Sniper Elite 5 - Mission 2
Sniper Elite 5 - Mission 2
There's a small rebel campsite here and it's the default starting area for this mission. A linear path leads to the main part of the map.
It's guarded by a group of enemies and you also have to watch out for cars passing by. After the fights you can sabotage the generator and successfully attack enemies from the river crossing (orange 3 on the map).
This is the main right path leading to the chateau. The crossing is guarded by a group of Nazis, however you can easily attack them from the building of the farmhouse located to the south from here (orange 2 on the map).
This collectible can be found in several places on the map, but you only need one copy.
It's guarded by a group of enemies and there's a sniper on the upper floor of one of the buildings. You can find and unlock armory here containing a workbench and other loot. There's also a key to the Old Tunnels (orange 5 on the map). You can find stables to the north and unlock them as a new starting point for the mission.
The collectible is in the northern building of the farmhouse, next to the bolt cutters and the old tunnels key.
This collectible can be found in several places on the map, but you only need one copy.
The workshop is inside the locked armory in the eastern farmhouse. You can use a key taken away from one of the enemies in the farmhouse or blow up the door with the Satchel Charge.
Using the tunnels will allow you to reach the moat surrounding the chateau and infiltrate the main building much easier. You need to have a key taken from the eastern farmouse (orange 4 on the map) or use a satchel charge.
You can use them to approach the chateau from the eastern side, however they're guarded by enemies.
This is the shortest route to the chateau, but there's a heavily guarded outpost here and avoiding enemies becomes difficult. Enemy vehicles which normally patrol the map may also make stops here.
This is the main entrance to the chateau, but it's well guarded - you have to watch out for enemies in front of the gate and for the ones observing the area from the windows and the balconies of the main building.
You can climb to the upper level of the building, eliminate 2 enemies, sabotage the generator and use this place to perform long distance shots.
This is the main left path to the chateau. The bridge is guarded by several enemies and a machine gun nest, but you can kill the Nazis from a large distance. There's a western farmhouse nearby with an alternative mission starting point for you to unlock.
You can use them to approach the chateau from the western side, but you must watch out for the enemies from the bridge (orange 10 on the map) and from the western windows and balconies of the chateau.
The sniper is hiding on the upper floor of the building at the back of the chateau. He can interrupt you in exploring the area or during the escape in the final part of the mission. Sneak your way to the upper level to kill him.
You can get here from the gate or from the back area of the mansion grounds. There are a lot of enemies here and you must also watch out for the sniper (orange 12 on the map). You can find multiple entrances to the main building and also vines which can be used to climb to the upper balconies.
The workbench is in the attic of the farmhouse building and you can get there by climbing the vines (outer wall of the building).
The statue is in the possession of the sniper - once you've eliminated him in his hideout search his body. This is 1 of 3 collectibles tied to the side mission.
This is a Kill List target. The enemy officer is in the ballroom on the middle level of the chateau. Completing the challenge requires to kill him by dropping a chandelier on him - it's best to get to the balcony above the ballroom and wait for the good moment to sabotage the mechanism. Kummler has a key to Muller's office (orange 14 on the map).
Reaching the office and exploring it are the main mission objectives. You can get inside the office by using Kummler's key (red dot on the map), blowing up the door with a satchel charge, dropping down through a hole in the attic or climbing through a window. Examine all of the objects from the office to unlock the secret study with the intel.
The collectible is on a small chest in the sniper's hideout.
The workbench table is in the cellar and it's best to use the entrance next to the moat.
The statuette is in the locked chest (use the lockpick or the bolt cutters) in one of the rooms on the highest floor of the chateau. This is 1 of 3 collectibles tied to the side mission.
The note is on the table in one of the rooms on the highest floor of the chateau.
The document is on the chest in front of the bed on the middle level of the chateau.
The stauette is inside the safe in the bedroom on the middle level. Use the previous collectible to learn the code (green 11 on the map) or a satchel charge. This is 1 of 3 collectibles tied to the side mission.
The document is on the desk in Moller's office.
The collectible is in the secret study which you can access in Moller's office (orange 14 on the map).
This collectible can be found in several places on the map, but you only need one copy. Picking it up is required to complete the mission.
Reaching the outskirts of the mansion grounds allows to finish the mission. You must watch out for the sniper (orange 12 on the map), for the enemy from the northern hill and for a patrol which may appear in the area.
The collectible is in the office found on the middle level of the chateau, above the main gate.
The collectible is on top of the chimney of the western farmhouse.
The collectible is on the brick wall next to the river. It's best to take the shot from the bridge on the central path (orange 7 on the map).
The collectible is on the roof of the building with the sniper.
This collectible can be found in several places on the map, but you only need one copy.
This collectible can be found in several places on the map, but you only need one copy.
This collectible can be found in several places on the map, but you only need one copy.
This collectible can be found in several places on the map, but you only need one copy.

Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence)

In mission 2 (Occupied Mansion) of Sniper Elite 5 game there are 19 secrets to get. Our guide will help you get the finds (documents, notes, eagles, workshops and more).


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Key points of Sniper Elite 5 - Mission 2

Main locations on the map

Kill List target

Secrets and collectibles

In the second main mission of Sniper Elite 5, called Occupied Residence, you can find 19 secrets. These include workbenches, hidden items, personal letters, stone eagles, and classified documents. Our guide has a map of the chateau's secrets and their more detailed descriptions, thanks to which you should find them easier.

List of mission 2 secrets

In the second mission of the campaign, you can get 19 secrets. Here is a list of them:

  1. Personal Letter x4
  2. Classified Document x6
  3. Hidden Item x3
  4. Dead-Eye Target x3 - Stone Eagles
  5. Workbench x3

#1 - Do Not Fail Me, Nephew

Type of collectible: Personal letter - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Personal letter

You have to reach the middle floor of the chateau. The objective of the travel is the office located directly above the main gate of the residence. The secret lies on the desk.

#2 - Need a Scapegoat

Type of collectible: Personal letter - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Personal letter

Reach the bedroom located on the middle floor of the chateau, in its western part. You will find the letter on a small chest in front of the bed.

#3 - Brother, I Have a Plan

Type of collectible: Personal letter - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Personal letter

You have to reach the top floor of the chateau. Explore the rooms on the south. The collectible is in one of them, on a small table. Place the camera properly so that the game will highlight the collectible instead of the grenades.

#4 - Good Plan, Let's Do It

Type of collectible: Personal letter - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Personal letter

The collectible is inside the building at the back of the chateau, which is the sniper's hideout. You have to sneak up there, get to the second floor, get rid of the sniper, and find the secret lying on the small chest.

#5 - Orders of the Day

Type of collectible: Classified Document - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Classified Document

You can find this secret in several different places on the map, but to complete Mission 2 in 100%, you will only need one of them, and you can ignore the rest of the same documents.

An example of where you can locate it is near the river crossing on the east. You will find it on the large chest shown in the picture above.

#6 - Renovations Completed

Type of collectible: Classified Document - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Classified Document

You will find the document after getting to Moller's office while completing one of the main objectives of the mission. It's on the desk next to one of the shutters.

#7 - Operation Kraken

Type of collectible: Classified Document - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Classified Document

You have to complete the main mission objective - getting to the hidden office adjacent to Moller's office. Collecting the described document is required to complete the stage.

#8 - New Orders, Effective Immediately

Type of collectible: Classified Document - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Classified Document

You can find this secret in several different places on the map, but to complete Mission 2 in 100%, you will only need one of them, and you can ignore the rest of the same documents.

An example of a place where you can obtain the collectible is the chateau basement with a rifle workbench. The secret is on one of the tables.

#9 - Immediate Request for Attic Repairs

Type of collectible: Classified Document - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Classified Document

You have to visit the farm at the eastern end of the map and examine its main building on the north. The documents are on the same table where you could find the keys to old tunnels.

#10 - Grateful Thanks

Type of collectible: Classified Document - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Classified Document

You have to complete the main mission objective - getting to the hidden office adjacent to Moller's office. After entering the secret room, you will find the document under the painting.

#11 - Old Man Statuette

Type of collectible: Hidden Item - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Hidden Item

You have to break into the safe in the bedroom in the western part of the chateau (middle level). There are two ways you can do this: The first is to learn the code by finding document #2 ( Need a Scapegoat) in the same room. The second is to blow up the safe door with an explosive.

#12 - Group Statuette

Type of collectible: Hidden Item - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Hidden Item

You have to locate the locked chest on the top floor of the chateau, in the southern part of the building. Open the chest with a lockpick or bolt cutters.

#13 - Soldier Statuette

1 - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough
Type of collectible: Hidden Item - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Hidden Item

This secret is in possession of the enemy sniper who has set up in the building shown in picture 1, a short distance to the northeast of the chateau. You have to sneak into the building, eliminate the sniper in any way and search his body.

#14 - Stone Eagle 1

Type of collectible: Dead-Eye Target - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Dead-Eye Target

The Stone Eagle is on the chimney of one of the farm buildings on the western end of the map. You can locate it using binoculars from any place in the chateau. Then use the rifle to destroy the Eagle.

#15 - Stone Eagle 2

Type of collectible: Dead-Eye Target - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Dead-Eye Target

The Stone Eagle is on the rocks by the river flowing through the central part of the map. You can fire a shot, for example, from the enemy outpost to the east of the collectible.

#16 - Stone Eagle 3

Type of collectible: Dead-Eye Target - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Dead-Eye Target

The Stone Eagle is on the roof of the building behind the chateau, which is also the sniper's hideout. You can shoot it, for example, from the gardens.

#17 - Rifle Workbench

Type of collectible: Workbench - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Workbench

The workbench is located in the chateau basement, and you can easily get there from the moat surrounding the residence.

#18 - SMG Workbench

2 - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough
Type of collectible: Workbench - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Workbench

The workbench is hidden in the attic of one of the farm buildings in the northwestern part of the map. Locate the vines shown in picture 1 on the wall of the building. Use them to climb and find the secret.

#19 - Pistol Workbench

3 - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough
Type of collectible: Workbench - Sniper Elite 5: Secrets and collectibles in mission 2 (Occupied Residence) - Secrets & Collectibles - Sniper Elite 5 Guide, Walkthrough

Type of collectible: Workbench

You can find the workbench while exploring the farm at the eastern end of the map. You have to explore the northern building and get to the armory. The door shown in picture 1 is closed - locate the enemy with the key on the farm or blow up the door with an explosive. Once inside, you will easily find the workbench

Additional information on secretes

The locations of secrets from mission 2 can be found on our map. Their numbering corresponds to the list in the Collectibles window in the character's journal. The places and ways to obtain the collectibles are described further on the page. This should make it easier for you to complete the first stage 100%.

Finding 3 hidden items in this mission will also allow you to complete a side quest about obtaining a set of stolen artifacts.

Sniper Elite 5

May 26, 2022

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