Asajj Ventress - p. 1 | Free play LSW III Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Chapter 1 - The Hidden Enemy
True Jedi: 100,000
| #1_2
At the beginning of the level, choose a small character (for example Yoda) and cross the narrow tunnel on the left #1_1. You will reach a room with three water containers. Use the Force to connect the plug on the ground to the bottom socket #1_2 and you will get the first minikit.
| #2_2
Inside the room with the first chasm, open the door on the left and stand on the south-west edge of the building #2_1. Behind the corner you should notice the second minikit. Collect it by flying onto the narrow platform with a R2-D2-like robot #2_2.
| #3_2
Return to the room and ride up the northern elevator #3_1. Inside the new location head south #3_2 and then maximally to the west.
| #3_4
You will find a Bounty Hunter panel there #3_3. Activate it for a short cutscene. After it ends, jump up and collect the minikit #3_4.
| #4_2
Your next mission will be to protect four vents with the Sith Force. The first one is a bit to the east of the last minikit #4_1. The second is a few feet further to the right #4_2.
| #4_4
The third is located to the north of the first #4_3 and the fourth to the north of the second vent #4_4. Once you're done, the fourth minikit will appear beside.
| #5_2
Head to the northern edge of the roof and find three green shining robots on the nearby buildings. Two will be on the right #5_1 and one on the left side #5_2. Shoot them with a character with a machinegun and the next minikit will appear.
| #6_2
Once you fly the shuttle to the next buildings, go to the right side of the room #6_1. There you will find a panel which you must use as C-3PO. That way you will unlock a passage leading to a small dining room #6_2.
| #6_4
Inside, go maximally to the right. You will see a cable and three holes #6_3. Use the Force to connect the cable to the middle hole and you will inflate a Darth Vader head balloon #6_4. Destroy it and pick up the next minikit.
| #7_2
During the library fight with Asajj Ventress, go maximally to the north. On the left and right side there will be four piles of purple books #7_1. Use the Force to place them on two purple shelves #7_2. That way you will earn the seventh minikit.
| #8_2
After Asajj destroys the floor #8_1, build stairs from the building pieces she throws and use Sith Force on the two windlasses. One is above on the left and the second on the right #8_2.
| #8_4
Once you do it, two cars will drive from behind the wall #8_3. Enter them and park on the orange plates inside the library #8_4. In return you will receive another minikit.
| #9_2
The next can be obtained during the fight on the falling robot #9_1. Destroy ten Super Battle Droids before defeating Ventress #9_2.
| #10_2
The last minikit is a bit more demanding. You will have to use the Force on 10 computer desks and destroy the monitors that will appear. The first such item can be found to the right of the starting point #10_1. Second and third are in the northern part of the room with water containers #10_2, the same in which the first minikit was hidden.
| #10_4
Once inside the second building, destroy the desk on the left #10_3 and keep going to the west. In the next room you will find the fifth computer #10_4.
| #10_6
The next is inside a room with blue bricks which you have to place on purple spots #10_5. The desk is on the left side #10_6.
| #10_8
Destroy it and head to the dining room in which the sixth minikit was hidden #10_7. The computer is in the northern part of the room #10_8.
| #10_10
Two more are in the room where you fought Ventress for the first time #10_9. One is on top of the stairs on the left and the second on the right side #10_10. Destroy them after Asajj runs away.
| #10_12
The last computer desk is inside the library #10_11, in the upper-left corner of the room #10_12. Destroy it and you will get the minikit.