the heart and kill Soders.
29 – Stem cell supply
You can use one of the poisons on the stem cells. You'll obtain the lethal stem cell container and you'll be able to use it to kill Erich Soders (red 31 on the map).
30 – Operating room
Erich Soders is being operated here. The main entrances are guarded by bodyguards and they only let the surgeons through. You can get here by using the door in the surgery control room (blue 34 on the map) or the door in the stem cells control room (red 31 on the map).
31 – Stem cells control room
You can get here from the operating room or from the morgue. Switching the stem cells (red 29 on the map) to poisoned ones will kill Erich Soders.
32 – Life support room
You can turn off the respirator. Erich Soders will die only if the KAI artificial intelligence was sabotaged (red 36 on the map).
33 – Computer
You can upload Erich Soders' kill list (red 7 on the map) to the computer and wait for the chief surgeon to see it.
34 – Robotic surgery control console
You can use this console when playing as the chief surgeon. Using the proper commands will result in Erich Soders' death.
35 – Secondary control room
You can use the console to murder Erich Soders, but only if the KAI artificial intelligence was sabotaged (red 36 on the map).
36 – KAI mainframe room
You can sabotage KAI and allow yourself to murder Erich Soders using one of the other control panels (red 32 and 35 on the map).
37 – Defibrillator power room
You can sabotage the safety module and abort the procedure. Overcharging the defibrillator when it's being prepared by KAI will result in Erich Soders' death.
38 – Research department room
Pack of cigarettes - it's inside a locked cabinet and it requires a crowbar (green 3 on the map). You can use them while planning the murder of Yuki Yamazaki. Deliver the cigarettes to her apartment (red 6 on the map) or to her private booth in the restaurant (red 18 on the map).
You can use poison and eliminate the doctor in a quieter place to get his disguise.
39 – Rehabilitation room
You can easily attack a surgeon here if you've taken over the identity of Jason Portman.
If Jason Portman got to the main building on his own he will be travelling between rooms on this floor.
40 – Botulinum toxin
This is a lethal poison.
Locations on the map
1 – Starting area - Agent 47's (Tobias Rieper) apartment
Default place to start the mission. You can use the ledge to reach the balcony of an adjacent apartemnt (Amos Dexter's).
Public patient journal - Tobias Rieper. Gama hospital pamphlet.
2 – Amos Dexter's apartment
You can enter it using the doctor's disguise or reach it by using a ledge and starting in Agent 47's apartment. Amos Dexter returns here regularly - you can eliminate him and take his disguise.
Button used to call for help - you can summon the doctors and use this to eliminate one of them.
Public patient journal - Amos Dexter.
3 – Jason Portman's apartment
You can enter it using the doctor's disguise or reach it by using a ledge and starting in Yuki Yamazaki's apartment. Jason leaves the apartment at the beginning of the mission.
Public patient journal - Jason Portman.
4 – Kitchen
There are 2 chefs here.
You can poison one of the meals by the roller door and follow the poisoned person to the toilet to obtain their disguise.
Kitchen knife.
The food storage room is one of the available Agency pickups.
5 – Canteen for the personnel
You can listen in on the conversation about Yuki Yamazaki's culinary preferences.
6 – Restaurant restroom
One of the Agency pickups is located here. You can also eliminate here a staff member who was poisoned in the kitchen.
7 – Game room
You can use a screwdriver to sabotage the extension cord and then increase the difficulty level of the video game. The handyman will die while trying to beat the record.
8 – Staff quarters
There's no one here. You can begin the mission here dressed as the resort staff. There's also one of the Agency pickups in the wardrobe room.
9 – Path at the back of the hospital
You can encounter a resort security member and a handyman here (he's carrying a pack of cigarettes). You can also sabotage a gas cannister.
10 – Garage
A handyman is working on a snowmobile here and you can eliminate him to obtain his disguise. A yoga instructor also shows up here.
One of the Agency pickups is located here.
11 – Passageway to the morgue
You can sneak past the resort security member and the doctor.
There's a fireaxe in the corridor.
12 – Snowmobile
You can use it to escape after finishing the mission.
13 – Generator
You can sabotage it and eliminate a handyman who shows up here to obtain his disguise.
14 – Side entrance
You can use it to easily reach the morgue and the upper floors of the main building of the hospital.
You can climb the wall here while dressed as a ninja to get to the hospital roof (minor challenge).
15 – Northern entrance
It's unguarded.
16 – Open window and a pipe
The window leads to the toilet on the ground level.
The pipe leads to an open window on the higher floor (room with the doctors).
17 – Mountain path
You can begin and end your mission here.
18 – Fuse box
Sabotaging the box will result in a chef appearing here. You can attack him and take his disguise.
A pipe allowing to reach the upper level of the garden.
19 – Ballustrade
You can go over the ballustrade and reach the back entrance to the hospital (red 15 on the map).
20 – Monitoring room
There are 2 resort security members here. You can sabotage the monitoring.
KAI surgical system manual.
21 – Corridor guarded by security members
Doctors, hospital directors and bodyguards are allowed. Other people won't be let in or they will be frisked.
22 – Restaurant
This area is open for patients. You can begin your mission here.
23 – Hot spring spa
This area is open for patients. You can begin your mission here.
24 – Corridor to the main hospital
It has glass walls and you must watch out for the handymen if you're not using a disguise.
25 – Button
It turns off the lights on the bridge in the garden.
26 – Monitoring equipment
You can sabotage the monitoring from here without the risk of detection.
27 – Crematorium
You can drop bodies in the furnace and turn them on to get rid of evidence.
28 – Examination room in the morgue
There are 2 morgue doctors here. You can distract one of them by turning off the spotlight.
You can begin the mission in this location (pretending to be a corpse).
29 – Stairs to the morgue
30 – Stairs to the room with the stem cells
31 – Intensive care supervision room
You can insert the poison into the glass and eliminate the doctor after he goes to the toilet.
Confidential patient journal - Jason Portman
Confidential patient journal - Tobias Rieper
Confidential patient journal - Amos Dexter
32 – Garden
Hospital workers and patients are allowed here. Yuki Yamazaki and the hospital director appear here regularly.
You can begin the mission here dressed as a handyman.
33 – Toilet
You can eliminate a doctor here after he drinks the poison.
One of the Agency pickups is located here.
34 – Surgery control room
You can begin the mission here dressed as a surgeon.
Confidential patient journal - Erich Soders
Important items on the map
1 – Resort staff disguise
It's where the staff member is taking a shower.
2 – Wrench
The wrench is inside a locked cabinet in the corridor - a crowbar is required (green 3 on the map).
3 – Crowbar
You can use it to open locked cabinets in various parts of the map.
4 – Wrench
5 – Screwdriver
6 – Disposable scrambler
The device is inside a locked cabinet - a crowbar is required (green 3 on the map). You can use this gadget to open any locked door or to free a person in the morgue (red 27 on the map).
KAI surgical system manual
7 – Motorcyclist disguise
Remove the clothes from the corpse in the morgue. You can use this disguise to complete one of the minor challenges.
8 – Screwdriver
9 – Director office
Baseball uniform disguise, baseball bat - you can use them to complete one of the minor challenges.
Nondescript keycard - you can use the keycard to free a person in the morgue (red 27 on the map).
The map above represents the area of Hitman's sixth main episode (the last one of the first season). The contract, called Situs Inversus, takes place in GAMA private hospital located in Hokkaido, Japan. Agent 47 must infiltrate a private clinic working (as default) undercover as a VIP patient - Tobias Rieper.
In "Situs Inversus" mission your task it to assassinate two targets. This contract is unusual because Erich Soders, one of your targets, is on an operation theatre table. Although he is defenceless, his operating theatre is very well guarded which means that getting to the hospital's main area will not be an easy task. Your second target is Yuki Yamazaki. In her case, you do the usual stuff. Yuki goes around the various parts of the private hospital which means that you can eliminate her in private or by using various disguises or environment objects.
Going around the private hospital is very troublesome because of security measures and the AI that oversees this building. This topics are described in the further part of the guide.
Mission preparation

Sadly, you can't prepare yourself in any way for this mission because of the security measures in the entire hospital. By default, you can't take any of Agent 47's equipment. This means that you start the contract with empty inventory and all objects, that can be used as a weapon or that allow to get the access to new locations in the hospital must be acquired during your exploration.
This situation improves with each new Hokkaido's Mastery Level. With new Mastery Levels you can use Agency pickup containers and get one, selected by you, item. Everything "goes back to normal" after reaching the maximum level 20. After that, on the mission you can take the standard equipment with you even if you decide to start the contract without any extra disguises (you start as VIP Tobias Rieper).
If you have the opportunity then on this mission you should take the Disposable Scrambler that allows you to bypass many security doors in the hospital (warning - this device can be only used three times!). But this is optional because you can access other locations by being disguised as people that have the permission to access certain areas.
This mission's default starting point is the apartment of Agent 47 (Tobias Rieper) (M8,1). Without disguise, you can visit hospital's most important locations on levels 0 and 1, such as the restaurant, the sauna or the garden. If you get enough levels in this mission and unlock new starting points you can try to begin the mission in the kitchen disguised as chef (M8,4) or in the hospital's main building dressed as a surgeon (M8,34). However, the most useful disguises (bodyguard and hospital director) must be acquired by the player but, fortunately, this is not a difficult task (details can be found in the section dedicated to disguises). If you plan on using the sniper rifle then you should choose the mountain path (M8,17). You can also choose to deliver a sniper rifle to this location (there is an Agency pickup container).
Mission information
Your mission targets are Erich Soders and Yuki Yamazaki. From the beginning of the mission, Erich Soders can be found laying on the operation table in the hospital's main building (M8,30) waiting for his operation. Even though the target can't move, there are many ways in which you can eliminate him (most of them require you to sabotage various medical devices in the clinic). Yuki Yamazaki walks around the clinic. Among the places that she visits are: her apartment (M8,6), the spa (M8,23), the sauna (M8,24), the garden (M8,32) and the restaurant (M8,22). Yuki is accompanied by two bodyguards but in certain moments they can be separated (i.e. when she wants to smoke a cigar, meet with the director or relax in sauna).
Warning - If you case an alarm, Yuki can be evacuated to the main hospital building or (in the extreme case) can escape by using a cable car (M8,4). In this situation you must make the cable car fall into the abyss before she leaves the mission area (you have 45 seconds for that). For information on how to do it check out the page dedicated to the ways to eliminate Yuki.
Difficulty level: This mission puts an emphasis on getting accustomed to the terrain. During your first time exploring the hospital you can be overwhelmed by the complexity of this location and the necessity of getting special access codes etc. to some of its parts. But, with the time, you will be able to understand the ways in which things here work and be able to use environment to get to your targets easier and kill them. First, you should check out the map above and read the next page of this guide, especially the one with the information about disguises and the hospital exploration rules.
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