Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Guide
Pacific at war. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint guide is a compendium of knowledge about the game. It contains various hints (tactics, progression, exploration, gadgets) for the game's story mode. It also lists the game's collectibles and achievements.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Guide
Game guide to Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a comprehensive and advanced body of knowledge about this online tactical shooter video game. Our guide contains detailed information that explain all in-game mechanics and gameplay features. First chapters of this guide include starting tips and description of basic gameplay mechanics, where you can find valuable information useful for beginners and casual players. In our guide you can find, among other things, a detailed description of user interface, an explanation of task and mission system, an explanation of wounds and fatigue system, as well as information considering the use of a drone, bivouac system, managing provisions or even an explanation of camouflage system. Also, we have prepared chapters concerning character's equipment, including craftsmanship, modifying equipment and creating provisions. Also, check out our description of mechanics related to character development, class selection and skills. The guide contains information about world map and its exploration. You will also learn about opponents the player has to fight with and the available PvP modes.
The Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint game guide includes an extensive FAQ section with answers to the most difficult and weird questions that may arise during your gameplay. You will find here, among other things, a list of abilities that are worth unlocking in the first place, ways to avoid enemy drones and helicopters, description of methods to obtain better items or how to heal your character. We have prepared a set of tips and tricks to help players with various elements of the game - we have described fast ways to obtain cash, crafting materials and experience points. You will learn how to use fast travel system and find some advice on losing the enemy who pursues you. The guide has been concluded with appendix section, which contains chapters describing system requirements, controls on all available platforms, as well as trophy guide (where you can find out how to unlock all trophies of the game).
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint is an action game set in the universe that players have already visited in the previous installment of the series - Wildlands. Players are taken to the fictional island of Aurora to explore the mysterious issue of sudden loss of communication. The action is presented alternately from behind the back of the hero (TPP) and from a first person perspective (FPP) when shooting and aiming. Players have an open world at their disposal, where they can move around on foot or by one of many available vehicles. In terms of gameplay mechanics, Breakpoint is almost identical to Wildlands. The biggest novelty is the fact that the main character is no longer accompanied by three commandoes controlled by AI, but only a drone known from the previous installment, which can be summoned at any time. The game can be played solo or in cooperation mode, together with three other players, as well as in one of several PvP modes within the Ghost War module.
Starting tips

Before you start your adventure with Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint, we encourage you to read the tips below - they explain the most difficult aspects of the gameplay. They will be useful for both beginners and more advanced players.
- Stealth is the basis - in most cases, the enemy has an overwhelming advantage over you, it is worth eliminating as many (and, ideally, all) enemies without detection.
- Hide bodies. If you care about eliminating enemies stealthily, you will have to hide the bodies of dead enemies from their comrades' sight - otherwise, they quickly raise alarm.
- Observe your surroundings. The main thing is to watch the sky to avoid contact with enemy helicopters and drones.
- Use camouflage - this will allow you to avoid contact with the enemy without much difficulty and take them down by surprise.
- Use a weapon with a silencer. Silenced weapons allow you to silently eliminate targets from a distance. Remember, a weapon with a silencer does less damage. You can equip or remove a silencer even while you are aiming at an enemy.
- Use your drone. You unlock the drone after about the first hour of gameplay. It allows you to scout the area without almost any risk of detection.
- Tag enemies before attacking. Tagging enemy units in a given area will help you track their movements and fight more effectively.
- Don't avoid small groups of enemies. Killing smaller enemy groups or outpost camps will allow you to gain a lot of experience points. You will also often gain valuable intelligence.
- Explore the map. Thanks to this, you will get a lot of additional items and blueprints, gain valuable skill points to make your character stronger, and learn more about the game's world with the help of numerous collectibles - their locations can be found in the Maps section.
- Go bivouacking regularly. While bivouacking, your character has the opportunity to rest, restore the endurance bar, and the player can prepare for further adventures, whether by replenishing supplies, buying things, creating provisions, or using the ability to call a vehicle.
- Watch out for your endurance. It appears at the bottom of the screen while performing an action that can tire the character (sprint, climbing, running down a slope). Keep track of the endurance bar's condition - when part of it turns red, rest in a bivouacking spot or drink water to restore it.
- Take care of your equipment. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint has elements of a looter shooter meaning that the type of your gear directly affects the character's effectiveness in combat. For this reason, it should be replaced regularly with more powerful gear.
- Choose the right weapon. Choose the firearm that suits the battlefield - open space, urban terrains, narrow underground corridors - as well as your style. You should also remember about the simple limitations of weapons - such as the fact that a sniper rifle isn't suitable for close-range combat, while a shotgun isn't recommended for firing at the enemy from a distance.
- Modify and upgrade weapons. You can upgrade and modify most of the weapons in the game, increasing their parameters or reducing their disadvantages. Thanks to this you will be able to adjust a weapon to your style of play.
- Try all the classes. Each character class introduces new elements, unique abilities and equipment, and puts an emphasis on a specific style of play. Try each of them and choose the one that suits you best - especially since their development is a great way to gain skill points.
- Plan your character's development. You can spend the skill points on unlocking new passive abilities, new types of weapons or boosters for the character. The number of points is initially quite limited, so it is worth planning the development of your character.
Map and districts

The map on which Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint takes place is divided into a total of 19 regions offering different challenges - a different terrain, climate zone, which affects the camouflage or the need to use a specific type of vehicle. Each of the areas has also unique treasures, cosmetic items and collectibles. The island is divided into the following areas:
- Cape North
- Driftwood Islets
- Sinking Country
- Fen Bog
- Smuggler Coves
- Wild Coast
- Mount Hodgson
- New Argyll
- Infinity
- Silent Mountain
- Lake Country
- Whalers Bay
- Good Hope Mountain
- Seal Islands
- Restricted Area 01
- New Stirling
- Liberty
- Windy Islands
- Channels
- Egg Island
How to use the drone?

Just like in Wildlands, the previous entry of the series, the player has access to a drone which you can use to scout the area from a safe distance. The drone is also useful for marking unexplored places. To activate the drone, just press the "X" key in the PC version. If you play on a console, hold up on the d-pad. To deactivate it, press the same button/key.
The drone and its unique gameplay mechanics are described in a separate chapter.
Why can't I use a drone?
The drone is unlocked automatically after about an hour - when you reach the rebels' hideout in Erewhon and talk to one of the characters there. As a rule, the drone has no restrictions in use - it has a solid battery, allowing for a few minutes of flight, and a huge range. However, in some situations, you won't be able to use the drone:
- When the drone was detected and shot down.
- When the drone flies out of range and/or runs out of battery.
- When the player interface is damaged - whether by an EMP grenade or by being tracked by an Azrael drone.
In this case, it is necessary to wait a few tens of seconds to be able to use it again - as for the interferences and effects caused by an EMP grenade, you need to wait until they stop.
Why can't I get better items?

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint features looter shooter mechanics similar to those found in The Division series - during the game, you collect better and better equipment that allows you to effectively fight stronger enemies. However, in order to earn new items, you have to regularly upgrade your equipment.
The game rewards the player with items that are several levels higher than the total level of all equipped items (this level is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen). If, for example, your equipment level is 50, you won't get items with a level higher than 60-65. This can lead to a situation where you won't be able to fight regular enemy soldiers unless you upgrade your equipment.
When will the team join me?
Certainly, many players who want to play Breakpoint have played (or completed) Wildlands. In the previous game, we were always accompanied by three computer-controlled soldiers who supported us in fights. Unfortunately, in Breakpoint, we can't count on AI support - the player is forced to play alone, the only "companion" is our drone. The solution here is to play in co-op mode with other players - press the button visible in the upper right corner of the screen to open the co-op screen.
How to use a sync shot?

Sync shot appeared in Wildlands - it allowed you to mark multiple targets for elimination and then quickly kill up to 4 soldiers at the same time. This mechanic returns in Breakpoint but it was replaced with a special item - a Synchshot Drone. To be able to use them, you need to unlock the skill with the same name. Then, activate the drone in the same way as using a grenade, mines or medkits.
Read this chapter to learn how to unlock and use the sync shot mechanic.
How to get money fast?
In Breakpoint, Skell credits function as money. You spend Skell credits on all kinds of goods - weapons, pieces of armor, vehicles, consumables and cosmetic items. Therefore, you should learn how to quickly raise money to get access to the most interesting items fast - you can learn this from this chapter.
How to heal and get rid of an injury?

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint introduces a simple system of fatigue and injury. Your character can get an injury by receiving damage. When this happens, the health bar will decrease by one or more segments, which won't regenerate automatically. Also, your character won't be able to run and will be forced to use a pistol.
To heal, you need to use a syringe or bandages - you can use both items by opening the item wheel (ALT key in the PC version, RB/R1 on XOne/PS4).
How do I change a character class?

The game has several character classes that differ from each other both in terms of gameplay and preferred weapons, as well as available special abilities and unique items. Because of this, you will often change the class - especially when you are playing in co-op mode a lot. This can be done only while bivouacking - either in Erewhon or in the wild. Go to the Tactics tab and then click on the thumbnail of the desired class shown in the left corner of the screen.
How to avoid detection?

Regardless of your preference regarding ways of eliminating enemies, the stealth approach is simply more cost-effective - especially at higher difficulty levels where a few hits are enough to kill you. This is why you should avoid detection - keep these simple tips in mind:
- Use a silencer to avoid drawing attention.
- If you are fighting in a forest, use environment objects and tall grass to hide from enemies.
- Watch the skies and look for enemy helicopters and Azrael drones.
- Avoid explosives as much as possible.
- If quiet elimination isn't possible, you should kill the enemy marked with a "speaker" icon first - this enemy will activate the alarm. If that person is dead, the alarm won't start.
How to quickly change the time of day?

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint has a day-night system that significantly affects the gameplay - enemies have more trouble detecting you in the dark than when playing during the day. Each player has their preferred time of day during which they like to eliminate enemies. To change the time of day, simply set up a bivouac and then leave it - you can now change the time of day.
The way to unlock new bivouac spots, and the use of this mechanic were described in a separate section of this guide.
Does the game feature a fast travel system?

Yes, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint has a fast travel system. Thanks to it, the player can move between previously unlocked bivouac sites and rebel hideouts. It should be remembered, however, that you can't use it when you are being searched by the enemy or when you are in the middle of a fight - this is indicated by the yellow and red border of the mini-map respectively.
Are there any in-game achievements?
Yes, the game has achievements. There are 50 of them, and to do this, you will need to complete the main story, get collectibles and take part in PvP (player vs player) games.
Does Breakpoint have high system requirements?
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint features detailed graphics, and the action takes place in open, often huge areas filled to the brim with various details. Because of this, the game has quite high system requirements - fortunately, you can find many graphics options, thanks to which you can improve the smoothness even on weaker equipment.
Are there any vehicles?

Yes, the game has vehicles you can use on land, water and in the air. There are a few dozen of them and they differ in terms of how they move, their offensive capabilities, and cosmetic elements like camouflage. You can unlock vehicles by yourself by buying them in the store or stealing them from the enemy.
Can I play alone?
Yes, you can play Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint alone. However, you need to remember that unlike in the previous entry, Wildlands, you aren't accompanied by three soldiers - you will travel alone.
Can I play with other players?

Yes, you can play in co-op mode with other players and this option is worth using, especially when performing more complex missions and attacking places guarded by mechanized opponents. To start the game in co-op mode, just press the button in the upper right corner of the screen - this opens a window where you connect with other players automatically. You can also invite others to play together.
Can I play offline?
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint requires a constant connection to the Internet. For this reason, offline gameplay is not possible - without being connected to the Internet, you won't be able to run the game.
Does the game have PvP modes?

Yes, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint has PvP modes called Ghost War. To play in PvP modes, open the menu and go to the first tab on the left, the one called Ghost War. There, you can play a quick match with the predetermined settings or adjust the gameplay to your preferences. Here, you can also find tutorial information and the list of the PvP missions.
Are there any collectibles?
Yes, the game has a few dozen collectibles divided into three groups. They don't give, however, tangible benefits like experience points or items. However, they allow you to learn more about the in-game world. The Map section of this guide has maps of all the areas available in the game where we have marked the locations of collectibles (as well as unique chests and bivouac spots).
Is there crafting in the game?
Yes, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint has a crafting system, although it isn't as complex as, for example, the one from The Division series. It basically comes down to modifying and improving weapons, as well as creating provisions that offer temporal buffs for the character. However, it is worth using it, as it greatly facilitates the gameplay.
Is there a limit to the experience level?
Yes, the game has a level cap - the maximum level is 30. After reaching it, the character won't be able to further advance and earn skill points - you also can't reach levels above 30 to get extra rewards, just like in The Division series.
Minimum system requirements
To enjoy comfortable gameplay (around 30fps) at 720p resolution and graphics set to "Medium", you will need at least the following hardware:
- Operating system: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
- Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200
- RAM: 8 GB
- Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 / R9 280X AMD Radeon 7770 (4GB)
- Hard drive: about 50GB of free space
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