List of active skills | Barbarian
Smashing an enemy with a weapon. The attack inflicts increased damage and has a chance to knockback the target.
Required level: 1. Resources: Generates fury points. |
Runes for the Bash skill:
Clobber - The attacked opponent is stunned instead of knocked back. Required level: 6.
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Onslaught - Each attack has reverberations which cause additional damage to enemy units. Removed chance of knocking back the target. Required level: 13.
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Punish - Each time Bash skill is used the damage inflicted by the Barbarian's other skills is increased for a few seconds. The effect can be accumulated several times. Required level: 26.
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Instigation - Increased number of fury points generated by the Bash skill. Required level: 44.
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Pulverize - The Bash skill creates a shockwave that hits the enemies standing behind the attacked target. The wave inflicts weak weapon damage. Required damage: 52.
Performing a wide weapon swing. The attack inflicts increased damage to all enemies that were hit.
Required level: 3. Resources: Generates fury points. |
Runes for the Cleave skill:
Rupture - Enemies killed with the Cleave skill explode when they die, inflicting smaller damage to other opponents standing nearby. Required level: 9.
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Reaping Swing - Increased number of fury points generated by the Cleave skill. Required level: 18.
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Scattering Blast - Each time an opponent is injured by a critical hit he's knocked back and adds additional damage to other opponents he bumps into. Required level: 30.
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Broad Sweep - Increased damage inflicted by the Cleave skill. Required level: 47.
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Gathering Storm - Enemies move slower for a short while after they're hit. Required level: 55.
Performing an attack that aside from inflicting more damage increases the speed of the Barbarian's attacks with each hit. The effect can be accumulated several times.
Required level: 11. Resources: Generates fury points. |
Runes for the Frenzy skill:
Sidearm - Each attack offers a chance of throwing an axe at one of the nearby enemies. The thrown weapon damages all enemy units standing on the path to its target. Required level: 17.
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Triumph - Each time the Barbarian manages to kill an opponent while the Frenzy skill is active he will receive a small healing. The strength of the healing depends on the Barbarian's maximum number of Life points. Required level: 22.
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Relentless - Barbarian receives a bonus to movement speed as long as the skill is active. Required level: 34.
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Smite - Each attack performed while the Frenzy skill is active has a chance of stunning the target. Required level: 51.
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Maniac - Aside from increasing the attack speed the Frenzy skill also increases the amount of damage dealt to enemy units. The effect can be accumulated several times. Required level: 59.
Hammer of the Ancients
Summoning a massive hammer that strikes opponents standing in front of the Barbarian, inflicting increased damage. The skill also has a greater chance of scoring critical hits.
Required level: 2. Resources: Requires fury points. |
Runes for the Hammer of the Ancients skill:
Rolling Thunder - The hammer deals less damage, however it creates a shockwave that affects enemies standing a few meters away from the main character. Required level: 7.
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Smash - The skill affects a smaller area, however it deals more damage. Required level: 15.
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The Devil's Anvil - Tremors are created in the area of the attack and they slow down enemy units for a short while. Required level: 27.
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Thunderstrike - Each time an opponent is killed with the Hammer of the Ancients nearby enemy units become stunned for a few seconds. Required level: 39.
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Birthright - If the Hammer of the Ancients skill scores a critical hit there's a chance of receiving an additional treasure or a health orb from the slain enemy. Required level: 53.
Performing an attack that causes all enemy units standing close to the Barbarian to bleed. The effect lasts a few seconds.
Required level: 5. Resources: Requires fury points. |
Runes for the Rend skill:
Ravage - Greatly increased range of the skill. Required level: 11.
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Blood Lust - Part of the damage inflicted by the Rend skill returns to the Barbarian in a form of Life points. Required level: 19.
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Lacerate - Greatly increased damage dealt by the skill. Required level: 33.
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Mutilate - Extended duration of the Rend skill. Required level: 45.
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Bloodbath - If a bleeding enemy was killed, then his death will cause smaller bleedings to affect other opponents standing nearby. Required level: 56.
Seismic Slam
Punching the ground in order to cause a seismic wave which inflicts additional damage and knocks back enemy units.
Required level: 12. Resources: Requires fury points. |
Runes for the Seismic Slam skill:
Stagger - The seismic wave has a chance of stunning opponents for a short time. Required level: 18.
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Shattered Ground - Increased damage and extended knockback range of the skill. Required level: 25.
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Rumble - The Seismic Slam skill leaves tremors behind after it's stopped working. The tremors deal additional damage to nearby enemies for some time. Required level: 35.
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Strength from Earth - Greatly reduced number of fury points needed to cause the wave. Required level: 48.
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Cracking Rift - The seismic wave deals more damage, however it injures only the opponents standing directly in front of the main character. The range of the skill is also reduced. Required level: 57.
The barbarian becomes a moving and living whirlwind, adding increased damage to all enemy units standing around him. Movement speed is reduced for the duration of the Whirlwind skill.
Required level: 20. Resources: Drains fury points each second the skill is active. |
Runes for the Whirlwind skill:
Dust Devils - Additional whirlwinds are created and they also damage everything in their path. Required level: 24.
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Hurricane - The main character can move with normal speed while the Whirlwind skill is active. Required level: 29.
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Blood Funnel - Each critical hit regenerates some of the main character's Life points. Required level: 37.
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Wind Shear - Each enemy strike generates fury points. Required level: 44.
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Volcanic Eruption - The whirlwind is turned into a torrent of magma that inflicts massive fire damage. Required level: 59.
Ground Stomp
Stomping the ground with great force that stuns all nearby enemy units for a few seconds.
Required level: 4. Resources: Generates fury points. |
Runes for the Ground Stomp skill:
Deafening Crash - After the stun effect stops working the enemies move slower for a few additional seconds. Required level: 12.
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Wrenching Smash - The area affected by the stomp is increased and enemies are pulled towards the Barbarian moments before the attack. Required level: 18.
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Trembling Stomp - Enemies from the radius of the attack also receive lesser weapon damage. Required level: 28.
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Foot of the Mountain - Increased number of generated fury points. Required level: 40.
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Avalanche - Enemies affected by the stomp are knocked back and they also inflict damage to other opponents they bump into. Required level: 54.
Performing a long jump, inflicting damage to all enemies stationed near the landing area. The enemies injured during the attack also have their movement speed reduced for a few seconds.
Required level: 8. Resources: Generates fury points. |
Runes for the Leap skill:
Iron Impact - The Barbarian receives a large bonus to his armor after he lands. The effect lasts a few seconds. Required level: 14.
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Launch - Enemies stationed in the area where the jump originated from are slowed down for a few seconds. Required level: 21.
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Toppling Impact - Knocking back enemies stationed near the landing area. Required level: 32.
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Call of Arreat - Increased range of the slow down effect. Affected enemies are also thrown to the sides. Required level: 44.
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Death From Above - Stunning enemies stationed near the landing area. The effect lasts several seconds. Required level: 60.
Increasing the main character's movement speed. The effect lasts a few seconds.
Required level: 16. Resources: Requires fury points. |
Runes for the Sprint skill:
Rush - Increased chances of avoiding enemy hits while sprinting. Required level: 23.
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Run Like the Wind - Tornadoes appear behind the Barbarian, following him and injuring everyone they come in contact with. Required level: 29.
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Marathon - Increased duration of the sprint and further improvement to the movement speed. Required level: 38.
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Gangway - The Barbarian can slam through enemy units, inflicting minor damage to them. Required level: 46.
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Forced March - Increased movement speed of nearby allies. The effect lasts a few seconds. Required level: 53.
Ignore Pain
Decreasing for a few seconds the damage inflicted by enemy units.
Required level: 22. |
Runes for the Ignore Pain skill:
Bravado - Knocking back all enemies standing around the Barbarian, along with inflicting small damage to them. Required level: 26.
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Iron Hide - Extended duration of the skill. Required level: 31.
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Ignorance is Bliss - Some of the received damage is transformed into Life points. Required level: 36.
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Mob Rule - Increased radius of the skill so that it can also influence the Barbarian's allies. Required level: 43.
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Contempt for Weakness - Some of the ignored damage is reflected back to injure enemy units. Required level: 58.
Ancient Spear
Throwing an ancient spear at an enemy. The weapon pulls the enemy towards the Barbarian, as well as inflicts increased damage and reduces the opponent's movement speed.
Required level: 9. Resources: Generates fury points. |
Runes for the Ancient Spear skill:
Grappling Hooks - Two additional spears are thrown and they hit enemies standing on both sides of the main character. Required level: 15.
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Skirmish - Increased number of generated fury points. Required level: 23.
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Dread Spear - Some of the inflicted damage is converted into Life points. Required level: 32.
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Harpoon - The spear pierces through targets found on its path and then drags them back. Required level: 39.
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Rage Flip - The Spears pulls back the targets, inflicting increased damage. Required level: 49.
Receiving a chance of performing a Revenge attack each time the main character is hit by someone. The skill itself deals increased damage to all enemies standing nearby and also regenerates some of the Life points with each successful hit.
Required level: 13. |
Runes for the Revenge skill:
Vengeance is Mine - Increased number of received Life points. The Barbarian also receives fury points each time he attacks someone with the Revenge skill being active. Required level: 19.
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Best Served Cold - After the Revenge skill was activated the critical hit chance is increased for a few seconds. Required level: 25.
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Retribution - Increased damage inflicted by the Revenge skill. Required level: 36.
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Grudge - After the Revenge skill was activated all opponents standing nearby are knocked back. Required level: 41.
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Provocation - Increased chances of activating the Revenge skill as a result of being attacked. Required level: 52.
Furious Charge
Performing a charge that deals massive damage to all enemy units standing in the Barbarian's way.
Required level: 21. Resources: Generates fury points. |
Runes for the Furious Charge skill:
Battering Ram - The Barbarian charges towards a specific target, inflicting even more damage to that opponent. Required level: 27.
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Merciless Assault - Each time an opponent is hit with the Furious Charge the cooldown time of the skill is reduced. Required level: 33.
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Stamina - Each time an opponent is hit with the Furious Charge skill the Barbarian receives several fury points. Required level: 38.
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Bull Rush - If a critical hit was made with the Furious Charge skill the attacked opponent becomes stunned for a few seconds. Required level: 47.
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Juggernaut - Each time an opponent is hit with the Furious Charge skill the Barbarian regains some of the Life points. Required level: 56.
Dealing major damage to all targets stationed around the Barbarian. Each critical hit can shorten the amount of time needed to recharge the skill.
Required level: 26. |
Runes for the Overpower skill:
Storm of Steel - The Barbarian throws three axes at nearby enemies, dealing reduced damage. Required level: 29.
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Killing Spree - Increased chances of scoring critical hits. The effect lasts a few seconds. Required level: 34.
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Crushing Advance - Some of the received damage is reflected back to the enemy units. The effect activates along with the Overpower skill and stays active for a few seconds. Required level: 42.
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Momentum - Each successful attack made with the Overpower skill grants several fury points. Required level: 48.
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Revel - Each successful attack made with the Overpower skill allows the Barbarian to regain some health. Required level: 59.
Weapon Throw
Throwing a weapon at an enemy unit, inflicting major injuries and decreasing the target's movement speed.
Required level: 14. Resources: Requires fury points. |
Runes for the Weapon Throw skill:
Mighty Throw - Increased damage inflicted by the thrown weapon. Required level: 21.
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Ricochet - The thrown weapon ricochets, hitting as a result several enemies (they must be standing close to each other). Required level: 25.
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Throwing Hammer - The thrown weapon has a chance to stun the target for a short time. Required level: 33.
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Stupefy - A chance to disorientate an enemy for a few seconds, causing him to attack other opponents. Required level: 42.
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Dread Bomb - All available fury points are spent on throwing a corpse of a defeated opponent. Enemies standing in the area receive additional damage (the size of the damage depends on how many fury points were originally spent). Required level: 54.
Threatening Shout
Performing a shout which results in reducing the strength of the attacks performed by nearby enemies. The effect lasts 15 seconds.
Required level: 17. Resources: Generates fury points. |
Runes for the Threatening Shout skill:
Intimidate - The shout reduces the movement speed of all affected enemy units. Required level: 23.
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Falter - Attacks of enemy units affected by the shout become slower for the next few seconds. Required level: 28.
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Grim Harvest - A chance to collect an additional treasure if an enemy affected by the shout was killed. Required level: 37.
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Demoralize - Enemies affected by the shout are forced to attack only the Barbarian. Required level: 43.
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Terrify - A chance for the affected enemy units to start running away from the Barbarian. Required level: 57.
Battle Rage
Entering a rage mode that lasts half a minute. While in this mode the barbarian's attacks inflict more damage and he also has higher chances of performing critical hits.
Required level: 22. Resources: Requires fury points. |
Runes for the Battle Rage skill:
Marauder's Rage - Increased bonus to inflicted damage. Required level: 26.
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Ferocity - Successful critical hits extend the duration of the rage mode. Required level: 31.
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Swords to Ploughshares - Successful critical hits performed while the rage mode is active increase the chances of enemies dropping health orbs. Required level: 38.
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Into the Fray - Successful critical hits performed while the rage mode is active have a chance of generating additional fury points. Required level: 46.
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Bloodshed - Successful critical hits performed while the rage mode is active have a chance of causing blood explosions that damage all enemies standing nearby. Required level: 54.
War Cry
Shouting a war cry which results in increasing the armor of the main character and all of his allies standing nearby. The effect lasts one minute.
Required level: 28. Resources: Generates fury points. |
Runes for the War Cry skill:
Hardened Wrath - Increased bonus to armor. Required level: 32.
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Charge! - Increased number of generated fury points. Required level: 35.
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Invigorate - Increased maximum number of Life points and improved health regeneration of all characters affected by the War Cry. Required level: 41.
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Veteran's Warning - Increased chances of dodging enemy hits. Required level: 49.
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Impunity - Increased resistances of all characters affected by the War Cry. Required level: 60.
Causing the earth to shake for a few seconds. As a result of the earthquake enemies receive enormous fire damage.
Required level: 19. Resources: Requires fury points. |
Runes for the Earthquake skill:
Giant's Stride - Earthquake's aftershocks follow the Barbarian, inflicting smaller fire damage to encountered enemies. Required level: 24.
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Chilling Earth - The earthquake deals frost damage and significantly reduces movement speed of the affected enemy units. Required level: 29.
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The Mountain's Call - The skill stops using fury points and its cooldown time is shortened. Required level: 39.
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Aftershocks - Earthquake's aftershocks deal fire damage to enemy units and they also knock them back. Required level: 50.
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Path of Fire - Earthquake's aftershocks appear in front of the Barbarian, dealing smaller fire damage. Required level: 56.
Call of the Ancients
Summoning three ancient barbarians - Talic, Korlic and Madawc. The barbarians remain on the battlefield for 15 seconds, supporting the main character in combat. Each of the summoned barbarians deals lesser damage and uses his own skills. Talic is using a shield and a sword and he also knows the Whirlwind skill. Korlic is using a polearm and he also knows the Cleave skill. Madawc uses two axes and he also knows the Weapon Throw skill.
Required level: 25. Resources: Requires fury points. |
Runes for the Call of the Ancients skill:
The Council Rises - Increased damage inflicted by the ancient barbarians. They also receive a large bonus to their armors. Required level: 31.
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Duty to the Clan - Extended duration of the skill. Required level: 37.
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Korlic's Might - Morlic gains the Furious Charge skill which allows him to inflict additional damage to his targets. Required level: 45.
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Madawc's Madness - Morlic gains the Seismic Slam skill which allows him to inflict additional damage to his targets. Required level: 51.
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Talic's Anger - Talic gains the Leap skill which allows him to inflict additional damage to enemies standing near his landing points. Required level: 58.
Wrath of the Berserker
Entering a berserker mode that lasts 15 seconds. While in this mode the barbarian can count on several bonuses: to critical hit chances, attack speed, dodge chances and movement speed.
Required level: 30. Resources: Requires fury points. |
Runes for the Wrath of the Berserker skill:
Arreat's Wail - Nearby enemies get knocked back and receive massive damage when the skill is activated. Required level: 36.
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Insanity - Very large bonus to inflicted damage. Required level: 40.
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Slaughter - As long as the berserker mode is active there's a chance of causing blood explosions with critical hits. The explosions damage all enemies standing nearby. Required level: 46.
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Striding Giant - Increased chances of performing dodges. Required level: 52.
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Thrive on Chaos - Each time a sufficient number of fury points is gathered the berserker mode is extended. Required level: 60.
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