The guests are only allowed to visit the area near the fountain, the southern parking lot and the eastern / northern gardens (you must go through the banquet hall).
It's accessible for everyone.
You can reach this building by sneaking through the gardens and jumping over the fence. One of the palace staff is inside - you can knock out this person and take their disguise.
You can also convince a security guard to show up here to obtain his clothes. In both cases you should hide the bodies in a storage found at the back of the building.
You can open the doors using a lockpick, a crowbar or a key found on level 0 of the palace (green 5 on the map).
You can subdue him and take his invitation to the auction. Show this invitation to the guards you'll encounter (blue 6 and 30 on the map) and eventually you'll get to the auction room on level 3 (red 10 on the map).
You can use these passages without any interference only if you're wearing a disguise and/or have an invitation to the auction in your possession.
A staff member will be talking over the phone here. You can use the fact that there's no one else around, subdue him and take his clothes.
You can attack one of the bodyguards patrolling the area near the shed, hide his body in a large container and take his clothes. Sabotaging the generator may provide an additional help in distracting the enemies.
It leads to the barge. You can open the gate using a lockpick or a crowbar.
You can use it to leave the mission area after killing both targets.
You can use it to leave the mission area after killing both targets. You must have a motorboat key from floor 2 of the palace (green 11 on the map) and you must also avoid being seen by the bodyguard.
You can grab a security guard standing next to the window, subdue him and take his clothes.
You can subdue this person after nearby bodyguards move away. Quickly drag his body to a nearby container before taking clothes.
You can obtain two disguises here - a stylist disguise (knock one of them out when it's safe) and a stage crew disguise (sabotage a generator and wait for one of the stage crew members to investigate).
There are severals chefs here and it's best to attack the cook from the northern corridor. You can then hide his body and wear his clothes.
Members of different occupations can be found here. You can distract them to move to a quietr spot and then subdue them to obtain their clothes.
You can go here if Agent 47 was caught on camera while exploring floor 2 and it will help you erase the recordings.
There's a fuse box in a nearby corridor and you can sabotage it so that one of the security guards will go there to investigate.
You can use this staircase to travel between floors 0 and 1.
You can wait here for Novikov to begin his speech and then use a release winch on floor 2 (red 16 on the map) to drop a chandelier on him. The large stairs leading to floor 2 aren't officially guarded by anyone, but you will be noticed and stopped if you'll try to use them in an incorrect disguise or without one.
Novikov shows up here from time to time. You can poison him at the bar (red 4 on the map) or you can drop a chandelier on him, but innocents will die as a result of that.
Decker can be found on the northern terrace (red 1 on the map).
A fashion show will take place here at the beginning of the mission. You can take part in it dressed as Helmut Kruger (red 12 on the map).
Later on Novikov will appear on the runway. You can shoot him from one of the upper balconies or you can drop a huge light rig onto the stage (red 8 on the map).
You can wait for one of the stage crew members to show up here (or go after him to the toilet). Subdue him, hide his body in a crate and take his disguise.
You can use the opened window to infiltrate the palace.
Once you've acquired Helmut Kruger's disguise (red 12 on the map) you can go here, sit in a chair and wait for Agent 47 to be prepared to go out on the runway.
You'll also find an unused stylist disguise here (green 14 on the map).
You can insert a coin into the diorama and watch the show.
You can use these stairs to travel between floors 0, 1 and 2. You may encounter a stage crew member here - avoid him or stun him and take his clothes.
A single auction staff member can be found here. You can subdue him, hide his body in the closet and take his clothes to ensure you can visit most of the rooms on floors 2 and 3.
You can make some noise and wait for an auction staff member to show up in order to subdue him and to take his clothes.
You can use this ladder to travel between floors 2 and 3 (attic) of the palace.
If you plan to use the stairs to reach the third floor you must have an invitation with you (green 8 or blue 5 on the map) or use a proper disguise. You will be frisked to check if you're carrying weapons. The only exceptions are if you're wearing sheikh's or Helmut Kruger's disguise - they won't be searched.
There are a lot of bodyguards in the attic and no one is allowed access here. You can start eliminating the guards or (better idea) avoid them. If you are wearing a bodyguard disguise you will have to know that some of the enemies may recognize Agent 47.
You can use it to leave the mission area after killing both Novikov and Dalia.
You can inspect the list to find out that Sheikh al-Ghazali will be one of the guests - he's inside one of the rooms on floor 2 of the palace (red 7 on the map) and you'll be allowed to steal his identity to make it easier to get close to Dalia.
You can inspect the schedule to find out when and how the fireworks display will be activated. You can use the fireworks to help you out in eliminating the key targets.
You can use this object to poison Novikov in the banquet hall on floor 1 (red 4 on the map), to poison Dalia in the bar on floor 3 (red 18 on the map) or to poison Novikov's bodyguard in the catering room on floor 1 (red 14 on the map).
The clothes are inside one of the trailers.
You can use this key to open all locked doors in the palace.
The clothes are in the locker room. Avoid other people present here.
You can use the coins to distract other people.
It's in one of the toilets. Show this invitation to the guards you'll encounter (blue 6 and 30 on the map) and eventually you'll get to the auction room on level 3 (red 10 on the map).
It's not required to examine it.
The detonator can be found next to some crew stage crew members. You can initiate the fireworks show prematurely or you can wait for the fashion show to end. In both cases both mission targets will go to the western part of the palace.
You'll need this key if you plan on escaping from the mission area using the speedboat (blue 11 on the map).
This disguise doesn't have any special purpose.
You can use the dongle on a computer in Dalia's office (red 11 on the map) after the auction has started. This will allow you to temporarily sabotage the auction and it'll force Dalia to check the laptop. You can then look for a way to kill her.
The disguise is on one of the tables. Pick it up when no one is standing nearby.
This object is inside a TV van. You can use it to arrange an interview between Novikov and one of the bloggers (red 5 on the map).
This person plans to meet with Novikov in a quiet spot and you can use this opportunity to kill Novikov. You must obtain bodyguard's disguise, go talk to Decker and then show him the way to the pagoda located in the western part of the gardens (red 2 on the map).
Novikov will meet with Decker (red 1 on the map) here after you show Decker the way dressed as a bodyguard. Access to this part of the gardens is highly restricted and they're patrolled by bodyguards. You can infiltrate the area by using a bodyguard suit, by opening one of the gates or by climbing over a wall.
Once Novikov and Decker have begun the meeting you can shoot Novikov, inititate a gas explosion or throw an explosive device at him.
Finding this recipe is required to poison Novikov in the bar on floor 1 on the palace (red 4 on the map).
You can poison Novikov here. You must find a recipe for his favorite cocktail on floor 0 (red 3 on the map) and then obtain one of the rat poisons (green 4's on the map). Additionally wear a palace staff disguise.
Stand by the map, prepare and poison the cocktail and wait for Novikov to drink it. Follow him to a nearby bathroom and then quietly kill him.
A blogger is here and she plans to interview Novikov. You must steal camera lens for her from a TV fan located in the northern parking lot (green 15 on the map). You can also insert a remote explosive into the camera - you'll find it in the attic on floor 3 (red 9 on the map). Once the blogger has received camera lens she will contact Novikov and proceed to the fountain (red 6 on the map).
A blogger (red 5 on the map) will wait here for her interview with Novikov after you give her camera lens. You can assassinate Novikov by blowing up the explosive device hidden inside the camera or by taking a shot from one of the nearby balconies.
You can access this room by using a proper disguise or by opening one of the closed doors with a lockpick or a crowbar. You can steal the sheikh's identity (so that you'll be able to go the auction on floor 3 (you won't be frisked) and meet with Dalia (red 11 on the map). The easiest way to eliminate the sheikh is to poison his wine and wait for him to go to the toilet.
You can use a crowbar to drop the light rig onto the runway where a fashion show is taking place (blue 21 on the map). It's best to do that when Novikov will appear on the stage so that he'll die in an unfortunate incident.
You can throw this explosive at one of the main targets and then detonate it or insert into the blogger's camera. She can be found on floor 1 (red 5 on the map).
You can get here by using an invitation to the auction (green 8 or blue 5 on the map) or after stealing sheikh's identity (red 7 on the map). If you're posing as a sheikh you cna bid on one of the items and grant yourself a private meeting with Dalia in her office (red 11 on the map).
Dalia returns here from time to time. You can ensure that she stays here for a longer time if you hack her laptop or if you bid on an item while posing as sheikh (red 10 on the map). Once you're alone with her you can kill her in one of many ways - use a fiber wire, throw a remote explosive or drop a chandelier on her.
Helmut can be found at the back of the palace by default - he can take part in a photoshoot or walk around the gardens. You can subdue him in some quite place (hide his body) and take his clothes. After that go to the dressing area (blue 24 on the map) to get ready for the fashion show. You must eliminate him before he goes out on the stage.
Dalia returns here from time to time. You can kill her by shooting through a window or overlow the sink in the bathroom to get rid of her bodyguard first. If you're playing as Helmut Kruger (red 12 on the map) you can meet with her face to face and then poison her wine glass using cyanide.
Dalia will return to her quarters after she drinks poisoned wine at the bar (red 18 on the map). Sneak into the bathroom to kill her.
Novikov's bodyguard tries some food each time they both show up in this room. You can use the rat poison (green 3 on the map) on the food. Once you have the bodyguard out of the way it'll be easier to kill Novikov when he's alone (you can use a fiber wire on him for example) and you'll also be able to use the bodyguard's phone to inititate the evacuation procedure (red 22 and 23 on the map).
Novikov may show up here early in the mission to make a phone call. You can get here before him. Shut down the power and sabotage the extension cord using a screwdriver. Wait for Novikov to come here and turn on the power. He will die when he'll come in contact with electricity.
You can use this winch to drop a chandelier which is hanging above the stairs. You should do that when Novikov is doing his speech. Make sure not to get spotted while performing this sabotage act.
You can sabotage this speaker (a crowbar is required) when Novikov will stop directly under it (runway - blue 21 on the map). The mission target will die in a freak accident.
You can steal the identity of the auction staff member and tend to the bar. Dalia shows up here from time to time to drink wine. You can apply rat poison (green 3's on the map) on the wine. After Dalia will drink poisoned wine she'll go to her private quarters (red 13 on the map). Follow her there to finish her off.
If you are carrying a sniper rifle you can climb the high observation post and look for an opportunity to kill Viktor and Dalia from here. It's best to do that after initiating the fireworks display so that both of the mission targets will appear in the western part of the palace.
Dalia will appear on the balcony soon after starting the fireworks display. You can shoot her from the barge (red 19 on the map) or you can push her so that she'll go over the railing and land on Viktor standing directly beneath her.
You can get here with a sniper rifle after you've arranged a meeting between Novikov and Decker and led Decker to the pagoda (red 2 on the map). Wait for Viktor to show up and shoot him from a long distance.
Thanks to reading this plan you can find out about an evacuation procedure which is about escorting Novikov and Dalia to a safe room located on floor 2 (red 23 on the map). You can make that happen by eliminating Novikov's bodyguard (red 14 on the map) and using his phone.
Novikov and Dalia will be escorted here after initiating the evacuation procedure (red 22 and 14 on the map). You can kill them by dropping a chandelier on them or throwing an explosive at them.
You can use these passages without any interference only if you're wearing a disguise and/or have an invitation to the auction in your possession.
You can use these passages without any interference only if you're wearing a disguise and/or have an invitation to the auction in your possession.
You can use these passages without any interference only if you're wearing a disguise and/or have an invitation to the auction in your possession.
You can use these passages without any interference only if you're wearing a disguise and/or have an invitation to the auction in your possession.
It leads to the barge. You can open the gate using a lockpick or a crowbar.
You can use this object to poison Novikov in the banquet hall on floor 1 (red 4 on the map), to poison Dalia in the bar on floor 3 (red 18 on the map) or to poison Novikov's bodyguard in the catering room on floor 1 (red 14 on the map).
You can use this staircase to travel between floors 0 and 1.
You can use this object to poison Novikov in the banquet hall on floor 1 (red 4 on the map), to poison Dalia in the bar on floor 3 (red 18 on the map) or to poison Novikov's bodyguard in the catering room on floor 1 (red 14 on the map).
You can use these stairs to travel between floors 0, 1 and 2. You may encounter a stage crew member here - avoid him or stun him and take his clothes.
You can use this ladder to travel between floors 2 and 3 (attic) of the palace.
If you plan to use the stairs to reach the third floor you must have an invitation with you (green 8 or blue 5 on the map) or use a proper disguise. You will be frisked to check if you're carrying weapons. The only exceptions are if you're wearing sheikh's or Helmut Kruger's disguise - they won't be searched.
You can use this object to poison Novikov in the banquet hall on floor 1 (red 4 on the map), to poison Dalia in the bar on floor 3 (red 18 on the map) or to poison Novikov's bodyguard in the catering room on floor 1 (red 14 on the map).
You can use the coins to distract other people.
You can use this object to poison Novikov in the banquet hall on floor 1 (red 4 on the map), to poison Dalia in the bar on floor 3 (red 18 on the map) or to poison Novikov's bodyguard in the catering room on floor 1 (red 14 on the map).
You can use these stairs to travel between floors 0, 1 and 2. You may encounter a stage crew member here - avoid him or stun him and take his clothes.
Location map - M3 | Paris: The Showstopper
Key points of Hitman - M3 Paris: The Showstopper
Locations on the map
Important items on the map
Locations tied to the assassinations
Locations on the map
1 – Starting areas
The guests are only allowed to visit the area near the fountain, the southern parking lot and the eastern / northern gardens (you must go through the banquet hall).
2 – Main palace entrance
It's accessible for everyone.
3 – Small shed
You can reach this building by sneaking through the gardens and jumping over the fence. One of the palace staff is inside - you can knock out this person and take their disguise.
You can also convince a security guard to show up here to obtain his clothes. In both cases you should hide the bodies in a storage found at the back of the building.
4 – Locked doors
You can open the doors using a lockpick, a crowbar or a key found on level 0 of the palace (green 5 on the map).
5 – Auction member
You can subdue him and take his invitation to the auction. Show this invitation to the guards you'll encounter (blue 6 and 30 on the map) and eventually you'll get to the auction room on level 3 (red 10 on the map).
6 – Restricted entrances
You can use these passages without any interference only if you're wearing a disguise and/or have an invitation to the auction in your possession.
7 – Palace staff member
A staff member will be talking over the phone here. You can use the fact that there's no one else around, subdue him and take his clothes.
8 – Small shed
You can attack one of the bodyguards patrolling the area near the shed, hide his body in a large container and take his clothes. Sabotaging the generator may provide an additional help in distracting the enemies.
9 – Closed gate
It leads to the barge. You can open the gate using a lockpick or a crowbar.
10 – Helicopter
You can use it to leave the mission area after killing both targets.
11 – Motorboat
You can use it to leave the mission area after killing both targets. You must have a motorboat key from floor 2 of the palace (green 11 on the map) and you must also avoid being seen by the bodyguard.
12 – Small shed
You can grab a security guard standing next to the window, subdue him and take his clothes.
13 – Stage crew member
You can subdue this person after nearby bodyguards move away. Quickly drag his body to a nearby container before taking clothes.
14 – Stage area
You can obtain two disguises here - a stylist disguise (knock one of them out when it's safe) and a stage crew disguise (sabotage a generator and wait for one of the stage crew members to investigate).
15 – Kitchen
There are severals chefs here and it's best to attack the cook from the northern corridor. You can then hide his body and wear his clothes.
16 – Mess hall
Members of different occupations can be found here. You can distract them to move to a quietr spot and then subdue them to obtain their clothes.
17 – Monitoring room
You can go here if Agent 47 was caught on camera while exploring floor 2 and it will help you erase the recordings.
There's a fuse box in a nearby corridor and you can sabotage it so that one of the security guards will go there to investigate.
18 – Small staircase
You can use this staircase to travel between floors 0 and 1.
19 – Main hall
You can wait here for Novikov to begin his speech and then use a release winch on floor 2 (red 16 on the map) to drop a chandelier on him. The large stairs leading to floor 2 aren't officially guarded by anyone, but you will be noticed and stopped if you'll try to use them in an incorrect disguise or without one.
20 – Banquet hall
Novikov shows up here from time to time. You can poison him at the bar (red 4 on the map) or you can drop a chandelier on him, but innocents will die as a result of that.
Decker can be found on the northern terrace (red 1 on the map).
21 – Runway
A fashion show will take place here at the beginning of the mission. You can take part in it dressed as Helmut Kruger (red 12 on the map).
Later on Novikov will appear on the runway. You can shoot him from one of the upper balconies or you can drop a huge light rig onto the stage (red 8 on the map).
22 – Room with display cases
You can wait for one of the stage crew members to show up here (or go after him to the toilet). Subdue him, hide his body in a crate and take his disguise.
23 – Open window
You can use the opened window to infiltrate the palace.
24 – Dressing room
Once you've acquired Helmut Kruger's disguise (red 12 on the map) you can go here, sit in a chair and wait for Agent 47 to be prepared to go out on the runway.
You'll also find an unused stylist disguise here (green 14 on the map).
25 – Diorama
You can insert a coin into the diorama and watch the show.
26 – Large staircase
You can use these stairs to travel between floors 0, 1 and 2. You may encounter a stage crew member here - avoid him or stun him and take his clothes.
27 – Auction staff
A single auction staff member can be found here. You can subdue him, hide his body in the closet and take his clothes to ensure you can visit most of the rooms on floors 2 and 3.
28 – Piano
You can make some noise and wait for an auction staff member to show up in order to subdue him and to take his clothes.
29 – Ladder
You can use this ladder to travel between floors 2 and 3 (attic) of the palace.
30 – Stairs to floor 3
If you plan to use the stairs to reach the third floor you must have an invitation with you (green 8 or blue 5 on the map) or use a proper disguise. You will be frisked to check if you're carrying weapons. The only exceptions are if you're wearing sheikh's or Helmut Kruger's disguise - they won't be searched.
31 – Attic
There are a lot of bodyguards in the attic and no one is allowed access here. You can start eliminating the guards or (better idea) avoid them. If you are wearing a bodyguard disguise you will have to know that some of the enemies may recognize Agent 47.
32 – Entrance to catacombs
You can use it to leave the mission area after killing both Novikov and Dalia.
Important items on the map
1 – IAGO Auction VIP List
You can inspect the list to find out that Sheikh al-Ghazali will be one of the guests - he's inside one of the rooms on floor 2 of the palace (red 7 on the map) and you'll be allowed to steal his identity to make it easier to get close to Dalia.
2 – Fireworks schedule
You can inspect the schedule to find out when and how the fireworks display will be activated. You can use the fireworks to help you out in eliminating the key targets.
3 – Emetic rat poison
You can use this object to poison Novikov in the banquet hall on floor 1 (red 4 on the map), to poison Dalia in the bar on floor 3 (red 18 on the map) or to poison Novikov's bodyguard in the catering room on floor 1 (red 14 on the map).
4 – Palace staff diguise
The clothes are inside one of the trailers.
5 – Palace master key
You can use this key to open all locked doors in the palace.
6 – Palac staff disguise
The clothes are in the locker room. Avoid other people present here.
7 – Coins
You can use the coins to distract other people.
8 – IAGO auction invitation
It's in one of the toilets. Show this invitation to the guards you'll encounter (blue 6 and 30 on the map) and eventually you'll get to the auction room on level 3 (red 10 on the map).
9 – Stage schedule
It's not required to examine it.
10 – Fireworks remote detonator
The detonator can be found next to some crew stage crew members. You can initiate the fireworks show prematurely or you can wait for the fashion show to end. In both cases both mission targets will go to the western part of the palace.
11 – Motorboat key
You'll need this key if you plan on escaping from the mission area using the speedboat (blue 11 on the map).
12 – Vampire magician disguise
This disguise doesn't have any special purpose.
13 – Laptop dongle
You can use the dongle on a computer in Dalia's office (red 11 on the map) after the auction has started. This will allow you to temporarily sabotage the auction and it'll force Dalia to check the laptop. You can then look for a way to kill her.
14 – Stylist's disguise
The disguise is on one of the tables. Pick it up when no one is standing nearby.
15 – Camera lens
This object is inside a TV van. You can use it to arrange an interview between Novikov and one of the bloggers (red 5 on the map).
Locations tied to the assassinations
1 – Decker
This person plans to meet with Novikov in a quiet spot and you can use this opportunity to kill Novikov. You must obtain bodyguard's disguise, go talk to Decker and then show him the way to the pagoda located in the western part of the gardens (red 2 on the map).
2 – Pagoda
Novikov will meet with Decker (red 1 on the map) here after you show Decker the way dressed as a bodyguard. Access to this part of the gardens is highly restricted and they're patrolled by bodyguards. You can infiltrate the area by using a bodyguard suit, by opening one of the gates or by climbing over a wall.
Once Novikov and Decker have begun the meeting you can shoot Novikov, inititate a gas explosion or throw an explosive device at him.
3 – Cocktail recipe
Finding this recipe is required to poison Novikov in the bar on floor 1 on the palace (red 4 on the map).
4 – Bar
You can poison Novikov here. You must find a recipe for his favorite cocktail on floor 0 (red 3 on the map) and then obtain one of the rat poisons (green 4's on the map). Additionally wear a palace staff disguise.
Stand by the map, prepare and poison the cocktail and wait for Novikov to drink it. Follow him to a nearby bathroom and then quietly kill him.
5 – Blogger
A blogger is here and she plans to interview Novikov. You must steal camera lens for her from a TV fan located in the northern parking lot (green 15 on the map). You can also insert a remote explosive into the camera - you'll find it in the attic on floor 3 (red 9 on the map). Once the blogger has received camera lens she will contact Novikov and proceed to the fountain (red 6 on the map).
6 – Interview spot
A blogger (red 5 on the map) will wait here for her interview with Novikov after you give her camera lens. You can assassinate Novikov by blowing up the explosive device hidden inside the camera or by taking a shot from one of the nearby balconies.
7 – Sheikh's room
You can access this room by using a proper disguise or by opening one of the closed doors with a lockpick or a crowbar. You can steal the sheikh's identity (so that you'll be able to go the auction on floor 3 (you won't be frisked) and meet with Dalia (red 11 on the map). The easiest way to eliminate the sheikh is to poison his wine and wait for him to go to the toilet.
8 – Light rig
You can use a crowbar to drop the light rig onto the runway where a fashion show is taking place (blue 21 on the map). It's best to do that when Novikov will appear on the stage so that he'll die in an unfortunate incident.
9 – Remote explosive
You can throw this explosive at one of the main targets and then detonate it or insert into the blogger's camera. She can be found on floor 1 (red 5 on the map).
10 – Auction room
You can get here by using an invitation to the auction (green 8 or blue 5 on the map) or after stealing sheikh's identity (red 7 on the map). If you're posing as a sheikh you cna bid on one of the items and grant yourself a private meeting with Dalia in her office (red 11 on the map).
11 – Dalia's office
Dalia returns here from time to time. You can ensure that she stays here for a longer time if you hack her laptop or if you bid on an item while posing as sheikh (red 10 on the map). Once you're alone with her you can kill her in one of many ways - use a fiber wire, throw a remote explosive or drop a chandelier on her.
12 – Helmut Kruger
Helmut can be found at the back of the palace by default - he can take part in a photoshoot or walk around the gardens. You can subdue him in some quite place (hide his body) and take his clothes. After that go to the dressing area (blue 24 on the map) to get ready for the fashion show. You must eliminate him before he goes out on the stage.
13 – Dalia's room
Dalia returns here from time to time. You can kill her by shooting through a window or overlow the sink in the bathroom to get rid of her bodyguard first. If you're playing as Helmut Kruger (red 12 on the map) you can meet with her face to face and then poison her wine glass using cyanide.
Dalia will return to her quarters after she drinks poisoned wine at the bar (red 18 on the map). Sneak into the bathroom to kill her.
14 – Catering room
Novikov's bodyguard tries some food each time they both show up in this room. You can use the rat poison (green 3 on the map) on the food. Once you have the bodyguard out of the way it'll be easier to kill Novikov when he's alone (you can use a fiber wire on him for example) and you'll also be able to use the bodyguard's phone to inititate the evacuation procedure (red 22 and 23 on the map).
15 – Extension cord
Novikov may show up here early in the mission to make a phone call. You can get here before him. Shut down the power and sabotage the extension cord using a screwdriver. Wait for Novikov to come here and turn on the power. He will die when he'll come in contact with electricity.
16 – Winch
You can use this winch to drop a chandelier which is hanging above the stairs. You should do that when Novikov is doing his speech. Make sure not to get spotted while performing this sabotage act.
17 – Speaker
You can sabotage this speaker (a crowbar is required) when Novikov will stop directly under it (runway - blue 21 on the map). The mission target will die in a freak accident.
18 – Bar
You can steal the identity of the auction staff member and tend to the bar. Dalia shows up here from time to time to drink wine. You can apply rat poison (green 3's on the map) on the wine. After Dalia will drink poisoned wine she'll go to her private quarters (red 13 on the map). Follow her there to finish her off.
19 – Barge
If you are carrying a sniper rifle you can climb the high observation post and look for an opportunity to kill Viktor and Dalia from here. It's best to do that after initiating the fireworks display so that both of the mission targets will appear in the western part of the palace.
20 – Balcony
Dalia will appear on the balcony soon after starting the fireworks display. You can shoot her from the barge (red 19 on the map) or you can push her so that she'll go over the railing and land on Viktor standing directly beneath her.
21 – Balcony
You can get here with a sniper rifle after you've arranged a meeting between Novikov and Decker and led Decker to the pagoda (red 2 on the map). Wait for Viktor to show up and shoot him from a long distance.
22 – Evacuation plan
Thanks to reading this plan you can find out about an evacuation procedure which is about escorting Novikov and Dalia to a safe room located on floor 2 (red 23 on the map). You can make that happen by eliminating Novikov's bodyguard (red 14 on the map) and using his phone.
23 – Safe room
Novikov and Dalia will be escorted here after initiating the evacuation procedure (red 22 and 14 on the map). You can kill them by dropping a chandelier on them or throwing an explosive at them.
The above map shows the area available during the first "full-fledged" contract in The Hitman - The Showstopper. The mission takes place in the area of a vast palace, which is, officially, the hosting location of a fashion show - unofficially of an auction of illegal goods. Agent 47 must infiltrate the palace and take out two guests residing in different sections of the building. This can be done in a multitude of ways, and the best methods of getting to the targeted people can be found in the following chapters of this guide.
Preparing for the mission
In contrast to the training missions, in which Agent 47 was thrown into the action, the mission in Paris allows the main character to prepare for it beforehand. You can determine the details of your equipment, the most important being additional items from your inventory. As far as this mission goes, taking coins is the best course of actions, as those can be used to divert the attention of some of other guests in the palace. Additionally, a lockpick should be taken as well, allowing the main character entrance to more difficult places (at least until the universal key is acquired). If you want to take the garrote, or the remotely detonated explosives with you, do so only when you are planning on using them to eliminate one of your targets (preferably when repeating the mission).
During this mission (and any other "main" one), Agent 47 will be able to unlock succeeding mastery levels (ranks), which are given to him for completing various challenges and acquiring experience points associated with them (finding important items, killing mission targets in a specified way to name a few). The highest possible mastery level for this mission is twenty, however even the lower ones will give you access to various rewards - such as unlocking access to new disguises (available from the very beginning - you don't have to acquire them on your own), new starting locations (your default one is located near the fountain, on the eastern edge of the map), or agency deliveries containing valuable equipment. The summary screen after completing the mission will inform you about any unlocked rewards - you should check them before repeating the mission.
Mission details
Mission targets are Viktor Novikov and his partner, Dalia Margolis. Novikov stays on the first floor of the palace all the time. He travels between different rooms, stopping, for instance, in the changing room (point M3,24 on the map), in the banquet hall (point M3,20 on the map), delivering a speech in the main hall (point M3,19 on the map), or on the catwalk (point M3,21 on the map). Dalia, on the other hand, can be located on the highest, third floor of the building, where she oversees the secret auction. Aside from the auction room (point M3,10 on the map), she can be found in her office (point M3,11 on the map), as well as her private quarters (point M3,13 on the map).
Note - Novikov and Dalia can be lured away from their typical residing places with the help of various disguises, as well as by performing actions associated with assassination. Additionally, they will move as soon as the alarm goes off.
Difficulty level: the main problem with the mission is the size of the map, which is enormous. You shouldn't be worried about spending even a few hours to explore and learn the palace itself and its surroundings. After you've examined the map, your only "worry" will be the execution of a given plan to eliminate your targets. The game gives freedom of choice - you can either get rid of them quietly, or arrange a series of events, which will kill not only them, but other, innocent people as well.
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