Preparation for the mission - selecting loadout | Hints Sniper Elite III Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
After completing each main mission of the campaign, a detailed summary of will be displayed. From that, you can learn about things like the amount of experience you were able to gain, the number of killed troops, challenges completed, or secrets acquired. Before you begin your next mission, you can change the difficulty level (which is unadvised, as you can block yourself from obtaining some of the achievements / trophies), or modify your character's equipment (Loadout tab). This section will focus on the latter one.
In the equipment modification window, you are able to select what weapons and additional equipment you will be given during the next mission. It's highly recommended that you bring along the best sniper rifle you have, as well as a pistol equipped with a silencer. The selection of a secondary weapon is unimportant, as you will be using it very rarely. As far as the equipment goes, you should focus on getting the First-Aid Kits, so you are able to patch yourself up completely - it's important even if you avoid confrontations with the enemy (to heal yourself from a fall, for instance). Grenades and Land Mines are important as well, especially if you are certain that you will be facing enemy armored vehicles in the next mission. A separate window (Customize Rifle) allows you to modify your main weapon, the sniper rifle. The ones you should be interested are the Muzzle Velocity (improving the exit velocity of a projectile), as well as those increasing the Zoom parameter.