Red Dead Redemption 2: Completing the game in 100% - tips, all activities
On this page of the Red Dead Redemption 2 guide we list all steps needed to attain 100% completion of the game.
Table of Contents
Red Dead Redemption 2, just like other games developed by Rockstar, can be completed in 100%. This page contains information on what you have to do in order to complete RDR2 in 100%. Every activity has our commentary on how to complete it with ease.
General information

- The most important thing to know is that you don't have to do every single activity to complete Red Dead Redemption 2 in 100%. You only need to do the ones listed below. What is more, the game offers a bit of freedom in, i.e. reaching secrets (you need to find only some of them). This makes things much easier.
- Your current percentage is displayed in brackets next to every save file. You can also pause the game, go to Progress option and select Total Completion tab. Here, you can check all your progress and see what you need to do next.
- Complete RDR2 in 100% to unlock Best in the West achievement/trophy.
Missions and Events
- Missions - You have to complete every mission in the main storyline (those marked with a yellow icon). RDR2 offers 107 main missions. Medals received during them aren't important here. For more information, check our walkthrough.
- Strangers - You need to complete 10 Stranger missions. These side quests are marked with white question marks. Complete any 10 missions, but remember that some of them have multiple parts. Complete all of the parts to finish these quests (parts can be unlocked one after another, or they can appear over time, i.e. after 24 hours).
- Bounties - Bring 5 wanted to a prison. Start these missions by examining wanted posters. Check our Bounty Hunting Missions chapter to learn more about these quests. Remember - you can bring a wanted alive or dead (provided that the mission doesn't require you to bring a wanted person alive).
- Chance Encounters - You need to participate in 25 Chance Encounters. You can recognize them by white dots appearing on the mini-map. Arthur can, i.e. help a wounded person or give money to a war veteran. The game features plenty of Chance Encounters which means that you don't have to stop near every single one. Also, ignored encounters can appear again later.
- Bushwhacked - You have to get ambushed by an opposite gang. This event is simple. You can complete it in chapter 2. The biggest chance to get ambushed is when you are riding on the road to the gang hideout or shortly after you leave it. Arthur can either kill the enemies or escape.
- Gang Hideouts - You need to capture 6 Gang Hideouts. You can find them while exploring the world. To capture a Gang Hideout, you need to kill every single bandit in that camp. Always rely on surprise attacks and use the Dead Eye.
- Points of Interest - You need to find 1 Point of Interest. These locations are one of the secrets in RDR2. This area can be, i.e. a place with a crashed meteor or a location with a dinosaur bone. For more information check Secrets and collectibles chapter.
- Graves - You need to find 9 graves of your fallen comrades. You can find them after completing the main storyline when you are done with both epilogues. For more information, check the Secrets and collectibles section.
- Cigarette Card Sets - Collect one full set of Cigarette Cards. Cigarette Cards are one of the secrets in RDR2. To collect a set, you have to find 12 cards from the same collection (i.e. Famous Gunslinger). You can check your cards in the pause menu, and see which ones you need for your collection. For more information, check the Secrets and collectibles section.
- Dinosaur Bones - You need to help Deborah MacGuiness in finding all the dinosaur bones. Dinosaur Bones are one of the secrets in RDR2. The archeologist is part of A Test of Faith side quest. For more information, check the Secrets and collectibles section.
- Legendary Fish - You need to catch all the legendary fish. They are one of the secrets in RDR2. These fish are part of A Fisher of Fish side quest given to you by Jeremy Gill. For more information, check Secrets and collectibles section - one of the pages in that chapter contain locations of all legendary fish.
- Exotics - You need to complete the missions related to the Exotics. They are one of the secrets in RDR2. This category includes i.e. feathers, alligator eggs or orchids. Duchesses and Other Animals side quest, given to you by Algernon Wasp, is available in chapter 4. For more information, check the Secrets and collectibles section.
- Rock Carvings - You need to find all of them. Rock Carvings are one of the secrets in RDR2. This quest, called Geology for Beginners, is given to you by Francis Sinclair. You need to find a total of 10 Rock Carvings. For more information, check the Secrets and collectibles section.
- Hunting Requests - You need to complete all of them. Hunting Requests are one of the secrets in RDR2 - hunt markers will appear on the map. After completing 5 of them, you have to complete A Better World, A New Friend mission available in Strawberry. For more information, check Secrets and collectibles section
- Treasure Hunter - You need to complete one treasure hunting. Finding treasures using maps is one of the side activities in RDR2. Treasure Hunter, a Stranger quest given to you by Maximo Cristobal Valdespino, is related to this activity. For more information, check Secrets and collectibles section
- Dreamcatchers - You need to find all 20 Dreamcatchers. They are one of the secrets in RDR2. For more information, check the Secrets and collectibles section.
- Animals - You need to discover 50 animals. This isn't difficult to do, the world of RDR2 is inhabited by about 180 different animal species. You don't have to kill them either. Arthur can discover animals from a distance by using binoculars or a scope on his rifle.
- Equipment - You need to get 10 pieces of equipment. Here, the game counts, i.e. bandoliers, weapon belts or holsters. You can purchase them at a store or craft. The game has more than 10 pieces of equipment.
- Fish - You need to discover 10 fish. A simple task - the rivers and lakes in the game have a lot of various species of fish. Try to fish in different parts of the map - thanks to that you will be able to catch different species.
- Gangs - You need to find all 6 gang hideouts. It is highly probable that you will discover all gang hideouts during your playthrough of the main storyline. However, members of Del Lobo gang are found only in New Austin - you can explore this area safely during the epilogue.
- Horses - You need to discover 10 horse species. The game features more species than that. Always check if you can examine an encountered horse - do that by holding R1/RB. Besides horses found in towns or stables, Arthur can also come across wild horses roaming the world.
- Plants - Collect 20 different plants. The game has more plants than that. Try to use every opportunity to collect them in forests, while you are hunting, when you are near water bodies or near roads. Even if you go a "duplicate", you can always sell, eat or use this plant in crafting.
- Weapons - Use 48 types of weapons. The game has a total of 59 different weapons which means that you can ignore only 11 of them. Besides weapons offered at a gunsmith, you should also look for unique weapons received by completing quests or found in hidden in the world (including those carried by "elite" enemies).
- Reach maximum Health, Stamina and Dead Eye levels - This topic has been broadly discussed in the Character Development chapter. Perform actions related to the attributes to gain their experience points. Get enough XP to a level that attribute up.
- Horse Bonding - You need to reach the maximum bond level with your horse. This task is easy. There are multiple ways of bonding with your horse - you can pet it, brush, feed or simply travel on its back frequently. It is highly probable that you will complete this task in chapter 2.
- Challenges - Complete all 9 challenges. This is one of the more difficult tasks - the game requires you to complete all 9 categories of challenges. Every category consists of 10 minor challenges which means that you have to complete all 90 of them. For more information, check the Secrets and collectibles section.
- Shacks - You need to discover 5 of them. Shacks are one of the secrets in RDR2. Good news is that the game has more than 5. For more information, check the Secrets and collectibles section.
- Legendary Animals - You need to hunt down and kill 5 legendary animals. This is one of the side activities. The game has more than 5 of these animals - you don't have to hunt every single one of them. For more information, check the Secrets and collectibles section.
- Table Games - You need to play 1 game of poker, blackjack, domino and five finger fillet. These are 4 main mini-games available in RDR2. Places, where you can play these games, are marked on the map - they can be played in saloons and the gang hideout. Play one game of each of the mini-games. You don't have to win.
- Ranters, Ravers, and Campaigners - You need to interact with 5 of them. Arthur can come across people talking on the streets. Speak with them. The majority of these characters are in towns, but some of them can be found, i.e. near the main roads.
- Bath - You need to bath once. This topic has been described in How to take a bath? chapter. Reach any of the hotels and pay for a bath.
- Show - You need to watch one show. Visit Imperial Theater in Blackwater, Fontana Theatre in Saint Denis or J.J. Riggins' Traveling Magic Lantern Show in Valentine.
- Theater - Visit Theatre Raleur in Saint Denis, and watch a play.
- Recipes - Craft one meal, one remedy, one type of ammo, one hunting item, one horse care item and one weapon. These tabs are available in the crafting screen - it appears when you interact with a campfire. More information can be found in the chapter dedicated to crafting.
- Robberies - Rob one stagecoach, one home, one store, and one train. A stagecoach or a home can be robbed during mini-missions given to you by your companions. As for stores and trains, you can do these robberies in any part of the world - stores are in every town, trains are moving on the railway tracks visible on the map.
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