Count Dooku - p. 6 | Free play LSW III Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Chapter 6 - Legacy of Terror
True Jedi: 130,000
| #1_2
Once the level begins, destroy the gold rocks on the right (with a machinegun), climb up #1_1 and go to the end of the platform. There you should notice a sculpture with an orange grapple point. Push it with the grappling hook (any clone) #1_2 and you will get the first minikit.
| #2_2
To the left of the starting point you will find four colourful bricks which can be knocked over with a Saber strike #2_1. Use the Force to set them on the purple plate in this order: green below on the left, blue below on the right, red up on the left and yellow on red #2_2. This way you will create stairs with a minikit hanging above them.
| #3_2
The third item can be obtained by destroying five dummies haunting the first tunnel. The first will jump out from the left side #3_1, a few steps after the rocks blocking the passage #3_2.
| #3_4
The second and third are a bit further. One on the left and the next on the right side #3_3, right beside the panel #3_4.
| #3_6
The fourth will jump out from the left #3_5, a few steps behind the wall requiring a grappling hook #3_6.
| #3_8
The fifth one is on the right #3_7, a bit after the blockade you destroy with the Light Saber #3_8.
| #4_2
Now return to the panel by which dummies #2 and #3 were #4_1. Activate it with a repair robot (for example R2-D2) #4_2 and a tunnel entrance will appear.
| #4_4
Inside use the Force on the blue rails on the left #4_3 and afterwards use the grappling hook to pull the grapple point #4_4.
| #4_6
Push the next rails on the right as well and pull the nearby lever #4_5. A car will come from the right, with the minikit inside #4_6.
| #5_2
Return to the tunnel and go a few steps forward until you see gold triangles on the wall #5_1. Two will be on the left and two on the right side. Destroy them with a machinegun (for example Lieutenant Thire) #5_2 and build a mining robot from the fragments.
| #5_4
Get into it and start going forward until you see an orange plate on the ground #5_3. Stand on it and enter the newly created tunnel #5_4.
| #5_6
Inside change to Jar Jar Binks and go to the end of the cave #5_5. The Minikit will be floating in the air #5_6. Just jump up to get it.