The Winter Palace
The Winter Palace
Basic information
Key points of M24 Winter Palace - Important characters and locations - Dragon Age: Inquisition
Important characters
Dragon lairs
Campsites, strongholds, villages and cities
Fast travel points, passageways to dungeons and separate locations
Other (flags, landmarks etc.)
Important characters 1 - Ambassadress Briala
2 - Grand Duches (Lady Fleur)
3 - Grand Duke Gaspard
4 - Leliana
5 - Widow
6 - Duke Germain
7 - Council of Heralds Vassal � He walks through the hall.
The above map presents important characters and locations in The Winter Palace. There are a lot of NPC characters in this location. The main character can talk to most of them and sometimes it's required to move on with the main quest. It's worth mentioning that some of the characters are constantly on the move so don't worry if you won't find them after getting to the area displayed on the map. Take some time to look for them.
The Winter Palace
The Winter Palace
Basic information