Chapter 2: Bad Blood | Episode III: Long Road Ahead

When Kenny and Lee reach the motor inn, a conversation will develop. It will begin with a question about how many supplies you managed to bring. Reply what you want, you can even joke (if there's something to joke about) - Kenny will tell the truth anyway. Lilly's reaction will strictly depend on the number of supplies. Then, the idea of leaving the inn in the RV will return. Your answer is important here.
1. "(...) after what you did to my dad, is so appealing."
(1): We do whatever is best for the kids. | Kenny will remember that. |
(2): We have to go eventually, Lilly. | Kenny will remember that. |
(3): This place is fine, Kenny. | Lilly won't forget that. / Kenny noticed you changed your mind. |
(4): ... | - |
If you chose (3) and you told Kenny something completely different at the beginning of the first chapter, he will notice the fact that you changed your mind. Moreover, there will be a talk about leaving or shooting the girl in the first chapter (Lilly will not be happy if you left the girl to be prey to zombies). You can try to explain yourself, but it does not matter what you'll answer.

When Lilly tells you to leave, again, it does not matter what you'll respond. You will briefly speak with Doug or Carley, depending on whom you saved earlier, and then you'll regain control of Lee. At this point, if you saved Carley, you can do a side mission. To do so, go to the right and climb the Stairs on the left.

The conversation will start automatically. Carley will want you not to hide the fact that you had been convicted of murder. Respond what you want, the only response that is important is the last one. You can either agree with Carley ("I'll let people know.") or not ("No."). Whatever you choose, Carley will remember that. If you agree, you'll get a kiss. You can then talk to Carley about other things.
It's worth to know that in each case just before telling someone the truth you can refrain from it by selecting the "Nevermind" / "Forget it." options or remaining silent. Of course, you do not have to say it to every person. After talking to any character (or to all of hem - if you want to be honest), you can go back to Carley to talk about each person.

When you're done, you'll find yourself downstairs. Go left and enter Lilly's room (Open: Lilly's Door). Answer what you want to the first two questions and then think about the third (see the table below).
2. "You'd only try to get rid of a flashlight if you were using it when you shouldn't."
(1): Seems like you're manufacturing this from nothing. | Lilly noticed that. |
(2): It's just a few things. No big deal. | Lilly noticed that. |
(3): Okay. I'll poke around. | - |
(4): ... | - |
In the case of the first two answers Lilly will tell you that by speaking like that you're making yourself the main suspect.

Anyway, you'll go outside... and here you'll be accosted by Duck, who will want to help you in the investigation. You can agree (silence means consenting) and then Duck will help you. If you do not agree ... well, Duck will help as well (Looks like Duck is going to help you anyway.). If you wish, you can go back to Lilly and tell her about your past. She will not be surprised, because Larry told her about it la long time ago. However, she will remember what you told her.

It's time to start the investigation, and perhaps tell everyone about your past. Go right and talk to Clementine, who is doing some leaf rubbings behind the sofa. You can ask her about it - later in will be useful to solve one of the puzzles. You can also ask about the broken flashlight, and also tell her that you committed a crime or that you killed someone. Clementine will be a little sad to hear that, but it is hardly surprising that she wouldn't (Clementine understands what you did).

Then go to the foreground of the screen. The scene will change and you will see Kenny and Katjaa sitting on the sofa. Start a conversation with either of them - the dialogue will be the same. Ask about the broken flashlight, talk about other things and, if you wish, tell them about your past.
3. "I'm sorry. How are you, Lee?"
(1): Kenny, you got a second? | The possibility of revealing the truth about your past to Kenny. |
(2): Katjaa, can I talk to you for a second? | The possibility of revealing the truth about your past to Katjaa. |
(3): Do you know anything about a broken flashlight? | Asking about the broken torch. |
(4): Exit | Exiting the conversation. |

If you tell Kenny about the murder, he will appreciate your honesty (Kenny appreciates your honesty). Yet, it's not going to be so easy with Katjaa. She will nod, and then ask what you and Kenny did in the meat store in the second episode. You can tell her the truth ("Okay") or not ("No."). If you tell the truth, Katjaa will be shocked. Anyway, she will remember what you told her (Katja will remember that). Apart from that, you can talk to Kenny and Katjaa about some other things.

Move closer to the RV and look at it. Ben is sitting on top of it. You can ask him about the broken flashlight, and also tell him about your past. Ben will be more surprised that you're telling HIM, than at what you had done (Ben won't forget that). You can also speak with him about other issues. If you saved Doug not Carley, he will be standing in the foreground on the left. Talk to him and ask about everything.

Walk up to the RV and then go left. Along the way, you can look at the Hopscotch Course. Go left until you come to a place Katjaa told you about. There's some Broken Glass to inspect.

Go around the corner and inspect the huge X on the wall (Chalk X). You can now talk to every one about the chalk. It's vital to do it, as it will lead to some new topics for discussion with some of the characters. After talking with Ben, Kenny, Katjaa, Carley or Doug and Clementine (leave the latter at the end), Duck will run up to you.

Head for the gate. You can high-five Duck by pointing at his hand - if you do, you will gain a fan (Duck thinks you are incredibly awesome.). You can also choose not to do it (You left Duck hanging.). After that talk to him and ask about everything, and then inspect the Chalk Scuff. You can proudly tell Lilly about it (new conversation topics) or continue the investigation. To do this, use the Gate to open it.

After exiting, go to the right. Along the way, you can look at the Fence. Look out for the grate in the wall above the sidewalk. Open the Grate and pick up the Bag from inside. Watch the cutscene, showing Lee showing the bag to Lilly. It will turn out that your camp has been attacked by some bandits.
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