20 - Puzzle/quest element
[1] – Crystal Flower
[7] – Shovel, Food
[8] – FalconSkyre
[9] – Blooddrop Cap
[10] – Ethernal blade
[11] – Skull
[2] – Lock Picks
[3] – Antidote, Scroll of Lightning Bolt
[4] – Recipe
[5] – Recipe
[6] – Broodhead Arrow x2
Buried Treasure
#1 – Buried Treasure: Bracelet of Tirin, Cannon ball x 5
#2 – Buried Treasure: A book that gives you +25 Health and +10 Resistance to Poison at night and -25 Health and -10 Resistance to Poison during the day, Gold Key.
I – Entrance to Wormbound Dungeon
I – To Sleet Island
II – Exit from Orul's Crypt
20 - Puzzle/quest element
1 – Mimic - chest-monster
2 – To open the passage, you have to place the puzzles correctly. Assuming that moving the stone towards the door means moving it "down" and that you are facing the door, you need to move the stone in the following order: left, right, up, down, right, left, left, right, left.
3.1 – Puzzle - every switch moves the bridge one field. You have to manipulate the switches in such way so that the way to the next switch unlocks.
Firtst Switch (3.2): click twice,
Second switch (3.3): click four times
You will be able to get to the third switch.
Third switch (3.4): click twice.
You will be able to go to the other side.
Fourth switch (3.5): click once.
On the plate, there will be the fifth switch.
Fifth switch (3.6): clicl three times.
You will be able to approach the lever that opens the gate to the Power Gem.
Now you have to go back:
Fifth switch (3.6): click three times.
Fourth switch (3.5): click four times.
Thirdh switch (3.4): click four times.
Now you can collect the Power Gem.
3.2 – First switch
3.3 – Second switch
3.4 – Third switch
3.5 – Fifth switch
3.6 – Fifth switch
4 – Puzzle - you have to destroy all the vases on the other side. You just need to throw something at them. When only the last vase is left, stand to the right from the plate and place something in the bottom left corner - the plate should be pushed down. Now, shoot ar throw something at the portal in front of you and as the missile flies towards it, quickly take the item from the late without turning to face it (the same way as you've place it there). The portals should reflect the missile and it should destroy the vase. You may need to repeat this sequence a few times. When all the vases are destroyed, press the switch and the bridge will open.
5 – Puzzle - when you stand on the plate, the gates around you will start to open cyclically, one after another. You have to throw an item to eacch portal in the right moment and the gate leading to the next part of the Cemetery will open. If you fail, you have to step off the plate to reset the mechanism.
6.1 – Teleporter to The Hub. The key is located near the Power Gem (6.2).
6.2 – The key to the portal (6.1)
7 – Treasure for which you need a Golden Key. Inside: Boneblade (sword).