Emprise du Lion
Emprise du Lion
Basic information
Key points of M15 Emprise du Lion - Important characters and locations - Dragon Age: Inquisition
Important characters
Dragon lairs
Campsites, strongholds, villages and cities
Fast travel points, passageways to dungeons and separate locations
Other (flags, landmarks etc.)
Fast travel points, passageways to dungeons and separate locations 1 - Map exit
2 � Entrances/exits from caves.
Other (flags, landmarks etc.) P � Landmarks
Merchants 1 - Merchant � This character specializes in selling melee weapons, ranged weapons, upgrades, crafting materials and schematics.
Important characters 1 - Mrs Poulin
The above map presents all of the important characters and locations in Emprise du Lion. Apart from in the campsites, you cannot find any friendly characters here (the only exception is the trader in the Southern part of the map). As for the locations, you should, first of all, take interest in SEVERAL dens of great dragons, which you should visit, but only after your party reaches appropriately high experience level. Apart from the dens, you can also visit logging stands and landmarks.
Emprise du Lion
Emprise du Lion
Basic information